You have GOT to be kidding!!!

Okay, so, as "scandals" go, this seems like kind of a minor one,

So then why are you talking about it.

Liberals can't attack Republicans on policy, their voting records, their speeches, or anything else they've ever done, so they stoop to stupid BS like "oh an image on his campaign website has been altered". You'd melt down if you knew how heavily doctored the food in ads for restaurants are.
Uh...considering that Corbett is getting his ass handed to him with an 11 point deficit, I really don't think we needed to "stoop" to anything. This just kinda makes him look sadder than he already did.

Thanks for playing...

If you don't think you needed to post this, why did you? You're getting desperate, Democrook. That's all it is. You probably don't even know of or understand his policies.
I don't. Then again, I'm not a resident of Pennsylvania, so I don't really have to. However, it would appear that the people who do don't like them. Which would explain why he's getting his dick stomped in the dirt.

And now, on top of all of that, it turns out that, apparently, the guy has spent his entire political career not getting close enough to an actual black person to get a photo op, so he had to make one up.

You almost gotta feel sorry for the guy...

Are you REALLY stupid enough to believe that the guy has never been photographed with a black person? I mean come on. The statistical odds of that being true are astronomical.

The Corbett campaign told BuzzFeed News on Thursday evening, “The whole website footer graphic is a work of Photoshop.”

Everyone In What Looks Like A Group Photo On GOP Governor s Website Is Photoshopped
Okay, so, as "scandals" go, this seems like kind of a minor one,

So then why are you talking about it.

Liberals can't attack Republicans on policy, their voting records, their speeches, or anything else they've ever done, so they stoop to stupid BS like "oh an image on his campaign website has been altered". You'd melt down if you knew how heavily doctored the food in ads for restaurants are.
Uh...considering that Corbett is getting his ass handed to him with an 11 point deficit, I really don't think we needed to "stoop" to anything. This just kinda makes him look sadder than he already did.

Thanks for playing...

If you don't think you needed to post this, why did you? You're getting desperate, Democrook. That's all it is. You probably don't even know of or understand his policies.
I don't. Then again, I'm not a resident of Pennsylvania, so I don't really have to. However, it would appear that the people who do don't like them. Which would explain why he's getting his dick stomped in the dirt.

And now, on top of all of that, it turns out that, apparently, the guy has spent his entire political career not getting close enough to an actual black person to get a photo op, so he had to make one up.

You almost gotta feel sorry for the guy...

Corbett is going to get creamed by 20 points by Democrat Wolf on November 4th, and I am going to take especially great pleasure in pointing out a couple of RWNJ pollsters who are currently showing Corbett down by -5 to -7, you know, part of the "unskewed polls" crowd.... that is going to be fun.
Okay, so, as "scandals" go, this seems like kind of a minor one,

So then why are you talking about it.

Liberals can't attack Republicans on policy, their voting records, their speeches, or anything else they've ever done, so they stoop to stupid BS like "oh an image on his campaign website has been altered". You'd melt down if you knew how heavily doctored the food in ads for restaurants are.

Oh, sure we can. Republicans' policies have sucked major donkey dicks for more than the last 50 years.

Without progessives poking them to actually do something productive now and again, if we only had Republican rule, we would still be swinging from the trees and constantly scraping our knuckles, thank you very much.

Which ones. Name them going back all 50+ years. You're just saying that to try to prove me wrong but the reality is you have ZERO facts to support your liberal BS.

Well, little buddy, for instance the Clean Water Act, which was right around this time in 1972, overriding a veto from then "I am not a crook" President Nixon.

That's just for starters.

And then there was the Brady Bill - which had support from none other than Ronald Reagan himself, passed during the Clinton Administration by a Democratic Congress, over the bellyaching and whailing and gnashing of teeth by RWNJs like yourself, I presume.
Without progessives poking them to actually do something productive now and again, if we only had Republican rule, we would still be swinging from the trees and constantly scraping our knuckles, thank you very much.
Sounds like your family tree looks like a telephone pole.

Sounds like you have a telephone pole shoved up your ass. Surprise, surprise.
And now, on top of all of that, it turns out that, apparently, the guy has spent his entire political career not getting close enough to an actual black person to get a photo op, so he had to make one up.

He likely has tons of them, but none of them were good enough to be used on the website. There are plenty of good photographs out there as stand-alone photos, but not appropriate for banners like on his website. Newsflash: Most politicians have one, if not more, photoshopped images on their website. That makes it easier to get everyone's face in close enough so you don't have a massive photo taking up an entire page. It's called web design. You might want to read up on it, liberal.
True. However most of them are Photoshopped composites of actual people they know, or are in their campaign. Most politicians don't just inject "Random Black lady #3" from some stock warehouse, mostly because most politicians don't actually have to - they have actually met the people they want to represent.
And now, on top of all of that, it turns out that, apparently, the guy has spent his entire political career not getting close enough to an actual black person to get a photo op, so he had to make one up.

He likely has tons of them, but none of them were good enough to be used on the website. There are plenty of good photographs out there as stand-alone photos, but not appropriate for banners like on his website. Newsflash: Most politicians have one, if not more, photoshopped images on their website. That makes it easier to get everyone's face in close enough so you don't have a massive photo taking up an entire page. It's called web design. You might want to read up on it, liberal.

Well now, you are testy little tea-partier, what? Did the mad hatter now show up today and you are all mad?

Okay, so, as "scandals" go, this seems like kind of a minor one,

So then why are you talking about it.

Liberals can't attack Republicans on policy, their voting records, their speeches, or anything else they've ever done, so they stoop to stupid BS like "oh an image on his campaign website has been altered". You'd melt down if you knew how heavily doctored the food in ads for restaurants are.

Oh, sure we can. Republicans' policies have sucked major donkey dicks for more than the last 50 years.

Without progessives poking them to actually do something productive now and again, if we only had Republican rule, we would still be swinging from the trees and constantly scraping our knuckles, thank you very much.

Which ones. Name them going back all 50+ years. You're just saying that to try to prove me wrong but the reality is you have ZERO facts to support your liberal BS.

Well, little buddy, for instance the Clean Water Act, which was right around this time in 1972, overriding a veto from then "I am not a crook" President Nixon.

That's just for starters.

And then there was the Brady Bill - which had support from none other than Ronald Reagan himself, passed during the Clinton Administration by a Democratic Congress, over the bellyaching and whailing and gnashing of teeth by RWNJs like yourself, I presume.

So Republicans supported Clean Water and the Brady Bill, which are good things, and you're complaining about them and blaming Republicans anyway.

Typical liberal deceitfulness. Go to church and learn some morals.
And now, on top of all of that, it turns out that, apparently, the guy has spent his entire political career not getting close enough to an actual black person to get a photo op, so he had to make one up.

He likely has tons of them, but none of them were good enough to be used on the website. There are plenty of good photographs out there as stand-alone photos, but not appropriate for banners like on his website. Newsflash: Most politicians have one, if not more, photoshopped images on their website. That makes it easier to get everyone's face in close enough so you don't have a massive photo taking up an entire page. It's called web design. You might want to read up on it, liberal.
True. However most of them are Photoshopped composites of actual people they know, or are in their campaign. Most politicians don't just inject "Random Black lady #3" from some stock warehouse, mostly because most politicians don't actually have to - they have actually met the people they want to represent.

Democrats in California apparently have never met anyone in the military nor any actual Hispanic teachers, not any families, for parents usually don't vote for Democrats. Using a German military photo and not even noticing.

Okay, so, as "scandals" go, this seems like kind of a minor one,

So then why are you talking about it.

Liberals can't attack Republicans on policy, their voting records, their speeches, or anything else they've ever done, so they stoop to stupid BS like "oh an image on his campaign website has been altered". You'd melt down if you knew how heavily doctored the food in ads for restaurants are.

Oh, sure we can. Republicans' policies have sucked major donkey dicks for more than the last 50 years.

Without progessives poking them to actually do something productive now and again, if we only had Republican rule, we would still be swinging from the trees and constantly scraping our knuckles, thank you very much.

Which ones. Name them going back all 50+ years. You're just saying that to try to prove me wrong but the reality is you have ZERO facts to support your liberal BS.

Well, little buddy, for instance the Clean Water Act, which was right around this time in 1972, overriding a veto from then "I am not a crook" President Nixon.

That's just for starters.

And then there was the Brady Bill - which had support from none other than Ronald Reagan himself, passed during the Clinton Administration by a Democratic Congress, over the bellyaching and whailing and gnashing of teeth by RWNJs like yourself, I presume.

So Republicans supported Clean Water and the Brady Bill, which are good things, and you're complaining about them and blaming Republicans anyway.

Typical liberal deceitfulness. Go to church and learn some morals.
No, you stupid fuck, most Republicans tried to block these things. The Clean Water Act was passed OVER a Republican presidential veto, the Brady Law was passed WITHOUT Republican votes in spite of former President Ronald Reagan's support.

You really aren't that bright, now are you.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk see the two photos, right? And you have to ask if it's the same woman?!?! Really???

The hair is different. So it isn't the same photo. It could be the same woman, but it could easily be not the same woman.

More manufactured outrage by the petulant left.

Now, OP.....the above post is NOT sarcasm. This idiot has convinced himself that the two photos are of different people...or....perhaps...just taken at different times. That woman is not photoshopped into Corbett's ad. The hair is different! see the two photos, right? And you have to ask if it's the same woman?!?! Really???

The hair is different. So it isn't the same photo. It could be the same woman, but it could easily be not the same woman.

More manufactured outrage by the petulant left.

Now, OP.....the above post is NOT sarcasm. This idiot has convinced himself that the two photos are of different people...or....perhaps...just taken at different times. That woman is not photoshopped into Corbett's ad. The hair is different!

At least she wasn't wearing a Luftwaffe uniform.
lol Says alot about you if you have to photoshop a token black person into your campain pics.

says a lot about you if you believe everything from the op. But as long as it fits your shallow views of Republicans anything will do

Is the woman from the Shutterstock photo the same woman in the photo of Tom Corbett? If so there is no reason for his shallow view of Republicans. They are doing a fine job making themselves look bad. see the two photos, right? And you have to ask if it's the same woman?!?! Really???

I'm still not sure. Explain it to me. :D
Okay. lemme help you out a little more. Flip the stock photo around, and then compare it to the chick in the Corbett photo:


Do you see it, now?

This is so cringe-worthy, its not funny see the two photos, right? And you have to ask if it's the same woman?!?! Really???

The hair is different. So it isn't the same photo. It could be the same woman, but it could easily be not the same woman.

More manufactured outrage by the petulant left.

Now, OP.....the above post is NOT sarcasm. This idiot has convinced himself that the two photos are of different people...or....perhaps...just taken at different times. That woman is not photoshopped into Corbett's ad. The hair is different!
I know. The post was just too ignorant to even respond to, so I chose to just let it lie...
Now, OP.....the above post is NOT sarcasm. This idiot has convinced himself that the two photos are of different people...or....perhaps...just taken at different times. That woman is not photoshopped into Corbett's ad. The hair is different!

The things leftists go hair on fire about....
Apparently you have really broad definition of "Hair on Fire"...

In case you didn't notice, I'm feeling bad for Corbett. I mean this, on top of the shellacking he's already getting? It's kinda heart-breaking...

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