"You have humiliated us"

aw look at 'mrobama' 'general petraus' . He became a 'mrobama' boy rather than be prosecuted for some crime Eh .
"Through your actions, you have embarrassed us in the eyes of our children, humiliated us on the world stage and, worst of all, divided us as a nation," the Admiral continues. "If you think for a moment that your McCarthy-era tactics will suppress the voices of criticism, you are sadly mistaken."

Exactly, well said.
It is pretty funny. Wait you're taking this serious.
He's retired, he doesn't need clearance, revoke it

Are you going to revoke clearance on EVERY soldier who leaves the military?

It will prevent them from getting jobs once they enter the civilian workforce
seems to me that all the worship of military and officials , vets and other authority figures in unhealthy as all heck . And it is bad in the general adult population but much worse for young Americans still in lower grades of public school .
Yeah and this pos in our WH is such an inspiration such a great example for our young
------------------------------------------------------- you are correct Edward . But my comment really has nothing to do with President Trump Edward .
He's retired, he doesn't need clearance, revoke it
Get your sorry ass out of this country traitor Trump is less than a scumbag next to this man ,,as you are too

Address my post and save your false bravado, punk

There is no reason for the retired admiral to have a security clearance
He has one and he wants your scumbag to take it away
I think all who are no longer employed by our government should be stripped of their 'privilege'. It makes no sense to keep it
It does make sense, they can be called in for consulting etc in cases they might have worked on, they might go into private sector work with the government and needit, this action is pure personal vindictiveness.
Ret. Navy Admiral to Trump: ‘I Would Consider It an Honor if You Would Revoke My Security Clearance’

a Washington Post op-ed Thursday afternoon. Few Americans have done more to protect this country than John. He is a man of unparalleled integrity, whose honesty and character have never been in question, except by those who don’t know him."

McRaven gave 37 years of his life to the Navy before retiring in 2014 with the honor of being the longest serving Navy SEAL to still be on duty.

"Therefore, I would consider it an honor if you would revoke my security clearance as well, so I can add my name to the list of men and women who have spoken up against your presidency," McRaven continues.

Admiral McRaven also served as the first director of the NATO Special Operations Forces Coordination Centre (NSCC), and ninth commander of the United States Special Operations Command, and just retired as chancellor of the University of Texas System.

"Through your actions, you have embarrassed us in the eyes of our children, humiliated us on the world stage and, worst of all, divided us as a nation," the Admiral continues. "If you think for a moment that your McCarthy-era tactics will suppress the voices of criticism, you are sadly mistaken."

The Post includes this short clip of McRaven calling Trump's attack on the free press as "the enemy of the American people," possibly "the greatest threat to democracy" in his lifetime.

THANK YOU, ADMIRAL McRAVEN! He and John Brennan are STANDING UP FOR THE U.S.A.! If I cannot be literally at your side, I, as an American, will be standing at your side in thought and spirit. I am so proud of you both. It is so wonderful to see true Patriots standing up for all of us.

Exactly what is it about the PRIVILEGE of having security clearance after you no longer work for the government that is "the USA"? What is the source of your sudden pseudo-patriotism?

After you leave the government or military, you can work for a Defense Contractor and still need a security clearance
On 9/11 while Trump was on celebrity apprentice Brennan and McRaven were protecting America So all you good patriots you republican scum sleep on that CU all tomorrow
Yes, they are far better Americans than Cadet SpurHeals.
seems to me that all the worship of military and officials , vets and other authority figures in unhealthy as all heck . And it is bad in the general adult population but much worse for young Americans still in lower grades of public school .
Yeah and this pos in our WH is such an inspiration such a great example for our young
------------------------------------------------------- you are correct Edward . But my comment really has nothing to do with President Trump Edward .
I figured that
He's retired, he doesn't need clearance, revoke it

Using this as an intimidation tactic to silence critics is disturbing.

A Retired Admiral of the US Navy running his piehole like this is disturbing. No honor.

Anyone doing it shouldn't be trusted, let alone with a security clearance
Wow. So attack anyone and everyone who has the audacity to criticize Trump...no matter how respected and accomplished they might be. I guess hen the president is so thin skinned, the enemy list starts to fill volumes,

It isn’t good.
He's retired, he doesn't need clearance, revoke it
Get your sorry ass out of this country traitor Trump is less than a scumbag next to this man ,,as you are too

Address my post and save your false bravado, punk

There is no reason for the retired admiral to have a security clearance
He has one and he wants your scumbag to take it away
I think all who are no longer employed by our government should be stripped of their 'privilege'. It makes no sense to keep it
It does make sense, they can be called in for consulting etc in cases they might have worked on, they might go into private sector work with the government and needit, this action is pure personal vindictiveness.
AND they might be called as witnesses

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