"You have humiliated us"

I watched Chris Wallace today on Fox News as I do every Sunday. It is becoming more and more apparent that Wallace is using subtlety and omission to promote his network's support of Trump.

Often times today Wallace and his guests mentioned Brennan's statements concerning Trump. They discussed how critical Brennan comments were.

They failed to discuss one essential element to all this. Why did Brennan say what he said?

For example, Brennan made this statement. "Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???"

Wow! Powerful stuff. Wallace never touched on why Brennan made such an inflammatory accusation. He leaves his listeners, who are largely Trump fans, with the impression that Brennan is just a loose cannon who deserves losing his security clearance.

Brennan is no loose cannon. He is a dedicated intelligence operative who spent 25 years with CIA working his way up to CIA director. This is why Brennan said what he said.

At Helsinki, Trump rejected American intelligence and believed Putin because the communist dictator was forceful. "My people came to me, Dan Coats [DNI] came to me, some others, they said they think it's Russia. I have President Putin. He just said it's not Russia. I will say this, I don't see any reason why it would be. I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial."

Despite Russia's invasion of Ukraine, illegal annexation of Crimea, supporting a murderous dictator in Syria, being allied with Iran, and interfering in our 2016 Presidential election, Trump blamed his own country for the poor relations with Russia. "Our relationship with Russia has NEVER been worse thanks to many years of U.S. foolishness and stupidity and now, the Rigged Witch Hunt!"

Do Trump's statements qualify as “high crimes & misdemeanors?” Sure they do. How else would you assess his comments? He rejected American intelligence and accepted the word of a communist dictator. Despite Russia's sins, Trump blames his own country for the strained relations between the two countries.

Brennan was just being frank with Americans. For that Fox blames Brennan for saying unkind words about Trump.
Spare us the excuses for Brennan's idiocies and treasonous attacks on the President. There is no excuse for such behavior. Brennan is a scumbag.
Former CIA Director John Brennan said on NBC's "Meet the Press" Sunday he was considering legal action to hit back after President Donald Trump revoked his security clearance last week.

Brennan told host Chuck Todd he was prepared to fight back against what he called "yet another example of his egregious abuse of power and authority" by Trump.

"If my clearances — and my reputation as I'm being pulled through the mud now — if this is the price we're going to pay to prevent Donald Trump from doing this to other people, to me it's a small price to pay," Brennan said. "If it means going to court, I will do that."

Brennan's clearance loss set off a firestorm of commentary from both sides of the aisle, though the White House described the move as a necessary defense against Brennan's "erratic conduct and behavior".

Brennan's revocation could be the first of many
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Trump has said he is considering revoking clearance of several other former intelligence and legal officials, all of whom have been outspoken critics of him. Brennan said this motivation was a clear signal Trump was weaponizing his control over the access of former intelligence officials on a personal basis.

"It was a clear signal to others who still have their security clearances, both in the government as well as outside, that if you cross him, if you speak out against him, he is going to use whatever tools he might have at his disposal to punish you," Brennan said.
Brennan is barking at the moon. Imagine the nerve of this asshole whining that Trump is attacking his reputation. Oh Boo Hoo! Guilliani said he can't wait to question Brennan on the witness stand. Brennan is going to find he made a big mistake by suing Trump.
Giuliani can't wait to question Brennan??? The CIA guy will make rudy wish he never left home Rudy says truth isn't truth??? He's a dead man walking a complete jerk ..sorta like a poster here I won't mention
The CIA is going to get even with Rudy Giuliani? I have never seen a more Stalinist statement in my life.
Not only that bri I want the intel agencies to forget to protect this ah in our WH
Former CIA Director John Brennan said on NBC's "Meet the Press" Sunday he was considering legal action to hit back after President Donald Trump revoked his security clearance last week.

Brennan told host Chuck Todd he was prepared to fight back against what he called "yet another example of his egregious abuse of power and authority" by Trump.

"If my clearances — and my reputation as I'm being pulled through the mud now — if this is the price we're going to pay to prevent Donald Trump from doing this to other people, to me it's a small price to pay," Brennan said. "If it means going to court, I will do that."

Brennan's clearance loss set off a firestorm of commentary from both sides of the aisle, though the White House described the move as a necessary defense against Brennan's "erratic conduct and behavior".

Brennan's revocation could be the first of many
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Trump has said he is considering revoking clearance of several other former intelligence and legal officials, all of whom have been outspoken critics of him. Brennan said this motivation was a clear signal Trump was weaponizing his control over the access of former intelligence officials on a personal basis.

"It was a clear signal to others who still have their security clearances, both in the government as well as outside, that if you cross him, if you speak out against him, he is going to use whatever tools he might have at his disposal to punish you," Brennan said.
Brennan is barking at the moon. Imagine the nerve of this asshole whining that Trump is attacking his reputation. Oh Boo Hoo! Guilliani said he can't wait to question Brennan on the witness stand. Brennan is going to find he made a big mistake by suing Trump.
Giuliani can't wait to question Brennan??? The CIA guy will make rudy wish he never left home Rudy says truth isn't truth??? He's a dead man walking a complete jerk ..sorta like a poster here I won't mention
The CIA is going to get even with Rudy Giuliani? I have never seen a more Stalinist statement in my life.
Not only that bri I want the intel agencies to forget to protect this ah in our WH
Intel agencies aren't personal security for the President, moron. The Secret Service performs that function. That being said, you're a treasonous anti-American piece of shit. You're actually hooting for someone to assassinate the President. You can't get much lower than that. I should report you to the Secret Service.
Former CIA Director John Brennan said on NBC's "Meet the Press" Sunday he was considering legal action to hit back after President Donald Trump revoked his security clearance last week.

Brennan told host Chuck Todd he was prepared to fight back against what he called "yet another example of his egregious abuse of power and authority" by Trump.

"If my clearances — and my reputation as I'm being pulled through the mud now — if this is the price we're going to pay to prevent Donald Trump from doing this to other people, to me it's a small price to pay," Brennan said. "If it means going to court, I will do that."

Brennan's clearance loss set off a firestorm of commentary from both sides of the aisle, though the White House described the move as a necessary defense against Brennan's "erratic conduct and behavior".

Brennan's revocation could be the first of many
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Trump has said he is considering revoking clearance of several other former intelligence and legal officials, all of whom have been outspoken critics of him. Brennan said this motivation was a clear signal Trump was weaponizing his control over the access of former intelligence officials on a personal basis.

"It was a clear signal to others who still have their security clearances, both in the government as well as outside, that if you cross him, if you speak out against him, he is going to use whatever tools he might have at his disposal to punish you," Brennan said.
Brennan is barking at the moon. Imagine the nerve of this asshole whining that Trump is attacking his reputation. Oh Boo Hoo! Guilliani said he can't wait to question Brennan on the witness stand. Brennan is going to find he made a big mistake by suing Trump.
Giuliani can't wait to question Brennan??? The CIA guy will make rudy wish he never left home Rudy says truth isn't truth??? He's a dead man walking a complete jerk ..sorta like a poster here I won't mention
The CIA is going to get even with Rudy Giuliani? I have never seen a more Stalinist statement in my life.

"...... I have never seen a more Stalinist statement in my life."

I have. "The press is the enemy of the people" Donald J. Trump
Last edited:
Former CIA Director John Brennan said on NBC's "Meet the Press" Sunday he was considering legal action to hit back after President Donald Trump revoked his security clearance last week.

Brennan told host Chuck Todd he was prepared to fight back against what he called "yet another example of his egregious abuse of power and authority" by Trump.

"If my clearances — and my reputation as I'm being pulled through the mud now — if this is the price we're going to pay to prevent Donald Trump from doing this to other people, to me it's a small price to pay," Brennan said. "If it means going to court, I will do that."

Brennan's clearance loss set off a firestorm of commentary from both sides of the aisle, though the White House described the move as a necessary defense against Brennan's "erratic conduct and behavior".

Brennan's revocation could be the first of many
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Trump has said he is considering revoking clearance of several other former intelligence and legal officials, all of whom have been outspoken critics of him. Brennan said this motivation was a clear signal Trump was weaponizing his control over the access of former intelligence officials on a personal basis.

"It was a clear signal to others who still have their security clearances, both in the government as well as outside, that if you cross him, if you speak out against him, he is going to use whatever tools he might have at his disposal to punish you," Brennan said.
Brennan is barking at the moon. Imagine the nerve of this asshole whining that Trump is attacking his reputation. Oh Boo Hoo! Guilliani said he can't wait to question Brennan on the witness stand. Brennan is going to find he made a big mistake by suing Trump.
Giuliani can't wait to question Brennan??? The CIA guy will make rudy wish he never left home Rudy says truth isn't truth??? He's a dead man walking a complete jerk ..sorta like a poster here I won't mention
The CIA is going to get even with Rudy Giuliani? I have never seen a more Stalinist statement in my life.
Not only that bri I want the intel agencies to forget to protect this ah in our WH

"Not only that bri I want the intel agencies to forget to protect this ah in our WH"

Anybody else remember when the orders were given to the Secret Service to stand down moments before Kennedy's car entered Dealey Plaza in Dallas?

Jump to 1:00 in the original video:

Trump needs to make nice with the people whose job it is to protect him. Or else they just might let something slip.
Brennan needs the needle. He is every bit as much a traitor as McVeigh was.

THIS statement ^ qualifies as fucking TREASON - AKA providing aide and comfort to the enemy.
REAL Americans will be happy to buy you a one way ticket to Moscow -

You're an imbecile. Contradicting Dim party dogma is not treason.

Oh really?

Brennan needs the needle. He is every bit as much a traitor as McVeigh was.

You want to give a man the needle who has served under 3 R and two D presidents, oversaw the killing of bin Ladan, did little if anything political while in government and now as a private citizen voices his concerns over a runaway autocrat president - An then you compare him to McVeigh :confused-84: :confused-84: :confused-84:

You have redefined imbecilic angry little man. :rolleyes:

He voted for Trump. What do you expect? Another Einstein?
BUT was it obligated to take them from him for political reasons? Our framers had TRUMP in mind when they gave us the impeachment process
I don't think John Brennan's political stance obligates the US government to maintain his security clearance. How the President feels about John Brennan's political stance doesn't obligate the US Government to maintain his security clearance. I understand you are pissed John Brennan got his wee-wee caught in his zipper trying to have a pissing contest with the President. The utter ignorance in that would suggest it might not be a good idea to trust him with sensitive material.
Trump's actions are those of a vindictive president who is incapable of responding to critics other than attacking them.

Taking clearances away from former Intelligence people does not silence them nor damage them in any way. The clearance is not so much a benefit to the person. It’s more of a benefit to the particular government officials that would need some insight from times prior to them taking office. A person with a security clearance after leaving office doesn’t necessarily have access to any classified information unless a current agency requests it because access is on a need to know basis.

In other words, removing security clearances from former top intelligence officials creates a potential problem for the Intelligence community while giving these people a stronger voice to attack the president's policies. :cuckoo:
What's wrong with attacking your critics? It seems like the best strategy to me. Your theory that he should stand there and take it is absurd.

Revoking Brennan's security clearance is no problem for the intelligence community. He's a traitor who will never be asked for his advice or input on any matter whatsoever. His rants in the media have demonstrated beyond all doubt that his advice is idiotic and worthless
There is nothing wrong with attacking political opponents on issues. There is a lot wrong with personal attacks. Substituting crass personal attacks for sound political argument may win the approval of ardent supporters but it will loose support of others.

Taking the STFU route may work well in a campaign because a campaign is a zero sum game. You either win or you lose-. However, governing is never a zero sum game; you never get total victory. You have to appeal to those who aren't your supporters.

This is exactly the problem Trump has now. He needs support from a lot of people in his party and in the media that are not impressed by his crude language, shouting matches, and personal attacks. Every time Trump or his policies are attacked and he responds in this way he squanders the opportunity to increase his support.
Former CIA Director John Brennan said on NBC's "Meet the Press" Sunday he was considering legal action to hit back after President Donald Trump revoked his security clearance last week.

Brennan told host Chuck Todd he was prepared to fight back against what he called "yet another example of his egregious abuse of power and authority" by Trump.

"If my clearances — and my reputation as I'm being pulled through the mud now — if this is the price we're going to pay to prevent Donald Trump from doing this to other people, to me it's a small price to pay," Brennan said. "If it means going to court, I will do that."

Brennan's clearance loss set off a firestorm of commentary from both sides of the aisle, though the White House described the move as a necessary defense against Brennan's "erratic conduct and behavior".

Brennan's revocation could be the first of many
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Trump has said he is considering revoking clearance of several other former intelligence and legal officials, all of whom have been outspoken critics of him. Brennan said this motivation was a clear signal Trump was weaponizing his control over the access of former intelligence officials on a personal basis.

"It was a clear signal to others who still have their security clearances, both in the government as well as outside, that if you cross him, if you speak out against him, he is going to use whatever tools he might have at his disposal to punish you," Brennan said.
Brennan is barking at the moon. Imagine the nerve of this asshole whining that Trump is attacking his reputation. Oh Boo Hoo! Guilliani said he can't wait to question Brennan on the witness stand. Brennan is going to find he made a big mistake by suing Trump.

Giuliani is an idiot and a loudmouth. I'd love to see him try try cross-examine Brennan. That would be a real treat.

But Giuliani isn't going to cross-examine anyone. Trump is a jerk, but he is not stupid. He won't allow Giuliani to get within a mile of a witness.
Brennan is the idiot and loudmouth. He's a dumbass who decided to put himself on the witness stand, and that is not a place he wants to be.
This lies too bri?
Jobs being created more slowly now and since Trump than any time in the Obama presidency
Truth: GDP has under Trump only had one really good quarter under Obama it did +4% four times
Truth: TRUMPS deficits and debts are the fastest in this century
Truth: Gun violence is up in all red states, not up anywhere as high in blue states
Truth: inflation under Trump is on pace to be the highest in 28 years
Truth: Home foreclosures, lay offs and bankruptcy is at a rate not seen since 08/09
Truth: Quality jobs are now leaving our shores as fast as cheap manufacturing
Truth since Trump took office 233,000 highly trained US born doctors, engineers, and other science, math, medical and design professionals have left the USA the fastest in history
All things being caused by the left, and being done by design in an anti-American way.... You people would burn this place to the ground in order to get your way if you have to I think.
Former CIA Director John Brennan said on NBC's "Meet the Press" Sunday he was considering legal action to hit back after President Donald Trump revoked his security clearance last week.

Brennan told host Chuck Todd he was prepared to fight back against what he called "yet another example of his egregious abuse of power and authority" by Trump.

"If my clearances — and my reputation as I'm being pulled through the mud now — if this is the price we're going to pay to prevent Donald Trump from doing this to other people, to me it's a small price to pay," Brennan said. "If it means going to court, I will do that."

Brennan's clearance loss set off a firestorm of commentary from both sides of the aisle, though the White House described the move as a necessary defense against Brennan's "erratic conduct and behavior".

Brennan's revocation could be the first of many
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Trump has said he is considering revoking clearance of several other former intelligence and legal officials, all of whom have been outspoken critics of him. Brennan said this motivation was a clear signal Trump was weaponizing his control over the access of former intelligence officials on a personal basis.

"It was a clear signal to others who still have their security clearances, both in the government as well as outside, that if you cross him, if you speak out against him, he is going to use whatever tools he might have at his disposal to punish you," Brennan said.
Brennan is barking at the moon. Imagine the nerve of this asshole whining that Trump is attacking his reputation. Oh Boo Hoo! Guilliani said he can't wait to question Brennan on the witness stand. Brennan is going to find he made a big mistake by suing Trump.
Giuliani can't wait to question Brennan??? The CIA guy will make rudy wish he never left home Rudy says truth isn't truth??? He's a dead man walking a complete jerk ..sorta like a poster here I won't mention
The CIA is going to get even with Rudy Giuliani? I have never seen a more Stalinist statement in my life.

"...... I have never seen a more Stalinist statement in my life."

I have. "The press is the enemy of the people" Donald J. Trump
He didn't say that, you sleazy lying piece of shit. Lying about what the targets of his show trials said is another Stalinist tactic.
BUT was it obligated to take them from him for political reasons? Our framers had TRUMP in mind when they gave us the impeachment process
I don't think John Brennan's political stance obligates the US government to maintain his security clearance. How the President feels about John Brennan's political stance doesn't obligate the US Government to maintain his security clearance. I understand you are pissed John Brennan got his wee-wee caught in his zipper trying to have a pissing contest with the President. The utter ignorance in that would suggest it might not be a good idea to trust him with sensitive material.
Trump's actions are those of a vindictive president who is incapable of responding to critics other than attacking them.

Taking clearances away from former Intelligence people does not silence them nor damage them in any way. The clearance is not so much a benefit to the person. It’s more of a benefit to the particular government officials that would need some insight from times prior to them taking office. A person with a security clearance after leaving office doesn’t necessarily have access to any classified information unless a current agency requests it because access is on a need to know basis.

In other words, removing security clearances from former top intelligence officials creates a potential problem for the Intelligence community while giving these people a stronger voice to attack the president's policies. :cuckoo:
What's wrong with attacking your critics? It seems like the best strategy to me. Your theory that he should stand there and take it is absurd.

Revoking Brennan's security clearance is no problem for the intelligence community. He's a traitor who will never be asked for his advice or input on any matter whatsoever. His rants in the media have demonstrated beyond all doubt that his advice is idiotic and worthless
There is nothing wrong with attacking political opponents on issues. There is a lot wrong with personal attacks. Substituting crass personal attacks for sound political argument may win the approval of ardent supporters but it will loose support of others.

Taking the STFU route may work well in a campaign because a campaign is a zero sum game. You either win or you lose-. However, governing is never a zero sum game; you never get total victory. You have to appeal to those who aren't your supporters.

This is exactly the problem Trump has now. He needs support from a lot of people in his party and in the media that are not impressed by his crude language, shouting matches, and personal attacks. Every time Trump or his policies are attacked and he responds in this way he squanders the opportunity to increase his support.

The issue is whether Brennan is credible, and Trump simply points out that Brennan is a treasonous piece of shit. His credibility is zero.

If you think reasoned discourse is going to appeal to all the idiot savages on your side of the aisle, you are truly delusional. He is never going to get support from the media. No Republican president ever has. George W Bush was the most polite courteous president we ever had, and the media savaged him.

Your theory is bullshit. It's sucker bait for gullible Republicans who want to be liked.
Former CIA Director John Brennan said on NBC's "Meet the Press" Sunday he was considering legal action to hit back after President Donald Trump revoked his security clearance last week.

Brennan told host Chuck Todd he was prepared to fight back against what he called "yet another example of his egregious abuse of power and authority" by Trump.

"If my clearances — and my reputation as I'm being pulled through the mud now — if this is the price we're going to pay to prevent Donald Trump from doing this to other people, to me it's a small price to pay," Brennan said. "If it means going to court, I will do that."

Brennan's clearance loss set off a firestorm of commentary from both sides of the aisle, though the White House described the move as a necessary defense against Brennan's "erratic conduct and behavior".

Brennan's revocation could be the first of many
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Trump has said he is considering revoking clearance of several other former intelligence and legal officials, all of whom have been outspoken critics of him. Brennan said this motivation was a clear signal Trump was weaponizing his control over the access of former intelligence officials on a personal basis.

"It was a clear signal to others who still have their security clearances, both in the government as well as outside, that if you cross him, if you speak out against him, he is going to use whatever tools he might have at his disposal to punish you," Brennan said.
Brennan is barking at the moon. Imagine the nerve of this asshole whining that Trump is attacking his reputation. Oh Boo Hoo! Guilliani said he can't wait to question Brennan on the witness stand. Brennan is going to find he made a big mistake by suing Trump.
Giuliani can't wait to question Brennan??? The CIA guy will make rudy wish he never left home Rudy says truth isn't truth??? He's a dead man walking a complete jerk ..sorta like a poster here I won't mention
The CIA is going to get even with Rudy Giuliani? I have never seen a more Stalinist statement in my life.
Not only that bri I want the intel agencies to forget to protect this ah in our WH

"Not only that bri I want the intel agencies to forget to protect this ah in our WH"

Anybody else remember when the orders were given to the Secret Service to stand down moments before Kennedy's car entered Dealey Plaza in Dallas?

Jump to 1:00 in the original video:

Trump needs to make nice with the people whose job it is to protect him. Or else they just might let something slip.

And you are pleased about that idea? You realize, don't you, that you're proving to the entire forum what a loathsome douchebag you are.
Brennan is barking at the moon. Imagine the nerve of this asshole whining that Trump is attacking his reputation. Oh Boo Hoo! Guilliani said he can't wait to question Brennan on the witness stand. Brennan is going to find he made a big mistake by suing Trump.
Giuliani can't wait to question Brennan??? The CIA guy will make rudy wish he never left home Rudy says truth isn't truth??? He's a dead man walking a complete jerk ..sorta like a poster here I won't mention
The CIA is going to get even with Rudy Giuliani? I have never seen a more Stalinist statement in my life.
Not only that bri I want the intel agencies to forget to protect this ah in our WH

"Not only that bri I want the intel agencies to forget to protect this ah in our WH"

Anybody else remember when the orders were given to the Secret Service to stand down moments before Kennedy's car entered Dealey Plaza in Dallas?

Jump to 1:00 in the original video:

Trump needs to make nice with the people whose job it is to protect him. Or else they just might let something slip.

And you are pleased about that idea? You realize, don't you, that you're proving to the entire forum what a loathsome douchebag you are.

As long as schmucks, asskissers, like you think I'm loathsome I'm heading in the right direction
Giuliani can't wait to question Brennan??? The CIA guy will make rudy wish he never left home Rudy says truth isn't truth??? He's a dead man walking a complete jerk ..sorta like a poster here I won't mention
The CIA is going to get even with Rudy Giuliani? I have never seen a more Stalinist statement in my life.
Not only that bri I want the intel agencies to forget to protect this ah in our WH

"Not only that bri I want the intel agencies to forget to protect this ah in our WH"

Anybody else remember when the orders were given to the Secret Service to stand down moments before Kennedy's car entered Dealey Plaza in Dallas?

Jump to 1:00 in the original video:

Trump needs to make nice with the people whose job it is to protect him. Or else they just might let something slip.

And you are pleased about that idea? You realize, don't you, that you're proving to the entire forum what a loathsome douchebag you are.

As long as schmucks, asskissers, like you think I'm loathsome I'm heading in the right direction

More proof that you're a loathsome douchebag.
Former CIA Director John Brennan said on NBC's "Meet the Press" Sunday he was considering legal action to hit back after President Donald Trump revoked his security clearance last week.

Brennan told host Chuck Todd he was prepared to fight back against what he called "yet another example of his egregious abuse of power and authority" by Trump.

"If my clearances — and my reputation as I'm being pulled through the mud now — if this is the price we're going to pay to prevent Donald Trump from doing this to other people, to me it's a small price to pay," Brennan said. "If it means going to court, I will do that."

Brennan's clearance loss set off a firestorm of commentary from both sides of the aisle, though the White House described the move as a necessary defense against Brennan's "erratic conduct and behavior".

Brennan's revocation could be the first of many
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Trump has said he is considering revoking clearance of several other former intelligence and legal officials, all of whom have been outspoken critics of him. Brennan said this motivation was a clear signal Trump was weaponizing his control over the access of former intelligence officials on a personal basis.

"It was a clear signal to others who still have their security clearances, both in the government as well as outside, that if you cross him, if you speak out against him, he is going to use whatever tools he might have at his disposal to punish you," Brennan said.
Brennan is barking at the moon. Imagine the nerve of this asshole whining that Trump is attacking his reputation. Oh Boo Hoo! Guilliani said he can't wait to question Brennan on the witness stand. Brennan is going to find he made a big mistake by suing Trump.
Giuliani can't wait to question Brennan??? The CIA guy will make rudy wish he never left home Rudy says truth isn't truth??? He's a dead man walking a complete jerk ..sorta like a poster here I won't mention
The CIA is going to get even with Rudy Giuliani? I have never seen a more Stalinist statement in my life.

"...... I have never seen a more Stalinist statement in my life."

I have. "The press is the enemy of the people" Donald J. Trump
He didn't say that, you sleazy lying piece of shit. Lying about what the targets of his show trials said is another Stalinist tactic.

Sorry, asshole.

Donald J. Trump
The Fake News hates me saying that they are the Enemy of the People only because they know it’s TRUE. I am providing a great service by explaining this to the American People. They purposely cause great division & distrust. They can also cause War! They are very dangerous & sick!

6:38 AM - Aug 5, 2018

Donald J. Trump

The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes, @NBCNews, @ABC, @CBS, @CNN) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American People!
4:48 PM - Feb 17, 2017

After Trump calls media an enemy of the people, White House bars many news outlets from briefing

"""The action came after President Trump on Friday described the media and what he terms "fake news" as "the enemy of the people."On the list were Trump-friendly outlets such as Breitbart News, the Washington Times and OANN, a conservative television network that employs former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski as a commentator.

Off the list were some of Trump's favorite targets, including the New York Times and CNN. The Los Angeles Times was also excluded."""

Last edited:
The CIA is going to get even with Rudy Giuliani? I have never seen a more Stalinist statement in my life.
Not only that bri I want the intel agencies to forget to protect this ah in our WH

"Not only that bri I want the intel agencies to forget to protect this ah in our WH"

Anybody else remember when the orders were given to the Secret Service to stand down moments before Kennedy's car entered Dealey Plaza in Dallas?

Jump to 1:00 in the original video:

Trump needs to make nice with the people whose job it is to protect him. Or else they just might let something slip.

And you are pleased about that idea? You realize, don't you, that you're proving to the entire forum what a loathsome douchebag you are.

As long as schmucks, asskissers, like you think I'm loathsome I'm heading in the right direction

More proof that you're a loathsome douchebag.

That would be your moron in the WH A CANCER upon America ,,,You supporters of his are too
The CIA is going to get even with Rudy Giuliani? I have never seen a more Stalinist statement in my life.
Not only that bri I want the intel agencies to forget to protect this ah in our WH

"Not only that bri I want the intel agencies to forget to protect this ah in our WH"

Anybody else remember when the orders were given to the Secret Service to stand down moments before Kennedy's car entered Dealey Plaza in Dallas?

Jump to 1:00 in the original video:

Trump needs to make nice with the people whose job it is to protect him. Or else they just might let something slip.

And you are pleased about that idea? You realize, don't you, that you're proving to the entire forum what a loathsome douchebag you are.

As long as schmucks, asskissers, like you think I'm loathsome I'm heading in the right direction

More proof that you're a loathsome douchebag.

Even when something is right under your nose and in black and white, you deny, deny, deny.

Trump is a very stupid man who has pissed off people who make a living at subterfuge, spying, secrecy and espionage.
What an idiot.

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