"You have humiliated us"

I believe that more than half the voting public, those voting for Hillary, will listen quite closely to what Brennan will say Of course we know repub ears will be clogged

None of which will ever obligate the US Government to maintain John Brennan's security clearance.

By this time, you should be noticing that you really have nothing to offer as an argument. John Brennan screwed up, overplayed his hand, and got smacked for it. The crying he or anyone else wants to engage in probably has more to do with why John Brennan thought his stupid ass could get away with it. Certainly not a reason that would encourage me to recommend maintaining his security clearance.

But what would be the criteria used to revoke it. Security Clearances are not like presidential appointments. They are not granted or removed at the pleasure of the president. After leaving goverment service, clearances are suspended and if they're not reinstated within several years, they are deleted. You revoke a clearance because of security violations, drug or alcohol abuse, sexual activity, work with a foreign government, etc..
What are the Guidelines for Revoking a Security Clearance? - ClearanceJobs
Actually, they are granted and removed at the pleasure of the President. Most of them aren't, but some definitely are.
Trump's actions are those of a vindictive president who is incapable of responding to critics other than attacking them.

Taking clearances away from former Intelligence people does not silence them nor damage them in any way. The clearance is not so much a benefit to the person. It’s more of a benefit to the particular government officials that would need some insight from times prior to them taking office. A person with a security clearance after leaving office doesn’t necessarily have access to any classified information unless a current agency requests it because access is on a need to know basis.

In other words, removing security clearances from former top intelligence officials creates a potential problem for the Intelligence community while giving these people a stronger voice to attack the president's policies. :cuckoo:

None of which obligates the US Government to maintain John Brennan's security clearance, and if you want to have a problem with that, I guess all I can say is "so what"? John Brennan rolled the dice, and lost the bet. I know quite a few people with security clearances that aren't cry because he shit his pants.
The government must follow it's own rules in regard to security clearances. A security clearance can only be revoked for cause, wronging, violation of security rules, alcohol or drug abuse, etc.. When a person leaves their job, there clearance is suspended for a number of years and if they take a job that requires a clearance, it's reinstated. If the clearance is not reinstated within a number of years, it's deleted.

There doesn't seem to be a rule that covers the situation of allowing security clearances to remain active after leaving the government employment. Of course, Trump tends to make up his own rules.

As I said before, Brennan is not the loser in this battle, Trump and potentially the intelligence community is. Trump has given his critics a bigger platform to attack his policies and he's denied the intelligence community access to these people. I wouldn't call that a win for the Trump.
The rule says the President can revoke a security clearance for any reason at any time.
What a virtue signally attention whore in the OP. He can just forfeit it. And unless he is actually doing work for the government, there is no reason for him to have it.
Thank you, here is a review of "House of Trump House of Putin" for those interested. The willfully ignorant are now invited to push the funny button:

Review | Signs of Trump-Putin collaboration, starting years before the campaign?
Book says Trump was taking Russian money way back?? Oh no .......Trump is a traitor Russia put one of their own in our WH
What does "taking Russian money" mean? Are you suffering from the delusion that it's illegal to do business with Russians?
You never heard of money laundering ??? Mueller has experts on the subject working on just that Don't you feel humiliated yet ?? What will it take for you to realize this ah in our WH is a lowlife crook?
There is nothing that will lead to such realization. Conservatism is a cult. Never before has there been more evidence

Then do present this evidence, fucking liar?
I marvel at the way Faux and Edward behave as if all their accusations against Trump are irrefutable facts. They like the lunatics who believe they are Napoleon and expect everyone to kneel before them. They fly into fits of rage when their subjects refuse to behave as expected.
What does "taking Russian money" mean?
Maybe you should ask Donnie jr, or Paul manafort.

About Manifort...

Do you think the threats CNN made against the families of the jurors got back to the jury? Do you think you have tampered with the trial enough to coerce a guilty verdict?

IF as everyone expects. Manifort is acquitted, how will you traitors react? What does this mean for the coup you are staging?

Now Manifort is subject to double jeopardy, the Inquisition took a shit on the Constitution long ago. So maybe if you try him a few dozens times on the same charges, you can get the verdict you seek?

Still. a loss in this first, legitimate trial will be a serious blow to you traitors.
"CNN made against the families of the jurors"
Got a link for that claim?:linky:
Why did they need to know the names?
What does "taking Russian money" mean?
Maybe you should ask Donnie jr, or Paul manafort.

About Manifort...

Do you think the threats CNN made against the families of the jurors got back to the jury? Do you think you have tampered with the trial enough to coerce a guilty verdict?

IF as everyone expects. Manifort is acquitted, how will you traitors react? What does this mean for the coup you are staging?

Now Manifort is subject to double jeopardy, the Inquisition took a shit on the Constitution long ago. So maybe if you try him a few dozens times on the same charges, you can get the verdict you seek?

Still. a loss in this first, legitimate trial will be a serious blow to you traitors.
"CNN made against the families of the jurors"
Got a link for that claim?:linky:
Why did they need to know the names?

They only "need" the names in the sense that a mob needs to know whom to target when they are engaged in a campaign of terror.
But what would be the criteria used to revoke it. Security Clearances are not like presidential appointments. They are not granted or removed at the pleasure of the president. After leaving goverment service, clearances are suspended and if they're not reinstated within several years, they are deleted. You revoke a clearance because of security violations, drug or alcohol abuse, sexual activity, work with a foreign government, etc..
What are the Guidelines for Revoking a Security Clearance? - ClearanceJobs

I have already covered that, instead of asking me, you should have read the guidelines and figured out the one's no one is arguing he violated. Not to mention that the guidelines are determined and administered by the Executive Branch.
If he did not violate any of the 13 criteria for revoking a clearance, then the clearance can not be revoked. The government could suspend the clearance which is what they do when people leave employment with a clearance. That actually might make sense. The clearance could be reinstate easily if the intelligence community needs the person's help and Trump could declare victory over those that criticism his decisions.

As far as changing the rules, Trump would surely not be so stupid as to make criticizing the president grounds for pulling a security clearance. On second thought, maybe he would.
Wrong. The president can revoke a clearance at any time for any reason. However, Brennan is guilty of breaking several of the criteria.
What does "taking Russian money" mean?
Maybe you should ask Donnie jr, or Paul manafort.

About Manifort...

Do you think the threats CNN made against the families of the jurors got back to the jury? Do you think you have tampered with the trial enough to coerce a guilty verdict?

IF as everyone expects. Manifort is acquitted, how will you traitors react? What does this mean for the coup you are staging?

Now Manifort is subject to double jeopardy, the Inquisition took a shit on the Constitution long ago. So maybe if you try him a few dozens times on the same charges, you can get the verdict you seek?

Still. a loss in this first, legitimate trial will be a serious blow to you traitors.
"CNN made against the families of the jurors"
Got a link for that claim?:linky:
Why did they need to know the names?

They only "need" the names in the sense that a mob needs to know whom to target when they are engaged in a campaign of terror.
I want to hear from a CNN defender. Why need the names?

Given CNN doxes people and worse, i simply dont trust their intentions. But give me a reason in the name of blind justice to need those names.
Maybe you should ask Donnie jr, or Paul manafort.

About Manifort...

Do you think the threats CNN made against the families of the jurors got back to the jury? Do you think you have tampered with the trial enough to coerce a guilty verdict?

IF as everyone expects. Manifort is acquitted, how will you traitors react? What does this mean for the coup you are staging?

Now Manifort is subject to double jeopardy, the Inquisition took a shit on the Constitution long ago. So maybe if you try him a few dozens times on the same charges, you can get the verdict you seek?

Still. a loss in this first, legitimate trial will be a serious blow to you traitors.
"CNN made against the families of the jurors"
Got a link for that claim?:linky:
Why did they need to know the names?

They only "need" the names in the sense that a mob needs to know whom to target when they are engaged in a campaign of terror.
I want to hear from a CNN defender. Why need the names?

Given CNN doxes people and worse, i simply dont trust their intentions. But give me a reason in the name of blind justice to need those names.

I'll save you some time.

The real answer is that anything that hurts Trump is justifiable in the view of the Progs. They will destroy the lives of anyone who is useful to their cause of overthrowing a duly elected President.
16 members of the USMB found this OP funny, and by inference the American Hero. I wonder how many of them served our nation, in any capacity, let alone putting themselves in harms way.

What say you, members of the 16, why did you find this thread and this leader of brave men funny?

They still think it's fake news that Obama, Brennon, Panetta and McRaven killed bin Laden. Bush got him in 2005 :wink:


Funny x 16

ptbw forever
The Breeze
Grampa Murked U

Nah, little gay Barry had to struggle with whether he would allow the raid for 2 hours.

What role do you fantasize traitor Brennan played? Was the fucker trying to tip bin Laden off perhaps?

That's what a President needs to do, think of the consequences, and then try to think about the unintended consequences.

Trump lacks - at best - the ability to think sagaciously; his sole frame of reference is, "how will this effect me". The sad thing is, when he thinks it will benefit him, nine out of ten times it doesn't.

The "consequence" of killing Bin Ladin? :lol:

ISIS Barry was trying to find a way to save him.

Trump has thwarted the nuclear ambitions of North Korea that Bill Clinton provided them, and of Iran that ISIS Barry provided them.

There is a solid chance that the Islamic dictatorship in Iran will fall. Obama did his best to prop the Mullahs up. He gave them hundreds of millions of dollars to support them, but Trump is reversing Obama's treason.
What does "taking Russian money" mean?
Maybe you should ask Donnie jr, or Paul manafort.

About Manifort...

Do you think the threats CNN made against the families of the jurors got back to the jury? Do you think you have tampered with the trial enough to coerce a guilty verdict?

IF as everyone expects. Manifort is acquitted, how will you traitors react? What does this mean for the coup you are staging?

Now Manifort is subject to double jeopardy, the Inquisition took a shit on the Constitution long ago. So maybe if you try him a few dozens times on the same charges, you can get the verdict you seek?

Still. a loss in this first, legitimate trial will be a serious blow to you traitors.
Threats CNN made against the families of the jurors? :cuckoo:

Oh, the Marxist media didn't report on this?


In a motion filed in federal court on Thursday, CNN and several other media outlets requested that the court release the names and home addresses of all jurors in the Paul Manafort fraud case. Jurors have not yet rendered a verdict on any of the 18 charges against Manafort, who briefly served as President Donald Trump's campaign manager in 2016.

The motion — filed on behalf of CNN, Washington Post, BuzzFeed, POLITICO, New York Times, NBC Universal, and the Associated Press — asks the court to provide to the media organizations the full names and home addresses of the men and women who were summoned and selected by the federal government to serve as jurors in Manafort's fraud case.

Wow. So now they've gotten into the jury-tampering business. They're more interested in who the jury is than the trial itself.

And that may well be because they suspect that Manafort, whose real crime seems to be serving as Donald Trump's campaign manager, will walk.}


Jurors in the trial of ex-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort were sent home for the weekend, as the judge in the fraud trial revealed Friday he has received threats over the case and now travels with U.S. Marshals.

U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III, in rejecting a motion to release juror information to the media, argued that he's confident the jurors would be threatened as well if their information were to be made public.

“I can tell you there have been [threats]. ... I don't feel right if I release their names,” he said, adding that because of threats against him, “The Marshals go where I go.”

The startling revelation came as the jury completed its second day of deliberations without a verdict. The jury will reconvene Monday.

Ellis, a famously prickly judge known for his colorful comments, has attracted considerable attention during the Manafort trial for his frequent sparring with the attorneys -- particularly those on Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team.

Earlier Friday morning, Ellis acknowledged facing pushback about how he’s handled this case. He told attorneys “I’m no stranger to criticism,” but said “this case has brought it to a new level.”

The juror motion itself was filed by multiple news organizations – the Washington Post, New York Times, AP, CNN, NBC, Politico and BuzzFeed. They sought to unseal records in the case, including information about the jurors.}

Judge in Manafort trial says he's been threatened over case

The Marxist press tried to get the home addresses of the Jurors so they could tamper with the trial.

This is just how you Stalinists act.
We are getting off topic guys - this is about Trump removing security clearances.

100% true but removing security clearance comes with several tentacles that came from within. Started by Trumpy.

It’s like giving an ugly dirty (Trump ) dog a bath. You have to use high pressure water hose to remove the glue ( dirtyness ), bleach then soap. So his followers hopefully will understand what it means. But STILL they think it’s normal.

Comrade traitor, what law guarantees that Soviet Spy Brennan is provided access to classified and secret intelligence in perpetuity?
I believe that is true, we were attacked and Putin wanted Trump to be elected POTUS.

You don't believe that, and I wouldn't waste my time trying to convince you. I also believe enough evidence has been uncovered to prove a conspiracy between Russian agents and Trump's insiders to impact our election. Maybe The President knew, maybe he did not, but as a patriot I want to know, and Mueller ain't going away (MAGA).
He should read "house of trump house of Putin " and all the money coming to trump after he was 4 billion in the hole

Thank you, here is a review of "House of Trump House of Putin" for those interested. The willfully ignorant are now invited to push the funny button:

Review | Signs of Trump-Putin collaboration, starting years before the campaign?
Book says Trump was taking Russian money way back?? Oh no .......Trump is a traitor Russia put one of their own in our WH
What does "taking Russian money" mean? Are you suffering from the delusion that it's illegal to do business with Russians?
You never heard of money laundering ??? Mueller has experts on the subject working on just that Don't you feel humiliated yet ?? What will it take for you to realize this ah in our WH is a lowlife crook?
The left
sure is sure of itself ain't it ?? I mean what is the left gonna do if their god Mueller let's them down, and he does so because he was a political hack using the full power of his office appointment to engage in big time conflicts of interest, and in hypocrisy in the worst ways imaginable ??

One might like the tactics of Mueller, but is he a dirty cop or a clean one ?? That's yet to be known all depending on the outcomes and reports written in the end.

Does the left think that this bullcrap isn't coming back on them when ever the party tries to gain control or it gets control again, otherwise if it was done dirty ????

It's already backfiring like crazy now, but the left throwing it's own under the bus has become standard operating procedures for them, and that is what can be found in the obsession to get Trump at all cost syndrome.

The fear of losing a few of these groups agenda's in which the left had going, has put the left on a collision course with some serious audits and investigations to be conducted against their own leftist dealings and their conflicts of interest over the years. Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone (is the old saying), and none present could cast that stone.

Many things in the past were over looked, but it won't be any longer I bet. What goes around comes around is the old saying, and it will apply big time going foward now I bet.

Becareful what you ask for or push for, because you just might get it... Then what ??

Would you agree ??
What does "taking Russian money" mean?
Maybe you should ask Donnie jr, or Paul manafort.

About Manifort...

Do you think the threats CNN made against the families of the jurors got back to the jury? Do you think you have tampered with the trial enough to coerce a guilty verdict?

IF as everyone expects. Manifort is acquitted, how will you traitors react? What does this mean for the coup you are staging?

Now Manifort is subject to double jeopardy, the Inquisition took a shit on the Constitution long ago. So maybe if you try him a few dozens times on the same charges, you can get the verdict you seek?

Still. a loss in this first, legitimate trial will be a serious blow to you traitors.
Threats CNN made against the families of the jurors? :cuckoo:

Oh, the Marxist media didn't report on this?


In a motion filed in federal court on Thursday, CNN and several other media outlets requested that the court release the names and home addresses of all jurors in the Paul Manafort fraud case. Jurors have not yet rendered a verdict on any of the 18 charges against Manafort, who briefly served as President Donald Trump's campaign manager in 2016.

The motion — filed on behalf of CNN, Washington Post, BuzzFeed, POLITICO, New York Times, NBC Universal, and the Associated Press — asks the court to provide to the media organizations the full names and home addresses of the men and women who were summoned and selected by the federal government to serve as jurors in Manafort's fraud case.

Wow. So now they've gotten into the jury-tampering business. They're more interested in who the jury is than the trial itself.

And that may well be because they suspect that Manafort, whose real crime seems to be serving as Donald Trump's campaign manager, will walk.}


Jurors in the trial of ex-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort were sent home for the weekend, as the judge in the fraud trial revealed Friday he has received threats over the case and now travels with U.S. Marshals.

U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III, in rejecting a motion to release juror information to the media, argued that he's confident the jurors would be threatened as well if their information were to be made public.

“I can tell you there have been [threats]. ... I don't feel right if I release their names,” he said, adding that because of threats against him, “The Marshals go where I go.”

The startling revelation came as the jury completed its second day of deliberations without a verdict. The jury will reconvene Monday.

Ellis, a famously prickly judge known for his colorful comments, has attracted considerable attention during the Manafort trial for his frequent sparring with the attorneys -- particularly those on Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team.

Earlier Friday morning, Ellis acknowledged facing pushback about how he’s handled this case. He told attorneys “I’m no stranger to criticism,” but said “this case has brought it to a new level.”

The juror motion itself was filed by multiple news organizations – the Washington Post, New York Times, AP, CNN, NBC, Politico and BuzzFeed. They sought to unseal records in the case, including information about the jurors.}

Judge in Manafort trial says he's been threatened over case

The Marxist press tried to get the home addresses of the Jurors so they could tamper with the trial.

This is just how you Stalinists act.

BINGO. But one must give them 10 points for consistency. The Manafort show trial is completely Stalinesque, so it's no wonder that the jury is being threatened.
WHAT did trump give russia then for bailing him out or now when he kisses putin ass?? and makes war on our Intel people ?is this all part of MAGA ??? lol lol,,,TRump is a vile lowlife thief who throws shit up against the wall to confuse dotards
Do you think Intel can't have a swamp ?? You sure are a big supporter of all things government... Were you always this way ??
What does "taking Russian money" mean?
Maybe you should ask Donnie jr, or Paul manafort.

About Manifort...

Do you think the threats CNN made against the families of the jurors got back to the jury? Do you think you have tampered with the trial enough to coerce a guilty verdict?

IF as everyone expects. Manifort is acquitted, how will you traitors react? What does this mean for the coup you are staging?

Now Manifort is subject to double jeopardy, the Inquisition took a shit on the Constitution long ago. So maybe if you try him a few dozens times on the same charges, you can get the verdict you seek?

Still. a loss in this first, legitimate trial will be a serious blow to you traitors.
Threats CNN made against the families of the jurors? :cuckoo:

Oh, the Marxist media didn't report on this?


In a motion filed in federal court on Thursday, CNN and several other media outlets requested that the court release the names and home addresses of all jurors in the Paul Manafort fraud case. Jurors have not yet rendered a verdict on any of the 18 charges against Manafort, who briefly served as President Donald Trump's campaign manager in 2016.

The motion — filed on behalf of CNN, Washington Post, BuzzFeed, POLITICO, New York Times, NBC Universal, and the Associated Press — asks the court to provide to the media organizations the full names and home addresses of the men and women who were summoned and selected by the federal government to serve as jurors in Manafort's fraud case.

Wow. So now they've gotten into the jury-tampering business. They're more interested in who the jury is than the trial itself.

And that may well be because they suspect that Manafort, whose real crime seems to be serving as Donald Trump's campaign manager, will walk.}


Jurors in the trial of ex-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort were sent home for the weekend, as the judge in the fraud trial revealed Friday he has received threats over the case and now travels with U.S. Marshals.

U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III, in rejecting a motion to release juror information to the media, argued that he's confident the jurors would be threatened as well if their information were to be made public.

“I can tell you there have been [threats]. ... I don't feel right if I release their names,” he said, adding that because of threats against him, “The Marshals go where I go.”

The startling revelation came as the jury completed its second day of deliberations without a verdict. The jury will reconvene Monday.

Ellis, a famously prickly judge known for his colorful comments, has attracted considerable attention during the Manafort trial for his frequent sparring with the attorneys -- particularly those on Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team.

Earlier Friday morning, Ellis acknowledged facing pushback about how he’s handled this case. He told attorneys “I’m no stranger to criticism,” but said “this case has brought it to a new level.”

The juror motion itself was filed by multiple news organizations – the Washington Post, New York Times, AP, CNN, NBC, Politico and BuzzFeed. They sought to unseal records in the case, including information about the jurors.}

Judge in Manafort trial says he's been threatened over case

The Marxist press tried to get the home addresses of the Jurors so they could tamper with the trial.

This is just how you Stalinists act.
Any threats should be recorded in print or audio, and people should go to jail immediately. It shouldn't matter who or how powerful they are. Their doors should be knocked down in the middle of the night, and they should be arrested for jury tampering, obstruction of justice, and what ever else applies.
Thank you, here is a review of "House of Trump House of Putin" for those interested. The willfully ignorant are now invited to push the funny button:

Review | Signs of Trump-Putin collaboration, starting years before the campaign?
Book says Trump was taking Russian money way back?? Oh no .......Trump is a traitor Russia put one of their own in our WH
What does "taking Russian money" mean? Are you suffering from the delusion that it's illegal to do business with Russians?
You never heard of money laundering ??? Mueller has experts on the subject working on just that Don't you feel humiliated yet ?? What will it take for you to realize this ah in our WH is a lowlife crook?
There is nothing that will lead to such realization. Conservatism is a cult. Never before has there been more evidence

Then do present this evidence, fucking liar?
The evidence is the fact that you rightards give trump a pass on anything and everything he does. Even trump acknowledges he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose any support. Conservatism is a cult and you're a member of that herd.
Last edited:
Book says Trump was taking Russian money way back?? Oh no .......Trump is a traitor Russia put one of their own in our WH
What does "taking Russian money" mean? Are you suffering from the delusion that it's illegal to do business with Russians?
You never heard of money laundering ??? Mueller has experts on the subject working on just that Don't you feel humiliated yet ?? What will it take for you to realize this ah in our WH is a lowlife crook?
There is nothing that will lead to such realization. Conservatism is a cult. Never before has there been more evidence

Then do present this evidence, fucking liar?
The evidence is the fact that you rightards give trump a pass on anything and everything he does. Conservatism is a cult and you're a member of that herd.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal PROJECTION ^^^
Book says Trump was taking Russian money way back?? Oh no .......Trump is a traitor Russia put one of their own in our WH
What does "taking Russian money" mean? Are you suffering from the delusion that it's illegal to do business with Russians?
You never heard of money laundering ??? Mueller has experts on the subject working on just that Don't you feel humiliated yet ?? What will it take for you to realize this ah in our WH is a lowlife crook?
There is nothing that will lead to such realization. Conservatism is a cult. Never before has there been more evidence

Then do present this evidence, fucking liar?
I marvel at the way Faux and Edward behave as if all their accusations against Trump are irrefutable facts. They like the lunatics who believe they are Napoleon and expect everyone to kneel before them. They fly into fits of rage when their subjects refuse to behave as expected.
Oh? Of what crime have I accused trump of committing?
What does "taking Russian money" mean? Are you suffering from the delusion that it's illegal to do business with Russians?
You never heard of money laundering ??? Mueller has experts on the subject working on just that Don't you feel humiliated yet ?? What will it take for you to realize this ah in our WH is a lowlife crook?
There is nothing that will lead to such realization. Conservatism is a cult. Never before has there been more evidence

Then do present this evidence, fucking liar?
The evidence is the fact that you rightards give trump a pass on anything and everything he does. Conservatism is a cult and you're a member of that herd.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal PROJECTION ^^^

Spits a 4 year old with her rendition of, I know you are but what am I?

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