"You have humiliated us"

I knew you wouldn't explain it.
I wasn't asked to explain it. But I think it refers to nefarious lending, illegal payments, money laundering through trump properties, andillegal, structured and layered donations to the Trump campaign using third parties like the NRA.

Thanks for asking.
Can you prove any of these occurred? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I didn't think so.
I can't. That is what law enforcement does.

So your slander is as credible as claims that Obama rapes donkeys?

You think as long as you make accusations, then all is good. No need for evidence, your hate is enough.
Is there someone else on this thread after iceberg's "Try not to like..." post?
He didn't try to "get away" with anything. He was giving his opinion, based on freely public information, and based on his many years of experience with Russia et al. He did not violate any of the rules for revoking a clearance. Indeed, why would he think he would lose his security clearance when no President has ever sought to do this before. Ever.

You're right, he got fired for lying to Congress among other things. John Brennan can still express his opinion, based on freely public information, with the same many years of experience today as he had yesterday. So nothing changed there. There are guidelines administered by the Executive Branch and not rules (of which I don't have a problem with Mr. Brennan appealing and making a fool out of himself). It doesn't matter whether or not another President has done it, that doesn't mean the current one cannot.

If you want to be mad, well you just go ahead and be mad :21:
he got fired for lying to Congress among other things.
No, he wasn't. You are the one lying, not Brennan. He served as the Director of the CIA until the changing of the guard in 2017. HE WAS NOT FIRED for lying.
Book says Trump was taking Russian money way back?? Oh no .......Trump is a traitor Russia put one of their own in our WH
What does "taking Russian money" mean? Are you suffering from the delusion that it's illegal to do business with Russians?
You never heard of money laundering ??? Mueller has experts on the subject working on just that Don't you feel humiliated yet ?? What will it take for you to realize this ah in our WH is a lowlife crook?
There is nothing that will lead to such realization. Conservatism is a cult. Never before has there been more evidence
Everything Trump haters believe is based on no evidence whatsoever. Whenever they are asked about the evidence, they say "getting the evidence is not my job." Mueller will get the evidence. Thus they get to accuse Trump of crimes for which there isn't a shred of proof.
According to the right, who needs evidence? According to the right, it’s for the benefit of America.

Lock him up!

The right?

We aren't the ones making allegations, fucking liar.

You Communist scum keep making all sorts of absurd claims, but never have even a hint of evidence to back up your fucking lies.

Hate is enough for you traitors, but we normals demand evidence, fucking liar.
"You Put Your Politics Before Us" - Benghazi Survivor Lashes Out At Brennan As Former CIA Boss Says 'May Sue Trump'

Remember when two Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee called for Brennan's resignation in 2014 when the CIA was busted spying on Congress?

Sen. Mark Udall (D-Colo.) became the first senator to make the call when he issued a statement declaring that he had "no choice but to call for the resignation of CIA Director John Brennan."
“The CIA unconstitutionally spied on Congress by hacking into Senate Intelligence Committee computers,” he said.

This grave misconduct not only is illegal, but it violates the U.S. Constitution’s requirement of separation of powers,” Udall continued. “These offenses, along with other errors in judgment by some at the CIA, demonstrate a tremendous failure of leadership, and there must be consequences.”

Remember in 2013 when the New York Times published Glenn Greenwald's op-ed entitled "By Nominating John Brennan, Obama Is Ignoring War Crimes" ?

Greenwald describes how Brennan's support for Bush-admin-era "torture, rendition and warrantless eavesdropping" were criminal acts, and that:

"following Obama's lead, the country has decided to ignore the fact that it committed grievous crimes as part of the "War on Terror." Obama's Orwellian decree that we must "look forward, not backward" has convinced huge numbers of citizens to sweep this all under the rug and pretend it never happened. That is what explains how Brennan went from radioactive and unconfirmable in 2008 to uncontroversial in 2013." -Glenn Greenwald via NYT
I see. So it was Trump's duty to revoke his security clearance AFTER he was retired, to show him what for.
I get it.
Try speaking to what really happened here.
Try not to like and hate people only when it suits your purpose.
I have no idea what you're talking about, Hilda.
You never heard of money laundering ??? Mueller has experts on the subject working on just that Don't you feel humiliated yet ?? What will it take for you to realize this ah in our WH is a lowlife crook?
There is nothing that will lead to such realization. Conservatism is a cult. Never before has there been more evidence
Everything Trump haters believe is based on no evidence whatsoever. Whenever they are asked about the evidence, they say "getting the evidence is not my job." Mueller will get the evidence. Thus they get to accuse Trump of crimes for which there isn't a shred of proof.
Do some reading Bri Get an education about the slimebag you support

House of Trump, House of Putin: The Untold Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia
Craig UngerAugust 14, 2018
Penguin Random House Audio
Narrated by Jason Culp

11 hr 43 min
Switch to the ebook

"The story Unger weaves with those earlier accounts and his original reporting is fresh, illuminating and more alarming than the intelligence channel described in the Steele dossier."—The Washington Post

House of Trump, House of Putin
offers the first comprehensive investigation into the decades-long relationship among Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, and the Russian Mafia that ultimately helped win Trump the White House.

It is a chilling story that begins in the 1970s, when Trump made his first splash in the booming, money-drenched world of New York real estate, and ends with Trump’s inauguration as president of the United States. That moment was the culmination of Vladimir Putin’s long mission to undermine Western democracy, a mission that he and his hand-selected group of oligarchs and Mafia kingpins had ensnared Trump in, starting more than twenty years ago with the massive bailout of a string of sensational Trump hotel and casino failures in Atlantic City. This book confirms the most incredible American paranoias about Russian malevolence.

To most, it will be a hair-raising revelation that the Cold War did not end in 1991—that it merely evolved, with Trump’s apartments offering the perfect vehicle for billions of dollars to leave the collapsing Soviet Union. In House of Trump, House of Putin, Craig Unger methodically traces the deep-rooted alliance between the highest echelons of American political operatives and the biggest players in the frightening underworld of the Russian Mafia. He traces Donald Trump’s sordid ascent from foundering real estate tycoon to leader of the free world. He traces Russia’s phoenixlike rise from the ashes of the post–Cold War Soviet Union as well as its ceaseless covert efforts to retaliate against the West and reclaim its status as a global superpower.

Without Trump, Russia would have lacked a key component in its attempts to return to imperial greatness. Without Russia, Trump would not be president. This essential book is crucial to understanding the real powers at play in the shadows of today’s world.

So where's the evidence, dumbass?
Do you really need it presented to you on a silver platter?? The evidence is out there Put it together


So then fucking liar, you have no evidence at all.

eddie, you're a fucking liar and a fucking traitor, you have no worth as a human.
"You Put Your Politics Before Us" - Benghazi Survivor Lashes Out At Brennan As Former CIA Boss Says 'May Sue Trump'

Remember when two Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee called for Brennan's resignation in 2014 when the CIA was busted spying on Congress?

Sen. Mark Udall (D-Colo.) became the first senator to make the call when he issued a statement declaring that he had "no choice but to call for the resignation of CIA Director John Brennan."
“The CIA unconstitutionally spied on Congress by hacking into Senate Intelligence Committee computers,” he said.

This grave misconduct not only is illegal, but it violates the U.S. Constitution’s requirement of separation of powers,” Udall continued. “These offenses, along with other errors in judgment by some at the CIA, demonstrate a tremendous failure of leadership, and there must be consequences.”

Remember in 2013 when the New York Times published Glenn Greenwald's op-ed entitled "By Nominating John Brennan, Obama Is Ignoring War Crimes" ?

Greenwald describes how Brennan's support for Bush-admin-era "torture, rendition and warrantless eavesdropping" were criminal acts, and that:

"following Obama's lead, the country has decided to ignore the fact that it committed grievous crimes as part of the "War on Terror." Obama's Orwellian decree that we must "look forward, not backward" has convinced huge numbers of citizens to sweep this all under the rug and pretend it never happened. That is what explains how Brennan went from radioactive and unconfirmable in 2008 to uncontroversial in 2013." -Glenn Greenwald via NYT

Zero Hedge?
I'd say you need to go to a recent Rand Corporation report: And think about deleting your post.
Russian Social Media Influence; From Pages 12-13:
In the first step, false or misleading content is created by Russian-
affiliated media outlets, such as RT, Sputnik News, and Russia Insider;
Russia-friendly media outlets, such as True Pundit; user-generated
media sites, such as YouTube; and “leaks” from hackers, such as Fancy
Bear (also known as APT28) or Guccifer 2.0. Second, force multi-
pliers, such as trolls and bots, disseminate and amplify this content,
adding fear-mongering commentary. Third, mutually reinforcing ;
digital entities pick up and perpetuate the narrative, whether they are ideo-
logically friendly or simply fall under the category of “useful idiots.”
These entities include news aggregators, far-right or far-left sites, blogs,
and users drawn in by click bait headlines that reinforce their previously-
held beliefs, in addition to media outlets that frequently echo the
Kremlin line but are not obviously affiliated with Russia, such as Zero
Hedge (PropOrNot Team, 2016). Figure 2.2 shows the insular and circular nature of Zero Hedge’s referrer network Image
But what would be the criteria used to revoke it. Security Clearances are not like presidential appointments. They are not granted or removed at the pleasure of the president. After leaving goverment service, clearances are suspended and if they're not reinstated within several years, they are deleted. You revoke a clearance because of security violations, drug or alcohol abuse, sexual activity, work with a foreign government, etc..
What are the Guidelines for Revoking a Security Clearance? - ClearanceJobs

I have already covered that, instead of asking me, you should have read the guidelines and figured out the one's no one is arguing he violated. Not to mention that the guidelines are determined and administered by the Executive Branch.
If he did not violate any of the 13 criteria for revoking a clearance, then the clearance can not be revoked. The government could suspend the clearance which is what they do when people leave employment with a clearance. That actually might make sense. The clearance could be reinstate easily if the intelligence community needs the person's help and Trump could declare victory over those that criticism his decisions.

As far as changing the rules, Trump would surely not be so stupid as to make criticizing the president grounds for pulling a security clearance. On second thought, maybe he would.
Everything Trump haters believe is based on no evidence whatsoever. Whenever they are asked about the evidence, they say "getting the evidence is not my job." Mueller will get the evidence. Thus they get to accuse Trump of crimes for which there isn't a shred of proof.
Do some reading Bri Get an education about the slimebag you support

House of Trump, House of Putin: The Untold Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia
Craig UngerAugust 14, 2018
Penguin Random House Audio
Narrated by Jason Culp

11 hr 43 min
Switch to the ebook

"The story Unger weaves with those earlier accounts and his original reporting is fresh, illuminating and more alarming than the intelligence channel described in the Steele dossier."—The Washington Post

House of Trump, House of Putin
offers the first comprehensive investigation into the decades-long relationship among Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, and the Russian Mafia that ultimately helped win Trump the White House.

It is a chilling story that begins in the 1970s, when Trump made his first splash in the booming, money-drenched world of New York real estate, and ends with Trump’s inauguration as president of the United States. That moment was the culmination of Vladimir Putin’s long mission to undermine Western democracy, a mission that he and his hand-selected group of oligarchs and Mafia kingpins had ensnared Trump in, starting more than twenty years ago with the massive bailout of a string of sensational Trump hotel and casino failures in Atlantic City. This book confirms the most incredible American paranoias about Russian malevolence.

To most, it will be a hair-raising revelation that the Cold War did not end in 1991—that it merely evolved, with Trump’s apartments offering the perfect vehicle for billions of dollars to leave the collapsing Soviet Union. In House of Trump, House of Putin, Craig Unger methodically traces the deep-rooted alliance between the highest echelons of American political operatives and the biggest players in the frightening underworld of the Russian Mafia. He traces Donald Trump’s sordid ascent from foundering real estate tycoon to leader of the free world. He traces Russia’s phoenixlike rise from the ashes of the post–Cold War Soviet Union as well as its ceaseless covert efforts to retaliate against the West and reclaim its status as a global superpower.

Without Trump, Russia would have lacked a key component in its attempts to return to imperial greatness. Without Russia, Trump would not be president. This essential book is crucial to understanding the real powers at play in the shadows of today’s world.

So where's the evidence, dumbass?
Do you really need it presented to you on a silver platter?? The evidence is out there Put it together
It's out there but you can't describe it in a post on this forum? Why is it always someone else's job to dig up the evidence of Trump's guilt?

There is no evidence, dirtbag.
Fucking moron, if Mueller didn’t have evidence of Trump’s corruption, Trump wouldn’t be freaking out like he is.



Trump's not the one freaking out, Fawn.

This whole farce that is the Inquisition is designed to distract from the criminal acts that are standard operating procedure in the FSB, CIA, NSA, and DOJ.

It's not working. America sees who the crooks and traitors are; McCabe, Strzok, Brennan, Comey, Clapper. This whole charade you traitors have conducted is purely to draw attention away.

You fucking traitors were so sure that you had rigged the election for Hillary that you failed to cover up all the crimes you've been engaged in. Now you panic and send in Torquemada to make a show.

McCabe, referred for criminal prosecution. Strzok, referred for criminal prosecution. Brennan, stripped of clearance and under investigation for perjury and espionage. Lynch, under investigation for obstruction of justice and witness tampering.

We know who is freaked out, fucking liar. You traitors face a reckoning.
What does "taking Russian money" mean?
Maybe you should ask Donnie jr, or Paul manafort.

About Manifort...

Do you think the threats CNN made against the families of the jurors got back to the jury? Do you think you have tampered with the trial enough to coerce a guilty verdict?

IF as everyone expects. Manifort is acquitted, how will you traitors react? What does this mean for the coup you are staging?

Now Manifort is subject to double jeopardy, the Inquisition took a shit on the Constitution long ago. So maybe if you try him a few dozens times on the same charges, you can get the verdict you seek?

Still. a loss in this first, legitimate trial will be a serious blow to you traitors.
Threats CNN made against the families of the jurors? :cuckoo:
We are getting off topic guys - this is about Trump removing security clearances.

100% true but removing security clearance comes with several tentacles that came from within. Started by Trumpy.

It’s like giving an ugly dirty (Trump ) dog a bath. You have to use high pressure water hose to remove the glue ( dirtyness ), bleach then soap. So his followers hopefully will understand what it means. But STILL they think it’s normal.
What does "taking Russian money" mean?
Maybe you should ask Donnie jr, or Paul manafort.

About Manifort...

Do you think the threats CNN made against the families of the jurors got back to the jury? Do you think you have tampered with the trial enough to coerce a guilty verdict?

IF as everyone expects. Manifort is acquitted, how will you traitors react? What does this mean for the coup you are staging?

Now Manifort is subject to double jeopardy, the Inquisition took a shit on the Constitution long ago. So maybe if you try him a few dozens times on the same charges, you can get the verdict you seek?

Still. a loss in this first, legitimate trial will be a serious blow to you traitors.
"CNN made against the families of the jurors"
Got a link for that claim?:linky:
Do some reading Bri Get an education about the slimebag you support

House of Trump, House of Putin: The Untold Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia
Craig UngerAugust 14, 2018
Penguin Random House Audio
Narrated by Jason Culp

11 hr 43 min
Switch to the ebook

"The story Unger weaves with those earlier accounts and his original reporting is fresh, illuminating and more alarming than the intelligence channel described in the Steele dossier."—The Washington Post

House of Trump, House of Putin
offers the first comprehensive investigation into the decades-long relationship among Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, and the Russian Mafia that ultimately helped win Trump the White House.

It is a chilling story that begins in the 1970s, when Trump made his first splash in the booming, money-drenched world of New York real estate, and ends with Trump’s inauguration as president of the United States. That moment was the culmination of Vladimir Putin’s long mission to undermine Western democracy, a mission that he and his hand-selected group of oligarchs and Mafia kingpins had ensnared Trump in, starting more than twenty years ago with the massive bailout of a string of sensational Trump hotel and casino failures in Atlantic City. This book confirms the most incredible American paranoias about Russian malevolence.

To most, it will be a hair-raising revelation that the Cold War did not end in 1991—that it merely evolved, with Trump’s apartments offering the perfect vehicle for billions of dollars to leave the collapsing Soviet Union. In House of Trump, House of Putin, Craig Unger methodically traces the deep-rooted alliance between the highest echelons of American political operatives and the biggest players in the frightening underworld of the Russian Mafia. He traces Donald Trump’s sordid ascent from foundering real estate tycoon to leader of the free world. He traces Russia’s phoenixlike rise from the ashes of the post–Cold War Soviet Union as well as its ceaseless covert efforts to retaliate against the West and reclaim its status as a global superpower.

Without Trump, Russia would have lacked a key component in its attempts to return to imperial greatness. Without Russia, Trump would not be president. This essential book is crucial to understanding the real powers at play in the shadows of today’s world.

So where's the evidence, dumbass?
Do you really need it presented to you on a silver platter?? The evidence is out there Put it together
It's out there but you can't describe it in a post on this forum? Why is it always someone else's job to dig up the evidence of Trump's guilt?

There is no evidence, dirtbag.
Fucking moron, if Mueller didn’t have evidence of Trump’s corruption, Trump wouldn’t be freaking out like he is.



Trump's not the one freaking out, Fawn.

This whole farce that is the Inquisition is designed to distract from the criminal acts that are standard operating procedure in the FSB, CIA, NSA, and DOJ.

It's not working. America sees who the crooks and traitors are; McCabe, Strzok, Brennan, Comey, Clapper. This whole charade you traitors have conducted is purely to draw attention away.

You fucking traitors were so sure that you had rigged the election for Hillary that you failed to cover up all the crimes you've been engaged in. Now you panic and send in Torquemada to make a show.

McCabe, referred for criminal prosecution. Strzok, referred for criminal prosecution. Brennan, stripped of clearance and under investigation for perjury and espionage. Lynch, under investigation for obstruction of justice and witness tampering.

We know who is freaked out, fucking liar. You traitors face a reckoning.

Yes Trump is freaking out. Worse that an idiot. Normally even an idiot should remain quiet. It s like those criminals on the court I DIDNT DO IT.
But every day he is acting like guilty. I can guarantee you 100% that all of his lawyers are telling him to STFU.
"You Put Your Politics Before Us" - Benghazi Survivor Lashes Out At Brennan As Former CIA Boss Says 'May Sue Trump'

Remember when two Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee called for Brennan's resignation in 2014 when the CIA was busted spying on Congress?

Sen. Mark Udall (D-Colo.) became the first senator to make the call when he issued a statement declaring that he had "no choice but to call for the resignation of CIA Director John Brennan."
“The CIA unconstitutionally spied on Congress by hacking into Senate Intelligence Committee computers,” he said.

This grave misconduct not only is illegal, but it violates the U.S. Constitution’s requirement of separation of powers,” Udall continued. “These offenses, along with other errors in judgment by some at the CIA, demonstrate a tremendous failure of leadership, and there must be consequences.”

Remember in 2013 when the New York Times published Glenn Greenwald's op-ed entitled "By Nominating John Brennan, Obama Is Ignoring War Crimes" ?

Greenwald describes how Brennan's support for Bush-admin-era "torture, rendition and warrantless eavesdropping" were criminal acts, and that:

"following Obama's lead, the country has decided to ignore the fact that it committed grievous crimes as part of the "War on Terror." Obama's Orwellian decree that we must "look forward, not backward" has convinced huge numbers of citizens to sweep this all under the rug and pretend it never happened. That is what explains how Brennan went from radioactive and unconfirmable in 2008 to uncontroversial in 2013." -Glenn Greenwald via NYT
I see. So it was Trump's duty to revoke his security clearance AFTER he was retired, to show him what for.
I get it.
Try speaking to what really happened here.
Try not to like and hate people only when it suits your purpose.
I have no idea what you're talking about, Hilda.
Color me surprised.
"You Put Your Politics Before Us" - Benghazi Survivor Lashes Out At Brennan As Former CIA Boss Says 'May Sue Trump'

Remember when two Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee called for Brennan's resignation in 2014 when the CIA was busted spying on Congress?

Sen. Mark Udall (D-Colo.) became the first senator to make the call when he issued a statement declaring that he had "no choice but to call for the resignation of CIA Director John Brennan."
“The CIA unconstitutionally spied on Congress by hacking into Senate Intelligence Committee computers,” he said.

This grave misconduct not only is illegal, but it violates the U.S. Constitution’s requirement of separation of powers,” Udall continued. “These offenses, along with other errors in judgment by some at the CIA, demonstrate a tremendous failure of leadership, and there must be consequences.”

Remember in 2013 when the New York Times published Glenn Greenwald's op-ed entitled "By Nominating John Brennan, Obama Is Ignoring War Crimes" ?

Greenwald describes how Brennan's support for Bush-admin-era "torture, rendition and warrantless eavesdropping" were criminal acts, and that:

"following Obama's lead, the country has decided to ignore the fact that it committed grievous crimes as part of the "War on Terror." Obama's Orwellian decree that we must "look forward, not backward" has convinced huge numbers of citizens to sweep this all under the rug and pretend it never happened. That is what explains how Brennan went from radioactive and unconfirmable in 2008 to uncontroversial in 2013." -Glenn Greenwald via NYT

Zero Hedge?
I'd say you need to go to a recent Rand Corporation report: And think about deleting your post.
Russian Social Media Influence; From Pages 12-13:
In the first step, false or misleading content is created by Russian-
affiliated media outlets, such as RT, Sputnik News, and Russia Insider;
Russia-friendly media outlets, such as True Pundit; user-generated
media sites, such as YouTube; and “leaks” from hackers, such as Fancy
Bear (also known as APT28) or Guccifer 2.0. Second, force multi-
pliers, such as trolls and bots, disseminate and amplify this content,
adding fear-mongering commentary. Third, mutually reinforcing ;
digital entities pick up and perpetuate the narrative, whether they are ideo-
logically friendly or simply fall under the category of “useful idiots.”
These entities include news aggregators, far-right or far-left sites, blogs,
and users drawn in by click bait headlines that reinforce their previously-
held beliefs, in addition to media outlets that frequently echo the
Kremlin line but are not obviously affiliated with Russia, such as Zero
Hedge (PropOrNot Team, 2016). Figure 2.2 shows the insular and circular nature of Zero Hedge’s referrer network Image
Is the information incorrect?
Brennan has lied about spying on Congress to the public and the media. And WORSE he marketed the phony as shit Hillary/Russian document to the public 2 weeks before the election as an official "intel document". His role in that will be proved to be seditious in short order. "Telling it like it is" my ass.. He can rant all he wants. Only reason he's on TV daily is because his ass is gonna get put into interrogation soon.

I love the way you on Left now LOVE the CIA operating domestically in the USA. You hypocrites have come a LONG way since you ENDED Domestic American spying and pranking by the Intel agencies in the 70s. Now they are your friendly political pitbull..

I love how you Little Trumpsters almost ejaculate accusing anyone who highlights Trump’s incompetence and dishonesty, but completely ignore Trump verified pathological lies.
You have zero credibility and live in the land of hypocrisy.

I think equating exaggerating the size of his audiences PALLS COMPLETELY in comparison to an organized by you own US Intel agencies to influence an election..

I can survive a politician or entreprenuer lying and exaggerating. What Brennan was part this country MIGHT NOT survive. Orders of magnitude more troubling to find a concerted effort to stymie an opposition candidate using the awesome Intel powers of this country and then COORDINATING with the media and the opposition party to bring him down.

Priorities man. Priorities. Not even a Trump fan. If holdover Intel Imbeds in the Intel area did these things to punk OBAMA as he ran and got elected --- there'd Still be riots and blood in the streets. But you got the heavy artillery of the MSMedia on your side. Only reason you don't know shit about the seriousness of the situation...You've been kept in the dark and FED daily shit about Bunnies and porn stars and Omarosa.. Like GOOD mushrooms..,.

Clearly I disagree. IMO Brennan is a patriot, and seeks to protect our democracy and its people from the "Evil Empire". There is no doubt in my mind that Russia attempted and succeeded in influencing our election by demeaning HRC, and supporting Trump.

The theory that Putin & his agents worded to have HRC lose is obvious; she was a hawk and stood up to Putin in his quest to expand Russia to its past empire.

The theory that Putin has something on Trump is very credible too, given Trump's money issues and lounge lizard behavior.

maga! Mueller ain't going anywhere, so none of us ought to pretend we know what his investigation will tell; one thing for sure, it maybe a "witch hunt" in Trump's mind, and the minds of his supporters, but I suspect several more warlocks will be found before the 2020 general election.

Holes in your scenario.

1. Russia's alleged actions were pretty minor. A few trolls and some leaked emails. Hardly the stuff to sway many votes.

2. Hillary was an heavy favorite. Given what everyone knew prior to the election, it would have been very unlikely that a few trolls and a few leaked emails could have effected the outcome. It is not likely that Putin would have considered that an achievable goal.

3. Putin does not have anything on Trump.

I don't consider hacking minor.

Well, in the matter of relations between nations, it is minor. YOu don't start down a path of conflict, without serous provocation and serious thought about whether the conflict in in the interests of your nation.

YOu are willing to risk war, in the pursuit of short term political advantage.
Hiryuu do you really believe all repubs hate our media and intel people?? I don't and believe they'll be voting for Dems at least in the House

What I believe about the media, the Republicans, Democrats, and all but a select few in the Intelligence Community (precisely the ones that control security clearances) will in no way obligate the US Government to maintain John Brennan's security clearance.

Note: You may notice that if you remove the one thing you keep saying shouldn't be considered, all you are left with is a never ending cycle of "nothing obligates the US Government to maintain John Brennan's security clearance". If you want to remove the politics from the decision, then remove it and deal with what you are left with. You aren't pissed about politics entering the decision to yank John Brennan's security clearance, you're pissed because he lost a pissing contest with the President.
There is NO OBLIGATION I agree Are you satisfied now?? Now lets see how the intel community takes it We already have a hint
It doesn't matter how they take it. They follow orders or they are out the door.
BUT was it obligated to take them from him for political reasons? Our framers had TRUMP in mind when they gave us the impeachment process
I don't think John Brennan's political stance obligates the US government to maintain his security clearance. How the President feels about John Brennan's political stance doesn't obligate the US Government to maintain his security clearance. I understand you are pissed John Brennan got his wee-wee caught in his zipper trying to have a pissing contest with the President. The utter ignorance in that would suggest it might not be a good idea to trust him with sensitive material.
Trump's actions are those of a vindictive president who is incapable of responding to critics other than attacking them.

Taking clearances away from former Intelligence people does not silence them nor damage them in any way. The clearance is not so much a benefit to the person. It’s more of a benefit to the particular government officials that would need some insight from times prior to them taking office. A person with a security clearance after leaving office doesn’t necessarily have access to any classified information unless a current agency requests it because access is on a need to know basis.

In other words, removing security clearances from former top intelligence officials creates a potential problem for the Intelligence community while giving these people a stronger voice to attack the president's policies. :cuckoo:
What's wrong with attacking your critics? It seems like the best strategy to me. Your theory that he should stand there and take it is absurd.

Revoking Brennan's security clearance is no problem for the intelligence community. He's a traitor who will never be asked for his advice or input on any matter whatsoever. His rants in the media have demonstrated beyond all doubt that his advice is idiotic and worthless
I believe that more than half the voting public, those voting for Hillary, will listen quite closely to what Brennan will say Of course we know repub ears will be clogged

None of which will ever obligate the US Government to maintain John Brennan's security clearance.

By this time, you should be noticing that you really have nothing to offer as an argument. John Brennan screwed up, overplayed his hand, and got smacked for it. The crying he or anyone else wants to engage in probably has more to do with why John Brennan thought his stupid ass could get away with it. Certainly not a reason that would encourage me to recommend maintaining his security clearance.
Lets see how far his law suits might go
Nowhere. Everyone who knows anything about the matter has already agreed that Trump has every right to revoke Brennan's security clearance.
So your advice is for all intelligence people to keep their mouths shut and swear to trump loyalty...?

My advice would be:

"If you get into a pissing contest with the person who controls your ability to maintain your security clearance and it gets yanked, don't start crying just because you chose to slam your dick in a door".
Why? A security clearance is not a benefit to the person granted the clearance but for agency that needs their help.

It would be interesting to see which of the 13 criteria for revoking a security clearances is being specified and no pissing off the president is not one of them.
What are the Guidelines for Revoking a Security Clearance? - ClearanceJobs
The president doesn't need a criteria, nimrod.

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