You Know It Backfired Badly: Biden Now Desperately Trying to Backpedal His Despicable Speech

Lol, no rightwinger as an American I want you to live a happy normal life. It's you loons that want to shut the rest of us up. See the difference?

I don’t mind when you wear silly red hats and drool over everything Trump says

But when you accept his stolen election lies and use them to justify an attack on Congress you become a threat to our country



So, now Biden says he doesn’t think Trump supporters are enemies or terrorists unless they question the election, so there’s that. A genuine walking back, huh?Last night Joey went whole hog evil and it didn’t work because he’s an insecure, weak, and stupid man. If he believed a word he said it would be imperative to the safety of the Republic that he forcefully reiterate his claims when called upon to do so. He didn’t because he’s a coward
Everything Biden says, everything, he takes back the next day?

Government by indecision? :102:

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