You Know It Backfired Badly: Biden Now Desperately Trying to Backpedal His Despicable Speech

So what is a MAGA Republican?! You mean like the 1/1000th of 1% (even less) who went to the Capitol that day? If so, it makes no sense for Biden to go on prime time, when there was no breaking news, to vilify a teensy, eensy number of people on the right as if there’s such a major threat.

Or, if a MAGA Republican is one who believes the election was unfair, we have about 50 million Americans (or 60 million if you count Independents) whom he is castigating as traitors. That’s a pretty horrific assault for a U.S. president to take on 40% of American voters.

There is no reasonable way to defend how Biden behaved Thursday night. If he had half his brain, he would have realized that his speech was written by far-leftists who will stop at nothing to attack Americans who won’t go along with their “transformation.”
There is no thinking human who can find that speech acceptable.

So anyone saying otherwise you know they are either lying - talking in pure bad faith - or just a scripted bot.
What a fucking asswipe.

You know any MAGA Republicans who didn't vote for Trump?

Neither do I, dipstick.
No, but i know plenty of non-MAGA Republicans who voted for Trump. Biden wasn't talking about them.

Are you intentionally stupid?
So what is a MAGA Republican?!
Someone willing to ignore the actual votes and install their choice instead. Like Mastriano:

He has vowed, if elected, to throw out all current voter registrations and to appoint a like-minded secretary of state, who could reverse election results. “As governor, I get to appoint the secretary of state,” he said recently, on a far-right radio show. “And I have a voting-reform-minded individual who’s been travelling the nation and knows voting reform extremely well.”

He has also threatened to dismantle the mechanics of voting in Pennsylvania. “With the stroke of a pen, I can decertify every single machine in the state,” he has said.


You Know It Backfired Badly:

Biden Now Desperately Trying to Backpedal His Despicable Speech​

1 Sep 2022 ~~ By Nick Arama

Joe Biden is getting all kinds of backlash from the despicable speech he delivered last night at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, attacking millions of Americans who want to “Make America Great Again” and supporting President Donald Trump.

We covered some of the hot takes, with many people comparing his unprecedented attacks to Communist or Nazi-like tactics, Biden acting like the fascist he was accusing others of being. They also hit on the visuals with the improper use of the Marines and the evil blood-red backdrop.
Among the hot take was Trump who chastised Biden for essentially threatening Americans and saying if Biden doesn’t want to make America great again he shouldn’t be representing America. Trump also called going after Americans like that insane.
Even CNN bashed Biden for the use of the Marines in such a speech. On the other hand, CNN also reportedly softened the look of the visuals so it didn’t look as bad.
Biden continued to backpedal from the Independence Hall speech. “When people voted for Donald Trump and support him now, they weren’t voting for attacking the capitol, they weren’t voting for overruling an election. They were voting for a philosophy that he put forward.” He claimed that he was just talking about the failure to acknowledge when elections were won.
Too late, we heard what you said, you very much were attacking all those people who did nothing to deserve it, who aren’t violent or extremist, but whom you essentially declared Enemies of the State.
Biden today: "I don't consider any Trump supporter a threat to the country. Biden last night: "Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic."
— Washington Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) September 2, 2022
Biden today: "I don't consider any Trump supporter to be a threat to the country."​
Biden yesterday:
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) September 2, 2022
So he just wants us to pretend he didn’t say it and ignore everything he said last night? What kind of ridiculous administration is this? They can’t even do evil oppressive government right, they’re that messed up.
But you know what a failure this all was when he immediately has to backtrack from it the next morning.

So, now Biden says he doesn’t think Trump supporters are enemies or terrorists unless they question the election, so there’s that. A genuine walking back, huh?Last night Joey went whole hog evil and it didn’t work because he’s an insecure, weak, and stupid man. If he believed a word he said it would be imperative to the safety of the Republic that he forcefully reiterate his claims when called upon to do so. He didn’t because he’s a coward

Nope...he was spot on.....
Someone willing to ignore the actual votes and install their choice instead. Like Mastriano:

He has vowed, if elected, to throw out all current voter registrations and to appoint a like-minded secretary of state, who could reverse election results. “As governor, I get to appoint the secretary of state,” he said recently, on a far-right radio show. “And I have a voting-reform-minded individual who’s been travelling the nation and knows voting reform extremely well.”

He has also threatened to dismantle the mechanics of voting in Pennsylvania. “With the stroke of a pen, I can decertify every single machine in the state,” he has said.

Any leftist article that refers to a candidate as an “insurrectionist“ loses all credibility, as the writer is just as likely to reinterpret the truth with other things, as well.
No, but i know plenty of non-MAGA Republicans who voted for Trump. Biden wasn't talking about them.

Are you intentionally stupid?
Still doesn’t make sense. Why would a U.S. president go on national TV during prime time, when he has no special news to announce or explain, simply to villify such a minute number of Americans?

And really, any U.S. president should not go on national TV to villify any Americans, no matter how small the group.

The Dems have seen that the MAL raid has backfired, so they went on another attack. This one backfired too. These idiot Dems can’t do anything.
9:mad:Nobody tried to kill the VP on J6, you very low IQ, and therefore very easily brainwashed by the fake news, TDS afflicted moron.

You're so fucking stupid that you cannot even comprehend the fact that you're an easily brainwashed moron.
You think an election was stolen but I'm the moron? Real TDS is the nonsense you believe for no other reason than your man crush on "find me 11, 780 votes". The WaPo editorial has exposed the Trump thugs as the King and Queen of Snowflakes. Your feelings were hurt. Poor poor 👶
So he made his speech about 200 people out of 75 million Trump voters? He made it sound like a lot more than that.
The 850 arrested were supported by 10s of thousands in the street and millions at home. Buy a newspaper once in a while and you'll know these things. Tens of millions of cretins think he actually won an election and they believe it for no other reason than he said it.
The 850 arrested were supported by 10s of thousands in the street and millions at home. Buy a newspaper once in a while and you'll know these things. Tens of millions of cretins think he actually won an election and they believe it for no other reason than he said it.
OK….so now we’ve moved back again. You’re claiming the sitting U.S. President WAS calling tens of millions of Americans traitors to the country. Absolutely shameful.

And people don’t believe the election was stolen because Trump said so. You just think so because you’re an arrogant leftist who think 50 million people are….what did you call us….oh, yeah.,..CRETINS.

We saw and heard all the anomalies and unfair methods with our own eyes and ears. You arrogant snobs will NOT get away with it again.

You Know It Backfired Badly:

Biden Now Desperately Trying to Backpedal His Despicable Speech​

1 Sep 2022 ~~ By Nick Arama

Joe Biden is getting all kinds of backlash from the despicable speech he delivered last night at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, attacking millions of Americans who want to “Make America Great Again” and supporting President Donald Trump.

We covered some of the hot takes, with many people comparing his unprecedented attacks to Communist or Nazi-like tactics, Biden acting like the fascist he was accusing others of being. They also hit on the visuals with the improper use of the Marines and the evil blood-red backdrop.
Among the hot take was Trump who chastised Biden for essentially threatening Americans and saying if Biden doesn’t want to make America great again he shouldn’t be representing America. Trump also called going after Americans like that insane.
Even CNN bashed Biden for the use of the Marines in such a speech. On the other hand, CNN also reportedly softened the look of the visuals so it didn’t look as bad.
Biden continued to backpedal from the Independence Hall speech. “When people voted for Donald Trump and support him now, they weren’t voting for attacking the capitol, they weren’t voting for overruling an election. They were voting for a philosophy that he put forward.” He claimed that he was just talking about the failure to acknowledge when elections were won.
Too late, we heard what you said, you very much were attacking all those people who did nothing to deserve it, who aren’t violent or extremist, but whom you essentially declared Enemies of the State.
Biden today: "I don't consider any Trump supporter a threat to the country. Biden last night: "Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic."
— Washington Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) September 2, 2022
Biden today: "I don't consider any Trump supporter to be a threat to the country."​
Biden yesterday:
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) September 2, 2022
So he just wants us to pretend he didn’t say it and ignore everything he said last night? What kind of ridiculous administration is this? They can’t even do evil oppressive government right, they’re that messed up.
But you know what a failure this all was when he immediately has to backtrack from it the next morning.

So, now Biden says he doesn’t think Trump supporters are enemies or terrorists unless they question the election, so there’s that. A genuine walking back, huh?Last night Joey went whole hog evil and it didn’t work because he’s an insecure, weak, and stupid man. If he believed a word he said it would be imperative to the safety of the Republic that he forcefully reiterate his claims when called upon to do so. He didn’t because he’s a coward

Biden was right on the money and he wasn't back-peddling shit! You MAGA mother-fuckers need to own up for the shit you do!
You think an election was stolen but I'm the moron? Real TDS is the nonsense you believe for no other reason than your man crush on "find me 11, 780 votes". The WaPo editorial has exposed the Trump thugs as the King and Queen of Snowflakes. Your feelings were hurt. Poor poor 👶
Hey moron, Joe Biden is on video confessing that his camp had the largest voter fraud cartel in the history of American politics.

But mentally ill deniers of reality here such as yourself just continue to pretend that never happened even when the damning video is shown to you.

You Know It Backfired Badly:

Biden Now Desperately Trying to Backpedal His Despicable Speech​

1 Sep 2022 ~~ By Nick Arama

Joe Biden is getting all kinds of backlash from the despicable speech he delivered last night at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, attacking millions of Americans who want to “Make America Great Again” and supporting President Donald Trump.

We covered some of the hot takes, with many people comparing his unprecedented attacks to Communist or Nazi-like tactics, Biden acting like the fascist he was accusing others of being. They also hit on the visuals with the improper use of the Marines and the evil blood-red backdrop.
Among the hot take was Trump who chastised Biden for essentially threatening Americans and saying if Biden doesn’t want to make America great again he shouldn’t be representing America. Trump also called going after Americans like that insane.
Even CNN bashed Biden for the use of the Marines in such a speech. On the other hand, CNN also reportedly softened the look of the visuals so it didn’t look as bad.
Biden continued to backpedal from the Independence Hall speech. “When people voted for Donald Trump and support him now, they weren’t voting for attacking the capitol, they weren’t voting for overruling an election. They were voting for a philosophy that he put forward.” He claimed that he was just talking about the failure to acknowledge when elections were won.
Too late, we heard what you said, you very much were attacking all those people who did nothing to deserve it, who aren’t violent or extremist, but whom you essentially declared Enemies of the State.
Biden today: "I don't consider any Trump supporter a threat to the country. Biden last night: "Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic."
— Washington Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) September 2, 2022
Biden today: "I don't consider any Trump supporter to be a threat to the country."​
Biden yesterday:
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) September 2, 2022
So he just wants us to pretend he didn’t say it and ignore everything he said last night? What kind of ridiculous administration is this? They can’t even do evil oppressive government right, they’re that messed up.
But you know what a failure this all was when he immediately has to backtrack from it the next morning.

So, now Biden says he doesn’t think Trump supporters are enemies or terrorists unless they question the election, so there’s that. A genuine walking back, huh?Last night Joey went whole hog evil and it didn’t work because he’s an insecure, weak, and stupid man. If he believed a word he said it would be imperative to the safety of the Republic that he forcefully reiterate his claims when called upon to do so. He didn’t because he’s a coward

He probably had no idea what he was saying. his handlers gave him the speech and he read it off the teleprompter.

The next day one of his handlers told him what he said in the speech and that America was calling him Hitler.


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