You Know It Backfired Badly: Biden Now Desperately Trying to Backpedal His Despicable Speech

Just like everyone was hollering illegitimate president in 2016. Riots in Washington DC. You're such a hypocrite.

I didn’t see Democrats trying to stop the election

That would be MAGA Fascists
Neither I, nor my party are rioting in your neighborhood
Some of them marched through my neighborhood a while back, screaming No Borders or No Peace! I stayed in the house and called the cops….this is a nice, private, residential neighborhood, and we don’t need left-wing loons disturbing the peace at 11 pm.
Some of them marched through my neighborhood a while back, screaming No Borders or No Peace! I stayed in the house and called the cops….this is a nice, private, residential neighborhood, and we don’t need left-wing loons disturbing the peace at 11 pm.
This new practice of demonstrators going into residential areas and yelling and terrorizing, no permits, no nothing --- all leftists, of course --- is going to start a war, IMO.
This new practice of demonstrators going into residential areas and yelling and terrorizing, no permits, no nothing --- all leftists, of course --- is going to start a war, IMO.
And why would they come to my neighborhood in the first place? It’s not like protesting in front of City Hall to voice your opinion to elected officials.

They were just being obnoxious leftists, with no respect for anyone.
Some of them marched through my neighborhood a while back, screaming No Borders or No Peace! I stayed in the house and called the cops….this is a nice, private, residential neighborhood, and we don’t need left-wing loons disturbing the peace at 11 pm.

Did they storm your house and chant……HANG Lisa558!

No, that would be MAGA

Eight months of riots were paid for and enabled by the Democratic National Committee.

If you voted for those bastards, you're one of them.

Own it, fucktard.
Now you are just making shit up
Trump didn't stop the election dumbass. He wanted to see the evidence that proved the Democrats stole the election. As you did.


That was Trumps order

He wanted them to stop the certification of Joe Biden and that is what they did
Did they storm your house and chant……HANG Lisa558!

No, that would be MAGA
No, they didn’t show up on my front law, equipped with weapons to kill. That would be a leftist.

But at least the leftists didn’t set fires and throw rocks through the window and assault anyone walking in the street and loot the stores up the block. Those would be BLM.
Now you are just making shit up
Typical myopic leftist ^^^ whose narrow view of the world goes as far as CNN tells him and no farther.

No, actually, the documented proof has been in the public domain for a very long time.

Marc Elias and them tried to scrub it, but they didn't get there in time.

The whole entire Democratic party is one big gigantic criminal conspiracy. Like Tammany Hall. A "machine".

Well, now they got monkey wrenches. It won't be long before the whole thing comes apart and the oil starts oozing out of it.
Typical myopic leftist ^^^ whose narrow view of the world goes as far as CNN tells him and no farther.

No, actually, the documented proof has been in the public domain for a very long time.

Marc Elias and them tried to scrub it, but they didn't get there in time.

The whole entire Democratic party is one big gigantic criminal conspiracy. Like Tammany Hall. A "machine".

Well, now they got monkey wrenches. It won't be long before the whole thing comes apart and the oil starts oozing out of it.
Yet, I don’t see you actually providing any proof

I will wait….
Any leftist article that refers to a candidate as an “insurrectionist“ loses all credibility, as the writer is just as likely to reinterpret the truth with other things, as well.
Translation: "I just cannot deal with facts!!!"

What makes it a "leftist article"? Facts.
What makes him an insurrectionist? Trying to stop the legal, peaceful transfer of power in a violent attack.

Joe Biden’s Nuremburg Rally

4 Sep 2022 ~~ By Derek Hunter

It’s times like this where you have get creative with your word choices. I can’t simply write that the President of the United States can go (BLANK) himself, as much as I’d like to (and have said it out loud multiple times in my adults only “Week in F*cking Review” podcast) because there are editorial standards that forbid obscenities. I can, however, say that this senile, old, racist, sexist, probable and accused daughter molesting, alleged staffer sexually assaulting, con man who somehow managed to own multiple mansions while earning the salary of a “public servant” can go intercourse himself. I can say that because the only part that is opinion is end, all the descriptors are things you can easily find out on your own. The last part is what this worthless pile of a post-digested dinner deserves.
Joe Biden is a horrible, corrupt person. It takes a special kind of stupid to look at the actions and words of this evil opportunist and cheer them. While he accuses his opponents of being fascists, Adolf Biden is actually advocating the policies, and engaging in the tactics of the National SOCIALIST German Workers Party and it ain’t the side interested in individual liberty and the United States Constitution.
Adolf Biden insists disagreement with him is a “threat to democracy.” As he paints those of us who oppose him as a threat he is painting a bullseye on our backs, on your back. Make no mistake, what this rear-end sphincter is doing is risking your life because he’s threatening it.
You should definitely hit them back, hard. But you should do it in the only place that really counts. No, not the part that likes it when Biden smells the hair of young girls or how Jill dresses like a teenage Russian prostitute (someone should really explore why that’s Hunter Biden’s thing because I suspect it’d be pretty disturbing and possibly illegal), I’m talking about the ballot box. Throw these exit points for solid human waste out of the only thing they really covet: power. Do so in such overwhelming numbers that they can’t cheat their way to victory, can’t lie their way over the finish line. Democrats can’t just be beaten, they need to be destroyed.
They hate you, hate them back. But channel that hate into action, into November. That’s what Democrats fear more than anything. Give it to them.

It's plainly apparent that Joey Biden's speech at Independmce hall was.Hitleresque Nurnburg rally. The Nazis hated Americans, the “Democrats” hate Americans. The Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies are the new Nazis. Antifa is their stor,troopers and the FBI is their Gestapo.
While Biden clearly made a choreographed Hitleresque like speech, he did it in a studio in front of only a few carefully screened people. If he had tried to speak in an open stadium with thousands of unscreened Americans, he would have been drowned out by “Let’s go Brandon” and other chants. Hitler spoke before a huge crowd and was able to tap into the receptive barbarian core of the Germans.
What comes next? Does Joey precipitate a second Reichstag fire out of minor disturbances caused by election fraud protestors.

That was Trumps order

He wanted them to stop the certification of Joe Biden and that is what they did
Ok drama queen, no such thing happened. Some trespassers were let in. The only violence came from antifa. Trump was still giving his speech when it started. You idiots can't even get the timing right when you start a fake riot.
Ok drama queen, no such thing happened. Some trespassers were let in. The only violence came from antifa. Trump was still giving his speech when it started. You idiots can't even get the timing right when you start a fake riot.

Fascist MAGA forces smashed their way into the Capitol, assaulted Capitol Police trying to contain them and hunted for available Congress members

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