You Know...Sean Spicer Isn't The Problem

Was Sean Spicer The Problem?

  • Yes, and Anthony Scarmucci is the solution

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Yes, but Anthony Scarmucci isn't the solution

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, but Anthony Scarmucci is an improvement

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • No, and Anthony Scarmucci is a downgrade

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • No, doesn't matter who you put in that position, Trump is the problem

    Votes: 10 71.4%

  • Total voters
Trump is.

No one can defend the ridiculousless, wrecklessness, and downright dangerous things Trump does.

Do you really think this Scarmucci will do much better?

Is he the magic man for the job?

Personally, I don't think the man will last long either.

How many of you are willing to put your head on the chopping block for him?

Post your support for him if you believe that Sean Spicer was the Problem and Anthony Scarmucci is the solution.
Kelly Ann Conway is the only Trump whisperer who got him to behave, for a short time anyway. She's still there but he stopped listening a long time ago. I thought maybe when Melania came down to D.C. she'd settle him down, but no.
Trump is gonna be Trump, and it sure isn't the fault of anyone on his staff or his communications director.
Trump is.

No one can defend the ridiculousless, wrecklessness, and downright dangerous things Trump does.

Do you really think this Scarmucci will do much better?

Is he the magic man for the job?

Personally, I don't think the man will last long either.

How many of you are willing to put your head on the chopping block for him?

Post your support for him if you believe that Sean Spicer was the Problem and Anthony Scarmucci is the solution.
Anyone who hitches their wagon to the hellbound horse that is Trump is part of the problem.

Spicer is a lickspittle. He does not get off the hook for being the confused propaganda mouthpiece of Dear Leader.
I dunno. He was not as openly antagonistic to the press as Conway or Huckababy.
Trump is.

No one can defend the ridiculousless, wrecklessness, and downright dangerous things Trump does.

Do you really think this Scarmucci will do much better?

Is he the magic man for the job?

Personally, I don't think the man will last long either.

How many of you are willing to put your head on the chopping block for him?

Post your support for him if you believe that Sean Spicer was the Problem and Anthony Scarmucci is the solution.
You could have MENTIONED that Spicer resigned. I didn't know that.
Trump really isn't the problem either...they'll always be jackasses that want to be President....

The problem is the millions of Americans that were stupid enough to vote for Trump.

That is the real issue!!!

I agree.

We will survive trump but the trumpanzees will still be here and they will still be chipping away at democracy, the working class, the constitution. And they'll be be blaming Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims for their own failures.
Trump is.

No one can defend the ridiculousless, wrecklessness, and downright dangerous things Trump does.

Do you really think this Scarmucci will do much better?

Is he the magic man for the job?

Personally, I don't think the man will last long either.

How many of you are willing to put your head on the chopping block for him?

Post your support for him if you believe that Sean Spicer was the Problem and Anthony Scarmucci is the solution.
Kelly Ann Conway is the only Trump whisperer who got him to behave, for a short time anyway. She's still there but he stopped listening a long time ago. I thought maybe when Melania came down to D.C. she'd settle him down, but no.
Trump is gonna be Trump, and it sure isn't the fault of anyone on his staff or his communications director.
As Much as you guys like to rail on Trump, look where SOFT and FLACCID got you after 8 years.

  • North Korea increasingly aggressive and dangerous.
  • China walking all over us.
  • Iran with Nuclear Weapons
  • ISIS and The Middle East In Flames when it was stabilized and progressing
  • Racial Divisions and Hatred, and Radical Groups popping up everywhere.
  • A war on Law Enforcement with regular assassinations of police
  • Cities like Ferguson in flames, and Chicago awash in flying lead like a swarm of mosquitoes.
  • A Health Insurance Plan that is Neither Affordable Nor Available to anyone.
  • Russia bullying everyone over in the former Western Block.
  • NATO countries not pulling their weight.
  • Illegals pouring over the border and on to our welfare roles.
  • Increases in Foreign Based Criminal Gangs
  • Increases in Jihadist Domestic Terrorist Groups.
  • Increases Meth and Heroine coming across the Mexican Border
  • 1% GDP Growth over 8 years.
  • Record numbers of people on welfare
  • Record numbers of people on food stamps
  • Record level of poverty for Children
  • Record number of workers falling off of the unemployment statistic and on to The Non Participant stat.
  • Record number of home foreclosures
  • Record number of business foreclosures
  • Record number of outsourced jobs, and businesses moving operations over seas, or the HQs off shore to avoid punitive taxation and regulation.
  • Record number of regulations created by bureaucrats not accountable to The Voters.
  • Obama was certainly a Record Breaker and a Law Breaker.
  • Record number of scandals swept under the rug by his corrupt DOJ, and FBI

This is no time for a Metrosexual like Obama, or a Corrupt Pliable Hag like Hillary who sells access to The White House, State Department, or whatever you may be interested in.

We need an SOB like Teddy Roosevelt.
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Trump is.

No one can defend the ridiculousless, wrecklessness, and downright dangerous things Trump does.

Do you really think this Scarmucci will do much better?

Is he the magic man for the job?

Personally, I don't think the man will last long either.

How many of you are willing to put your head on the chopping block for him?

Post your support for him if you believe that Sean Spicer was the Problem and Anthony Scarmucci is the solution.

No.....Trump has been relying on establisment republicans too much....Sessions, Priebus, spicer....Just like Lincoln had to rely on the establishment Generals at the beginning of the Civil War......

Trump needs fighter...competent fighters...and Spicer may have been fine handling soft ball questions for the Republican National Committee....but Trump needs a fighter who knows how to effectively deal with the democrat controlled press....

I like Huckabees daughter...she is good at dealing with the assholes in the press room and doesn't look like Spicer, the way he looked like a deer in the headlights....
Trump is.

No one can defend the ridiculousless, wrecklessness, and downright dangerous things Trump does.

Do you really think this Scarmucci will do much better?

Is he the magic man for the job?

Personally, I don't think the man will last long either.

How many of you are willing to put your head on the chopping block for him?

Post your support for him if you believe that Sean Spicer was the Problem and Anthony Scarmucci is the solution.
Kelly Ann Conway is the only Trump whisperer who got him to behave, for a short time anyway. She's still there but he stopped listening a long time ago. I thought maybe when Melania came down to D.C. she'd settle him down, but no.
Trump is gonna be Trump, and it sure isn't the fault of anyone on his staff or his communications director.
As Much as you guys like to rail on Trump, look where SOFT and FLACCID got you after 8 years.

  • North Korea increasingly aggressive and dangerous.
  • China walking all over us.
  • Iran with Nuclear Weapons
  • ISIS and The Middle East In Flames when it was stabilized and progressing
  • Racial Divisions and Hatred, and Radical Groups popping up everywhere.
  • A war on Law Enforcement with regular assassinations of police
  • Cities like Ferguson in flames, and Chicago awash in flying lead like a swarm of mosquitoes.
  • A Health Insurance Plan that is Neither Affordable Nor Available to anyone.
  • Russia bullying everyone over in the former Western Block.
  • NATO countries not pulling their weight.
  • Illegals pouring over the border and on to our welfare roles.
  • Increases in Foreign Based Criminal Gangs
  • Increases in Jihadist Domestic Terrorist Groups.
  • Increases Meth and Heroine coming across the Mexican Border
  • 1% GDP Growth over 8 years.
  • Record numbers of people on welfare
  • Record numbers of people on food stamps
  • Record level of poverty for Children
  • Record number of workers falling off of the unemployment statistic and on to The Non Participant stat.
  • Record number of home foreclosures
  • Record number of business foreclosures
  • Record number of outsourced jobs, and businesses moving operations over seas, or the HQs off shore to avoid punitive taxation and regulation.
  • Record number of regulations created by bureaucrats not accountable to The Voters.
  • Obama was certainly a Record Breaker and a Law Breaker.
  • Record number of scandals swept under the rug by his corrupt DOJ, and FBI

This is no time for a Metrosexual like Obama, or a Corrupt Pliable Hag like Hillary who sells access to The White House, State Department, or whatever you may be interested in.

We need an SOB like Teddy Roosevelt.

Not only the above, but the heartbreak if psoriasis is up 33% and bad hair days are up 22%. Parking spaces in front of super markets are getting smaller, and the price of sourdough bread has increased by 11% in the last 10 years. Trump is the one to turn this all around!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trump is.

No one can defend the ridiculousless, wrecklessness, and downright dangerous things Trump does.

Do you really think this Scarmucci will do much better?

Is he the magic man for the job?

Personally, I don't think the man will last long either.

How many of you are willing to put your head on the chopping block for him?

Post your support for him if you believe that Sean Spicer was the Problem and Anthony Scarmucci is the solution.
Kelly Ann Conway is the only Trump whisperer who got him to behave, for a short time anyway. She's still there but he stopped listening a long time ago. I thought maybe when Melania came down to D.C. she'd settle him down, but no.
Trump is gonna be Trump, and it sure isn't the fault of anyone on his staff or his communications director.
As Much as you guys like to rail on Trump, look where SOFT and FLACCID got you after 8 years.

  • North Korea increasingly aggressive and dangerous.
  • China walking all over us.
  • Iran with Nuclear Weapons
  • ISIS and The Middle East In Flames when it was stabilized and progressing
  • Racial Divisions and Hatred, and Radical Groups popping up everywhere.
  • A war on Law Enforcement with regular assassinations of police
  • Cities like Ferguson in flames, and Chicago awash in flying lead like a swarm of mosquitoes.
  • A Health Insurance Plan that is Neither Affordable Nor Available to anyone.
  • Russia bullying everyone over in the former Western Block.
  • NATO countries not pulling their weight.
  • Illegals pouring over the border and on to our welfare roles.
  • Increases in Foreign Based Criminal Gangs
  • Increases in Jihadist Domestic Terrorist Groups.
  • Increases Meth and Heroine coming across the Mexican Border
  • 1% GDP Growth over 8 years.
  • Record numbers of people on welfare
  • Record numbers of people on food stamps
  • Record level of poverty for Children
  • Record number of workers falling off of the unemployment statistic and on to The Non Participant stat.
  • Record number of home foreclosures
  • Record number of business foreclosures
  • Record number of outsourced jobs, and businesses moving operations over seas, or the HQs off shore to avoid punitive taxation and regulation.
  • Record number of regulations created by bureaucrats not accountable to The Voters.
  • Obama was certainly a Record Breaker and a Law Breaker.
  • Record number of scandals swept under the rug by his corrupt DOJ, and FBI

This is no time for a Metrosexual like Obama, or a Corrupt Pliable Hag like Hillary who sells access to The White House, State Department, or whatever you may be interested in.

We need an SOB like Teddy Roosevelt.
and I never read posters who are in Obama's pants.
Trump really isn't the problem either...they'll always be jackasses that want to be President....

The problem is the millions of Americans that were stupid enough to vote for Trump.

That is the real issue!!!

I agree.

We will survive trump but the trumpanzees will still be here and they will still be chipping away at democracy, the working class, the constitution. And they'll be be blaming Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims for their own failures.
like trump supporters are any more anti-constitution than the dems...NOT
All the hysteria and hand ringing about how dangerous Trump is to the nation and the world and yet in the six months he has been President not one major catastrophe has befallen either because of him.
I'll miss Spicey, replacing his nervous breakdowns will be hard to do.
Trump really isn't the problem either...they'll always be jackasses that want to be President....

The problem is the millions of Americans that were stupid enough to vote for Trump.

That is the real issue!!!

I agree.

We will survive trump but the trumpanzees will still be here and they will still be chipping away at democracy, the working class, the constitution. And they'll be be blaming Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims for their own failures.

Clinton Administration officials said today that they would almost certainly reject an application from the Nation of Islam and its leader, Louis Farrakhan, to be allowed to accept a donation of more than $1 billion from Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi of Libya.

Mr. Farrakhan defended the gift today and said he would mount a vigorous fight if the Government barred it.

''We will fight for what we believe is our legal right,'' Mr. Farrakhan told a news conference in Chicago, ''and I will go across the nation stirring up not only my own people, but all those who would benefit from it.''

''We are not terrorists,'' Mr. Farrakhan said. ''We are not trying to do anything against the good of America. What we want to do is good for our people and ultimately good for our nation.'' Officials to Block Qaddafi Gift to Farrakhan

“We have to bring them to heel”: Watch a decade of Hillary Clinton’s shameful hypocrisy on racism “We have to bring them to heel”: Watch a decade of Hillary Clinton’s shameful hypocrisy on racism

It seem as if everytime when there are opportunities for Blacks, to be emancipated from White's control, that they always falls back into their clutches. Now the Blacks has someone to liberate them, but they are being deceived by others that are claiming that they are their White Messiah, and some are being deceived by their own kind. That is why that they are being treated as ignorant fools, that it is because that they lets them to be treated that away. But I guess that it is the curse of Ham that they are still in the condition that they are in.

The Congressional Black Caucus that they are there to help Blacks to heel to the Whites. They were never meant to help the Blacks to come up at all. Because this country needs someone at the bottom, to do anything for a buck. The Blacks are very energetic. That they can have sex with many of Whites in one single hour. If they performs sexual favors to hundred White Guys in a day, then that will be a hundred dollars that they can buy drugs with.


Genesis 9:25 he said, “Cursed be Canaan! The lowest of slaves will he be to his brothers.”
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All the hysteria and hand ringing about how dangerous Trump is to the nation and the world and yet in the six months he has been President not one major catastrophe has befallen either because of him.

Agreed. Trump's reelection campaign motto should be, "Has not yet destroyed the nation!"
All the hysteria and hand ringing about how dangerous Trump is to the nation and the world and yet in the six months he has been President not one major catastrophe has befallen either because of him.

Agreed. Trump's reelection campaign motto should be, "Has not yet destroyed the nation!"
Better than the Democrtas 2018 slogan A Better Deal, Better Skills, Better Jobs, Better Wages. The best they could do is rip off Papa John's Better Ingredients, Better Pizza.
Look another Hillary lost butt hurt thread. Just think at least four probably eight more years of this. What a great country we live in!
Trump really isn't the problem either...they'll always be jackasses that want to be President....

The problem is the millions of Americans that were stupid enough to vote for Trump.

That is the real issue!!!

I agree.

We will survive trump but the trumpanzees will still be here and they will still be chipping away at democracy, the working class, the constitution. And they'll be be blaming Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims for their own failures.

Clinton Administration officials said today that they would almost certainly reject an application from the Nation of Islam and its leader, Louis Farrakhan, to be allowed to accept a donation of more than $1 billion from Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi of Libya.

Mr. Farrakhan defended the gift today and said he would mount a vigorous fight if the Government barred it.

''We will fight for what we believe is our legal right,'' Mr. Farrakhan told a news conference in Chicago, ''and I will go across the nation stirring up not only my own people, but all those who would benefit from it.''

''We are not terrorists,'' Mr. Farrakhan said. ''We are not trying to do anything against the good of America. What we want to do is good for our people and ultimately good for our nation.'' Officials to Block Qaddafi Gift to Farrakhan

“We have to bring them to heel”: Watch a decade of Hillary Clinton’s shameful hypocrisy on racism “We have to bring them to heel”: Watch a decade of Hillary Clinton’s shameful hypocrisy on racism

It seem as if everytime when there are opportunities for Blacks, to be emancipated from White's control, that they always falls back into their clutches. Now the Blacks has someone to liberate them, but they are being deceived by others that are claiming that they are their White Messiah, and some are being deceived by their own kind. That is why that they are being treated as ignorant fools, that it is because that they lets them to be treated that away. But I guess that it is the curse of Ham that they are still in the condition that they are in.

The Congressional Black Caucus that they are there to help Blacks to heel to the Whites. They were never meant to help the Blacks to come up at all. Because this country needs someone at the bottom, to do anything for a buck. The Blacks are very energetic. That they can have sex with many of Whites in one single hour. If they performs sexual favors to hundred White Guys in a day, then that will be a hundred dollars that they can buy drugs with.


Genesis 9:25 he said, “Cursed be Canaan! The lowest of slaves will he be to his brothers.”

Does anyone know what this guy is ranting about?
Trump really isn't the problem either...they'll always be jackasses that want to be President....

The problem is the millions of Americans that were stupid enough to vote for Trump.

That is the real issue!!!

I agree.

We will survive trump but the trumpanzees will still be here and they will still be chipping away at democracy, the working class, the constitution. And they'll be be blaming Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims for their own failures.

Clinton Administration officials said today that they would almost certainly reject an application from the Nation of Islam and its leader, Louis Farrakhan, to be allowed to accept a donation of more than $1 billion from Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi of Libya.

Mr. Farrakhan defended the gift today and said he would mount a vigorous fight if the Government barred it.

''We will fight for what we believe is our legal right,'' Mr. Farrakhan told a news conference in Chicago, ''and I will go across the nation stirring up not only my own people, but all those who would benefit from it.''

''We are not terrorists,'' Mr. Farrakhan said. ''We are not trying to do anything against the good of America. What we want to do is good for our people and ultimately good for our nation.'' Officials to Block Qaddafi Gift to Farrakhan

“We have to bring them to heel”: Watch a decade of Hillary Clinton’s shameful hypocrisy on racism “We have to bring them to heel”: Watch a decade of Hillary Clinton’s shameful hypocrisy on racism

It seem as if everytime when there are opportunities for Blacks, to be emancipated from White's control, that they always falls back into their clutches. Now the Blacks has someone to liberate them, but they are being deceived by others that are claiming that they are their White Messiah, and some are being deceived by their own kind. That is why that they are being treated as ignorant fools, that it is because that they lets them to be treated that away. But I guess that it is the curse of Ham that they are still in the condition that they are in.

The Congressional Black Caucus that they are there to help Blacks to heel to the Whites. They were never meant to help the Blacks to come up at all. Because this country needs someone at the bottom, to do anything for a buck. The Blacks are very energetic. That they can have sex with many of Whites in one single hour. If they performs sexual favors to hundred White Guys in a day, then that will be a hundred dollars that they can buy drugs with.


Genesis 9:25 he said, “Cursed be Canaan! The lowest of slaves will he be to his brothers.”

Does anyone know what this guy is ranting about?

I was responding to what UDDLY NEDDITE SAID:.

I agree.

We will survive trump but the trumpanzees will still be here and they will still be chipping away at democracy, the working class, the constitution. And they'll be be blaming Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims for their own failures

Nobody is not trying to blame anyone except for bad politicians. The same Bad politicians that has been in power for years, that are now claiming that they love everybody, even if they are Black or Brown. That they had plenty of time to show their love for them. But when Pres. Trump has won, that they decided to show their love to them. They are going around telling them, " We love you, and now let's get Pres,trump out from office". And some of them, Blacks and Browns. That they are saying to Hillary's clan, "That it is so touching, that you said that you love us. And so , what do you want us to do". And now you know that if someone falls for Hillary's clan blowing kisses at them, that they doesn't has any sense at all. And so Hillary's clan should not be trying to pull out the race card. That anybody that is on the side of Hillary, is the real racist. Which they are trying to use Blacks as fools.


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