You KNOW she HAS to be P.O.ed!

LOL, deflection noted. The question was Nancy and Ronnie.

From all accounts I have read Nancy and Ron loved all their kids, not sure why a mother wouldn't love their child if they were conservative.
Tell that to estranged daughter Patti.

Patti Davis: I viewed my mom, Nancy Reagan, through a 'forgiving lens'
Thank you for confirming that the CON$ervoFascist Reagan's had problems with their Liberal and forgiving daughter.

By Patti's account however their relationship was good in the end. I know that pisses you off but that is life.
Only because Patti, like a good Liberal, chose to be forgiving once her father got Alzheimer's.
From all accounts I have read Nancy and Ron loved all their kids, not sure why a mother wouldn't love their child if they were conservative.
Tell that to estranged daughter Patti.

Patti Davis: I viewed my mom, Nancy Reagan, through a 'forgiving lens'
Thank you for confirming that the CON$ervoFascist Reagan's had problems with their Liberal and forgiving daughter.

By Patti's account however their relationship was good in the end. I know that pisses you off but that is life.
Only because Patti, like a good Liberal, chose to be forgiving once her father got Alzheimer's.
Believe what you need to believe you partisans only have your hate.
"Susan Rice told the magazine her political differences with her son are not an issue.

“I love him very much and I’m very proud of him,” she said. “And even though we may differ on substantive issues — many substantive issues, not all — that doesn’t get in the way of my ability to support and encourage him and love him the way you would hope any parent would.”

Now then, how do the Reagan's feel about Ron, their Atheist son?

I don't know, they're dead.
See? It killed them.
Thank you for confirming that the CON$ervoFascist Reagan's had problems with their Liberal and forgiving daughter.

By Patti's account however their relationship was good in the end. I know that pisses you off but that is life.
Only because Patti, like a good Liberal, chose to be forgiving once her father got Alzheimer's.
Believe what you need to believe you partisans only have your hate.
You are projecting again.
Thank you for confirming that the CON$ervoFascist Reagan's had problems with their Liberal and forgiving daughter.

By Patti's account however their relationship was good in the end. I know that pisses you off but that is life.
Only because Patti, like a good Liberal, chose to be forgiving once her father got Alzheimer's.
Believe what you need to believe you partisans only have your hate.
You are projecting again.

So you have no comeback, disappointing.
Thank you for confirming that the CON$ervoFascist Reagan's had problems with their Liberal and forgiving daughter.

By Patti's account however their relationship was good in the end. I know that pisses you off but that is life.
Only because Patti, like a good Liberal, chose to be forgiving once her father got Alzheimer's.
Believe what you need to believe you partisans only have your hate.
You are projecting again.

So you have no comeback, disappointing.
Why would I need a "comeback" to your projections???
He's an adult and can decide for himself.

Seems he decided his mothers liberal standpoint wasn't his.

Good for him.
Erm, this is about like threads on president's kids. I don't care. You shouldn't do that.
This isn't about a President's kid. This isn't even about Rice's kid, and it sure isn't a post attacking Rice's kid. This is about RICE and how after helping in the Conspiracy against the current President it must irk the $h!t out of her to have sired a Trump supporter. :p
Go figure that kids rebel against their parents and do the opposite. Keep that in mind, snowflakes. :04:
I guess Susan Rice is a terrible parent :dunno:
Not at all. Her guidance and the way she has lived her life helped her son make awesome decisions in life and succeed. :p

He’s a college student. Other than going to college, he’s not made any decisions about life.

David Frum’s mother Was June Callwood was the leading feminist in Canada for many years and a founder of the National Organization of Women She expressed great pride in her son and all that he accomplished.

So no, mothers aren’t pissed when their son makes up his own mind about what he believes and supports.
He’s a college student. Other than going to college, he’s not made any decisions about life.

Bwuhahahaha..... And you deduced this based on WHAT exactly.

You seem to be saying that his choice of ideology was an insignificant choice.

This adult college student, growing up under the influence of his parents and inundated by liberal / progressive ideology, propaganda, and pressure in liberal ideology / influence-dominated college institutions, has REJECTED that Liberal / Progressive ideology.

Ideology, much like one's faith / religion / or decision to not subscribe to any religion IS a LIFE decision. It is one of the guides in your life that helps decide what decisions you are going to make.
By Patti's account however their relationship was good in the end. I know that pisses you off but that is life.
Only because Patti, like a good Liberal, chose to be forgiving once her father got Alzheimer's.
Believe what you need to believe you partisans only have your hate.
You are projecting again.

So you have no comeback, disappointing.
Why would I need a "comeback" to your projections???

Lol! Think what you need to think cupcake, it looks like you are out of ammo.
I don’t hate people because of their political alliance, I liked Obama, hated his policies, I like Trump though I hate the way he executes his plans and his constant Twitter BS.

Your hate is out here all the time. I simply choose to not hate people, it is a waste of my time and energy, I think that is why I think you are so amusing it consumes you. You hang off of every word Trump and Limbaugh say, I turn off Trump all the time to watch sports or go do something enjoyable, I haven’t listened to Limbaugh in decades, yet your hate let’s them consume you.

Good luck with that, I’m off to work for my half day and then on to my weekend.

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