You know what I want from my government?

Yeah. No shit. That's pretty clear to everyone but ignorant foreigners clueless about U.S. politics.

I'd put my knowledge of your system up against yours any day of the week. It's a shit system...Which is why you Yanks are always bitching and moaning about it. Notice us dern foreigners never moan about our systems. Sure, they have their flaws, but nowhere near as flawed as yours...

Agreed, we spend more and get less for it than pretty much any system in the western world and our left's only solution is to throw more money at it, which is clearly not the problem
If the government did the right thing, they wouldn't have to lie.

So sad you justify lying. Sign of low character.
I'll give you a historical example. The Cuban missile crisis was resolved with Krushev withdrawing it's missiles from Cuba while Kennedy withdrew his from Turkey. It depended on absolute secrecy of the deal being made. Without it you and me wouldn't be able to discuss this. Your life depends on the government having certain secrets, that simple.

No just practical. I'll give you another current one. Say the US has information on the whereabouts of a leader of ISIS. You feel they should make that information known before they can strike? Governments needs to be able to keep certain things a secret. If you don't get that I'm sorry to say you are either a hypocrite, defending your position for political reasons, or plain dumb.

When they strike, the information is no longer secret, therefore, it's been shared making your example weak, at best.
No, you seem to advocate the government not having secrets at all. So in your head all information should be public, so this hypothetical leader of ISIS would get away. And btw I also notice you didn't answer my historical example either.

Since we know what happened with the Cuban Missile Crisis, it's obviously not a secret. Same thing applies to all sort of things we know the government did that you say are secret. If we know, they can't be secrets.
The deal Kennedy struck with Krushev was a secret at the time. The fact that is has been declassified now is neither here nore there. You claim the government, shouldn't have secrets at all. I claim secrets are an integral part of the daily runnings of a government. You don't lie as a government because you did something wrong, you do it, because the truth might harm your interests as a country..

If you have to lie to cover it up, it means you did something wrong. Either way, it's lying and you justify lying.

The fact that people know it means it's not a secret. Nowhere did I say it had to happen before an event.
I'll give you a historical example. The Cuban missile crisis was resolved with Krushev withdrawing it's missiles from Cuba while Kennedy withdrew his from Turkey. It depended on absolute secrecy of the deal being made. Without it you and me wouldn't be able to discuss this. Your life depends on the government having certain secrets, that simple.
Again - we weren't talking about secrets. We were talking about lying. Having trouble following along or do you become disingenuous when you can't admit you were wrong?
The Kennedy administration did lie, claiming they got Krushev to back down, while it was a simple matter of quid pro quo.
You keep moving the goalposts ever time reality makes you look foolish. First you said the government "needs" to lie because of national security. When I explained that's astoundingly ignorant as they are allowed to maintain classified information and thus they do not need to lie about anything but can simply state "that is classified information which we cannot speak about", you then moved the goalposts to "secrets" and your very stupid Cuban Missile Crisis. When I explained to you that secrets are not lying and in fact fell under the classified information which I had already told you was legal and acceptable, you moved the goalposts yet again and claimed a vastly different aspect of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

So basically - you're too immature to admit that you were wrong. You're also a spineless minion who cowers to anything you perceive to be a position of authority.

To answer this pitiful (and disingenuous) question you've posed now: you fail to provide any evidence that the Kennedy Administration claimed that they "got Krushev to back down". It's almost certain that you're making that up. However, if it did occur and it was a lie - then that is unacceptable. Our elected officials answer to us - we do not answer to them. As such - they have absolutely no right to lie to us any more than a subordinate at a business has a right to lie to their manager.

If your wild claims are true - then the Kennedy Administration should have stated that they removed missiles in Turkey as a "quit pro quo" as you say. If the removal of those missiles were a matter of national security for some reason (and I sure as hell can't see how they could be if we informed our greatest enemy of it) then the Kennedy Administration should have simply stated that what transpired was classified and that they could not comment on it.

See how simple that is? You can't make a logical or rational case for your position junior. You just keep trying to defend the lies of liberals (and you're failing miserably at it).
Wow the condescending tone of this post is something to behold. Has it ever occurred to you that every time you call people names you are actually guilty of exactly what you are accusing me of? It shows immaturity for sure, it also shows an inability to admit to your own mistakes, by deflecting. It also almost prevented me to do this. You are right, there's a difference between classifying and lying to protect information. I first didn't want to give you the satisfaction of admitting error, but then again, unlikely your claims I'm perfectly capable of looking and judging honestly what I say. So yes you are right and I also found a headline showing that Krushev publicly explained the terms of the deal. I also want you to answer my Scalia reply. Since that's a different argument altogether.
18 Headlines That Tell The Story Of The Cuban Missile Crisis
I want our country to be more like Norway, Sweden, Japan, South Korea or Germany. A country with high standards that gives a shit about its people....I want our anti-trust laws enforced and the rich to pay their taxes!!!! I couldn't name a single nation of the top 50 highest gdp's on earth doesn't that have any government within their economy and there for their people, but I can name some with very little like Somalia, haiti, Congo, Central African Republic and other such backwards shit holes!

Those countries that you listed dont give two shits about their citizens. They like taking 70-90 percent of everyones money though. They love gullible folks like you.
You admitted to the fact that Scalia is not a radical since you admitted that they would meet with him now lol, congress flat out refuses to meet with him because then they would have to admit he isn't radical at all. And they where hoping to get a republican president. I have a question, what would stop a republican congress from refusing to confirm ANY supreme court justice, using this tactic of refusing even to meet with the candidate? They have set this precedent, so what is there to prevent them from refusing to meet a candidate put forth by a president Clinton?

They really can't, that's the problem.

The Republicans can get away with it now because it's so close to an election. After the election, they have to nominate somebody. They can't give anymore excuses because the MSM will rip them to shreds.

That's why the nominee(s) should be the primary concern this election. As a person that believes in self-defense, it's my priority to make sure Hiliar doesn't set foot in that White House. I don't want to live in a country where only the police and criminals have guns.
I don't want that gun. And I don't need that gun.
Mia Ayliffe-Chung sure needed a gun yesterday in your inbred, backwoods, authoritarian state. She'd still be alive today if she had one. Instead she was brutally murdered because of assholes like you.

Man Shouting “Allahu Akbar” Stabs British Woman; Authorities Say ‘Nothing to do With Religion’

She was murdered because some arsehole killed her. As the US is armed to the teeth I guess your murder rate must be zero. Using you dumbarse logic....
The harder you push the I hate government and civilization the more I am glad I've become a economic LIBERAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You loserterians don't make any sense and the extreme views are anti-civilization and everything I believe.
The last thing I want is the effin 19th century!!!

Give me FDR!!! GIVE ME HILLARY!!!!!! FUCK SMALL USELESS GOVERNMENT....May Haiti or Somalia enjoy it...
You don't want the invention and innovation of the Industrial Revolution? That's what I thought.

YES I do. Do you really believe that were better breathing dirty air, drinking crappy water and eating poisonness food like in India today? I don't.That takes government as the private sector has never cared in the slightest about such things.

Our anti-trust laws when they're enforced create more openings for small businesses to compete within the market place. This helps grow our middle class and allows our living standards to move upwards. This is what happened in the early part of the 20th century.
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what do I want?
More competition
More millionaires
More innovation
Larger middle class
Clean air, water and food!
Our national parks!
Our investments into science
An educated populated population

This is what makes America great!
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I don't want that gun. And I don't need that gun.
Mia Ayliffe-Chung sure needed a gun yesterday in your inbred, backwoods, authoritarian state. She'd still be alive today if she had one. Instead she was brutally murdered because of assholes like you.

Man Shouting “Allahu Akbar” Stabs British Woman; Authorities Say ‘Nothing to do With Religion’

She was murdered because some arsehole killed her.
She was murdered because she was unarmed, moron. If she had a gun on her - who do you think comes out alive the other day? And spare us the Hollywood movie bullshit that this diaper head sand eating muslim ninja kicks the gun out of her hand, catches it in mid-air, and uses it against her. That's not how reality works.
The harder you push the I hate government and civilization the more I am glad I've become a economic LIBERAL!
"Economic liberal" is code for communist. You're just glad that the government illegally takes what belongs to someone else and hands it to you.
You loserterians don't make any sense and the extreme views are anti-civilization and everything I believe.
You do realize the more you refer to me as a "libertarian" the more you illustrate your ignorance to everyone here. I've fought with libertarians all over this site. I'm not, nor have I ever been, a libertarian.
what do I want?
More competition
More millionaires
More innovation
Larger middle class
Clean air, water and food!
Our national parks!
Our investments into science
An educated populated population

This is what makes America great!
You lie a lot. If you actually wanted the first five on your list and the last one on your list, you'd be a hard-core conservative. Nothing creates less competition, less millionaires, less innovation, or eliminates the middle class like liberalism.

The truth is - you only want #6 and #7. And you want them because nobody wants or needs your completely useless skillset in the private sector.
what do I want?
More competition
More millionaires
More innovation
Larger middle class
Clean air, water and food!
Our national parks!
Our investments into science
An educated populated population

This is what makes America great!

Those are fine goals. You should have no trouble finding other, like-minded people to help you pursue them. It's not a problem until you try to force people to help you who might not agree with your priorities.
That's fine, but the idea that you might have one is what helps keep you safe in your home and on the street.

Not down here it doesn't. I'm kept safe because I live in a relatively civilised country and spend zero time wondering if some person is going to go postal on me.

LOL, yes, that's it, it's because you're civilized and we're not. What a dumb ass. You know nothing about gun violence in the Unites States or about the United States
what do I want?
More competition
More millionaires
More innovation
Larger middle class
Clean air, water and food!
Our national parks!
Our investments into science
An educated populated population

This is what makes America great!

Lol, none of the that is happening under the dems. Quite the opposite.

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