You know what I want from my government?

That's fine, but the idea that you might have one is what helps keep you safe in your home and on the street.

Not down here it doesn't. I'm kept safe because I live in a relatively civilised country and spend zero time wondering if some person is going to go postal on me.

LOL, yes, that's it, it's because you're civilized and we're not. What a dumb ass. You know nothing about gun violence in the Unites States or about the United States

Of course i do. Which part DON'T I know? Take your time...fuckin moron...

Posting that you think the US is like Australia except you're civilized and we're not says stop now, you're a stupid waste of space. Seriously, that's what you know about the differences between us? And you expect to be taken seriously by anyone who isn't an idiot?
Posting that you think the US is like Australia except you're civilized and we're not says stop now, you're a stupid waste of space. Seriously, that's what you know about the differences between us? And you expect to be taken seriously by anyone who isn't an idiot?

I could fill a book with what I know about the differences between us. Don't mistake me playing with you on a messageboard as me being serious. I do this for shits and giggles. I think the US is reasonably civilised, but compared to other western countries you still have a way to go.
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Why is this tread still going? It was summed up ages ago.


Why is this tread still going? It was summed up ages ago.


ignorant loons think the above is true.

Why is this tread still going? It was summed up ages ago.


Why is this tread still going? It was summed up ages ago.


ignorant loons think the above is true.


I know its true. Living in reality and all. Might want to look at the OP to verify.

you know because that's what the voices in your head are telling you.


Yes, we know you refuse to read the OP and confirm, since you are living in an echo chamber.

But keep on dreaming about my head voice...
Posting that you think the US is like Australia except you're civilized and we're not says stop now, you're a stupid waste of space. Seriously, that's what you know about the differences between us? And you expect to be taken seriously by anyone who isn't an idiot?

I could fill a book with what I know about the differences between us. Don't mistake me playing with you on a messageboard as me being serious. I do this for shits and giggles. I think the US is reasonably civilised, but compared to other western countries you still have a way to go.

You could "fill a book," with what you know about the differences between us, with the only thing you can think of specifically is you're civilized and we're not. With such keen insights as that to go on, we'll learn to be civilized in no time for sure.
You could "fill a book," with what you know about the differences between us, which boils down to you're civilized and we're not. What a useless dick. Run along and play, Opie

You call me useless yet you can't even read properly...
You could "fill a book," with what you know about the differences between us, which boils down to you're civilized and we're not. What a useless dick. Run along and play, Opie

You call me useless yet you can't even read properly...

When you change what you said, that isn't me not reading properly. You've said shit for someone who can "fill a book." Sounds like you have some serious penis envy going on, Margaret
When you change what you said, that isn't me not reading properly. You've said shit for someone who can "fill a book." Sounds like you have some serious penis envy going on, Margaret

You said that I said that the US was uncivilised. I said no such thing. In fact, I said the US is reasonably civilised.

As for penis envy, as I have stated before, my wife got offered two jobs. One in the US and one in Australia. We live in Australia. It wasn't even close. Yeah, I'm real envious. You couldn't pay me to live in the US. Canada maybe. Well, you could pay me about $2 million to live in the US and I might think about it.
When you change what you said, that isn't me not reading properly. You've said shit for someone who can "fill a book." Sounds like you have some serious penis envy going on, Margaret

You said that I said that the US was uncivilised. I said no such thing. In fact, I said the US is reasonably civilised.

As for penis envy, as I have stated before, my wife got offered two jobs. One in the US and one in Australia. We live in Australia. It wasn't even close. Yeah, I'm real envious. You couldn't pay me to live in the US. Canada maybe. Well, you could pay me about $2 million to live in the US and I might think about it.

Here you go: "I'm kept safe because I live in a relatively civilised country." That is clearly saying we don't. As I said, changing what you said doesn't mean you didn't say it. Stupid lying fuck.

And no one gives a shit if you live here. Stay there. And speaking of your lies, you can "fill a book" of knowledge you have of the differences between the US and New Zealand, but so far you have you're civilized and we're not, which you turned around and unsaid.

So now you have you're partially civilized and we're partially civilized, that's the difference. Your self claimed book of knowledge isn't even a short story. It's not even a jacket cover

Here you go: "I'm kept safe because I live in a relatively civilised country." That is clearly saying we don't. As I said, changing what you said doesn't mean you didn't say it. Stupid lying fuck.

And no one gives a shit if you live here. Stay there. And speaking of your lies, you can "fill a book" of knowledge you have of the differences between the US and New Zealand, but so far you have you're civilized and we're not, which you turned around and unsaid.

So now you have you're partially civilized and we're partially civilized, that's the difference. Your self claimed book of knowledge isn't even a short story. It's not even a jacket cover

Ah, the subtleties of nuance are lost on you. No surprises there. You're not exactly the sharpest tool in the drawer..although you are a tool.

The only mention of the US with regard to civilised was clarified in a subsequent post. Again, the fact you have ignored it is of no surprise. You produce smoke and mirrors and get lost in the smugness of your supposed win, when all you are doing is convincing yourself and your peanut gallery that you have made some relevant point. You haven't.

Well, if you want me to provide a list I'm more than happy to. It's a long one though.

BTW, a short lesson - 'relatively' is greater than 'partially'. There ends the lesson. Now say 'thank you' for letting me educate your ignorant arse. You're welcome.
You couldn't pay me to live in the US. Well, you could pay me about $2 million to live in the US and I might think about it.
And yet you spend all of your time watching American television (according to you) and ranting about America on a website dedicated to American politics. :eusa_whistle:
You couldn't pay me to live in the US. Well, you could pay me about $2 million to live in the US and I might think about it.
So you'd live in a country you despise for money? You'd essentially sell your soul for money? Wow. Vintage progressive. No character. No integrity. It's all about money.
Ah, the subtleties of nuance are lost on you.
I love when a progressive gets painted into a corner and has to backpedal. The "subtleties of nuance"? Really? Why not just say exactly what you mean? Why not just be clear and concise? Oh wait - that's right - you were. And now you're trying to get out of your own position once Kaz exposed the flaws in it.
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You couldn't pay me to live in the US. Well, you could pay me about $2 million to live in the US and I might think about it.
And yet you spend all of your time watching American television (according to you) and ranting about America on a website dedicated to American politics. :eusa_whistle:

I don't watch that much TV. Mainly sport. And that's football (soccer to you heathens), cricket, but mainly rugby league. Oh, and news.
You couldn't pay me to live in the US. Well, you could pay me about $2 million to live in the US and I might think about it.
So you'd live in a country you despise for money? You'd essentially sell your soul for money? Wow. Vintage progressive. No character. No integrity. It's all about money.

I don't despise America. The US has many great qualities. Just not as many as Australia or NZ. And your political system sux. But that aside, there are many good things about the place. What I do despise are American neocon whackjobs. If ever their was a pox on the world it would be them/you.

BTW, how come so many retards/whackjobs/neocon losers like yourself have to have words like "Patriot" and "American" and "Eagle" blah, blah, blah in their user names. Are you that insecure that you might be seen as a 'real' American that you have to reinforce you low self-esteem by letting everybody know how 'truly American' you are?
You couldn't pay me to live in the US. Well, you could pay me about $2 million to live in the US and I might think about it.
And yet you spend all of your time watching American television (according to you) and ranting about America on a website dedicated to American politics. :eusa_whistle:

I don't watch that much TV. Mainly sport. And that's football (soccer to you heathens), cricket, but mainly rugby league. Oh, and news.

Can you give me an international perspective on the election again by your saying you suck Hillary's clit again? I mean wow, as an American, that's a perspective I've never heard before. Well, except from every Democrat in the United States. Very educational
I love when a progressive gets painted into a corner and has to backpedal. The "subtleties of nuance"? Really? Why not just say exactly what you mean? Why not just be clear and concise? Oh wait - that's right - you were. And now you're trying to get out of your own position once Kaz exposed the flaws in it.

I was clear and concise. Only a moron wouldn't see that. Are you a moron? <psst, don't answer. It was a rhetorical question. You get that nuance?>
You know what I want?
-Our anti-trust laws to be enforced so small businesses won't be bought out and ran out of the market.
-Unions to fight for the workers again! This is how we rebuild our middle class!
-Fix the mess we call a healthcare system.
-A fix for our screwed up college system!

Republicans oppose all these things.

But, after this I don't want any real change over now.

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