You know what I want from my government?

She was murdered because some arsehole killed her. As the US is armed to the teeth I guess your murder rate must be zero. Using you dumbarse logic....

Our murder rate has been on the decline since the early 90's, and that goes for most all violent crime as well.

While there is no hardcore evidence as to why, what I can say is it's proportional with more and more states adopting CCW laws and creating laws that favor the victim instead of the criminal which is the way it was in the 70's.

A few years after our state adopted the CCW program about ten years ago, I took notice of the decline in car jackings and ATM robberies that used to go on all the time. Now if somebody tries to break into your vehicle, it's just the same as somebody trying to break into your house; you have the legal right to kill them.

Many criminals in the US have little fear of prison. It isn't a strong enough deterrent when it comes to stealing a car or a couple hundred dollars in cash at an ATM. A good possibility of getting your head blown off? Yes, that's a pretty good deterrent and certainly not worth a stolen car or a couple hundred dollars.
Not down here it doesn't. I'm kept safe because I live in a relatively civilised country and spend zero time wondering if some person is going to go postal on me.

Then be happy that your country (wherever that may be) doesn't need such action to fight crime. But there are some places in the US where gunfire is an every night thing along with armed robberies in our stores and on the streets.
Universal healthcare free college, new or repaired infrastructure that isn't falling into rivers, a doubling of nasa's budgets so we can go to mars and a new 50 meter telescope to find extrasolar planets, billions for cures for cancer that will save a million people a year, billions for new fusion tech attempts and possible a fully working fusion reactor! I want our educational system leading the world with the teacher not having to dig into their own pockets to educate other peoples children,

This is how a nation remains a great power!!!! period.

Admiral goals.

Now let's talk about the means you wish to use in pursuit of those ends.

Violence, imprisonment, reeducation, theft, kidnapping, ect.
She was murdered because she was unarmed, moron. If she had a gun on her - who do you think comes out alive the other day? And spare us the Hollywood movie bullshit that this diaper head sand eating muslim ninja kicks the gun out of her hand, catches it in mid-air, and uses it against her. That's not how reality works.

So your answer to gun deaths is more guns. So if somebody had killed her with a samurai sword, she would have been alive if you had had a samurai sword on her? You're a certifiable moron.
That's fine, but the idea that you might have one is what helps keep you safe in your home and on the street.

Not down here it doesn't. I'm kept safe because I live in a relatively civilised country and spend zero time wondering if some person is going to go postal on me.

LOL, yes, that's it, it's because you're civilized and we're not. What a dumb ass. You know nothing about gun violence in the Unites States or about the United States

Of course i do. Which part DON'T I know? Take your time...fuckin moron...
You know what I want from my government? Universal healthcare, free college, new or repaired infrastructure that isn't falling into rivers, a doubling of nasa's budgets so we can go to mars and a new 50 meter telescope to find extrasolar planets, billions for cures for cancer that will save a million people a year, billions for new fusion tech attempts and possible a fully working fusion reactor! I want our educational system leading the world with the teacher not having to dig into their own pockets to educate other peoples children,

This is how a nation remains a great power!!!! period.
Affordable college, not free.
So your answer to gun deaths is more guns. So if somebody had killed her with a samurai sword, she would have been alive if you had had a samurai sword on her?

Who knows, but at least you stand a chance with another sword.

But if she was attacked by somebody with a Samurai sword and she had a gun, think she would be alive today?
You know what I want from my government? Universal healthcare, free college, new or repaired infrastructure that isn't falling into rivers, a doubling of nasa's budgets so we can go to mars and a new 50 meter telescope to find extrasolar planets, billions for cures for cancer that will save a million people a year, billions for new fusion tech attempts and possible a fully working fusion reactor! I want our educational system leading the world with the teacher not having to dig into their own pockets to educate other peoples children,

This is how a nation remains a great power!!!! period.

Hildabeast can not achieve any of that - and wouldn't even if she could. Hildabeast is for the status quo.
Why is this tread still going? It was summed up ages ago.

Who knows.

I do, because a sword is no match for a gun. Ever hear the phrase don't bring a knife to a gun fight?

People need equal force when it comes to self-defense. Trust me, I've spent years in martial arts classes and learned nobody is an equal match against somebody with a gun. If it were possible to take on an armed person, our police would not carry guns.

There are all kinds of stories out there of armed citizens saving their own lives or the lives of others because they were carrying their firearm. No, they are not national stories as the MSM likes to keep them under cover, but they are out there; hundreds of them.
Who knows.

I do, because a sword is no match for a gun. Ever hear the phrase don't bring a knife to a gun fight?

People need equal force when it comes to self-defense. Trust me, I've spent years in martial arts classes and learned nobody is an equal match against somebody with a gun. If it were possible to take on an armed person, our police would not carry guns.

There are all kinds of stories out there of armed citizens saving their own lives or the lives of others because they were carrying their firearm. No, they are not national stories as the MSM likes to keep them under cover, but they are out there; hundreds of them.

You know what Ray? When all is said and done this is not even my point. In the US, guns is a hot button topic. People there don't trust their govt, they think the bogie man is in the closet, they live on a diet of John Wayne movies (metaphorically), and want to walk around CCW blah, blah, blah. You guys are scared of your own shadows. Down here, we don't give a shit. I don't worry about my govt. I don't worry one iota about criminals and having a gun to protect myself. 99.99999999999999999% of us don't. Every time a mass shooting happens in the US, we just shake our heads and say "Only in America". And not in a good way.
Who knows.

I do, because a sword is no match for a gun. Ever hear the phrase don't bring a knife to a gun fight?

People need equal force when it comes to self-defense. Trust me, I've spent years in martial arts classes and learned nobody is an equal match against somebody with a gun. If it were possible to take on an armed person, our police would not carry guns.

There are all kinds of stories out there of armed citizens saving their own lives or the lives of others because they were carrying their firearm. No, they are not national stories as the MSM likes to keep them under cover, but they are out there; hundreds of them.

You know what Ray? When all is said and done this is not even my point. In the US, guns is a hot button topic. People there don't trust their govt, they think the bogie man is in the closet, they live on a diet of John Wayne movies (metaphorically), and want to walk around CCW blah, blah, blah. You guys are scared of your own shadows. Down here, we don't give a shit. I don't worry about my govt. I don't worry one iota about criminals and having a gun to protect myself. 99.99999999999999999% of us don't. Every time a mass shooting happens in the US, we just shake our heads and say "Only in America". And not in a good way.
And we don't give a flying fuck what you sheep fuckers think so I guess we're both wasting our time talking to each other
You know what Ray? When all is said and done this is not even my point. In the US, guns is a hot button topic. People there don't trust their govt, they think the bogie man is in the closet, they live on a diet of John Wayne movies (metaphorically), and want to walk around CCW blah, blah, blah. You guys are scared of your own shadows. Down here, we don't give a shit. I don't worry about my govt. I don't worry one iota about criminals and having a gun to protect myself. 99.99999999999999999% of us don't. Every time a mass shooting happens in the US, we just shake our heads and say "Only in America". And not in a good way.
And we don't give a flying fuck what you sheep fuckers think so I guess we're both wasting our time talking to each other

Is your name Ray? If not, STFU. I wasn't talking to you.[/QUOTE]

I'll say whatever the fuck I want whenever the fuck I want to whomever the fuck I want, Sheep
Why is this tread still going? It was summed up ages ago.


Libertarians want freedom without consequences or responsibility

No, that's liberals again. Holy hell, these people can't even take the responsibility to pay for their own contraception. Not to even mention the resulting fatherless kids when it fails anyway.
No, that's liberals again. Holy hell, these people can't even take the responsibility to pay for their own contraception. Not to even mention the resulting fatherless kids when it fails anyway.

I love it how you say that liberals have fatherless kids. Somehow, I don't think that is the purview of liberals alone.
You know what Ray? When all is said and done this is not even my point. In the US, guns is a hot button topic. People there don't trust their govt, they think the bogie man is in the closet, they live on a diet of John Wayne movies (metaphorically), and want to walk around CCW blah, blah, blah. You guys are scared of your own shadows. Down here, we don't give a shit. I don't worry about my govt. I don't worry one iota about criminals and having a gun to protect myself. 99.99999999999999999% of us don't. Every time a mass shooting happens in the US, we just shake our heads and say "Only in America". And not in a good way.

Again, I have no idea where you live, but over here, we are very multi cultured. We don't all think alike.

I wouldn't carry around a gun either if I didn't think I might need it. It's a pain in the ass. But I also realize the kind of world I live in. It would be foolish to think that if I didn't carry, the environment around me would tame.

You yourself explained why you have no need for a firearm in your community. That's great. I grew up in such a community so I know how wonderful that was. But if that were not your environment, you might be carrying around a gun as well.

Within ten miles of my home or less, there will be several murders that take place this week, multiple non-lethal shootings, dozens of assaults, several robberies either in store or on the street, and dozens of home break-ins. Now is that being scared of your own shadow?

Having an untrustworthy government is only one small piece of the puzzle. The bigger pieces are staying alive and making sure you are prepared for an attack at anytime because it does happen all the time.

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