You may never eat sugar again after viewing this video

Food and soft drink companies would immediately see a jump in their profits if they cut the amount of sugar they put in. Makes you wonder why they don't do it, except to make artificial sugar products that are EVEN WORSE for you than sugar.
We are already living too long.
I don't know about "too long," but we are certainly living fully ten years longer than people could expect a few decades ago! It's amazing.

Must be the nutritional benefits of sugar.
We are already living too long.
I hate to tell ya this, jwoodie, but some human beings who reach 100 haven't lived long enough because they lived to benefit everyone they ever met, comforted the downhearted or depressed, and worked to make life better for people they knew as well as those they didn't know. Love, beautress
PS: putting other people ahead of yourself brings about rewards far greater than being the owner of an enormous savings account. You just can't find fault with such people, but I know who they are as soon as I meet them on or off line. Keep looking. People who should live forever are out there. And they believe in God. You'll find them if you look a little harder and get lucky. :thup: And yes, they die when their time is up. :(
The reason you may never eat sugar again after you view Dr. Eric Berg, DC 's symptom list of issues related to sugar and glycation in the human body:

What is the point of living if you cannot have sugar or bacon or egg or caffeine or 100 other things they tell us are bad for us and we should not eat?
Great video, and Dr. Berg is a legitimate source for medical information. Sugar is absolutely killing Americans by the truckload every day. Glucose and Fructose. Know the difference. Then understand High Fructose Corn Syrup. Now just keep going until your head explodes. Your body cannot use HFCS for energy, it goes straight to the liver, where it is then converted to fat.
What is the point of living if you cannot have sugar or bacon or egg or caffeine or 100 other things they tell us are bad for us and we should not eat?
It doesn't have to be all or nothing. Just realize how much sugar you are actually eating every day and try to reduce it.
It doesn't have to be all or nothing. Just realize how much sugar you are actually eating every day and try to reduce it.
It's amazing how little the amount of sugar we add to our bloodstream that can make your A1C spike. He explains how sugar attaching to red blood cells get stuck in capillaries because they are no longer flexible, and that is why diabetics are at risk of losing their extremities, they quit receiving oxygen from oxygen carrying red blood cells. The guy lays this out very well in the video, and it's worth watching.
What is the point of living if you cannot have sugar or bacon or egg or caffeine or 100 other things they tell us are bad for us and we should not eat?
Like most things, it's not that you eat those things it's that you eat. Having a donut every now and then isnt a big deal (a Krispy Kreme glazed is 10 gms of sugar). Shoving 77gms of added sugar in your face (the daily US average) is the problem.
Completely wrong. Why don't you fact check yourself?
I'm quoting a doctor, an MD, so I'll have to assume he knows more than you, however, the context of how he said it means I could have misunderstood his intent when talking about HFCS.
The reason you may never eat sugar again after you view Dr. Eric Berg, DC 's symptom list of issues related to sugar and glycation in the human body:

I consume very little sugar or starch. My diet is high in protein.
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