You Republicans Are Crazy

And they want to blame hillary for voting for the Iraq war, forgetting or ignoring that bush fed her bad Intel.
Not to mention, she didn't vote for any war. How could she? Bush said the resolution she voted for was neither imminent nor unavoidable in terms of going to war. What she and many other Democrats and almost all Republicans voted for was to coerce Hussein to let the weapons inspectors back into Iraq and to make Bush the "decider." Who could have known Bush would pull out the inspectors out before they determined there were no stockpiles of WMDs there; and instead, take us into war?
Tony Blair knew. Tony Blair's emails tell us him and bush were going to invade Iraq long before hillary voted.

But Republicans don't care about those emails. Emails that prove bush is a lying mass murderer.

But they want to "lock her up". Lol
I was not for the war, but talk about going back and rehashing. Get a grip you silly fuck.
Water under the bridge

Cry me a River bed wetter...
Then don't bring that stupid mom out at the GOP RNC to say " I blame hillary personally for my son's death". Water under the bridge.

Tell her to stop crying about her one kid. Ask her what about the 5000 deaths bush is responsible for? They're bed wetters too?
Our troops disagree with you, so it makes your opinion irrelevant
Are their votes already in? Did McCain win the military vote? Are you sure? I don't think so
My friends in Europe can't believe trump. My Canadian friend today said they are laughing their asses off at us. Trumps a joke.

Do Americans live in a bubble? Is the so called liberal media hiding this from us? Why don't we know the world is laughing at the fact the Republicans nominated trump? Or they are afraid.

Even Putin is punking trump/us.

If wikileaks finds something bad about hillary we will nominate Tim Kaine. He's got no dirt and a great record. Or biden. Or AL gore
Check Open Primary results. the Democrats helped the Republicans nominate Trump. I know for a fact this has been explained to you, but I suppose Democrats would forget that fact if it helps them shift the blame.
If pure Conservatism is always a winning strategy, why didn't the American Conservatives step up and nominate a true Conservative? If the Tea Party movement is to be taken seriously, why did they fail on the biggest stage in American politics?

Republicans and Republicans alone are to blame for the Trump nomination. I understand the buyer's remorse, but you guys had 17 potential candidates, yet you nominated an incorrigible, reckless, feckless moral Pygmy with disastrous comportment and a distinctly in artful style.

Check the scapegoats at the door. Republicans have only themselves to blame.
. Might not be any blame any longer, as they all are globalist now, and the last throws of America, Americanism & patriotism are being used up in this election like a cheap roll of toilet paper. After this, we will be done as Americans. Deal with it or not.
Did you answer his question? If conservativism is always a winning strategy, why didn't the conservative party nominate a conservative?

Republicans are so fucking stupid. They are either free trade or no free trade. Black or white. They can't understand you if you try to explain trade is OK as long as it's regulated and fair for American workers.

So the same idiots who defended free trade for years are now against any and all trade. In fact now they want to build a wall.
. There's a huge difference in the trading of wealth for products or for the production of products to be built, and the situation of human trafficking & drug trafficking over the Rio-grande river.
My friends in Europe can't believe trump. My Canadian friend today said they are laughing their asses off at us. Trumps a joke.

Do Americans live in a bubble? Is the so called liberal media hiding this from us? Why don't we know the world is laughing at the fact the Republicans nominated trump? Or they are afraid.

Even Putin is punking trump/us.

If wikileaks finds something bad about hillary we will nominate Tim Kaine. He's got no dirt and a great record. Or biden. Or AL gore
Check Open Primary results. the Democrats helped the Republicans nominate Trump. I know for a fact this has been explained to you, but I suppose Democrats would forget that fact if it helps them shift the blame.
If pure Conservatism is always a winning strategy, why didn't the American Conservatives step up and nominate a true Conservative? If the Tea Party movement is to be taken seriously, why did they fail on the biggest stage in American politics?

Republicans and Republicans alone are to blame for the Trump nomination. I understand the buyer's remorse, but you guys had 17 potential candidates, yet you nominated an incorrigible, reckless, feckless moral Pygmy with disastrous comportment and a distinctly in artful style.

Check the scapegoats at the door. Republicans have only themselves to blame.
. Might not be any blame any longer, as they all are globalist now, and the last throws of America, Americanism & patriotism are being used up in this election like a cheap roll of toilet paper. After this, we will be done as Americans. Deal with it or not.
Did you answer his question? If conservativism is always a winning strategy, why didn't the conservative party nominate a conservative?

Republicans are so fucking stupid. They are either free trade or no free trade. Black or white. They can't understand you if you try to explain trade is OK as long as it's regulated and fair for American workers.

So the same idiots who defended free trade for years are now against any and all trade. In fact now they want to build a wall.
. There's a huge difference in the trading of wealth for products or for the production of products to be built, and the situation of human trafficking & drug trafficking over the Rio-grande river.
I understand you wanting to throw a grenade into the system but trump is not a serious choice. And since none of the other Republicans would have won either, maybe the GOP needs to fix something.

What is trump promising exactly? I'm sure hillary and the Democrats in Congress will be open to fixing those things. Are you going to hold mitch and Paul accountable?

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