You shall wear the uniform and bow to your new masters.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Here is how the Marxist transformation of America begins. #TurnOffNBA.

Wear the uniform, adopt the salute.

Soon if this keeps up.. From Ameri Pravda: And today.. Comrade LeBron James exterminated the first Christians when he turned on the eco green ovens at half court as the screams of the vile religious vermin spread through the rafters. A good time was had by all. And oh yeah...LeBron and the Lakers won again.
Fuck! Basketball is a great sport. Too bad those in charge of it fucked it up.
What nation is that basketball association a member of?
Certainly not Americans. Fuck them if they want to embrace Marxists.
NCAA or bust!
This will NOT be forgotten, not even by next year. B-ball players will be getting pay cuts.
Stupid, stupid, stupid!
I hope they don't go the way of the leftist-embracing Boy Scouts.
Fuck everyone associated with the NBA who supports this bullshit.

I hope they all die...
A nice conservative response for your peer group, I'm sure. I personally do not care for or about the NBA and never have.
Fuck everyone associated with the NBA who supports this bullshit.

I hope they all die...
A nice conservative response for your peer group, I'm sure. I personally do not care for or about the NBA and never have.
They just shut off more than 50% of patriotic Americans.
Find a new pass time. I recommend Kayaking. No way to knee-jerk, BLM into it, even if it is whitewater. Probably better for you in the long run, anyway.
There are some really weird black nobility links between what went on with that Floyd thing and the NBA.

Apparently, Stephen Jackson was good friends with Floyd, and they looked identical.


Kobe interviewed Stephen just before his death. . .

. . . and in the beginning of the video, you will see some "corona" symbology"

Some believe, Kobe's "accident" was not an accident at all, but either a sacrifice or an assassination?

Not sure.

. . . my reading? There is a large part of the black community that is aware of this, it is why the MSM has pivoted to Breonna Taylor. . .
Sports was Americas rest from the racial and political tensions that plauge this contury. It was taking away the racial barriers and allowing us to interact on the same level in all things through sports. The left could not let this go on as it would take away their ability to divide us as a people. Now that sports is a political arm of the demon-rat party its useless to try and relax watching it. Its become politics at its worst. Time for me to go back to Hiking, camping and teaching my children and grand children how to survive when the shit hole collapses that democrats are making..
In before a crapton of people join local leagues or find different things to do.
This is uncharted territory we're stepping into now.
I know one thing: NBA salaries are going to take steep cuts.
Here is how the Marxist transformation of America begins. #TurnOffNBA.

Wear the uniform, adopt the salute.

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BLM assassinated 5 Dallas Policemen.
Never forget this.
The NBA, NFL and the MLB are endorsing crime, racism, hate, violence and murder.
Indeed. They'll understand real soon what people think about that.
I would love to see some Players wear the names of the those Dallas LEOs on their shirts.
It would freak-out the SJW knuttjobs.
What would happen if a brave Reporter asked the Knelling Cowards if the they know the murder ratio between Blacks and Whites, or how many more White suspects the Police kill than Black suspects annually.
The Democratic Party is dependent upon Dumb Voters.
The BLM riots are bogus.

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