You Should Vote for Biden If:

We are 27 trillion in debt and you are complaining that someone might actually address that debt?

There are many reasons I will not vote for Biden but when did running the country on debt become a conservative platform?
Lol California want to give people $800 a week for the next two years with no strings attached.. Those are Democrats so please do not tell me that you care about the debt

Its going to happen everywhere sooner or later. California will pay for what they implement.
California’s begging for a bail out money for socialist programs that don’t work. You can’t keep putting a Band-Aid on your failures.

7 trillion plus in debt under Trump.
We are 27 trillion in debt and you are complaining that someone might actually address that debt?

There are many reasons I will not vote for Biden but when did running the country on debt become a conservative platform?
Lol California want to give people $800 a week for the next two years with no strings attached.. Those are Democrats so please do not tell me that you care about the debt

Its going to happen everywhere sooner or later. California will pay for what they implement.
California’s begging for a bail out money for socialist programs that don’t work. You can’t keep putting a Band-Aid on your failures.

7 trillion plus in debt under Trump.
Oh switching the argument what’s the matter lost? Lol
We are 27 trillion in debt and you are complaining that someone might actually address that debt?

There are many reasons I will not vote for Biden but when did running the country on debt become a conservative platform?
Lol California want to give people $800 a week for the next two years with no strings attached.. Those are Democrats so please do not tell me that you care about the debt

Its going to happen everywhere sooner or later. California will pay for what they implement.

California won’t pay for shit...productive Californians will.
I’m sure that will go over like a fart in church.

“Listen up productive Californian’’s the deal...Starting now you will be forced to pay wetbacks to fuck your state up, you will be forced to hurdle human shit piles on your sidewalks, you will be forced to pay ShaQuita and Guadalupe to stay home, smoke weed and run their baby factories to produce more of their filthy same....NOW, I know you have the means and capacity to leave this disgusting thirdworld shithole but I’m confident that you are so noble you can’t wait for more opportunity to fuck yourself over.”

Nobody is paying for Trumps debt.
We are 27 trillion in debt and you are complaining that someone might actually address that debt?

There are many reasons I will not vote for Biden but when did running the country on debt become a conservative platform?
Lol California want to give people $800 a week for the next two years with no strings attached.. Those are Democrats so please do not tell me that you care about the debt

Its going to happen everywhere sooner or later. California will pay for what they implement.

California won’t pay for shit...productive Californians will.
I’m sure that will go over like a fart in church.

“Listen up productive Californian’’s the deal...Starting now you will be forced to pay wetbacks to fuck your state up, you will be forced to hurdle human shit piles on your sidewalks, you will be forced to pay ShaQuita and Guadalupe to stay home, smoke weed and run their baby factories to produce more of their filthy same....NOW, I know you have the means and capacity to leave this disgusting thirdworld shithole but I’m confident that you are so noble you can’t wait for more opportunity to fuck yourself over.”

Nobody is paying for Trumps debt.
You just change the subject twice what’s the matter what are you afraid of?
We are 27 trillion in debt and you are complaining that someone might actually address that debt?

There are many reasons I will not vote for Biden but when did running the country on debt become a conservative platform?

It's not. That's what the debate is about over the next stimulus. The Democrats want to spend more and the Republicans want to spend less. The Republicans keep allowing more and more of their pork, but they insist they want all of their pork. No dice.

Trump has doubled Obama's debt at the 4 year mark.
Democrats refuse to make any cuts to the budget and in fact demand more spending or they won’t vote for a budget. And then you assholes go out screaming how Trump increased the debt. You’re idiots.

He did. Did you pay for Trumps corporate farm bail outs?
We are 27 trillion in debt and you are complaining that someone might actually address that debt?

There are many reasons I will not vote for Biden but when did running the country on debt become a conservative platform?
Lol California want to give people $800 a week for the next two years with no strings attached.. Those are Democrats so please do not tell me that you care about the debt

Its going to happen everywhere sooner or later. California will pay for what they implement.
California’s begging for a bail out money for socialist programs that don’t work. You can’t keep putting a Band-Aid on your failures.

7 trillion plus in debt under Trump.
Oh switching the argument what’s the matter lost? Lol

Over 7 trillion in less than 4 years.
We are 27 trillion in debt and you are complaining that someone might actually address that debt?

There are many reasons I will not vote for Biden but when did running the country on debt become a conservative platform?
Lol California want to give people $800 a week for the next two years with no strings attached.. Those are Democrats so please do not tell me that you care about the debt

Its going to happen everywhere sooner or later. California will pay for what they implement.

California won’t pay for shit...productive Californians will.
I’m sure that will go over like a fart in church.

“Listen up productive Californian’’s the deal...Starting now you will be forced to pay wetbacks to fuck your state up, you will be forced to hurdle human shit piles on your sidewalks, you will be forced to pay ShaQuita and Guadalupe to stay home, smoke weed and run their baby factories to produce more of their filthy same....NOW, I know you have the means and capacity to leave this disgusting thirdworld shithole but I’m confident that you are so noble you can’t wait for more opportunity to fuck yourself over.”

Nobody is paying for Trumps debt.

But, but, but....your 116th House controls the “purse strings”.
Did you forget how government works?
We are 27 trillion in debt and you are complaining that someone might actually address that debt?

There are many reasons I will not vote for Biden but when did running the country on debt become a conservative platform?
Lol California want to give people $800 a week for the next two years with no strings attached.. Those are Democrats so please do not tell me that you care about the debt

Its going to happen everywhere sooner or later. California will pay for what they implement.
California’s begging for a bail out money for socialist programs that don’t work. You can’t keep putting a Band-Aid on your failures.

7 trillion plus in debt under Trump.
Oh switching the argument what’s the matter lost? Lol

Over 7 trillion in less than 4 years.
Changing the subject again what’s the matter too scared?
I'm not voting for Biden. You are voting for the guy with over $7 trillion in debt over 4 years so you have no place to talk.

Then so are you unless you are not voting or voting for a third party candidate, which is another way of not really voting. We are amid the worst pandemic we've had in over 100 years. It left the country paralyzed. Yes, the government had to spend money to put us on some kind of life support. This is not Obama Care we're wasting money on. Much of this is necessary spending.
Someone should vote for Biden if they like poking forks in electrical outlets. Or if they enjoy the feeling they get when squirrels are gnawing off their nuts.

Trump/Pence 2020
You are in for a big disappointment in two weeks.

Nothing's gonna change my life one way or the other, zipperhead. I'll still be here and you'll probably hate me even more.

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