You Taught The GOP A Lesson: You Want Higher Taxes So They Will Grant Your Wish

They are consumers and borrows. The understanding of savings and building is not within the domain of thought here. To them, if you have 4K in your savings account @ .25% interest (WHOO-FUCKING-HOOO), that's stagnant income and should be moved around to "stimulate" the consumer based system. Even if the government never pays back its debt and just grows it along with the deficit each year.

It's the equivalent of digging a whole, filling it back in and then repeat for 40 hrs week. To them this is progress.
So, what will get us out of debt?

Do you propose cutting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and privatizing each?

What might be the effect of such a policy change?

I propose cutting all the ticks off of the government teat. The effect of such a policy will be prosperity and freedom.
such as all those Red states that receive more in federal tax dollars than they pay into the system?
And what does that have to do with government workers?

Leaving money in the hands of the people would do exactly the same thing. If I paid less in taxes then I would save spend or invest more and we all know that the private sector uses money more efficiently than does the government.

if you made over $1M a year, are you really going to dump $750K+ a year into the economy? or are you actually going sit sit on the majority of that wealth?

so government workers arent consumers?

What good would sitting on it do? You're lucky to get 1% right now.
is it lost on you that this is what those individuals already do?
if you made over $1M a year, are you really going to dump $750K+ a year into the economy? or are you actually going sit sit on the majority of that wealth?

so government workers arent consumers?

What good would sitting on it do? You're lucky to get 1% right now.
is it lost on you that this is what those individuals already do?

Yes, that's extremely lost on me, because it's not true. No one just SITS on 7 figures. In fact, besides trust fund babies, if you've got 7 figures it's because you put your money to work, not because you sat on it.
What good would sitting on it do? You're lucky to get 1% right now.
is it lost on you that this is what those individuals already do?

Yes, that's extremely lost on me, because it's not true. No one just SITS on 7 figures. In fact, besides trust fund babies, if you've got 7 figures it's because you put your money to work, not because you sat on it.

I think what LCV means by "sat on it" is that they ain't giving it to him. he deserves it don'tchyaknow?
What good would sitting on it do? You're lucky to get 1% right now.
is it lost on you that this is what those individuals already do?

Yes, that's extremely lost on me, because it's not true. No one just SITS on 7 figures. In fact, besides trust fund babies, if you've got 7 figures it's because you put your money to work, not because you sat on it.
so an individual making $1M spends $1M a year by purchasing goods and services correct?

if this were true, Romney would have personally dumped nearly $14M in the economy last year.
And this, ladies and gentleman, is how you accumulate 16 trillion dolalrs in debt, 1.3 trillion in deficit spends and around 122 trillion in unfunded liabilities. Coupled with crony socialism, corporatism and a central banking system that is hoodwinking the citizens!


Preach it good, fella!

How so? Do you understand the economic dynamic, or are you merely spouting unrelated and unsubstantiated righty rhetoric? (tip: the latter)

Well, Corky, let me try to explain it as simply as I can and not waste a ton of my time.
The governments "redistribution effect" has created a nation of consumers and borrows and not builders and savers. Adding to that dilemma is the fact that the government ALWAYS spends more than it receives. Then needing to borrow or "print" the currency up to meet its obligations. When this happens, as the poster I originally quoted shows, the purchasing power decreases substantially. Then the government turns around and needs to do one of it's three only means of acquiring revenue, again.....Borrow/"print"/Tax.

The process never ends, and only leads to the boiling point of every redistributive and fiat currency scheme.

Once again you're exactly wrong. The loss of middle class wealth, via insufficient redistributive effect in tax policy is driving typical Americans to deplete savings, and purchase more on credit. And business interests and Wall Street knew that, so to raise consumption they loosened credit requirements. Fact. Go look.
is it lost on you that this is what those individuals already do?

Yes, that's extremely lost on me, because it's not true. No one just SITS on 7 figures. In fact, besides trust fund babies, if you've got 7 figures it's because you put your money to work, not because you sat on it.

I think what LCV means by "sat on it" is that they ain't giving it to him. he deserves it don'tchyaknow?
lie much? when did i ever say that?
So, what will get us out of debt?

Do you propose cutting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and privatizing each?

What might be the effect of such a policy change?

I propose cutting all the ticks off of the government teat. The effect of such a policy will be prosperity and freedom.
such as all those Red states that receive more in federal tax dollars than they pay into the system?

so you propose to limit what a state receives to that which it gives? sounds like a plan to me.. that would work for leeches too I think.
is it lost on you that this is what those individuals already do?

Yes, that's extremely lost on me, because it's not true. No one just SITS on 7 figures. In fact, besides trust fund babies, if you've got 7 figures it's because you put your money to work, not because you sat on it.
so an individual making $1M spends $1M a year by purchasing goods and services correct?

if this were true, Romney would have personally dumped nearly $14M in the economy last year.

Haha so now we're expected to utilize every single dollar?

Not to mention, we're not just talking about purchasing goods and services. We're talking about investing as well, which............wait for it.......................GROWS THE ECONOMY.
Yes, that's extremely lost on me, because it's not true. No one just SITS on 7 figures. In fact, besides trust fund babies, if you've got 7 figures it's because you put your money to work, not because you sat on it.
so an individual making $1M spends $1M a year by purchasing goods and services correct?

if this were true, Romney would have personally dumped nearly $14M in the economy last year.

Haha so now we're expected to utilize every single dollar?

Not to mention, we're not just talking about purchasing goods and services. We're talking about investing as well, which............wait for it.......................GROWS THE ECONOMY.
this is your argument, apparently your failed debating skills are working at a high level here.

you argued that if those top income earners had more money is would grow the economy. i easily showed that this is untrue.

and if investing grew the economy, then why has the stock market grown from 6500 to 13,000 under Obama, yet unemployment still stands near 8%? investors have made a large amount of money in the last 4 years, why hasnt that translated in to jobs and a robust economy? taxes are already low and investment income is up. care to explain?

a middle class wage earner dumps 80-90% of their income into the economy. can you name what percentage of income the top 2% dumps back in?
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I propose cutting all the ticks off of the government teat. The effect of such a policy will be prosperity and freedom.
such as all those Red states that receive more in federal tax dollars than they pay into the system?

so you propose to limit what a state receives to that which it gives? sounds like a plan to me.. that would work for leeches too I think.
i guess, AL, AK, MS, TN, KY, AK and LA are all S.O.L. damn GOP leaches
How so? Do you understand the economic dynamic, or are you merely spouting unrelated and unsubstantiated righty rhetoric? (tip: the latter)

Well, Corky, let me try to explain it as simply as I can and not waste a ton of my time.
The governments "redistribution effect" has created a nation of consumers and borrows and not builders and savers. Adding to that dilemma is the fact that the government ALWAYS spends more than it receives. Then needing to borrow or "print" the currency up to meet its obligations. When this happens, as the poster I originally quoted shows, the purchasing power decreases substantially. Then the government turns around and needs to do one of it's three only means of acquiring revenue, again.....Borrow/"print"/Tax.

The process never ends, and only leads to the boiling point of every redistributive and fiat currency scheme.

Once again you're exactly wrong. The loss of middle class wealth, via insufficient redistributive effect in tax policy is driving typical Americans to deplete savings, and purchase more on credit. And business interests and Wall Street knew that, so to raise consumption they loosened credit requirements. Fact. Go look.

The government and the federal reserve loosened credit requirements, not business and wall st. They did this because of the protectionist/favoritism policies they put in place that created a massive wealth gap in the nation. Along with monetary inflation that made middle income earnings no longer viable in the consumer/borrow built economy they created. All this created was another round of wealth confiscation via a real estate bubble/burst. And now you want them to do it again, presumably.

Oy vey.

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