You Tone It Down Mr. President don't actually address the issues of the thread...rather......booooooooooooosh

got it

What issues? It's just partisan hackery....

The issue is sabre rattling by 0bama against the majority of America who is against his health care law. Chicago style thug politics moves to Washington DC.

Really? How many are against it? What was the conservative plan? Oh, right, there wasn't one. Those that can afford health get it, those who can't, fuck 'em...dontcha just love compassionate conservatism..
What issues? It's just partisan hackery....

The issue is sabre rattling by 0bama against the majority of America who is against his health care law. Chicago style thug politics moves to Washington DC.

Really? How many are against it? What was the conservative plan? Oh, right, there wasn't one. Those that can afford health get it, those who can't, fuck 'em...dontcha just love compassionate conservatism..

After watching that televised 4 hour meeting with the GOP you still have the nerve to repeat that lie?
What issues? It's just partisan hackery....

The issue is sabre rattling by 0bama against the majority of America who is against his health care law. Chicago style thug politics moves to Washington DC.

Really? How many are against it? What was the conservative plan? Oh, right, there wasn't one. Those that can afford health get it, those who can't, fuck 'em...dontcha just love compassionate conservatism..

Yes, your system is SOOOOOOOO...much better where people that had coverage lose their job due to this law and get to buy COBRA or face a fine, while someone else gets coverage. And the conversative way is unfair and boohoo, look at the suffering?
The issue is sabre rattling by 0bama against the majority of America who is against his health care law. Chicago style thug politics moves to Washington DC.

Really? How many are against it? What was the conservative plan? Oh, right, there wasn't one. Those that can afford health get it, those who can't, fuck 'em...dontcha just love compassionate conservatism..

After watching that televised 4 hour meeting with the GOP you still have the nerve to repeat that lie?

1) I didn't watch Jack
2) I live in Australia
3) I haven't seen a conservative on this board offer up the GoP's alternative.
4) If there is one that covers EVERYBODY, I'd love to hear it...
The issue is sabre rattling by 0bama against the majority of America who is against his health care law. Chicago style thug politics moves to Washington DC.

Really? How many are against it? What was the conservative plan? Oh, right, there wasn't one. Those that can afford health get it, those who can't, fuck 'em...dontcha just love compassionate conservatism..

Yes, your system is SOOOOOOOO...much better where people that had coverage lose their job due to this law and get to buy COBRA or face a fine, while someone else gets coverage. And the conversative way is unfair and boohoo, look at the suffering?

1) It's not my system
2) Who has lost their jobs as a direct result of this legislation.
3) What is the conservative way?
4) How do you know who is or isn't suffering? Are you covered? Do you know anybody who wasn't covered under the old system and how they fared?
1) It's not my system
2) Who has lost their jobs as a direct result of this legislation.
3) What is the conservative way?
4) How do you know who is or isn't suffering? Are you covered? Do you know anybody who wasn't covered under the old system and how they fared?

no one has been hurt by the legislation.

my cousin whom i saw for holiday and who's been bitching about obama for a year was all happy that her son is covered by her medical insurance again.

the rabid radical right has no 'way' other than trying to protect insurance companies from having to pay out for malpracting doctors.

*edit* oh wait... and allow people to buy insurance across state lines (that way the insurance companies can all incorporate in the state with the most lax regulations... just like the banks do when they incorporate in Delaware.)

i'm covered today; i was covered last week; and i will be covered next week. and if i lose my job (heaven forbid) i will be able to take my coverage elsewhere and not have to worry (and for a heck of a lot less than COBRA).

on the other hand, in a few years, i'll probably be taxed on my health coverage. but that's life.
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Really? How many are against it? What was the conservative plan? Oh, right, there wasn't one. Those that can afford health get it, those who can't, fuck 'em...dontcha just love compassionate conservatism..

After watching that televised 4 hour meeting with the GOP you still have the nerve to repeat that lie?

1) I didn't watch Jack
2) I live in Australia
3) I haven't seen a conservative on this board offer up the GoP's alternative.
4) If there is one that covers EVERYBODY, I'd love to hear it...

Ignorance is no excuse Dude.

Oh...and Obama's shit bill doesn't cover just punishes everybody....except himself and Congress that is.
1) It's not my system
2) Who has lost their jobs as a direct result of this legislation.
3) What is the conservative way?
4) How do you know who is or isn't suffering? Are you covered? Do you know anybody who wasn't covered under the old system and how they fared?

no one has been hurt by the legislation.

my cousin whom i saw for holiday and who's been bitching about obama for a year was all happy that her son is covered by her medical insurance again.

the rabid radical right has no 'way' other than trying to protect insurance companies from having to pay out for malpracting doctors.

*edit* oh wait... and allow people to buy insurance across state lines (that way the insurance companies can all incorporate in the state with the most lax regulations... just like the banks do when they incorporate in Delaware.

i'm covered today; i was covered last week; and i will be covered next week. and if i lose my job (heaven forbid) i will be able to take my coverage elsewhere and not have to worry (and for a heck of a lot less than COBRA).

on the other hand, in a few years, i'll probably be taxed on my health coverage. but that's life.

Sorry Jill....but days after it was signed it was discovered that even your cousin's kid doesn't get the coverage that was promised. It's a little problem in the wording of the bill that allows insurance companies to refuse coverage until 2014.
Do you people ever have anything REAL to say?

If Obama had been president he would have listened to the outgoing admin about the threat of OBL and very likely we would have been on the case and prevented 911.

NOBODY....not even John Wayne would have been able to prevent 9/ you ever get tired of the Bullshit you spew "Truth".......Geezus....between you and Rdean....the SHIT just flows out of you two......

BS the terrorists made so many silly mistakes that could have been seen for what they were.

ok find me a reputable security agency that will back you on that....
Yea just another play taken from the Saul Alinsky 'Rules for Radicals' playbook. He's out there ranting & raving about all that supposed "hate" while at the same time viciously attacking and expressing real hate towards his opponents. Classic Alinsky "Community Organizer" dirty trick. Lets hope the People are smart and don't buy into this dirty trick. Make 2010 count people.
I would love to know how much insurance companies make each year...

Like it matters.

I'm fed up with folks like you that feel other folks have no right to making a profit.

I remember a couple of years ago they were saying the same stupid shit about oil companies and last year it was banks. When are you gonna get wise and realize you're being led around by the fucken nose to hate whatever they want you to hate.

It makes you look like mindless fools.
Yea this guy is a real "Uniter" alright. Just another Liberal Media scam. Most people really are just cattle in the end. They can be led to believe anything with enough propaganda. He's actually out there whining about "hate" while he expresses nothing but hate towards his opponents. Yea he's the "Victim." What a joke.
Yea this guy is a real "Uniter" alright. Just another Liberal Media scam. Most people really are just cattle in the end. They can be led to believe anything with enough propaganda. He's actually out there whining about "hate" while he expresses nothing but hate towards his opponents. Yea he's the "Victim." What a joke.

A paid martyr.

The Dems specialize in martyrdom.

They needed an acceptable front man that would lie convincingly.

They needed a minority or a woman so their opponents couldn't be overly critical of them.

Any reasonable criticism would be called sexist or racist.
I would love to know how much insurance companies make each year...

The average profit margin for insurance companies is 3%.

We spend $2.5T each year on health care. Get rid of all the profits for the top insurance companies - that is $12B (a drop in the bucket compared to total spending).

The problem is not Insurance Company profits - it's demand shielded from prices, which ObamaCare will make worse.

Many of us have posted suggestions for real reforms which would address the supply vs. demand issues, and lower the cost structure:

- Remove the barriers to interstate competition so that all 1,300 health insurance companies in the country can compete with each other (CA's insurance commissioner currently allows on 6 of them to provide insurance in the state).

- Tort reform which limits punitive and pain & suffering damages.

- Tax code reform which decouples insurance from employment and expands the availability of HSA accounts so that individiuals are the consumers AND purchasers of health care.

Whole Foods has a very effective model for the last point; Texas provides a good model for the second one. These are real life successes that could be extended across the country. Instead, the Dems have opted for oppressive government control and taxation, which will make health care more expensive and reduce supply.
Yea this guy is a real "Uniter" alright. Just another Liberal Media scam. Most people really are just cattle in the end. They can be led to believe anything with enough propaganda. He's actually out there whining about "hate" while he expresses nothing but hate towards his opponents. Yea he's the "Victim." What a joke.

A paid martyr.

The Dems specialize in martyrdom.

They needed an acceptable front man that would lie convincingly.

They needed a minority or a woman so their opponents couldn't be overly critical of them.

Any reasonable criticism would be called sexist or racist.

right on the Money. fortunately the people WHO count and VOTE are waking up and seeing just this.
I would love to know how much insurance companies make each year...

The average profit margin for insurance companies is 3%.

We spend $2.5T each year on health care. Get rid of all the profits for the top insurance companies - that is $12B (a drop in the bucket compared to total spending).

The problem is not Insurance Company profits - it's demand shielded from prices, which ObamaCare will make worse.

Many of us have posted suggestions for real reforms which would address the supply vs. demand issues, and lower the cost structure:

- Remove the barriers to interstate competition so that all 1,300 health insurance companies in the country can compete with each other (CA's insurance commissioner currently allows on 6 of them to provide insurance in the state).

- Tort reform which limits punitive and pain & suffering damages.

- Tax code reform which decouples insurance from employment and expands the availability of HSA accounts so that individiuals are the consumers AND purchasers of health care.

Whole Foods has a very effective model for the last point; Texas provides a good model for the second one. These are real life successes that could be extended across the country. Instead, the Dems have opted for oppressive government control and taxation, which will make health care more expensive and reduce supply.

It's more than oppressive Government. It's control of the people imposed on a phoney projection of a 'right' that doesn't exist. And when you boil it all down it's forced servitude under the guise of LAW.
I would love to know how much insurance companies make each year...

The average profit margin for insurance companies is 3%.

We spend $2.5T each year on health care. Get rid of all the profits for the top insurance companies - that is $12B (a drop in the bucket compared to total spending).

The problem is not Insurance Company profits - it's demand shielded from prices, which ObamaCare will make worse.

Many of us have posted suggestions for real reforms which would address the supply vs. demand issues, and lower the cost structure:

- Remove the barriers to interstate competition so that all 1,300 health insurance companies in the country can compete with each other (CA's insurance commissioner currently allows on 6 of them to provide insurance in the state).

- Tort reform which limits punitive and pain & suffering damages.

- Tax code reform which decouples insurance from employment and expands the availability of HSA accounts so that individiuals are the consumers AND purchasers of health care.

Whole Foods has a very effective model for the last point; Texas provides a good model for the second one. These are real life successes that could be extended across the country. Instead, the Dems have opted for oppressive government control and taxation, which will make health care more expensive and reduce supply.

I would add amend ERISA so that an employee could opt to take the company contribution and use it to purchase an individual policy instead of the company plan if he/she believed it better met his/her needs. This would allow all 1300 insurers to compete for each individual policy and that would provide more choice and lower prices for everyone. Intense price competition will force insurers to put more downward pressure on charges from providers and that will result in lower health care costs for the states and federal governments as well as for consumers. The Dems' anti free market bias is a major factor in making health insurance and health care so expensive.
Yea this guy is a real "Uniter" alright. Just another Liberal Media scam. Most people really are just cattle in the end. They can be led to believe anything with enough propaganda. He's actually out there whining about "hate" while he expresses nothing but hate towards his opponents. Yea he's the "Victim." What a joke.

A paid martyr.

The Dems specialize in martyrdom.

They needed an acceptable front man that would lie convincingly.

They needed a minority or a woman so their opponents couldn't be overly critical of them.

Any reasonable criticism would be called sexist or racist.

Not only martyrs...but these people specialize in professional victimology/victimhood. This is how they are able to demonize dissent. How could anyone be against 'healthcare' and the victims of those evil Insurance companies? This is how they play upon peoples fears, and are able to intimidate folks...and of more import? How they are able to push the socialist agenda.

Obama hates being told NO. can we be up front of this? Same for his fellow travellers (Statists that have taken over the Democrat party).

Of course Obama has really never been told NO...he's gotten everything he has off the Government in some form or fashion, thus his big Marxist push to change this Republic to something more palatable to how he got to where he is.

His rants are that of a petulant child that doesn't know the meaning of 'NO'...thus we see it now in his war against dissenters.
I would add amend ERISA so that an employee could opt to take the company contribution and use it to purchase an individual policy instead of the company plan if he/she believed it better met his/her needs. This would allow all 1300 insurers to compete for each individual policy and that would provide more choice and lower prices for everyone. Intense price competition will force insurers to put more downward pressure on charges from providers and that will result in lower health care costs for the states and federal governments as well as for consumers. The Dems' anti free market bias is a major factor in making health insurance and health care so expensive.

Agreed - this would be part of reforming the tax code. Make health insurance an individual deduction, with the fees currently paid by an employer rolling into employee cash comp to choose how to use it.

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