You Tone It Down Mr. President

His rants are that of a petulant child that doesn't know the meaning of 'NO'...thus we see it now in his war against dissenters.

He is the most peevish, thin-skinned President in modern history (we don't have a televised record of earlier ones - it's doubtful any of them were as emotionally immature as this moron).
His rants are that of a petulant child that doesn't know the meaning of 'NO'...thus we see it now in his war against dissenters.

He is the most peevish, thin-skinned President in modern history (we don't have a televised record of earlier ones - it's doubtful any of them were as emotionally immature as this moron).

Exactly my point. And of course we see it mirrored by many on the left that have been in this thread.
I can't even stomach watching the ugly, hateful, thuggish Obama anymore.

He is like a broken record. someone should write him some new scripts.
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I mute the TV whenever he appears - or switch the channel to Soundscape. It's really annoying how Every Bloody Morning, the business news is interrupted with his endless campaigning.

He really should have to pay for informercials.
I would love to know how much insurance companies make each year...

The average profit margin for insurance companies is 3%.

We spend $2.5T each year on health care. Get rid of all the profits for the top insurance companies - that is $12B (a drop in the bucket compared to total spending).

The problem is not Insurance Company profits - it's demand shielded from prices, which ObamaCare will make worse.

Many of us have posted suggestions for real reforms which would address the supply vs. demand issues, and lower the cost structure:

- Remove the barriers to interstate competition so that all 1,300 health insurance companies in the country can compete with each other (CA's insurance commissioner currently allows on 6 of them to provide insurance in the state).

- Tort reform which limits punitive and pain & suffering damages.

- Tax code reform which decouples insurance from employment and expands the availability of HSA accounts so that individiuals are the consumers AND purchasers of health care.

Whole Foods has a very effective model for the last point; Texas provides a good model for the second one. These are real life successes that could be extended across the country. Instead, the Dems have opted for oppressive government control and taxation, which will make health care more expensive and reduce supply.

I would add amend ERISA so that an employee could opt to take the company contribution and use it to purchase an individual policy instead of the company plan if he/she believed it better met his/her needs. This would allow all 1300 insurers to compete for each individual policy and that would provide more choice and lower prices for everyone. Intense price competition will force insurers to put more downward pressure on charges from providers and that will result in lower health care costs for the states and federal governments as well as for consumers. The Dems' anti free market bias is a major factor in making health insurance and health care so expensive.

Exactly. They have created a 'crisis' by their own hand and now come in on their magnificent steeds to save the day by making it even a larger convoluted mess that frankly robs even more liberty from the people.
Rham is going to poison the President's mind with the far left agenda so bad, even the Democrats will disown him by November.
When Hillary resigns as SoS shortly after the November elections debacle, then throws her hat in about a year later for the Dem nomination for POTUS, watch out! Gonna be a rough primary fight, which Hill will win this time.

THAT would be making history -- Obama the only sitting President to LOSE his own party's nomination for a second term.

Obama never did a thing in his life that was honest.

He used the Dem caucus system to barely beat out Hillary.

If he had been running under the GOP rules he would have lost...because they have winner take all state primaries. Hillary won most of the big states and Obama slid in by splitting the delegate count and using caucuses to steal the state.
Rham is going to poison the President's mind with the far left agenda so bad, even the Democrats will disown him by November.
When Hillary resigns as SoS shortly after the November elections debacle, then throws her hat in about a year later for the Dem nomination for POTUS, watch out! Gonna be a rough primary fight, which Hill will win this time.

THAT would be making history -- Obama the only sitting President to LOSE his own party's nomination for a second term.

Obama never did a thing in his life that was honest.

He used the Dem caucus system to barely beat out Hillary.

If he had been running under the GOP rules he would have lost...because they have winner take all state primaries. Hillary won most of the big states and Obama slid in by splitting the delegate count and using caucuses to steal the state.

Yep. [Thanks for commenting on MM's post...I was going to].

I think it's an interesting premise that The Hildebeast start "Operation Chaos" Part Deux. :lol:
I recall Bush being a real arrogant son of a bitch many times he spoke.

Remember the ANGRY "I'm the Desider" crap?

They thought it was cute when Bush talked tuff but now they dont think its so cute when the President talks tuff.


Bush did it, he was a straight shooter. Obama does it, he's arrogant. Partisan hackery at its worst.
I recall Bush being a real arrogant son of a bitch many times he spoke.

Remember the ANGRY "I'm the Desider" crap?

They thought it was cute when Bush talked tuff but now they dont think its so cute when the President talks tuff.


Bush did it, he was a straight shooter. Obama does it, he's arrogant. Partisan hackery at its worst.

Bush did what exactly? Elaborate.

Think he'll listen to me?

hope not...the day he starts listening to partisan hacks, whiners and whingers is the day that everybody loses..

Why would he listen to you? You are not his constituency... He could cure cancer, bring world peace and be the second coming and you'd still hate him...
He was listening to partisan hacks before he was elected President. It is even worse now.
What issues? It's just partisan hackery....

The issue is sabre rattling by 0bama against the majority of America who is against his health care law. Chicago style thug politics moves to Washington DC.

Really? How many are against it? What was the conservative plan? Oh, right, there wasn't one. Those that can afford health get it, those who can't, fuck 'em...dontcha just love compassionate conservatism..
You are a liar sir.

A God-damned liar.
The issue is sabre rattling by 0bama against the majority of America who is against his health care law. Chicago style thug politics moves to Washington DC.

Really? How many are against it? What was the conservative plan? Oh, right, there wasn't one. Those that can afford health get it, those who can't, fuck 'em...dontcha just love compassionate conservatism..
You are a liar sir.

A God-damned liar.

Very True.



Who's right? There's no real way to resolve this debate without examining the content of these amendments, and the committee has yet to officially release them. But a Senate Republican source sent Slate a summary of many of the amendments, with a short description of each. (Download the Excel file here.) Disclaimer: This is an incomplete list. Of the 788 amendments filed, only 437 appear here. And of the 161 GOP amendments passed or accepted, we have confirmed only 80 as such. We hope to update the document as more information becomes available.



To further?

Senate Republicans Offer More Amendments

By DAVID M. HERSZENHORNThe amendments are piling up.
Here are a few of the Republican amendments, as described by the authors, that were submitted on Tuesday in the Senate. The senators referenced below are David Vitter of Louisiana, Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, Judd Gregg of New Hampshire, James M. Inhofe of Oklahoma, Bob Bennett of Utah and John McCain of Arizona.
Vitter amendment: Prohibiting use of funds to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). (#3554)
Grassley amendment: To make sure the President, Cabinet Members, all White House Senior staff and Congressional Committee and Leadership Staff are purchasing health insurance through the health insurance exchanges established by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. (#3564)
Inhofe amendment: To exclude devices for persons with disabilities from the medical device tax. (#3565)
Gregg-Coburn amendment: To prevent Medicare from being raided for new entitlements and to use Medicare savings to save Medicare. (#3567)
Bennett amendment: To protect the Democratic process and the right of the people of the District of Columbia to define marriage. (#3568)
Grassley amendment: To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to ensure Medicare beneficiary access to physicians, eliminate sweetheart deals for frontier States, and ensure equitable reimbursement under the Medicare program for all rural states. (#3569)
McCain Amendment: To eliminate the sweetheart deals for Tennessee, Hawaii, Louisiana, Montana, Connecticut, and frontier States. (#3570)
See earlier post on amendments offered by Senator Tom Coburn, Republican of Oklahoma.


I concur with your sentiment. The Republicans were locked out...and for the record?

There were plenty. Democrats didn't like HSA's and other proposals...

The Republican Health Care Proposal Should Be… HSAPLUS <REDSTATE


There's LOTS out there. So to say there was simply nothing is indeed a LIE, and disingenous. The NET is full of such stories where Democrats balked because the Government wasn't in control of the whole enchalada.

And we see that Obama didn't wanna talk about it either in his ill-fated summit when the Republicans piled it in front of themselves to discuss it with Obama...and Obama chastised it as 'PROPS'.
I recall Bush being a real arrogant son of a bitch many times he spoke.

Remember the ANGRY "I'm the Desider" crap?

They thought it was cute when Bush talked tuff but now they dont think its so cute when the President talks tuff.


Partisans don't like it when someone of the other party is in power. We'll have that and a story about a dog which chases it's own tail, all on the "News of the Obvious" at 11.
Rham is going to poison the President's mind with the far left agenda so bad, even the Democrats will disown him by November.
When Hillary resigns as SoS shortly after the November elections debacle, then throws her hat in about a year later for the Dem nomination for POTUS, watch out! Gonna be a rough primary fight, which Hill will win this time.

THAT would be making history -- Obama the only sitting President to LOSE his own party's nomination for a second term.

If that did happen (it won't), it wouldn't be the only time. It's happened five times before.
Tyler in 1844, Fillmore in 1852, Pierce in 1856, Andrew Johnson in 1868, Arthur in 1884. In more recent times, Johnson chose to not run for reelection in 1968 after only narrowly defeating Eugene McCarthy in New Hampshire.
OVER half of the American people picked him.

Its called democracy.

Maybe you should learn a little about your religion and be a little kinder to your fellow man.

Obama made a point of declaring to the world this is not a Christian nation anymore.

So can it sister.

Another lib blowing smoke up ass. This country is the majority in Christians and Judeo-Christians. Even though our Constitution doesn't discriminate against other religions, our nation was founded as a Christian Nation.

Please drop the "Judeo" part from "Judeo-Christian". If they were ever successful at purging the other groups, they'd purge the Jews too.
Only in your warped mind.

These are the words that point it out clearly in the Declaration Of Independence.

With respect to abuse of power by government:

Where in either the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution does it reference Jesus? A "Christian Nation" would be based on Jesus wouldn't it?

The founding fathers specifically avoided specifying any religion or favor any faith.

The word Christian isn't used....but belief in God is.

Since most of America is Christian this is a given. However Obama wants to buck this trend and say that we Christians don't matter anymore. That is what he's saying after all when he says this is not a Christian nation. It's not a Jewish nation...that is Israel. It is not a Muslim nation...but I'm sure he wishes it was. It is not a Buddhist nation, nor a Hindu nation.

What folks like you want to do is not only change the accepted norms but single out Christianity for exclusion which is prohibited. You see if you get an inch you'll end up taking a mile. You won't stop till Christian beliefs and customs are completely erased from this country. So my point is YOU will go too far if you get a toe-hold. Our job is to stop you and people who think like you from ever being in control of this country because you just can't help yourselves. As it is folks who think like me aren't going to try to convert you like Muslims will...."Convert or die". Consider yourself lucky you don't live in an Islamic state.

Belief in a god is, but that doesn't imply the Christian conception of God. In fact, the wording used makes it pretty clear the idea of God is being referred to in a deist context.
Where in either the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution does it reference Jesus? A "Christian Nation" would be based on Jesus wouldn't it?

The founding fathers specifically avoided specifying any religion or favor any faith.

The word Christian isn't used....but belief in God is.

Since most of America is Christian this is a given. However Obama wants to buck this trend and say that we Christians don't matter anymore. That is what he's saying after all when he says this is not a Christian nation. It's not a Jewish nation...that is Israel. It is not a Muslim nation...but I'm sure he wishes it was. It is not a Buddhist nation, nor a Hindu nation.

What folks like you want to do is not only change the accepted norms but single out Christianity for exclusion which is prohibited. You see if you get an inch you'll end up taking a mile. You won't stop till Christian beliefs and customs are completely erased from this country. So my point is YOU will go too far if you get a toe-hold. Our job is to stop you and people who think like you from ever being in control of this country because you just can't help yourselves. As it is folks who think like me aren't going to try to convert you like Muslims will...."Convert or die". Consider yourself lucky you don't live in an Islamic state.

Belief in a god is, but that doesn't imply the Christian conception of God. In fact, the wording used makes it pretty clear the idea of God is being referred to in a deist context.

The Founders were all about God in the Declaration, and their intent to let King George know what our gripes were.

And for the record? MOST of the Founders were GOD-Fearing men in the Christain concept of God.

Your post is gobbldeegook. This nation was Founded upon the precept that all men were created Equal, and their rights came from one source:

God, and was for no man to take away such Liberty, that it was between themselves and whatever diety they worshipped, -Or Not-

It was a matter of Liberty non the less and left to the individual.
The word Christian isn't used....but belief in God is.

Since most of America is Christian this is a given. However Obama wants to buck this trend and say that we Christians don't matter anymore. That is what he's saying after all when he says this is not a Christian nation. It's not a Jewish nation...that is Israel. It is not a Muslim nation...but I'm sure he wishes it was. It is not a Buddhist nation, nor a Hindu nation.

What folks like you want to do is not only change the accepted norms but single out Christianity for exclusion which is prohibited. You see if you get an inch you'll end up taking a mile. You won't stop till Christian beliefs and customs are completely erased from this country. So my point is YOU will go too far if you get a toe-hold. Our job is to stop you and people who think like you from ever being in control of this country because you just can't help yourselves. As it is folks who think like me aren't going to try to convert you like Muslims will...."Convert or die". Consider yourself lucky you don't live in an Islamic state.

Belief in a god is, but that doesn't imply the Christian conception of God. In fact, the wording used makes it pretty clear the idea of God is being referred to in a deist context.

The Founders were all about God in the Declaration, and their intent to let King George know what our gripes were.

And for the record? MOST of the Founders were GOD-Fearing men in the Christain concept of God.

Your post is gobbldeegook. This nation was Founded upon the precept that all men were created Equal, and their rights came from one source:

God, and was for no man to take away such Liberty, that it was between themselves and whatever diety they worshipped, -Or Not-

It was a matter of Liberty non the less and left to the individual.

Tell that to Jefferson. Or Thomas Paine.
Belief in a god is, but that doesn't imply the Christian conception of God. In fact, the wording used makes it pretty clear the idea of God is being referred to in a deist context.

The Founders were all about God in the Declaration, and their intent to let King George know what our gripes were.

And for the record? MOST of the Founders were GOD-Fearing men in the Christain concept of God.

Your post is gobbldeegook. This nation was Founded upon the precept that all men were created Equal, and their rights came from one source:

God, and was for no man to take away such Liberty, that it was between themselves and whatever diety they worshipped, -Or Not-

It was a matter of Liberty non the less and left to the individual.

Tell that to Jefferson. Or Thomas Paine.


Whom wrote this?

[SIZE=+2]Human Liberty; Inalienable Rights[/SIZE]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+1]We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with inherent and inalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.[/SIZE][/FONT]


Now whom was he referring to?

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