You Tone It Down Mr. President

I would love to know how much insurance companies make each year...

Like it matters.

I'm fed up with folks like you that feel other folks have no right to making a profit.

I remember a couple of years ago they were saying the same stupid shit about oil companies and last year it was banks. When are you gonna get wise and realize you're being led around by the fucken nose to hate whatever they want you to hate.

It makes you look like mindless fools.

I have no problem with anybody making a profit.

If an insurance company is making an after tax profit of $500 million a year, and now they'll only make $400 million and whine about it, go tell somebody who gives a shit cause I don't.

Fact is, corporations will screw you for as much as possible and try and get away with it. If there were no checks and balances you'd end up with third world societies. You want to live in those kinds of countries, go live in Africa or Latin America..
His rants are that of a petulant child that doesn't know the meaning of 'NO'...thus we see it now in his war against dissenters.

He is the most peevish, thin-skinned President in modern history (we don't have a televised record of earlier ones - it's doubtful any of them were as emotionally immature as this moron).

you have to be shitting me? Emotionally immature?? Christ, the Chimp epitomised immaturity to a T....
His rants are that of a petulant child that doesn't know the meaning of 'NO'...thus we see it now in his war against dissenters.

He is the most peevish, thin-skinned President in modern history (we don't have a televised record of earlier ones - it's doubtful any of them were as emotionally immature as this moron).

you have to be shitting me? Emotionally immature?? Christ, the Chimp epitomised immaturity to a T....

totally retarded, isn't it?
I would love to know how much insurance companies make each year...

Like it matters.

I'm fed up with folks like you that feel other folks have no right to making a profit.

I remember a couple of years ago they were saying the same stupid shit about oil companies and last year it was banks. When are you gonna get wise and realize you're being led around by the fucken nose to hate whatever they want you to hate.

It makes you look like mindless fools.

I have no problem with anybody making a profit.

If an insurance company is making an after tax profit of $500 million a year, and now they'll only make $400 million and whine about it, go tell somebody who gives a shit cause I don't.

Fact is, corporations will screw you for as much as possible and try and get away with it. If there were no checks and balances you'd end up with third world societies. You want to live in those kinds of countries, go live in Africa or Latin America..

And that's why whiners like you have to complain to Government to make it *all better* to attack those evil mean companies that have stockholders /investors with common workers with 401k's saving for retirement.

*YOU* are an idiot. You are the type that lops yer fuckin nose off to spite yer face.
His rants are that of a petulant child that doesn't know the meaning of 'NO'...thus we see it now in his war against dissenters.

He is the most peevish, thin-skinned President in modern history (we don't have a televised record of earlier ones - it's doubtful any of them were as emotionally immature as this moron).

you have to be shitting me? Emotionally immature?? Christ, the Chimp epitomised immaturity to a T....

*I rest my CASE*
I would love to know how much insurance companies make each year...

Like it matters.

I'm fed up with folks like you that feel other folks have no right to making a profit.

I remember a couple of years ago they were saying the same stupid shit about oil companies and last year it was banks. When are you gonna get wise and realize you're being led around by the fucken nose to hate whatever they want you to hate.

It makes you look like mindless fools.

I have no problem with anybody making a profit.

If an insurance company is making an after tax profit of $500 million a year, and now they'll only make $400 million and whine about it, go tell somebody who gives a shit cause I don't.

Fact is, corporations will screw you for as much as possible and try and get away with it. If there were no checks and balances you'd end up with third world societies. You want to live in those kinds of countries, go live in Africa or Latin America..

People in the insurance business know that once Obamacare is in force they'll soon be out of business.

You see Dr companies aren't just some big evil monster. The company is made up up thousands of people just trying to make a living. But you've lumped them all into one pot and declared that the profits they make are unjust.

$500 million is chump-change compared to what the Federal government takes in every year. So maybe you need a little bit of perspective before you go off about how they're making too much. What they make is only .25 of one percent that Uncle Sam is spending every year of your tax dollars. Think about that before you start bitching about how much money they're making. They're gonna need every cent of that to pay for all of the crap that the Democrats have in store for them.

And think about this...the more they make the more taxes they pay. Since when has that been a bad thing.
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His rants are that of a petulant child that doesn't know the meaning of 'NO'...thus we see it now in his war against dissenters.

He is the most peevish, thin-skinned President in modern history (we don't have a televised record of earlier ones - it's doubtful any of them were as emotionally immature as this moron).

you have to be shitting me? Emotionally immature?? Christ, the Chimp epitomised immaturity to a T....

Now Dr Grump is calling Obama a "Chimp". Wow I thought you worshiped him & hinted that Angels have orgasms every time he speaks. So when did Obama piss on your Cheerios?
The Founders were all about God in the Declaration, and their intent to let King George know what our gripes were.

And for the record? MOST of the Founders were GOD-Fearing men in the Christain concept of God.

Your post is gobbldeegook. This nation was Founded upon the precept that all men were created Equal, and their rights came from one source:

God, and was for no man to take away such Liberty, that it was between themselves and whatever diety they worshipped, -Or Not-

It was a matter of Liberty non the less and left to the individual.

Tell that to Jefferson. Or Thomas Paine.


Whom wrote this?

[SIZE=+2]Human Liberty; Inalienable Rights[/SIZE]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+1]We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with inherent and inalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.[/SIZE][/FONT]


Now whom was he referring to?

A god. That doesn't mean he was referring to your god. For starters, 18th century Christians didn't refer to God as "Creator", but Deists certainly did. Also, kinda hard to argue that Jefferson was a Christian when he rejected a key tenet of Christianity (the divinity of Christ).
Tell that to Jefferson. Or Thomas Paine.


Whom wrote this?

[SIZE=+2]Human Liberty; Inalienable Rights[/SIZE]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+1]We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with inherent and inalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.[/SIZE][/FONT]


Now whom was he referring to?

A god. That doesn't mean he was referring to your god. For starters, 18th century Christians didn't refer to God as "Creator", but Deists certainly did. Also, kinda hard to argue that Jefferson was a Christian when he rejected a key tenet of Christianity (the divinity of Christ).

And what were the majority of the Founders? Sorry. Ain't buying it.
I often look at situations like this and see the same thing. People that need to control their lives. Accepting that there is a God requires you to not be in charge. I have never met a person who is on complete control of their life.

You cannot marginalize God. You will not gain power over him by replacing him in this society. The damage will done to us and us alone.

The Founders did not want a government sponsored or approved religion. They did expect that a nation settled by religious people to have religion be an important part of their lives and guide how they would govern. They were instituting a limited government.

The Founders were very aware of the power that a single religion, central government or branch of that government might try to wield. So they crafted separation of church and state, checks and balances and states rights. These are the very things President 0bama seems to be at war with.
I often look at situations like this and see the same thing. People that need to control their lives. Accepting that there is a God requires you to not be in charge. I have never met a person who is on complete control of their life.

You cannot marginalize God. You will not gain power over him by replacing him in this society. The damage will done to us and us alone.

The Founders did not want a government sponsored or approved religion. They did expect that a nation settled by religious people to have religion be an important part of their lives and guide how they would govern. They were instituting a limited government.

The Founders were very aware of the power that a single religion, central government or branch of that government might try to wield. So they crafted separation of church and state, checks and balances and states rights. These are the very things President 0bama seems to be at war with.

Last time I checked, it was not the President, nor his party, that were attempting to force their religious views on others via the enactment of legislation (there goes the war on separation of church and state). As for checks and balances, how have they been violated? Another well you're going to dip into and come up empty.
He is the most peevish, thin-skinned President in modern history (we don't have a televised record of earlier ones - it's doubtful any of them were as emotionally immature as this moron).

you have to be shitting me? Emotionally immature?? Christ, the Chimp epitomised immaturity to a T....

*I rest my CASE

You're hardly the epitome of maturity...of course Boe calling Obama a moron is sooo mature;
People in the insurance business know that once Obamacare is in force they'll soon be out of business.

You see Dr companies aren't just some big evil monster. The company is made up up thousands of people just trying to make a living. But you've lumped them all into one pot and declared that the profits they make are unjust.

$500 million is chump-change compared to what the Federal government takes in every year. So maybe you need a little bit of perspective before you go off about how they're making too much. What they make is only .25 of one percent that Uncle Sam is spending every year of your tax dollars. Think about that before you start bitching about how much money they're making. They're gonna need every cent of that to pay for all of the crap that the Democrats have in store for them.

And think about this...the more they make the more taxes they pay. Since when has that been a bad thing.

I don't believe for one second they will be out of business.

I will say this though..Is this the same people that will gladly take premiums, but when you reach a certain age they suddenly start stopping taking your premiums, right at the age when you really need health cover? Yeah, sound lke a real nice bunch of people.

Really with regard to taxes? Do you know that corporates pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to tax lawyers so they can minimise their tax contributions?

Uncle Sam is not my problem...he's yours..
[And that's why whiners like you have to complain to Government to make it *all better* to attack those evil mean companies that have stockholders /investors with common workers with 401k's saving for retirement.

*YOU* are an idiot. You are the type that lops yer fuckin nose off to spite yer face.

And it's ijits like you who just take, take, take. It's all about "me, me, me!!".

We don't have 401 k's down here....

...and if you want to talk about 401K's, let's take a real good look at greed. Let's take a look and Kenny Boy Lay and Enron...Who was his friend in govt again? No doubt you'll defned him and the shit head at Tyco...After all, they're looking out for their 'workers' and 'small time investors' for sure....:cuckoo:
People in the insurance business know that once Obamacare is in force they'll soon be out of business.

You see Dr companies aren't just some big evil monster. The company is made up up thousands of people just trying to make a living. But you've lumped them all into one pot and declared that the profits they make are unjust.

$500 million is chump-change compared to what the Federal government takes in every year. So maybe you need a little bit of perspective before you go off about how they're making too much. What they make is only .25 of one percent that Uncle Sam is spending every year of your tax dollars. Think about that before you start bitching about how much money they're making. They're gonna need every cent of that to pay for all of the crap that the Democrats have in store for them.

And think about this...the more they make the more taxes they pay. Since when has that been a bad thing.

I don't believe for one second they will be out of business.

I will say this though..Is this the same people that will gladly take premiums, but when you reach a certain age they suddenly start stopping taking your premiums, right at the age when you really need health cover? Yeah, sound lke a real nice bunch of people.

Really with regard to taxes? Do you know that corporates pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to tax lawyers so they can minimise their tax contributions?

Uncle Sam is not my problem...he's yours..

Uncle Sam isn't the problem. It's the people with the power that are becoming the problem.

Do you think for one second they're gonna be straight with us what their plans are?

They're trying to spring it on us a little at a time. All at once is too much for any rational person to take. So they're breaking it to us in doses.

Add it all up it's not good for this country.
I'd say Mr. Obama needs to get his finger out of our faces. I need no lectures from such an empty vessel with a track record of zero and personal associations such as his.

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