You Too Can Own A Piece Of the People's Car Making Collective! Just LIke China!

Apparently the demand for the The North American Motors, Car Making Collective, (aka, GM, or "Government Motors"), is already high enough that maybe it won't make the usual bubble.

Still, it wiil be a Great Day in the annals of Socialist Victories Worldwide!

Probably the GOP Tea Party has already lined up, for its cut.

No doubt China, has lined up for its cut!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes come to Lands of Many Nations: With shiny rings in ears, patches over eyes, funny hats of White Eyes Admiralty Nation, and totems with skulls, and crossed bones! Hmmm!)

I didn't want a GM when it was a privately own company why would I want one when the government has fucked it up even worse?
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Apparently the demand for the The North American Motors, Car Making Collective, (aka, GM, or "Government Motors"), is already high enough that maybe it won't make the usual bubble.

Still, it wiil be a Great Day in the annals of Socialist Victories Worldwide!

Probably the GOP Tea Party has already lined up, for its cut.

No doubt China, has lined up for its cut!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes come to Lands of Many Nations: With shiny rings in ears, patches over eyes, funny hats of White Eyes Admiralty Nation, and totems with skulls, and crossed bones! Hmmm!)

No idea where you and your crack pipe ended up, but you are making no sense, and leave no reference here to figure out your babbeling.:lol:
he's one of YOUR type
The estimated total cost of the repair and rennovation of the U. S. auto manufacturer industry may wind up at about $6.0 bil., with $80.0 bil. of it all recovered.

Unlike the rest of the Ivy League sophisticated, preservative of state and local government budgeteers, "hold your own nose and inhale," Liberal Stimulus: The auto industry bail-out actually created jobs. A tax base will happen from the bail-out. The federal government will continue to (profiteer) from the investment, for years yet to happen.

State and local government budgeteers, to compare and contrast, are facing bankruptcy and the Tea Party GOP to bail-out the new behinds of their beloved, governors now in office.

The Socialist Intervention for jobs-creation, is what Tea Party supporters think that government should do! They clearly adore Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid: All to be recommended for Medal of Freedom, Hero of Our Nation, awards(?)!

Maybe in fact, a week from Tuesday: While there is still Time: To use for the coverings at the bottom of the bird cages of America! Millions will in fact say, "Once upon a. . .Well!" They probably have something else in mind!

History modification is like that latter part, and just before it. Paying no attention whatsover to current events is what the Tea Party is mostly about! These are old, white. . .the House Republicans, themselves published the National Geographic version in the Pledge . . .that they seemed to want everyone to drink, instead!

Meg Whitman finally settled with her maid, with the few hundred dollars: The Whitmans apparently have left!

Anyone notices that some people actually are not to be trusted, especially with their own money! Republicans called, "heirs:" Understand that best!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many Nations Trust Sacred Squaws of Holy Shiny Trinkets: To do the right thing and "Pull:" For Many Moons(?)!)
So GM got a loan, then a gift. They used that gift to payback the loan. Then the government strong-armed existing creditors to get virtually nothing, bought a piece for itself, gave a piece to the UAW, and is now selling stock for a loss. In the process, the premise of the first loan and gift was to keep it from laying off workers, closing factories, and filing bankruptcy. Then it had to do that anyway, but now the government gets to bail out the UAW again by subsidizing their gains.

How in the world does this make good fiscal sense?
Anyone comparing George Bush Business As Usual, with Post-Obama rennovated, ready for World Level Business: Needs the more historical time frame, and in both directions.

"Heirs" and "heiresses" know that moms and dads are better put to rest, when it comes to the money. Actually, it's the pets that get put to sleep: Except for moms and dads at the opera--at least the dads at the opera. In America, You have to be sports-minded apparently: To want to see the. . . .Diva person sing!

Revenue streams from continuing operations are really what socialists are about. Inhumanity, business as usual, get a military in uniform to commit actual suicide, every 36 hours: Is what the GOP is famously about!

Pre-Bail revenue streams were not what previous management was all about. The Fiscal sense of continuing and growing tax base was up until now, easily said to be lost on the Ivy League liberals. The teachers in the schools would simply have none of it!

Nor should they have had any of it, having caused all the mutilations of the babies, and the foreclosures, and even the mortgage crisis, and even the Wall Street banking scenarios, of no asset values,and former Presdient, George Bush II, Terms I & II.

Since the total cost of the entire auto industry bail-out is now estimated at $6.0 bil., that is even less than one year of Ear Marks, at about $16.0 bil. Both are compared to the trillion dollar levels of the federal budget.

For that a tax base is needed!

To counter that, there are Ivy League Liberals, and Republicans from Yale, and now from parts unknown!

Both groups understand the concept, "heirs," and some even "heiresses!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Squaw of Egypt find Papoose in River Nile, even knowing it was Jewish: And would not become an heir! It would even have to work for a living, never to come off the treadmill from hell: In story handed down for generations!)
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So GM got a loan, then a gift. They used that gift to payback the loan. Then the government strong-armed existing creditors to get virtually nothing, bought a piece for itself, gave a piece to the UAW, and is now selling stock for a loss. In the process, the premise of the first loan and gift was to keep it from laying off workers, closing factories, and filing bankruptcy. Then it had to do that anyway, but now the government gets to bail out the UAW again by subsidizing their gains.

How in the world does this make good fiscal sense?

It doesn't. It just baffles the mind. Try not to get hung up on this freakish logic or you will lose your mind.
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Ya gotta love it.. The Volt.. Car of the Year.

Does one person own one of these?


Hell No! I have been #1705 on their waiting-list to buy a Chevy Volt for about 3 years & they still haven't sold any. No way in hell it could have any real reviews.
What is worse...A gas powered car that gives off exhaust, which is quickly absorbed back into the environment...Or a battery powered car that leaves behind a 600lb toxic peice of garbage? Will the enviro-whackos start freaking out when millions of these batteries need to be disposed of? Will California and New York volunteer to store them because "green" energy is the way to go?
What is worse...A gas powered car that gives off exhaust, which is quickly absorbed back into the environment...Or a battery powered car that leaves behind a 600lb toxic peice of garbage? Will the enviro-whackos start freaking out when millions of these batteries need to be disposed of? Will California and New York volunteer to store them because "green" energy is the way to go?

Yeah, they'll freak out. As soon as wind energy corporations started making a little profit the enviro freaks came out and started crying about birds flying into the blades. It's beyond amazing to watch them gnash their teeth over their own hypocrisy.
As long as anyone is discussing the more primordial economics the Free Marketeers advocate: Then in the Party of Abraham Lincoln, there are likely these. The are the Mba, and greatly to be feared, they are!

They emerge from the ivy! In fact, they emerge from the Schvartz Ivy League, just as easily as from Bush Ivy League!

"Revenue Streams," are not on radar, nor on the horizon, nor in the locations where they work their magic, on the economy. It has been called Voodoo economics. It looks like Hait. . .well!

They have probably already arrived in a neighborhood near you! It is the Party of Abraham Lincoln. Private Property, with tangible value, is not even an important concept that any of them know anything about! It was that way when they started. It remains that way now. They have descended, probably even in a neighborhood where you live!

The same applies, to Great Revenue Stream of America! The concept is a non-starter, with the Mba (MMM Bah!), from America!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Revenue Stream, now flow through Lands of Many Nations! White Eyes in neighborhoods have No Revenue streamlets, even, or brooks of them!)
As long as anyone is discussing the more primordial economics the Free Marketeers advocate: Then in the Party of Abraham Lincoln, there are likely these. The are the Mba, and greatly to be feared, they are!

They emerge from the ivy! In fact, they emerge from the Schvartz Ivy League, just as easily as from Bush Ivy League!

"Revenue Streams," are not on radar, nor on the horizon, nor in the locations where they work their magic, on the economy. It has been called Voodoo economics. It looks like Hait. . .well!

They have probably already arrived in a neighborhood near you! It is the Party of Abraham Lincoln. Private Property, with tangible value, is not even an important concept that any of them know anything about! It was that way when they started. It remains that way now. They have descended, probably even in a neighborhood where you live!

The same applies, to Great Revenue Stream of America! The concept is a non-starter, with the Mba (MMM Bah!), from America!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Revenue Stream, now flow through Lands of Many Nations! White Eyes in neighborhoods have No Revenue streamlets, even, or brooks of them!)

Ahem...what the f**k are you talking about?

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