You Voted for Trump because?

Anyone who voted for Trump and uses the abortion excuse are mainly liars and they are pro birth only.

They also mistakenly think pro choice mean pro abortion. Idiots. Now that we are actively closing PP, and repealing the ACA, expect HIV and VD's to be rampant, worst than ever.

Since we are taking funds away from EPA, expect more mentally and physically handicapped babies, and also more cancers.
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Huh? Obama had EIGHT years!
yes 8 years 76 straight months of job gains huge moves in our stock markets .keeping a civil tongue when dealing with countries we're at odds with,,never alienating friendly nations another republican moron ruins all our gains foreign and domestically......and idiots still make excuses for him
I've made money in the stock market since the election.
bfd I made money with clinton bush and obama and this nut trump will make me more
But you just said a republican ruins all the gains? As if it already happened.....
What's the deal?
trump will make the biggest score of his life ,,,,,, gains foreign and domestic are in the process of being lost, friends are not friends anymore
Thats what happens when an inexperience idiot takes office and won't listen to anyone's advice.
Huh? Obama had EIGHT years!
yes 8 years 76 straight months of job gains huge moves in our stock markets .keeping a civil tongue when dealing with countries we're at odds with,,never alienating friendly nations another republican moron ruins all our gains foreign and domestically......and idiots still make excuses for him
I've made money in the stock market since the election.
bfd I made money with clinton bush and obama and this nut trump will make me more
Ah, so there it is. You made money in the stock market, therefore the economy is great. How stupid.
How do you think all those with IRA's 401 K's did over Obamas time in office ?/ Just because some won't find jobs doesn't make Obamas Presidency a bad thing...4.7% unemployment??? Keep on hating ...try hating this pos in office now,,, he'll ruin our country
Lets not forget how well housing prices did during the Obama years
Con Trump Trap Hiedler


They voted for him, because he was the non-ESTABLISHMENT candidate, is why they voted for him. Now they've got a giant cow turd they don't know what to do with.



Now this one I'm confused about.

I'm a big Tea Party fan. To this day, I have yet to see where Tea Party was promoting Trump.

If anything Tea Party would be against what Trump supports.

Tea Party Express Celebrates Presidential Candidates: Senator Rand Paul Becomes Second Tea Party Presidential Candidate | Tea Party Express

Here they were pushing Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz. Which at least Rand Paul, and Rubio make sense.

But I don't see this "Tea Party for Trump" campaign. If anything they got quiet.

Not that facts ever matter to the left....

The only support from the right-wing conservatives, is that we didn't want Hillary.

Honestly, if you people had the moral backbone to pick any decent candidate, Trump would have lost.
republicans never think a dem candidate is decent's in their genes to hate any dem
Mr. Mirror speaks. Republicans aren't just wrong, they are eeeeeviiiiillll. Leftists have taken over the Democrat party, might be some decent Dems left but they have no power within the party.

Moderates in the Republican party no longer have any power either. 54% of the Republican party voted for other candidates. They didn't want the Comrade they just settled on him.

But paybacks are coming in 2018 and 2020. When you let extremists take over the party this kind of shit happens.


And to prove it all you need to do is read their 2016 platform.
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Con Trump Trap Hiedler
^^^ That's why I voted for Trump. I was a Rubio supporter but then I saw how Trump was making liberals foam over with hate and outrage. I knew then he was the man that would reveal to America just what subhuman garbage liberals truly are.

So weasel votes because of hate, come on weasel start eating cold cereal in the morning and warm up a bit...
See what I mean? The hate that rages in you made you think that's what I really meant. I see it as a litmus test. Libs quiet, that's no good. Libs boiling over in rage, that's a sign from God.

No hate here, just amused at this point with the daily excuses for the swamp
I didn't offer one.
Moderates in the Republican party no longer have any power either. 54% of the Republican party voted for other candidates. They didn't want the Comrade they just settled on him.

But paybacks are coming in 2018 and 2020. When you let extremists take over the party this kind of shit happens.
All primaries go that way. Even for dems, who btw got shafted. Bernie was winning states and Hillary was taking the delegates. Golly, more threats from the left. Your poop diapers will only grow, America sees you like never before.
Anyone who voted for Trump and uses the abortion excuse are mainly liars and they are pro birth only.

They also mistakenly think pro choice mean pro abortion. Idiots. Now that we are actively closing PP, and repealing the ACA, expect HIV and VD's to be rampant, worst than ever.

Since we are taking funds away from EPA, expect more mentally and physically handicapped babies, and also more cancers.
Anything else? A plague of locusts? Rivers turning to blood?
Anyone who voted for Trump and uses the abortion excuse are mainly liars and they are pro birth only.

They also mistakenly think pro choice mean pro abortion. Idiots. Now that we are actively closing PP, and repealing the ACA, expect HIV and VD's to be rampant, worst than ever.

Since we are taking funds away from EPA, expect more mentally and physically handicapped babies, and also more cancers.
Anything else? A plague of locusts? Rivers turning to blood?
it's the end of the world - Bing video
yes 8 years 76 straight months of job gains huge moves in our stock markets .keeping a civil tongue when dealing with countries we're at odds with,,never alienating friendly nations another republican moron ruins all our gains foreign and domestically......and idiots still make excuses for him
I've made money in the stock market since the election.
bfd I made money with clinton bush and obama and this nut trump will make me more
But you just said a republican ruins all the gains? As if it already happened.....
What's the deal?
trump will make the biggest score of his life ,,,,,, gains foreign and domestic are in the process of being lost, friends are not friends anymore
Thats what happens when an inexperience idiot takes office and won't listen to anyone's advice.

Thats what happens when an inexperience idiot takes office and won't listen to anyone's advice.

Why are you still talking about Obama?
I voted for Trump to stop the Advance of Hatred, antisemitism, and bigotry against Christianity.
I voted for Trump to slow down the assault that The Left has launched against our traditions, our laws, our flag, our constitution, and rights.

I voted for Trump to slow down the unbridled growth and intrusion of government in our lives.

But most of all, I voted for Trump because he drove Liberals Phucking Nuts, and that more than anything proved to me voting for him was the right thing to do, and was right for America.
I voted for trump because it's clear the left has become a racist organization. They attack and lie and smear whites at every turn. This is why trump won the election.

when your party is only unified by hatred you have nothing to offer anyone but more hate.

And by 'racist' organization you mean an organization that is not entirely white.
I voted for trump because it's clear the left has become a racist organization. They attack and lie and smear whites at every turn. This is why trump won the election.

when your party is only unified by hatred you have nothing to offer anyone but more hate.

And by 'racist' organization you mean an organization that is not entirely white.
Nope. I mean an organization that seems to be obsessed with lies, attacks and smear jobs on whites. That is racist. Seems they are targeting a certain group of people to me. Conservatives don't care about race they just care about your ideology. My wife is a conservative. She is extremely upset with the lefts antics. She is also a legal immigrant Latina. My in-laws all voted for Trump. They are hard working conservative citizens who have seen enough. My father in-law laughs about how the left is allowed to continue to use the fake race card to get what they want. His words not mine..."You guys are giving your country away."
I voted for trump because it's clear the left has become a racist organization. They attack and lie and smear whites at every turn. This is why trump won the election.

when your party is only unified by hatred you have nothing to offer anyone but more hate.

And by 'racist' organization you mean an organization that is not entirely white.
Nope. I mean an organization that seems to be obsessed with lies, attacks and smear jobs of whites. That is racist. Seems they are targeting a certain group of people to me. Conservatives don't care about race they just care about your ideology. My wife is a conservative. She is extremely upset with the lefts antics. She is also a legal immigrant Latina. My in-laws all voted for Trump. They are hard working conservative citizens who have seen enough. My father in-law laughs about how the left is allowed to continue to use the fake race card to get what they want. His words not mine..."You guys are giving your country away."

It sure seems that way to you.

Not sure why for 'Conservatives' like yourself racism only exists when it is perceived racism towards whites.

As a white male, I find that pretty hilarious since I have never encountered ANY racism towards my color by any liberals or anyone else.

But I see self proclaimed Conservatives here at USMB who can't stop talking about race- like yourself.

White men are not under attack- other than we can't expect to have any advantage over anyone else just because we are white or male.

The Democratic Party has the most diverse racial make up of any political party in the United States- the conservative Republican Party by contrast is almost all lilly white.

Yet you say the Democrats are the racists.

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