You want to avoid having your DNC Membership Card, snatched? And ripped up??

Ethos Logos Pathos

Senior Member
Dec 16, 2019
Then beginning at 5pm local time, tomorrow, no matter where you are in America ---up through Election Day do not, I repeat, do not be found speaking on President Trump without mentioning that he was impeached.

That is the Dems newest strategy.

No matter the discussion, no matter the topic, no matter the aspect of American living ... If President Trump's name is mentioned, you are required to mention that he is impeached.

So don't be caught out there, silent, on how President Trump is impeached.
I like to talk about the $2 million dollar fine he paid for robbing his own Foundation. Deplorables know about the impeachment but they don`t know, refuse to believe or just don`t care that he`s a liar and a thief.
Donald Trump fined $2m for misusing charity for political ends

Hell, I would rather Trump be fined for misusing charity money, than the Clinton's selling off U.S. military technology to China for campaign funds and getting away with it.


Not All Foreign-Influence Scandals Are Created Equal
Chinese Illegally Donated to Bill Clinton Reelection Campaign. Media Downplayed. | National Review

Two decades ago, the media weren’t obsessed with Chinese interference in a presidential election.

Chinese billionaire who made illegal donations to Bill Clinton faces Congress | Daily Mail Online

Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History -
Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History
Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History -
Then beginning at 5pm local time, tomorrow, no matter where you are in America ---up through Election Day do not, I repeat, do not be found speaking on President Trump without mentioning that he was impeached.

That is the Dems newest strategy.

No matter the discussion, no matter the topic, no matter the aspect of American living ... If President Trump's name is mentioned, you are required to mention that he is impeached.

So don't be caught out there, silent, on how President Trump is impeached.
The acquitted president knows this pathetic tactic means nothing to the American People
Then beginning at 5pm local time, tomorrow, no matter where you are in America ---up through Election Day do not, I repeat, do not be found speaking on President Trump without mentioning that he was impeached.
That is the Dems newest strategy.
No matter the discussion, no matter the topic, no matter the aspect of American living ... If President Trump's name is mentioned, you are required to mention that he is impeached.
So don't be caught out there, silent, on how President Trump is impeached.

No matter. Impeachment is nothing more than to be charged, accused, and since it was SOLELY the act of one political party without one republican and even some democrats dissenting, and the charges thrown out as being baseless, charge 1 being purely SUBJECTIVE, and charge 2 being essentially based on attacking the sacred separation of branches of government which the House tried to usurp making the Executive Branch serve at the pleasure of the House, it will forever be known as America's first illegitimate impeachment, solely based on political aims by an intemperate group of craven, ambitious, desperate politicians.
Don't forget to mention he's so awesome elected officials are switching parties just to be affiliated with The Donald.....

Then beginning at 5pm local time, tomorrow, no matter where you are in America ---up through Election Day do not, I repeat, do not be found speaking on President Trump without mentioning that he was impeached.

That is the Dems newest strategy.

No matter the discussion, no matter the topic, no matter the aspect of American living ... If President Trump's name is mentioned, you are required to mention that he is impeached.

So don't be caught out there, silent, on how President Trump is impeached.

I like to talk about the $2 million dollar fine he paid for robbing his own Foundation. Deplorables know about the impeachment but they don`t know, refuse to believe or just don`t care that he`s a liar and a thief.
Donald Trump fined $2m for misusing charity for political ends

Oh, okay. But I bet you agreed with the impeachment ---because you don't want Trump discussing Biden corruption/robbing the USA foreign policy in Ukraine, via his son Hunter?
I like to talk about the $2 million dollar fine he paid for robbing his own Foundation. Deplorables know about the impeachment but they don`t know, refuse to believe or just don`t care that he`s a liar and a thief.
Donald Trump fined $2m for misusing charity for political ends

Hell, I would rather Trump be fined for misusing charity money, than the Clinton's selling off U.S. military technology to China for campaign funds and getting away with it.


Not All Foreign-Influence Scandals Are Created Equal
Chinese Illegally Donated to Bill Clinton Reelection Campaign. Media Downplayed. | National Review

Two decades ago, the media weren’t obsessed with Chinese interference in a presidential election.

Chinese billionaire who made illegal donations to Bill Clinton faces Congress | Daily Mail Online

Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History -
Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History
Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History -

Dude. Stop it.

Obama wrote the instruction manual which Trump is following.

For instance the Dems tried to impeach President Trump over Russia. Here's a small example, of how crazy that idea is:

I like to talk about the $2 million dollar fine he paid for robbing his own Foundation. Deplorables know about the impeachment but they don`t know, refuse to believe or just don`t care that he`s a liar and a thief.
Donald Trump fined $2m for misusing charity for political ends

Hell, I would rather Trump be fined for misusing charity money, than the Clinton's selling off U.S. military technology to China for campaign funds and getting away with it.


Not All Foreign-Influence Scandals Are Created Equal
Chinese Illegally Donated to Bill Clinton Reelection Campaign. Media Downplayed. | National Review

Two decades ago, the media weren’t obsessed with Chinese interference in a presidential election.

Chinese billionaire who made illegal donations to Bill Clinton faces Congress | Daily Mail Online

Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History -
Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History
Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History -

Dude. Stop it.

Obama wrote the instruction manual which Trump is following.

For instance the Dems tried to impeach President Trump over Russia. Here's a small example, of how crazy that idea is:

That still pales in comparison to the 1996 United States campaign finance controversy

Most folks forget about this, b/c the CFR press colluded with the administration to purposely create that Lewinsky scandal to distract the public. That was small potatoes comparatively.

This is why it is also de-emphasized in the history books, so if you are too young? You have probably never learned about it's historic importance, and why the Supreme Court eventually had to make that ruling on Citizens United, so that these elites could finally have a legal way to funnel dirty foreign campaign cash, "Dark Money," into their campaign coffers. This is the way international elites influence our elections, but you will never learn about it in school. It is a scandal of epic proportions.

When your children, or grand-children are living in an international technocratic totalitarian hell hole? Don't forget you learned here how it was orchestrated.

". . .Smith and three other FBI agents later testified before Congress in late 1999 that Justice Department prosecutors impeded their inquiry. FBI agent Daniel Wehr told Congress that the first head U.S. attorney in the investigation, Laura Ingersoll, told the agents they should "not pursue any matter related to solicitation of funds for access to the president. The reason given was, 'That's the way the American political process works.' I was scandalized by that," Wehr said. The four FBI agents also said that Ingersoll prevented them from executing search warrants to stop destruction of evidence and micromanaged the case beyond all reason.[56]

FBI agents were also denied the opportunity to ask President Clinton and Vice President Gore questions during Justice Department interviews in 1997 and 1998 and were only allowed to take notes. During the interviews, neither Clinton nor Gore were asked any questions about fund-raisers John Huang and James Riady, nor the Hsi Lai Buddhist Temple fund-raising event led by Maria Hsia and attended by Huang and Ted Sioeng.[57]"
I like to talk about the $2 million dollar fine he paid for robbing his own Foundation. Deplorables know about the impeachment but they don`t know, refuse to believe or just don`t care that he`s a liar and a thief.
Donald Trump fined $2m for misusing charity for political ends

Hell, I would rather Trump be fined for misusing charity money, than the Clinton's selling off U.S. military technology to China for campaign funds and getting away with it.


Not All Foreign-Influence Scandals Are Created Equal
Chinese Illegally Donated to Bill Clinton Reelection Campaign. Media Downplayed. | National Review

Two decades ago, the media weren’t obsessed with Chinese interference in a presidential election.

Chinese billionaire who made illegal donations to Bill Clinton faces Congress | Daily Mail Online

Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History -
Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History
Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History -

Dude. Stop it.

Obama wrote the instruction manual which Trump is following.

For instance the Dems tried to impeach President Trump over Russia. Here's a small example, of how crazy that idea is:

Did I miss the part where Obama tried to extort him for interference in our election? Good grief, that`s lame. Trump wasn`t impeached for saying he would be more flexible after the election. Every week a different idiot puts up that same video and I guess it was your turn to put the dunce cap on.
I like to talk about the $2 million dollar fine he paid for robbing his own Foundation. Deplorables know about the impeachment but they don`t know, refuse to believe or just don`t care that he`s a liar and a thief.
Donald Trump fined $2m for misusing charity for political ends

Hell, I would rather Trump be fined for misusing charity money, than the Clinton's selling off U.S. military technology to China for campaign funds and getting away with it.


Not All Foreign-Influence Scandals Are Created Equal
Chinese Illegally Donated to Bill Clinton Reelection Campaign. Media Downplayed. | National Review

Two decades ago, the media weren’t obsessed with Chinese interference in a presidential election.

Chinese billionaire who made illegal donations to Bill Clinton faces Congress | Daily Mail Online

Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History -
Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History
Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History -

Dude. Stop it.

Obama wrote the instruction manual which Trump is following.

For instance the Dems tried to impeach President Trump over Russia. Here's a small example, of how crazy that idea is:

Did I miss the part where Obama tried to extort him for interference in our election? Good grief, that`s lame. Trump wasn`t impeached for saying he would be more flexible after the election. Every week a different idiot puts up that same video and I guess it was your turn to put the dunce cap on.

I'm still waiting for you idiots to present the statutory crime that the president allegedly committed.
I like to talk about the $2 million dollar fine he paid for robbing his own Foundation. Deplorables know about the impeachment but they don`t know, refuse to believe or just don`t care that he`s a liar and a thief.
Donald Trump fined $2m for misusing charity for political ends

Hell, I would rather Trump be fined for misusing charity money, than the Clinton's selling off U.S. military technology to China for campaign funds and getting away with it.


Not All Foreign-Influence Scandals Are Created Equal
Chinese Illegally Donated to Bill Clinton Reelection Campaign. Media Downplayed. | National Review

Two decades ago, the media weren’t obsessed with Chinese interference in a presidential election.

Chinese billionaire who made illegal donations to Bill Clinton faces Congress | Daily Mail Online

Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History -
Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History
Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History -

Dude. Stop it.

Obama wrote the instruction manual which Trump is following.

For instance the Dems tried to impeach President Trump over Russia. Here's a small example, of how crazy that idea is:

Did I miss the part where Obama tried to extort him for interference in our election? Good grief, that`s lame. Trump wasn`t impeached for saying he would be more flexible after the election. Every week a different idiot puts up that same video and I guess it was your turn to put the dunce cap on.

I'm still waiting for you idiots to present the statutory crime that the president allegedly committed.

A crime isn`t necessary for impeachment. Would Lindsey graham lie?
Lindsey Graham’s Impeachment Views in 1999 Vs 2019 [Video] |
How about Dershowitz?
Dershowitz changes his mind on impeachment requirements, argues crime must be committed
I like to talk about the $2 million dollar fine he paid for robbing his own Foundation. Deplorables know about the impeachment but they don`t know, refuse to believe or just don`t care that he`s a liar and a thief.
Donald Trump fined $2m for misusing charity for political ends

Hell, I would rather Trump be fined for misusing charity money, than the Clinton's selling off U.S. military technology to China for campaign funds and getting away with it.


Not All Foreign-Influence Scandals Are Created Equal
Chinese Illegally Donated to Bill Clinton Reelection Campaign. Media Downplayed. | National Review

Two decades ago, the media weren’t obsessed with Chinese interference in a presidential election.

Chinese billionaire who made illegal donations to Bill Clinton faces Congress | Daily Mail Online

Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History -
Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History
Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History -

Dude. Stop it.

Obama wrote the instruction manual which Trump is following.

For instance the Dems tried to impeach President Trump over Russia. Here's a small example, of how crazy that idea is:

Did I miss the part where Obama tried to extort him for interference in our election? Good grief, that`s lame. Trump wasn`t impeached for saying he would be more flexible after the election. Every week a different idiot puts up that same video and I guess it was your turn to put the dunce cap on.

I'm still waiting for you idiots to present the statutory crime that the president allegedly committed.

A crime isn`t necessary for impeachment. Would Lindsey graham lie?
Lindsey Graham’s Impeachment Views in 1999 Vs 2019 [Video] |
How about Dershowitz?
Dershowitz changes his mind on impeachment requirements, argues crime must be committed

I don't care about opinions. I care about facts. And the fact is that the Constitution specifically says "high crimes and misdemeanors". So until you clowns actually present a statutory crime I will continue to view this whole impeachment nonsense as a complete farce.
Did I miss the part where Obama tried to extort him for interference in our election? Good grief, that`s lame.

What's lamest, is how you posted this nonsense ---knowing that you Dumb-Dems missed the part where Trump tried to extort him for interference in our election. Even the Dem's Mueller report proved that.

But it didn't stop the deceit you throw at, Trump, as you dismiss Obama hot mic above where he's cozying up to an enemy country. Same country you gladly crucify Trump over.


Your hypocrisy is horrid and genetic.

...idiot ...

Leave your local mirror. Return to this discussion.
Hell, I would rather Trump be fined for misusing charity money, than the Clinton's selling off U.S. military technology to China for campaign funds and getting away with it.


Not All Foreign-Influence Scandals Are Created Equal
Chinese Illegally Donated to Bill Clinton Reelection Campaign. Media Downplayed. | National Review

Two decades ago, the media weren’t obsessed with Chinese interference in a presidential election.

Chinese billionaire who made illegal donations to Bill Clinton faces Congress | Daily Mail Online

Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History -
Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History
Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History -

Dude. Stop it.

Obama wrote the instruction manual which Trump is following.

For instance the Dems tried to impeach President Trump over Russia. Here's a small example, of how crazy that idea is:

Did I miss the part where Obama tried to extort him for interference in our election? Good grief, that`s lame. Trump wasn`t impeached for saying he would be more flexible after the election. Every week a different idiot puts up that same video and I guess it was your turn to put the dunce cap on.

I'm still waiting for you idiots to present the statutory crime that the president allegedly committed.

A crime isn`t necessary for impeachment. Would Lindsey graham lie?
Lindsey Graham’s Impeachment Views in 1999 Vs 2019 [Video] |
How about Dershowitz?
Dershowitz changes his mind on impeachment requirements, argues crime must be committed

I don't care about opinions. I care about facts. And the fact is that the Constitution specifically says "high crimes and misdemeanors". So until you clowns actually present a statutory crime I will continue to view this whole impeachment nonsense as a complete farce.

Graham and Dershowitz have law degrees and you don`t and they were for impeachment without crimes before they were against it. What changed?
Graham and Dershowitz have law degrees and you don`t and they were for impeachment without crimes before they were against it. What changed?

Please validate your claim here, about Dershowitz. I know a lot about him, and your claim is something I've never heard about.
How does one go about getting a DNC membership card? I don't think I've ever seen one.
Then beginning at 5pm local time, tomorrow, no matter where you are in America ---up through Election Day do not, I repeat, do not be found speaking on President Trump without mentioning that he was impeached.

That is the Dems newest strategy.

No matter the discussion, no matter the topic, no matter the aspect of American living ... If President Trump's name is mentioned, you are required to mention that he is impeached.

So don't be caught out there, silent, on how President Trump is impeached.

I will call him by his Proper Classification.

Acquitted and Exonerated President Trump.

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