You want to know the real reason people don't want to be liberals?

I didn't "want to talk about it". I was curious what it was. I have reasons for not discussing what I do (like personal safety) and mentioned them as being a reason I'm not going to press this issue. You did remind me I need to start studying to test for staff in a month or two though.

76Y30 seems to be armorer btw. Did it change to 92Y since then? I worked for an Army armorer back in tech school. He was... a good enough guy. I used to fill my time that wasn't spent counting bags of MOPP gear or cleaning guns trolling him. My favorite was to ask if M9 tape is for M9s.

76Y10 is an armorer or supply clerk. 76Y30 is a supply sergeant (and yes, they changed it in the mid-90's after I got out.) The fact you don't seem to know as much as you claim generally says POSER!

I didn't quote the Qur'an, actually. I think you'd understand why half the shit you've said about it is kind of retarded if you ever bothered to read it. You don't really seem to realize it's not the Bible but with Allah instead of Teh Lorde.

Actually, Poser-Boy, I find all beliefs in Magic Sky Pixies as kind of silly.

Luckily we don't have conscription. We have a volunteer force. If you're not willing to fight, then don't find the recruiter and sign the contract. We don't want anyone who isn't willing to uphold their oath of enlistment. That's kind of why we have it: to tell you what will be expected of you if you choose to take on the responsibility. And I'm damn sure not about to place my life in the hands of some spoiled jackass who doesn't even want to be here - even if that's a risk you're more than willing to make.

We have a volunteer force and it CLEARLY doesn't work. Shit, dude, we just got our asses handed to us by two miserable third world countries after taking less than 5,000 casualties. at the end of it, they were recruiting guys like Bergdahl and Manning because the people they really wanted were steering clear of the service. No wonder Putin and the Chinese aren't afraid of us.

Terrorism and the emotion of terror are two different things, btw. Terrorists aren't just scared people.

But they didn't call it "the War on Terrorism", they called it the "War on Terror". Yes, Terror is a bad thing, and we want to make sure you aren't being "Terrified" by the big sweaty Arab man. So we are going to first any babe wearing a hijab and make you take your shoes off at the airport and let our government torture people and listen in on all our phone calls because we are just REALLY, REALLY scared...

... that someone might ask why the rest of us are being patsies for the Oil Companies and the Zoinists.
76Y10 is an armorer or supply clerk. 76Y30 is a supply sergeant (and yes, they changed it in the mid-90's after I got out.) The fact you don't seem to know as much as you claim generally says POSER!
I'm not Army. Nobody in my branch has an MOS. We use AFSCs. For instance, a buddy of mine is a 3P0, which is equivalent to your 31B. Whether you believe this is my line of work or not is of zero importance to me though. So far you're demonstrating pretty well why I try to distance myself liberalism despite sharing a number of beliefs with them. It's not the beliefs. It's the generally shitty quality of the people who use the title. (This was the original point of this thread btw - that it's not the beliefs so much as the people.) It's kind of the same reason Chicago is the only city I truly loathe. Literally every single person I've known who's gone out of their way to let me know they were from the area has been an asshole. The only Chicagoans who haven't been terrible people so far have been the minority who never brought it up.

Actually, Poser-Boy, I find all beliefs in Magic Sky Pixies as kind of silly.
This is irrelevant to anything I said in point. I said that I didn't quote the Qur'an, as you claimed I did, and that you don't seem to have a very good grasp of the basic structure or contents of the book you claim to have read and to be familiar with.

We have a volunteer force and it CLEARLY doesn't work. Shit, dude, we just got our asses handed to us by two miserable third world countries after taking less than 5,000 casualties. at the end of it, they were recruiting guys like Bergdahl and Manning because the people they really wanted were steering clear of the service. No wonder Putin and the Chinese aren't afraid of us.
You honestly think that was a last ditch thing. You honestly believe we recruited Manning as the bottom of the barrel because we could barely get any recruits during the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. I'm not really even surprised honestly. You've already explicitly stated that facts don't matter to your agenda or beliefs. Manning in particular was one of your Army bros who wasn't investigated well for the clearance he was given and wasn't kicked out in technical school despite all of the instructors thinking he was shady as fuck even back then. Bergdahl was another of your Army bros who was apparently a career shitbag even before becoming a deserter. (Honestly I'm kind of surprised you're not defending either as great men and heroes btw. It's something I've generally come to expect from libs at this point.)

But they didn't call it "the War on Terrorism", they called it the "War on Terror". Yes, Terror is a bad thing, and we want to make sure you aren't being "Terrified" by the big sweaty Arab man. So we are going to first any babe wearing a hijab and make you take your shoes off at the airport and let our government torture people and listen in on all our phone calls because we are just REALLY, REALLY scared...

... that someone might ask why the rest of us are being patsies for the Oil Companies and the Zoinists.
Are you honestly this dense? Seriously? I can't decide whether to rip you a new one for telling people that we only started having problems with the Islamists after 9/11, when an actual Army sergeant, who actually served in the 80s-90s time period, should know goddamn well what was going on during that time that the American people as a whole just didn't really give a shit about because it wasn't directly impacting their lives, or whether to break down the difference between "terror" as an emotional state of extreme fear and "terror" as the use of violence, generally but not always against civilians, by covert individuals or small groups to instill fear into a population to advance some ideological goals. A trained and educated former NCO, especially from that particular time period in which you claim to have served, shouldn't need that broken down to them at the drooling dumbass level. It should have been drilled into you from all of the security training.
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I'm not Army. Nobody in my branch has an MOS. We use AFSCs. For instance, a buddy of mine is a 3P0, which is equivalent to your 31B. Whether you believe this is my line of work or not is of zero importance to me though.

yeah, again- kind of suspect you are a poser...


So far you're demonstrating pretty well why I try to distance myself liberalism despite sharing a number of beliefs with them. It's not the beliefs. It's the generally shitty quality of the people who use the title. (This was the original point of this thread btw - that it's not the beliefs so much as the people.)

Hey, guy, up until about 2008, I was Pretty Conservative. Then my Romney-loving boss informed me that he was going to fuck up my entire life because, "He didn't have to deal with a union". That's when I realize that if you aren't a rich person, voting for Republicans is like a Chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. But you idiots cling to your guns and your bibles and don't even pay attention to who is pulling the strings.

It's kind of the same reason Chicago is the only city I truly loathe. Literally every single person I've known who's gone out of their way to let me know they were from the area has been an asshole. The only Chicagoans who haven't been terrible people so far have been the minority who never brought it up.

I'm seeing a pattern of hasty generalizations.
Muslims are all EEEEEEEEEEEvil.
Liberals are all shitty people.
People from Chicago are terrible.


You honestly think that was a last ditch thing. You honestly believe we recruited Manning as the bottom of the barrel because we could barely get any recruits during the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. I'm not really even surprised honestly. You've already explicitly stated that facts don't matter to your agenda or beliefs. Manning in particular was one of your Army bros who wasn't investigated well for the clearance he was given and wasn't kicked out in technical school despite all of the instructors thinking he was shady as fuck even back then.

But the point is, they didnt' wash him out. Yes, six weeks into Boot camp they had him in the wash-out unit. And then they recycled him, probably because they realized they weren't making Retention numbers. This is what happens when you are six or seven years into a war that is massively unpopular and you don't have people signing up.

Bergdahl was another of your Army bros who was apparently a career shitbag even before becoming a deserter. (Honestly I'm kind of surprised you're not defending either as great men and heroes btw. It's something I've generally come to expect from libs at this point.)

I don't defend either as heroes because they weren't. They were guys who never should have been enlisted in a war we never should have been fighting. Bergdahl is a great example. He washed out of COAST GUARD boot camp. The fucking Coast Guard. That's almost as bad as washing out of Air Force Boot. And someone thought this guy was a great pick for the Army.

Are you honestly this dense? Seriously? I can't decide whether to rip you a new one for telling people that we only started having problems with the Islamists after 9/11, when an actual Army sergeant, who actually served in the 80s-90s time period, should know goddamn well what was going on during that time that the American people as a whole just didn't really give a shit about because it wasn't directly impacting their lives, or whether to break down the difference between "terror" as an emotional state of extreme fear and "terror" as the use of violence, generally but not always against civilians, by covert individuals or small groups to instill fear into a population to advance some ideological goals.

Guy, that is a convoluted run on sentence, let me try to break it down for you.

We have had problem with the Middle East because- again- we have a policy of sticking our dicks in a hornet's nest and complaining about getting stung. For those playing along at home, we all thought Saddam was a great guy in the 1980's, he was a sensible pro-Western despot we could work with. Fuck, we even gave him a pass when one of his pilots ALMOST sank the USS Stark. (We ended up court-martialing the captain instead.) And when the Iranians decided to up the ante by blockading the Straights of Hormuz, Ronnie Ray-gun sent in the Navy to make sure that the oil kept flowing. Even shot down a plane full of Iranian Civilians. (The Captain of the USS Vincennes got a medal for that. Better than what they did to the Captain of USS Stark.)

And then Saddam turned on us and invaded Kuwait, and he became the new Hitler. Forget that Kuwait had instigated the crisis. The Oil must flow!

So really, after decades of sticking our dicks in the hornet's nest, one of the hornets we had nurtured- Osama Bin Laden, who Ronnie Raygun used to call a "Freedom Fighter", managed to hit us at home. and instead of just hunting him down and killing him, we invaded Iraq that had nothing to do with it.

Just keep making sweet, sweet love to that hornet's nest. And when we can't win over the Muslims by bombing the shit out of them, why then it must be because their Koran makes them all EEEEEEEEvil.
yeah, again- kind of suspect you are a poser...
Can't really say I give a shit about your opinion at this point.

Hey, guy, up until about 2008, I was Pretty Conservative. Then my Romney-loving boss informed me that he was going to fuck up my entire life because, "He didn't have to deal with a union". That's when I realize that if you aren't a rich person, voting for Republicans is like a Chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. But you idiots cling to your guns and your bibles and don't even pay attention to who is pulling the strings.
See above please. I really, really don't give a shit what you think at this point. In all honesty, I kind of haven't since the quote that started this thread. You're kind of a dumbass really. You pretty much ignore anything and everything that doesn't fit your agenda as a matter of course. You think I'm a Christian because it makes it easy to say "well you're a Christian so fuck your sky god" and leave it at that. It has nothing to do with my actual religious views, which I have stated for your benefit multiple times now. You figure I'm probably a gun nut not with any evidence but because it's a cheap way to dismiss what I said about people like you being the reason normal people distance themselves from your label. It would be harder to do this if you accepted that I'm an atheist who associates with neither party and is mostly apathetic to guns. "Fuck the facts. We have an agenda to uphold."

Btw, not that you care, but so far the neo-Nazi guy has a better track record when it comes to responding to the points made and not sidestepping them entirely. The one below is a good example of this.

I'm seeing a pattern of hasty generalizations.
Muslims are all EEEEEEEEEEEvil.
Liberals are all shitty people.
People from Chicago are terrible.

It's kind of the same reason Chicago is the only city I truly loathe. Literally every single person I've known who's gone out of their way to let me know they were from the area has been an asshole. The only Chicagoans who haven't been terrible people so far have been the minority who never brought it up.
(Bolded for clarity.) I would ask you to show me where I said that Muslims are EEEEEEEEEEEvil if I had any suspicion that you're a reasonable human being. I'm not going to do this, because I do suspect you would just repeat one of your little phrases or make a fucked up little meme and leave it at that. I'd rather not waste our time.

But the point is, they didnt' wash him out. Yes, six weeks into Boot camp they had him in the wash-out unit. And then they recycled him, probably because they realized they weren't making Retention numbers. This is what happens when you are six or seven years into a war that is massively unpopular and you don't have people signing up.
You're right. Nobody was signing up. We still don't have anyone signing up. We had to disband the Marine Corps entirely because nobody wanted to go die to kill the Mooslims and steal all that Afghan oil for teh Zionist Iranistanis. The Army looks like it's next on the chopping block with only three people left. Or, in the real world, we're kicking people out because we have too many as it is and he happened to be one of the bad ones that slipped through.

I don't defend either as heroes because they weren't. They were guys who never should have been enlisted in a war we never should have been fighting. Bergdahl is a great example. He washed out of COAST GUARD boot camp. The fucking Coast Guard. That's almost as bad as washing out of Air Force Boot. And someone thought this guy was a great pick for the Army.
Wanna know why I'm suspicious of whether you were even here? The Coast Guard's training is second to the Marines'. Anyone with as much time in service as you say you have would be aware of this.

Guy, that is a convoluted run on sentence, let me try to break it down for you.

We have had problem with the Middle East because- again- we have a policy of sticking our dicks in a hornet's nest and complaining about getting stung. For those playing along at home, we all thought Saddam was a great guy in the 1980's, he was a sensible pro-Western despot we could work with. Fuck, we even gave him a pass when one of his pilots ALMOST sank the USS Stark. (We ended up court-martialing the captain instead.) And when the Iranians decided to up the ante by blockading the Straights of Hormuz, Ronnie Ray-gun sent in the Navy to make sure that the oil kept flowing. Even shot down a plane full of Iranian Civilians. (The Captain of the USS Vincennes got a medal for that. Better than what they did to the Captain of USS Stark.)

And then Saddam turned on us and invaded Kuwait, and he became the new Hitler. Forget that Kuwait had instigated the crisis. The Oil must flow!

So really, after decades of sticking our dicks in the hornet's nest, one of the hornets we had nurtured- Osama Bin Laden, who Ronnie Raygun used to call a "Freedom Fighter", managed to hit us at home. and instead of just hunting him down and killing him, we invaded Iraq that had nothing to do with it.

Just keep making sweet, sweet love to that hornet's nest. And when we can't win over the Muslims by bombing the shit out of them, why then it must be because their Koran makes them all EEEEEEEEvil.
You're not even addressing what I say at this point. You're just repeating the same dumbass talking points - word for word in many cases - in hopes repetition makes them retroactively true and absolves you of the responsibility of having any fucking idea about the military you claim to have been in, the books you claim to have read, the people you claim to understand, or the history you pretend to know. Pretty much all you've proven so far is your dedication to the quote by you in the first post of this thread. I'm bored with you.
You're right. Nobody was signing up. We still don't have anyone signing up. We had to disband the Marine Corps entirely because nobody wanted to go die to kill the Mooslims and steal all that Afghan oil for teh Zionist Iranistanis. The Army looks like it's next on the chopping block with only three people left. Or, in the real world, we're kicking people out because we have too many as it is and he happened to be one of the bad ones that slipped through.

Oh, we had people signing up. Just not the people we wanted. Now, thankfully, with the stupid war over we can scale back down. Until the next crisis arrives and people figure out this scholarship program they thought they were signing up for could get you killed.

Wanna know why I'm suspicious of whether you were even here? The Coast Guard's training is second to the Marines'. Anyone with as much time in service as you say you have would be aware of this.

Oh, Horseshit. The Coast Guard is barely a military organization. Words never spoken, "That guy from the Coast Guard is going to kick my ass."

You're not even addressing what I say at this point. You're just repeating the same dumbass talking points - word for word in many cases - in hopes repetition makes them retroactively true and absolves you of the responsibility of having any fucking idea about the military you claim to have been in, the books you claim to have read, the people you claim to understand, or the history you pretend to know. Pretty much all you've proven so far is your dedication to the quote by you in the first post of this thread. I'm bored with you.

Yeah, well, when you get outed as a poser who hyperventalates about the scary Mooslims, it's hard to not laugh at you.

Point is, when I was in, Saddam and Bin Laden were our buddies. We were all upset about the Russians. Maybe if we started asking sensible questions like, "Why is this my problem, exactly" about international problems, we could avoid wars.
What I said in my last post:
I would ask you to show me where I said that Muslims are EEEEEEEEEEEvil if I had any suspicion that you're a reasonable human being.

Your response:
Yeah, well, when you get outed as a poser who hyperventalates about the scary Mooslims, it's hard to not laugh at you

And you don't understand why I think you're an ideologue and kind of a dumbass. You don't even bother trying to back the things you say. You know you can't. It's just easier to fire enough blanks in hopes you won't be called to answer one. What I said. Liberals like yourself are exactly why people don't want to be associated with liberalism. You're the exact reason for your own reputation. I mean, fuck. Let's ignore that you don't believe in facts by your own explicit admission for a second. You even called me a racist for telling you to read the Qur'an if you want to know what the Qur'an says. I'm not sure you could parody yourself harder if you were actually trying. Your avatar totally suits you.
Now I see that Jesus was a con servative? That is something. He preached about helping the poor and downtrodden. If you bring that up near a con servative they call you a socialist as they have nothing else by which to respond. Logic like that makes ones head spin.
Now I see that Jesus was a con servative? That is something. He preached about helping the poor and downtrodden. If you bring that up near a con servative they call you a socialist as they have nothing else by which to respond. Logic like that makes ones head spin.
Jesus was so conservative that they nailed his naked ass to a tree. With reactionary revisionist history you might as well have reactionary revisionist religion. And the part of The Christ will be played by Ann Coulter tonight.
And you don't understand why I think you're an ideologue and kind of a dumbass. You don't even bother trying to back the things you say. You know you can't. It's just easier to fire enough blanks in hopes you won't be called to answer one. What I said. Liberals like yourself are exactly why people don't want to be associated with liberalism. You're the exact reason for your own reputation. I mean, fuck. Let's ignore that you don't believe in facts by your own explicit admission for a second. You even called me a racist for telling you to read the Qur'an if you want to know what the Qur'an says. I'm not sure you could parody yourself harder if you were actually trying. Your avatar totally suits you.

I realize you are butthurt about being spanked on your own dishonest thread that started by you taking something out of context.

Then again, I expect nothing less from an easily manipulated tool who thinks he knows all about Islam because Hannity told him so
What's funny is that you don't even realize I'm aware of all the fucked up shit the Bible says, agree with you on this, and don't really care in the context of this particular discussion beyond a vague annoyance that you follow the liberal tradition of blunt refusal to act like an adult or engage the subject at hand directly. I'm also aware that it's more convenient for you to pretend that I'm a wingnut Evangelical who thinks Mooslims are EEEEVil terrible people who want to destroy our freedoms, despite being totally incapable of showing me where I said any of these things for the simple fact that I haven't done so. With that knowledge, I'm not really even sure why I bother with you. You're honestly kind of a dumb person. I wanted to think that maybe you were just trolling or maybe your blinders hobble your natural intelligence. I can't really make myself think that at this point though. I just feel like you aren't a very intelligent person and that this is why you have to stick to making juvenile memes and off topic attacks against the strawman of me you've constructed within your own mind to feel like you're contributing to the discussion.

This has been running for a couple of days now. You stopped trying to pretend you have anything worthwhile to say a long time ago. I'm done. You can say you "won the discussion against the guy radical Christian right wing guy zealot racist against Muslims bigot guy fuck fuck fucker probably gay Kochsucker wannabe fuck guy guy" or however you would phrase it in your crude dialect as much as you want. I just don't really care about you or anything you say or believe as a fellow human being and supposed adult at this point. It's become very much a waste of time talking to you.
Judging from the similar comments and similar avatars from some libs here, I'd guess the real reason for being liberal is that you don't have to think for yourself. Just check in with Huffpo or Daily KO and you get the talking points for the day.
Judging from the similar comments and similar avatars from some libs here, I'd guess the real reason for being liberal is that you don't have to think for yourself. Just check in with Huffpo or Daily KO and you get the talking points for the day.

Funny, I could say the same thing about "conservatives" on this board, except you guys check in with Hate Radio or Fox News to find out what you think about stuff.
What's funny is that you don't even realize I'm aware of all the fucked up shit the Bible says, agree with you on this, and don't really care in the context of this particular discussion beyond a vague annoyance that you follow the liberal tradition of blunt refusal to act like an adult or engage the subject at hand directly. I'm also aware that it's more convenient for you to pretend that I'm a wingnut Evangelical who thinks Mooslims are EEEEVil terrible people who want to destroy our freedoms, despite being totally incapable of showing me where I said any of these things for the simple fact that I haven't done so. With that knowledge, I'm not really even sure why I bother with you. You're honestly kind of a dumb person. I wanted to think that maybe you were just trolling or maybe your blinders hobble your natural intelligence. I can't really make myself think that at this point though. I just feel like you aren't a very intelligent person and that this is why you have to stick to making juvenile memes and off topic attacks against the strawman of me you've constructed within your own mind to feel like you're contributing to the discussion.

This has been running for a couple of days now. You stopped trying to pretend you have anything worthwhile to say a long time ago. I'm done. You can say you "won the discussion against the guy radical Christian right wing guy zealot racist against Muslims bigot guy fuck fuck fucker probably gay Kochsucker wannabe fuck guy guy" or however you would phrase it in your crude dialect as much as you want. I just don't really care about you or anything you say or believe as a fellow human being and supposed adult at this point. It's become very much a waste of time talking to you.

"Snivel, Whine, Joe's not taking me seriously!!!! Doesn't he know I'm such a serious guy!"

Okay, guy, for the record you started this thread by taking PART of a quote from a post on another thread to misrepresent what I said. Therefore that really, really, makes you a fair target for all the mockery I feel fit to inflict on you. You aren't getting a serious response becuase you don't DESERVE a serious response.

I made my point on that other thread. We have a problem with the Muslim world because we are in THEIR countries inflicting harm on them. Not because of some obscure verse in the Koran most Muslims haven't heard of. They are doing EXACTLY what you or I would do under the same circumstances if a more advanced culture used its technology to make OUR lives miserable.
Does anyone have anything worthwhile to say on this topic? If not, I'll assume everything worth saying has been said by the few people worth reading and take my leave of it now.

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