you were right about Obama's global warming narrative


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
cbs this morning (nora o'donnell)

Obama: "if the oceans rise 6 or 7 feet..., 99.5 % of scientists agree, the only people who don't agree, are republicans in the congress and people on the campaign trail." "not subject to dispute" "fish swimming in the streets in florida".

i'm stunned. global warming is a bigger existential threat than terrorism. Trump said it was the dumbest political comment he's ever heard. obama shrugs "look, we are going defeat isil". but climate change...

this is from memory, but i think i got it pretty much right.

so you warmists here we're right, and i think he really believes it.

political logic may be in bigger trouble than i thought, the squeaky globe gets the grease. this narrative comes from the president.

i hope it becomes a huge topic in the upcoming debates, because a lot is changing fast when it comes to the actual science. i'd like to see, in addition some congressional hearings, like the ones from the senate i have posted.

politically, what is really amazing to me is the voracity with which people cling to theories and science (junk) from fifteen or more years ago. one' poster's meme here is "it's all settled 15 years ago", that's it, no more discussion needed". that doesn't sound objective open minded or scientific to me. that sounds political and scary. i wish we could separate the politics from the problem. financially, have we spent more money on research in the last 15 years. if so why ?

one more thought, those of us whom do not buy it lock, stock and barrel haven't abandoned the environment. sometimes it seems as if the liberals think of themselves as the only ones who care. that's bs and they know it. pollution is a problem along with any environmental impact.

but how quixotic is waving a political sword at far away india and china or any other country. trying to control the weather now, seems a little ahead of our time. i'd like to see the politics pointed at a more local scale, which we are doing with incentives.

i'm staying with this topic, it's bizarre human nature to me. gone are the liberal days of question authority.

we are not the world's police, and we will not be able to enforce climate change directives in far away places with runaway populations. we can only lead by example.

scientific proof the ocean is rising - Google Search

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They don't even call it global warming anymore because it didn't fit their narrative.
The oceans might rise. Why would anyone say it wouldn't? TN used to be under water a long time ago.
History didn't start 150 years ago!!!
Climate Change is easy. It is perfect for Obama to take on. Terrorism, ISIS, Iraq, Iran, all hard, not so easy so let's just ignore them or make speeches about how we are going to end them, but in fact do little of substance.

Now here is how it will go. The US will pay enormously so China can keep on polluting and producing CO2. The US will shut plants and spend millions on environmental controls. It won't make a difference in CO2 production, because of China and India, but when the dire consequences that the GW fearist state do not come true, they will claim victory. Hell Gore should be pounding himself on the back in congradulation because his predicted clearing of the Arctic ice didn't happen, his rhetoric did it all.
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Climate Change is easy. It is perfect for Obama to take on. Terrorism, ISIS, Iraq, Iran, all hard, not so easy so let's just ignore them or make speeches about how we are going to end them, but in fact do little of substance.

Now here is how it will go. The US will pay enormously so China can keep on polluting and producing CO2. The US will shut plants and spend millions on environmental controls. It won't make a difference in CO2 production, because of China and India, but when the dire consequences that the GW fearist state do not come true, they will claim victory. Hell Gore should be pounding himself on the back in congradulation because his predicted clearing of the Arctic ice didn't happen, his rhetoric did it all.
obama is the new gore. you are correct, it's an easy political cause to join.
ignorance is bliss, people can believe what they want, but i think there are more pressing ways to spend the taxpayers money, especially in other people's countries. American government money isn't free, it comes from the hard work of Americans.

Whatever Happened to the Ozone Hole?
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liberals think of themselves as the only ones who care. that's bs and they know it.

Liberals can not think. They are utterly incapable of thought. If they had even a single synapse of independent thought, their programming could be challenged. They resist the absorption of information that could cause this issue.

They "believe" they're the only ones who care for, or can do anything good for the environment. Never mind that hunters and fishermen almost exclusively care for the environment and the habitat of species. Bed wetters in lofty towers overlooking city parks are far more in tune with nature than people who actually immerse themselves in it.

Or so they "believe".

To summarize libturds can not "know" anything. They believe in things. Things that are universally composed of soft steaming bullshit, like "
socialism leads to widespread equality and universal prosperity". You can't believe in bullshit things and "know" something.

You can't "know" the moon is made of cheese.

You can't "know" obozo is something more than an incompetent meat muppet faggot.

You can't "know" islam is a peaceful religion.

gone are the liberal days of question authority.

That's because libturds have become the authority. If someting isn't done to reverse that, questioning authority will be punishable by death, just as it has been every time leftwing criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths consolidate power.

Ted Cruz 2016

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liberals think of themselves as the only ones who care. that's bs and they know it.

Liberals can not think. They are utterly incapable of thought. If they had even a single synapse of independent though, their programming could be challenged. They resist the absorption of information that could cause this issue.

They "believe" they're the only ones who care for, or can do anything good for the environment. Never mind that hunters and fishermen almost exclusively care for the environment and the habitat of species. Bed wetters in lofty towers overlooking city parks are far more in tune with nature than people who actually immerse themselves in it.

Or so they "believe".

To summarize libturds can not "know" anything. They believe in things. Things that are universally composed of soft steaming bullshit, like "
socialism leads to widespread equality and universal prosperity". You can't believe in bullshit things and "know" something.

You can't "know" the moon is made of cheese.

You can't "know" obozo is something more than an incompetent meat muppet faggot.

You can't "know" islam is a peaceful religion.

gone are the liberal days of question authority.

That's because libturds have become the authority. If someting isn't done to reverse that, questioning authority will be punishable by death, just as it has been every time leftwing criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths consolidate power.

Ted Cruz 2016

well said, all of it. i live most of the year in vermont. we've always had a running joke: people move here from the cities (if they can afford to move to vermont), cut a big hole in the wilderness, or move into a condo, they by a prius, then they say ok that's it, no one else can move here. no more development for vermont. people don't move here for the nice weather.

that's antisocial and environmental hypocrisy. let's privatize climate change, they can take donations
Maybe reality is starting to set in. Remember this one?

I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.
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Maybe reality is starting to set in. Remember this one?

I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.
exactly, thank you.
this global warming climate change fairy tale has taken on it's own life of hysteria.

the earth will be sucked into the sun long before there is "a scientific consensus".

regular people are seeing that now, and the politicking liberals don't know what to do about it in an election year. that's how it is.

what scare's me is that we the people are afraid to speak up about it.

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