You Who Submitted Selves & Families To The Jabs Should Be Afraid, Very Very Afraid!

Everything can be funny.

Context is the issue.

Its sad that her friend has passed. But she had cancer.
The vax doesnt cure cancer.

What is funny is that a tin foil loon like Sue is so obsessed that she cant distinguish between cancer and covid.

Its also a bit sad.

Vaccines meant to prevent COVID are not supposed to make your cancer recur, Tommy. You know this, you're very afraid of it, so you're taking it out on me.

Well, you should be afraid, and I can't help you with that other than to say get right with God. That's what I have.
A lawyer representing those injured in all 50 states by the vaccine is one of the editors. Come on man. Try thinking for yourself for a change.

Why would he when letting others do the heavy lifting then telling him what he thinks is so much easier?
It's really stunning and sad how many weak thinkers we have in modern society. Flush with information--and with people unable to think critically. They fell for the propaganda completely:

My mask protects you, your mask protects me
Stay home, stay safe
Safe and effective
"It means the vaccine is working!"

Florida Surgeon General: Uptick in Cardiac Deaths in Young Males Tied to Vax​

It's really stunning and sad how many weak thinkers we have in modern society. Flush with information--and with people unable to think critically. They fell for the propaganda completely:

My mask protects you, your mask protects me
Stay home, stay safe
Safe and effective
"It means the vaccine is working!"
Some idiots swear Trump developed a poisonous vaccine--and still plan to vote for him. is stunning how many weak minded people are out there.
Some idiots swear Trump developed a poisonous vaccine--and still plan to vote for him. is stunning how many weak minded people are out there.

Oh. Trump developed that vaccine? Did he? In the lab, or what? That's first.

Second, did he make laws that everyone had to get vaccinated? Was it his law, through OSHA, that was only struck down at the last minute by SCOTUS--the law that would have made everyone with a job get the shots?

Is it his law that's making every health care worker STILL get the shots, even though we KNOW they don't mitigate for spread, and have known it for over a year?

What about the military? Trump is the CiC that's making military personnel STILL get the shots, when same--not mitigating for spread?

Was Trump in charge when all this went down? Or was that YOUR man, Mr. Demented Basement President?

Go ahead and call names like a 2nd grade bully, we know that's all you have.
From Alex Berenson's substack, nine months ago. It was true then. It's even more true today. He's on this, and if he doesn't come by some "tragic accident", this truth WILL come out.

And I promise the billionaire boys this:

By the time I’m done the world will know what you knew and when you knew it. This isn’t about depopulation conspiracy theories; it’s about a drug - not a vaccine, this isn’t a vaccine by any reasonable definition - you rushed to market with the promise of zero liability and tens of billions of dollars in profits, a drug that looks worse by the week. It’s about risking the hearts of healthy kids to make morbidly obese adults feel a little better; it’s about getting the result you want in a clinical trial after a few months and blowing up the trial - for a drug that is supposed to be given to billions of people - and not once, but over and over.

So, yeah, I’m not going to forget. I don’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear, and I absolutely will not stop until the truth comes out.

No, but he sure takes credit for it.

I know right...

He says he created this supposed poison and the folks who believe it is poison...can't wait to vote for him again? It's just about the dumbest thing ever.
They can’t seem to make up their mind.

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I know this is really hard for people who make politics their religion.

I know it's impossible for you to understand. BUT

People who do not make politics their religion fully understand that they people they vote for can be wrong about some things.


We don't vote for gods or idols, see. We vote for people. We don't expect them to be perfect. When they screw up, we don't tap dance around their mistakes to say, HEY, yadda yadda and then ta-dah!! Magically, not a mistake!

I have more to say but I know you, candycorn and so many others need a lot of time to absorb this. I know this because all you can say to the vaccines that YOU beat us over the heads with is "TRUMP ENGINEERED THEM" and other really, really dumb stuff.
I know this is really hard for people who make politics their religion.

I know it's impossible for you to understand. BUT

People who do not make politics their religion fully understand that they people they vote for can be wrong about some things.


We don't vote for gods or idols, see. We vote for people. We don't expect them to be perfect. When they screw up, we don't tap dance around their mistakes to say, HEY, yadda yadda and then ta-dah!! Magically, not a mistake!

I have more to say but I know you, candycorn and so many others need a lot of time to absorb this. I know this because all you can say to the vaccines that YOU beat us over the heads with is "TRUMP ENGINEERED THEM" and other really, really dumb stuff.
That is not spin, and if you don't understand it you're duller than I think. Trump was wrong about the vaccines, but not as wrong as your man Biden, because he didn't harangue the unvaccinated NEARLY as much as your man did.

Do you need me to color a picture with crayons for you?

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