You Who Submitted Selves & Families To The Jabs Should Be Afraid, Very Very Afraid!

I am certain you have already run your little fascist ass to a site censor and whined about my thread, and the study dumb ass is backed up by Canadian government, though you would have to read it to know that, oh and how many jabs have been squirted into your dumb ass, two, three, five? More bad news for you here, hope your burial insurance is up to date,

I wonder how many of these are now growing in your dumb ass,

When I read the obituary online of the friend's funeral I attended this week, I wasn't looking for it, but was struck by how young the deaths were--and how many were young. Like not people in their 80s, or even late 70s, as you might expect. Many in their 60s and even 50s. So I looked at the first 30 or so and averaged, leaving out a teen who tragically died in an accident. Average age: 72.

That is way below the average age of death before 2020.

You cannot tell me death workers profession wide aren't noticing this.

How many shots did you get corny? Since you are so adoring, I hope you're fully shot up. Like, both shots, two boosters, plus the new Omicron. You have five, right?
When I read the obituary online of the friend's funeral I attended this week, I wasn't looking for it, but was struck by how young the deaths were--and how many were young. Like not people in their 80s, or even late 70s, as you might expect. Many in their 60s and even 50s. So I looked at the first 30 or so and averaged, leaving out a teen who tragically died in an accident. Average age: 72.

That is way below the average age of death before 2020.

You cannot tell me death workers profession wide aren't noticing this.
That makes me think. The 60+ aged folks aren't being adversley effected as much by the vax. Perhaps it's because their immune systems are bolstered by the vax but, younger folks already have strong immune systems and the vax may over activate that immune system to start attacking it's own body. Just a thought.....
That makes me think. The 60+ aged folks aren't being adversley effected as much by the vax. Perhaps it's because their immune systems are bolstered by the vax but, younger folks already have strong immune systems and the vax may over activate that immune system to start attacking it's own body. Just a thought.....

You are on exactly the right track.

I have two auto-immune conditions, plus mild asthma and mild allergies. Really, only one AU gives me fits from time to time. However with all that, I'm pretty familiar with the immune system and how meds/vaccines can affect it. So I held off on the vaccine to see how people did.

When I saw my young adult coworkers getting really sick from them--and heard the idiotic CDC say "it means your immune system is working!"--I was out. That is a TERRIBLE thing. You don't want your immune system working THAT hard. That's overstimulation. Very bad.
I'm a white right ringer and am fully vaxxed. Does that put a hitch in your giddyup jockey-boy?
Nope. Guaranteed you're a pussy about something. Immigration, demographic change, stolen elections, Jan 6th politics prisoners, pizza shop pedophiles.... You're a party of frightened and fearful pussies. 😄
I am reminded that Deagle forecast a population decline in the United States by 2025 of over 200-million people, how could the most respected product of the collective US intelligence services issue such a forecast just ten years out from 2025??? Did you submit to the jabs? If you did, and over 200-million others joined you in that, you might read this little peer reviewed study over,

I do not claim to be a scientist or any kind of expert on either COVID or the vaccines. But there is this that seriously puts the IJVTPR 'study' into question:

Since nobody seems to be discussing this other than the more partisan obscure websites, and given that there are millions and millions of blood tests of people given every day and no known scientific groups are reporting any unusual abnormalities, I think it wise to take all that scare stuff with a huge grain of salt.
I am reminded that Deagle forecast a population decline in the United States by 2025 of over 200-million people, how could the most respected product of the collective US intelligence services issue such a forecast just ten years out from 2025??? Did you submit to the jabs? If you did, and over 200-million others joined you in that, you might read this little peer reviewed study over,

I would like to see if they create an "M" spike in blood work.

I have Multiple Myeloma, a blood born cancer that destroys the red blood cells and white cells in the bone marrow. The tubular regions are very similar to what mine look like along with the clotting issue of red blood cells.
That makes me think. The 60+ aged folks aren't being adversley effected as much by the vax. Perhaps it's because their immune systems are bolstered by the vax but, younger folks already have strong immune systems and the vax may over activate that immune system to start attacking it's own body. Just a thought.....

I do not claim to be a scientist or any kind of expert on either COVID or the vaccines. But there is this that seriously puts the IJVTPR 'study' into question:

Since nobody seems to be discussing this other than the more partisan obscure websites, and given that there are millions and millions of blood tests of people given every day and no known scientific groups are reporting any unusual abnormalities, I think it wise to take all that scare stuff with a huge grain of salt.

That doesn't mean much when the media is corrupt and the Pharma cos have a lock on the "science". I know, sounds like a conspiracy theory. I thought the same thing before 2020. But now...nope.
Yeah, folks. TitsUp Tommy thinks cancer is funny.
Everything can be funny.

Context is the issue.

Its sad that her friend has passed. But she had cancer.
The vax doesnt cure cancer.

What is funny is that a tin foil loon like Sue is so obsessed that she cant distinguish between cancer and covid.

Its also a bit sad.
Everything can be funny.

Context is the issue.

Its sad that her friend has passed. But she had cancer.
The vax doesnt cure cancer.

What is funny is that a tin foil loon like Sue is so obsessed that she cant distinguish between cancer and covid.

Its also a bit sad.
Who said the vax cures cancer?
My wife and I both got four of the jabs and had no side effects nor have we got the Covid.

Our good friends our same age also got four jabs and both got Covid. Not hospitalized but very sick for a week.

Our neighbor got her first jab in the morning and that evening had to be rushed to the hospital with serious side effects. She was there for four days.

Both my sons and their wives had some of the jabs and all of them had Covid multiple times.

My grandchildren have all been shown to be positive with Covid and none of them had any significant symptoms lasting more than a few hours.

It is all a crap shoot.

Biden's Chicom buddies released a bio weapon and we all had to take a bite of a shit sandwich so that Trump's great economy could be destroyed for the election and the Democrat could use the pandemic as a cover to steal the election with fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots.

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