You Will Have The Republicans To Thank For Obama's Ultimate Success


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
With their constant and feverish efforts to find "scandal" in every corner under every rock in Obama's Administration, they're going to bore the American People. They already have.

They've been screaming and wailing "BEN-GAH-ZEE" ( for two years straight promising more and more damnng evidence every day to come up with nothing that wasn't covered in the first week or two.

They're desperate to find something to bash Obama with and dethrone him and it's glaringly obvious. They haven't realized that the American People are already on to them.

Instead of his poll numbers falling they've been rising, even after these recent so-called "scandals."

Now if something really bad comes up, it won't have the effect it would have had if Republicans had been acting with some sense.

Gotta love those guys man...they really are a piece of work.
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With their constant and feverish efforts to find "scandal" in every corner under every rock in Obama's Administration, they're going to bore the American People. They already have.

They've been screaming and wailing "BEN-GAH-ZEE" for two years straight promising more and more daming evidence every day to come up with nothing that wasn't covered in the first week or two.

They're desperate to find something to bash Obama with and dethrone him and it's glaringly obvious. They haven't realized that the American People is already on to them.

Instead of his poll numbers falling they've been rising, even after these recent so-called "scandals."

Now if something really bad comes up, it won't have the effect it would have had if Republicans had been acting with some sense.

Gotta love those guys man...they really are a piece of work.
There is no searching for scandal, obamaturd has created it all himself by being a socialist idiot.
Bahahaha. You think he is a success you guys are more clueless then I thought.
Clueless was the ENTIRE rabid RW and TheFOXNEWS viewers who SWORE Obama was going to get his ass HANDED to him, only to find out by no later than 10PM Tuesday night that Romney got a solid WHOPPING!!!

You go ahead and run with this boy...

With their constant and feverish efforts to find "scandal" in every corner under every rock in Obama's Administration, they're going to bore the American People. They already have.

They've been screaming and wailing "BEN-GAH-ZEE" ( for two years straight promising more and more daming evidence every day to come up with nothing that wasn't covered in the first week or two.

They're desperate to find something to bash Obama with and dethrone him and it's glaringly obvious. They haven't realized that the American People are already on to them.

Instead of his poll numbers falling they've been rising, even after these recent so-called "scandals."

Now if something really bad comes up, it won't have the effect it would have had if Republicans had been acting with some sense.

Gotta love those guys man...they really are a piece of work.
You go ahead and run with this boy...

With their constant and feverish efforts to find "scandal" in every corner under every rock in Obama's Administration, they're going to bore the American People. They already have.

They've been screaming and wailing "BEN-GAH-ZEE" ( for two years straight promising more and more daming evidence every day to come up with nothing that wasn't covered in the first week or two.

They're desperate to find something to bash Obama with and dethrone him and it's glaringly obvious. They haven't realized that the American People are already on to them.

Instead of his poll numbers falling they've been rising, even after these recent so-called "scandals."

Now if something really bad comes up, it won't have the effect it would have had if Republicans had been acting with some sense.

Gotta love those guys man...they really are a piece of work.
I already have.

(smile) Us white boys are good with that.

The thing is we are old enough and mature enough to actually watch it all unfold.

You go ahead and run with this boy...

With their constant and feverish efforts to find "scandal" in every corner under every rock in Obama's Administration, they're going to bore the American People. They already have.

They've been screaming and wailing "BEN-GAH-ZEE" ( for two years straight promising more and more daming evidence every day to come up with nothing that wasn't covered in the first week or two.

They're desperate to find something to bash Obama with and dethrone him and it's glaringly obvious. They haven't realized that the American People are already on to them.

Instead of his poll numbers falling they've been rising, even after these recent so-called "scandals."

Now if something really bad comes up, it won't have the effect it would have had if Republicans had been acting with some sense.

Gotta love those guys man...they really are a piece of work.
I already have.

I have been watching it unfold. And the constant screaming of scandal on the part of the GOP is turning people off. That and the fact that the GOP would rather see the nation in economic catastrophe than see President Obama succeed. Damned obvious that the GOP's present credo is that the nation needs to be destroyed for it's own good.
Notice he said, ULTIMATE success?

I guess we still have to wait awhile to see it, he's been what, five years already..

and the HELL with the American people his Irs and other agencies target that is on the Obama HIT LIST...we need to all worry if the Dear Leader will be a, Ultimate success
This caliber of thread is pretty much borne of acknowledgement of failure. Like Hope & Changes, Obama has fizzled. The odd thing is that some expected success.
"It's a Wolfe" they cried in unison........Since it was evident that McCain didn't stand a chance.

"Wolfe I tells ya...."
Hey. I'm still waiting for Hope and Change and the most transparant administration in history.

So far both are a bust.
Yep. I am.

Guess I'm going to be very disappointed. After all jackass has been in office for five years now and Hope and Change took a hike.

The most transparant administration in history is run by a guy who isn't aware of whats going on anywhere in his administration.

No lie.
Yep. I am.

Guess I'm going to be very disappointed. After all jackass has been in office for five years now and Hope and Change took a hike.

The most transparant administration in history is run by a guy who isn't aware of whats going on anywhere in his administration.

No lie.
Post thanked for making me smile. Not sure why, but it did.

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