You Will Have The Republicans To Thank For Obama's Ultimate Success

With their constant and feverish efforts to find "scandal" in every corner under every rock in Obama's Administration, they're going to bore the American People. They already have.

They've been screaming and wailing "BEN-GAH-ZEE" ( for two years straight promising more and more damnng evidence every day to come up with nothing that wasn't covered in the first week or two.

They're desperate to find something to bash Obama with and dethrone him and it's glaringly obvious. They haven't realized that the American People are already on to them.

Instead of his poll numbers falling they've been rising, even after these recent so-called "scandals."

Now if something really bad comes up, it won't have the effect it would have had if Republicans had been acting with some sense.

Gotta love those guys man...they really are a piece of work.

If? dude, that ship has sailed. these scandals are real. time to drop the liberal hypocriscy and start demanding our politicians act fairly, honestly and ethically.
The constant stream of piss and manufactured bullshit reminds me of the story about the boy who cried wolf.

Obama's golf games, Michelle's vacations, 54 Christmas trees, imaginary armed drones over America blowing up civilians, imaginary billions of rounds of ammo, imaginary FEMA camps, imaginary soldiers coming to round us all up to put us in those FEMA camps, an imaginary birth in Kenya, imaginary scenarios coming for your guns, imaginary millions of dead Mexican felons swinging elections, imaginary UN treaties which would come fer yer guns, and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on...

Just one whacked out, brain dead manufactured lie after another. When you step back and look at the mountain of bullshit, it is mind boggling.

Is it any wonder no one really gives a flying fuck what these simpleminded, credulous dweebs who aren't the slightest bit interested in the truth have to say about Benghazi or the IRS or whatever other flavor of the day is on their alleged minds?
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FOX News is changing it's slogan from "Fair and Balanced" to "We Told You So!"

I used to watch Fox News regularly up until about a decade ago. Then one day, I started thinking...

Now, I pretty much only see Fox News when someone posts a link to a clip from one of their shows.

The last time I actually tuned my personal TV to Fox News to kill some time, I saw they were interviewing negroes in the street outside their Fox News building. They asked the negroes if they had IDs.

Turns out these well-dressed negroes had IDs.

The crack team of Fox News investigative journalists thus concluded there were no negroes in America who did not have IDs! And they did not have to travel any further than their doorstep to prove it.

You just can't get better, more objective reporting than that, I tell you. They are the gold standard of excellence in journalism.
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