You Wonder Why The World Is Laughing at the United States?


Europe is a better place to live than America, so is Canada, and most of the OECD. This diagram explains the divide between the American right and the political status quo in Europe.

seeing as "a better place to live" is probably one of the most subjective things ever; you look stupid
Nah, this post of yours is American self-denial or 'America #1' blind patriotism. The best living standards and quality of life are not in America, so when in doubt wave the US flag and pretend that this is still the 1950s or 60s.

IF a European said they live in the best place to live it wouldnt be "blind patriotism" then right dimwit?

everything is what it is if you agree to it
Europe is a better place to live than America, so is Canada, and most of the OECD.
God this is a stupid fucking claim, everyone has different preferences and things they value in a country to live in.

I can't believe anyone would with a straight face that an entire continent which consists of countries as diverse as Azerbaijan to Finland is "better to live" than the United States.

Furthermore, what Unkotare is alluding to... how many countries in Europe have you lived in as an adult?
seeing as "a better place to live" is probably one of the most subjective things ever; you look stupid
Nah, this post of yours is American self-denial or 'America #1' blind patriotism. The best living standards and quality of life are not in America, so when in doubt wave the US flag and pretend that this is still the 1950s or 60s.

IF a European said they live in the best place to live it wouldnt be "blind patriotism" then right dimwit?

everything is what it is if you agree to it
OECD stats, quality of life surveys and so forth are not 'patriotism'. If you believe every international agency and corporate or non-for-profit funded survey is out to lie about America, it makes you sound like a conspiracy theorist.
The Euros have a high standard of living nowadays because America spent 40-50 years keeping the Soviets off their back - spending outrageous amounts of money on the defense of Europe, so that the Euros could have a few decades of breathing space, to re-populate, and to rebuild, and to grow new and stronger economies.

Perhaps we should require the Euros to begin paying us back for what we spent in the period 1945-1990 or so, to keep them from going under.

That would put one helluva dent in that precious Euro 'quality of life', wouldn't it?

The Euros grew those economies on our watch, crouching under the American Shield.

Something to keep in mind, the next time some smug, arrogant Euro-trash pissant decides to throw rocks at us.
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Would one of our brothers in arms like to compare this with one of their pensioner relatives.
My Mum is a very old pensioner she has a private pension on top of her state pension.
Her state pension is £198.00 per week or $330,she gets about $500 a winter for a heating allowance.All medical intervention ie medicine,dentistry,opticians etc is provided at no charge by the NHS All transport is provided free by the local authority.

Her state pension is tax free but her private pension is taxed, my mother is please with this as it gives her the feeling she is still contributing to the society she loves.

How does this compare?
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The Euros have a high standard of living nowadays because America spent 40-50 years keeping the Soviets off their back - spending outrageous amounts of money on the defense of Europe, so that the Euros could have a few decades of breathing space, to re-populate, and to rebuild, and to grow new and stronger economies.

Perhaps we should require the Euros to begin paying us back for what we spent in the period 1945-1990 or so, to keep them from going under.

That would put one helluva dent in that precious Euro 'quality of life', wouldn't it?

The Euros grew those economies on our watch, crouching under the American Shield.

Something to keep in mind, the next time some smug, arrogant Euro-trash pissant decides to throw rocks at us.
bullshit, the French Independentnuclear weapons was a massive threat to the USSR, just like the nuclear threat from Cuba would have been to the US.
BBC News - France's enduring nuclear deterrent
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The Euros have a high standard of living nowadays because America spent 40-50 years keeping the Soviets off their back - spending outrageous amounts of money on the defense of Europe, so that the Euros could have a few decades of breathing space, to re-populate, and to rebuild, and to grow new and stronger economies.

Perhaps we should require the Euros to begin paying us back for what we spent in the period 1945-1990 or so, to keep them from going under.

That would put one helluva dent in that precious Euro 'quality of life', wouldn't it?

The Euros grew those economies on our watch, crouching under the American Shield.

Something to keep in mind, the next time some smug, arrogant Euro-trash pissant decides to throw rocks at us.
bullshit, the French Independentnuclear weapons was a massive threat to the USSR, just like the threat from Cuba would have been.
BBC News - France's enduring nuclear deterrent

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