You Wonder Why The World Is Laughing at the United States?

So, where were we?

Oh yes, why the world is laughing at us

We covered Bush's blunder of nation building, rightwing environmental denial, denial of evolution, capital punishment, aversion to healthcare

What else is left? How about our Congress?
Do they laugh because our Congress is unable to pass the most simple legislation? That they need to shut down government in a temper tantrum? That they can't do anything unless a gun is held to their heads?

Do you think others laugh when our rightwing boasts that they prefer gridlock to a functioning government?

Why are you still babbling, peeing on yourself regarding President Bush.
Your lover was elected - TWICE - because of fools/low-info inbreds such as yourself.
Wallow in his successes, douchebag. He's all yours.

Yes, and the world let out a collective sigh of relief that we did not elect another Republican

I certainly witnessed that over here.
And there it is, the classic call of the pretentious douchebag.

The truth hits a nerve.

The truth that you're a pretentious douchebag? I suppose that might hit a nerve. Why don't you just stop being a pretentious douchebag and avoid all the nerve damage?

So much damage that you had to take the Warbler cowardly route and neg rep me. Did I hurt your little feelings oh adorable one.
obama's weakness causes wars and massacres

witness Syria and LIbya
I don't know about either of those...

But I'm willing to lay the Crimea at Obumble's doorstep...

Had we manifested more strongly throughout the current Presidency, Uncle Vlad would not have been quite so keen to test the waters...
The truth hits a nerve.

The truth that you're a pretentious douchebag? I suppose that might hit a nerve. Why don't you just stop being a pretentious douchebag and avoid all the nerve damage?

So much damage that you had to take the Warbler cowardly route and neg rep me. Did I hurt your little feelings oh adorable one.

Are you bitching about rep again, douchebag? That's not very worldly and sophisticated of you. I would think that someone with a passport and everything...
The truth that you're a pretentious douchebag? I suppose that might hit a nerve. Why don't you just stop being a pretentious douchebag and avoid all the nerve damage?

So much damage that you had to take the Warbler cowardly route and neg rep me. Did I hurt your little feelings oh adorable one.

Are you bitching about rep again, douchebag? That's not very worldly and sophisticated of you. I would think that someone with a passport and everything...

I have two passports. I use one when traveling to America, and the good one for all other travel.
So much damage that you had to take the Warbler cowardly route and neg rep me. Did I hurt your little feelings oh adorable one.

Are you bitching about rep again, douchebag? That's not very worldly and sophisticated of you. I would think that someone with a passport and everything...

I have two passports. I use one when traveling to America, and the good one for all other travel.

Impossible! No one could be so worldly as to have TWO of them!
So much damage that you had to take the Warbler cowardly route and neg rep me. Did I hurt your little feelings oh adorable one.

Are you bitching about rep again, douchebag? That's not very worldly and sophisticated of you. I would think that someone with a passport and everything...

I have two passports. I use one when traveling to America, and the good one for all other travel.
If that's the way you feel about it, don't bother coming here.
nobody cares what left-wing nutjobs say anyway

the pendulum is swinging away from the Left all over the world
"Having other nations maintain order in their own neighborhoods lessens the need for us to put our own troops in harm’s way. It is a smart investment, and it’s the right way to lead,"

President Obama, today at West Point
"Having other nations maintain order in their own neighborhoods lessens the need for us to put our own troops in harm’s way. It is a smart investment, and it’s the right way to lead,"

President Obama, today at West Point

gee leftard; obama administration orders Americans to leave libya immediately

how did raining cruise missiles on them work out?
does obama believe his own bullsh*t?

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