You Wonder Why The World Is Laughing at the United States?

China and Russia are laughing at our growing national debt, and government shutdown antics. The rest of the west views American foreign policy as either incompetent at best, and evil and corrupt at worst. The Islamic world takes our money and laughs at our pathetic attempts to push them to support human rights - but hates us in private because of 'Palestine' and our 'perverted culture'. The rest of the world have a combination of all of those views, and don't like America either.
The minority of loony's makes it easy to laugh.
Based on his blunder of an invasion, maybe Bush should have used Obamas teleprompter

Not quite sure what your warfighting skills are...
Why don't you enlighten the board and share your experiences.
What year did you enlist?

I am bright enough to realize that Saddam Hussein was no threat and that an invasion and occupation would be a nightmare

So tell us mighty Warrior, what in your impressive military resume makes you more qualified than anyone else on this board to discuss the geopolitical and military realities of 2003 Iraq?

I do not think that any intelligent person on USMB misses the irony of someone who swabbed decks calling himself Warrior.
Laughing like when we invaded Iraq to take away their WMDs?
There is no escaping the idea that our invasion of Iraq was based on pure horseshit.

But it had the singular advantage of us kicking Saddam's ass in short order.

We should never have gone in there.

But, once committed, we shoved what was left of Saddam's military up his ass in record time.

And, once we'd nailed the bastard, we should have picked-up and left the bastards to rot, rather than hang-around for years and try to nation-build, deluding ourselves that nation-building there could be like nation-building in Europe after WWII.

At least Shrub had worn the uniform once, even if he wasn't very good at it, or didn't do much, and at least our kids were willing to go into Iraq and take his orders.

I can't imagine our military today, going to war under Barry, with anything even remotely approximating the same level of fighting spirit and confidence in their leadership.

A rookie junior Senator, who had not even completed his first term, suddenly and artificially elevated to the Big Chair - having done very little other than some Community Organizing prior to embarking on a career as a Lifer Politician - such a person does not seem likely to inspire much confidence as a Commander in Chief.

Ah, well, another two years plus change, and he's gone.
You think they're laughing at us?

No, no... THIS is them laughing at us:


Thank you for the truth. People who are denying evolution and the gun nuts are laughed at a lot, but the gun nuts are also feared.
I dont read the Mirror I take the Guardian but I bought three and had them framed.
Laughing like when we invaded Iraq to take away their WMDs?
There is no escaping the idea that our invasion of Iraq was based on pure horseshit.

But it had the singular advantage of us kicking Saddam's ass in short order.

We should never have gone in there.

But, once committed, we shoved what was left of Saddam's military up his ass in record time.

And, once we'd nailed the bastard, we should have picked-up and left the bastards to rot, rather than hang-around for years and try to nation-build, deluding ourselves that nation-building there could be like nation-building in Europe after WWII.

At least Shrub had worn the uniform once, even if he wasn't very good at it, or didn't do much, and at least our kids were willing to go into Iraq and take his orders.

I can't imagine our military today, going to war under Barry, with anything even remotely approximating the same level of fighting spirit and confidence in their leadership.

A rookie junior Senator, who had not even completed his first term, suddenly and artificially elevated to the Big Chair - having done very little other than some Community Organizing prior to embarking on a career as a Lifer Politician - such a person does not seem likely to inspire much confidence as a Commander in Chief.

Ah, well, another two years plus change, and he's gone.

I think the key is that President Obama has resisted the temptation to go to war in spite of taunting from the right.

He has used drones to kill terrorists rather than put boots on the ground. He avoided nation building opportunities in Egypt, Libya and Syria. He has relied on our allies to do more of the heavy lifting, relieving our military of their world policeman duties.

Does the military respect him? I suspect much more than the rightwing media gives him credit. Even if they don't, he has avoided kneejerk invasions that cost the lives of US soldiers

The last year of President Obama’s first term saw a continuation of the slow decline in worldwide approval of U.S. leadership that has marked his administration, according to a new Gallup poll.

Across the 130 countries surveyed, the median U.S. approval rating in 2012 stood at 41 percent, down from 46 percent in 2011, 47 percent in 2010 and 49 percent in 2009. Last year’s 41 percent is only three points higher than the 38 percent Gallup measured in 2007, President Bush’s penultimate year in office. (In Bush’s last year it dropped to 34 percent.)

Overall, U.S. approval ratings between 2011 and 2012 dropped in 70 countries, and climbed in 42 countries. The rest showed no change, or in a few cases were not surveyed in 2011 so no comparison was possible.

Asked, “Do you approve or disapprove of the job performance of the leadership of the United States?” most of the countries producing the highest disapproval scores were in the Middle East and South Asia.

“This shift suggests that the president and the new secretary of state may not find global audiences as receptive to the U.S. agenda as they have in the past,” commented Gallup pollster Julie Ray. “In fact, they may even find even once-warm audiences increasingly critical.”
Laughing like when we invaded Iraq to take away their WMDs?
There is no escaping the idea that our invasion of Iraq was based on pure horseshit.

But it had the singular advantage of us kicking Saddam's ass in short order.

We should never have gone in there.

But, once committed, we shoved what was left of Saddam's military up his ass in record time.

And, once we'd nailed the bastard, we should have picked-up and left the bastards to rot, rather than hang-around for years and try to nation-build, deluding ourselves that nation-building there could be like nation-building in Europe after WWII.

At least Shrub had worn the uniform once, even if he wasn't very good at it, or didn't do much, and at least our kids were willing to go into Iraq and take his orders.

I can't imagine our military today, going to war under Barry, with anything even remotely approximating the same level of fighting spirit and confidence in their leadership.

A rookie junior Senator, who had not even completed his first term, suddenly and artificially elevated to the Big Chair - having done very little other than some Community Organizing prior to embarking on a career as a Lifer Politician - such a person does not seem likely to inspire much confidence as a Commander in Chief.

Ah, well, another two years plus change, and he's gone.

I think the key is that President Obama has resisted the temptation to go to war in spite of taunting from the right.

He has used drones to kill terrorists rather than put boots on the ground. He avoided nation building opportunities in Egypt, Libya and Syria. He has relied on our allies to do more of the heavy lifting, relieving our military of their world policeman duties.

Does the military respect him? I suspect much more than the rightwing media gives him credit. Even if they don't, he has avoided kneejerk invasions that cost the lives of US soldiers
I'm not buyin' into the whole thing, but there is some merit in what you've said here.

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