You won’t believe how little $8.25 an hour buys

We're not talking about a specific person, but if you want to put it down to that, your essentially saying her daughter should fuck herself and get a college education with money that comes from... Oh wait, the job which barely pays enough to hold down an apartment. Flawless. Fuck off.
Her little princess lives at home.

It's got to be tough being a socialist after the fall of the USSR and more recently the socialists in Greece falling to capitalism, badly.
The USSR collapsed due to revisionism bud, talk to some historians, and the GDP plummeted after the USSR fell, and many people want it back. Greece failed because of people not paying taxes.. And the retirement age, neither of which have anything to do with socialism.
You're a dingbat. |Greece collapsed economically because it could not live off the money of others. The USSR fell because socialism does not work outside of a very few wealth-producing homogeneous states, which was certainly not Greece of the Soviet Block.
Sorry, but your failure to understand socialism tells me all I need to know, educate yourself, I have videos to help with that in my signature.

The only thing he failed at is succumbing to the same delusions you suffer from.
Bripat, you think everyone who disagrees with you suffers from delusions. Get the fuck out of here.
Her little princess lives at home.

It's got to be tough being a socialist after the fall of the USSR and more recently the socialists in Greece falling to capitalism, badly.
The USSR collapsed due to revisionism bud, talk to some historians, and the GDP plummeted after the USSR fell, and many people want it back. Greece failed because of people not paying taxes.. And the retirement age, neither of which have anything to do with socialism.
You're a dingbat. |Greece collapsed economically because it could not live off the money of others. The USSR fell because socialism does not work outside of a very few wealth-producing homogeneous states, which was certainly not Greece of the Soviet Block.
Sorry, but your failure to understand socialism tells me all I need to know, educate yourself, I have videos to help with that in my signature.

The only thing he failed at is succumbing to the same delusions you suffer from.
Bripat, you think everyone who disagrees with you suffers from delusions. Get the fuck out of here.

You think everyone who ridicules socialism doesn't understand it. That's obviously a delusion. Those who ridicule it understand it better than you.
The USSR collapsed due to revisionism bud, talk to some historians, and the GDP plummeted after the USSR fell, and many people want it back. Greece failed because of people not paying taxes.. And the retirement age, neither of which have anything to do with socialism.
You're a dingbat. |Greece collapsed economically because it could not live off the money of others. The USSR fell because socialism does not work outside of a very few wealth-producing homogeneous states, which was certainly not Greece of the Soviet Block.
Sorry, but your failure to understand socialism tells me all I need to know, educate yourself, I have videos to help with that in my signature.

The only thing he failed at is succumbing to the same delusions you suffer from.
Bripat, you think everyone who disagrees with you suffers from delusions. Get the fuck out of here.

You think everyone who ridicules socialism doesn't understand it. That's obviously a delusion. Those who ridicule it understand it better than you.
You're ridiculing things that literally aren't socialism.
You're a dingbat. |Greece collapsed economically because it could not live off the money of others. The USSR fell because socialism does not work outside of a very few wealth-producing homogeneous states, which was certainly not Greece of the Soviet Block.
Sorry, but your failure to understand socialism tells me all I need to know, educate yourself, I have videos to help with that in my signature.

The only thing he failed at is succumbing to the same delusions you suffer from.
Bripat, you think everyone who disagrees with you suffers from delusions. Get the fuck out of here.

You think everyone who ridicules socialism doesn't understand it. That's obviously a delusion. Those who ridicule it understand it better than you.
You're ridiculing things that literally aren't socialism.

You claim no real attempt to implement socialism is an example of socialism. That's denial.
Sorry, but your failure to understand socialism tells me all I need to know, educate yourself, I have videos to help with that in my signature.

The only thing he failed at is succumbing to the same delusions you suffer from.
Bripat, you think everyone who disagrees with you suffers from delusions. Get the fuck out of here.

You think everyone who ridicules socialism doesn't understand it. That's obviously a delusion. Those who ridicule it understand it better than you.
You're ridiculing things that literally aren't socialism.

You claim no real attempt to implement socialism is an example of socialism. That's denial.
The anarchists in spain, in the ukraine, the zapatistas, etc, etc..
The only thing he failed at is succumbing to the same delusions you suffer from.
Bripat, you think everyone who disagrees with you suffers from delusions. Get the fuck out of here.

You think everyone who ridicules socialism doesn't understand it. That's obviously a delusion. Those who ridicule it understand it better than you.
You're ridiculing things that literally aren't socialism.

You claim no real attempt to implement socialism is an example of socialism. That's denial.
The anarchists in spain, in the ukraine, the zapatistas, etc, etc..

In other words, flashes in the pan. Nor were they examples of real socialism.
"helping the poor" IS bad when the Left does it

it results in a fifty year high in the Poverty Rate

as has happened under obama

idiots and hypocrites
You do realize the "left" in America are basically the right wing party in every other country?

you DO realize that's irrelevant?

our left CREATE poor people to "help"
How the hell do democrats create poor people? Poverty will literally always exist under capitalism, heck, any system, programs to help the poor don't create poor people.
what? You are definition in the dictionary of programs that help poor people create them poor.

You fucking think Cuba is a god Damn paradise of happy people driving 57 chevys
I never said Cuba was a paradise. I wish people on this forum could have an actual discussion.
Yes, I agree. Saying conservatives hate the poor stifles dialogue.

Mirror time.
You can't simply wish facts to not be true. It would be great if we lived in a society where only teenagers made min wage. We don't live in that world and have to make decisions based on the world we do live in.

Don't you know when you come out and spew shit out your ass, someone will eventually expose you for what you are ??

Who makes minimum wage?
By Drew DeSilver177 comments

Given the continuing campaigns by unions, workers, politicians and others to raise the federal minimum wage, it bears asking: Just who are minimum-wage workers, anyway?

Perhaps surprisingly, not very many people earn minimum wage, and they make up a smaller share of the workforce than they used to. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, last year 1.532 million hourly workers earned the federal minimum of $7.25 an hour; nearly 1.8 million more earned less than that because they fell under one of several exemptions (tipped employees, full-time students, certain disabled workers and others), for a total of 3.3 million hourly workers at or below the federal minimum.

That group represents 4.3% of the nation’s 75.9 million hourly-paid workers and 2.6% of all wage and salary workers. In 1979, when the BLS began regularly studying minimum-wage workers, they represented 13.4% of hourly workers and 7.9% of all wage and salary workers. (Bear in mind that the 3.3 million figure doesn’t include salaried workers, although BLS says relatively few salaried workers are paid at what would translate into below-minimum hourly rates. Also, 23 states, as well as the District of Columbia, have higher minimum wages than the federal standard; people who earned the state minimum wage in those jurisdictions aren’t included in the 3.3 million total.)

People at or below the federal minimum are:

  • Disproportionately young: 50.4% are ages 16 to 24; 24% are teenagers (ages 16 to 19).
  • Mostly (77%) white; nearly half are white women.
  • Largely part-time workers (64% of the total).

Talking about personal responsibility is fine but it isn't a solution nor does it effectively address why there is an issue. The labor markets that these people take part in are impacted by a lot more than their own work ethic. There are consequences to this problem that extend beyond just the life of the worker but to their children.

Just like any other market force, supply and demand determine prevailing prices ......................

Bringing the children into this is simply a sympathy card played by an ignorant desperate man.

Daddy should have stayed around to raise his little porch monkeys .................

Moma should not have been a promiscuous whore ...................

Education in life instead of self fulfillment would be the best starting point for morons like you.

So you quoted a study that agreed with me and you thought you were calling me out. You are deranged.

Then you take my point about children and insult the parents like that accomplishes anything.

Your post is ignorant and juvenile.
The kind of government spending the GOP would be happy to get rid of.

What the heck are you talking about ... I am a Conservative and have taught some of the classes when I have had the opportunity/schedule availability ... Dumbass!
I don't remember seeing you there in a chair or leading the instruction.

As far as I can tell ... The Conservatives I know would support doubling that spending instead blanketed open ended nonproductive bullshit programs Democrats supply us with.

It's futile trying to explain opportunity to someone stuck in Excuse Land. I got tired of trying to support a wife and (at the time) two kids based on $10/hr jobs so I trained to be a truck driver and now make $50k supporting two more kids. I didn't whine that nobody was giving me the money for it. I took out a loan, got my license, and quickly paid it off. People who are defeated in their mind will always be losers, no matter how you try to help them. Success and prosperity are a mindset, not an income level.
Oh yes, because their are obviously an infinite number of jobs available for your definition of what's not poverty.

Why do you need an infinite number of jobs? Go find one job that pays better than poverty wages. Let everyone else worry about their own jobs.
Bripat, you think everyone who disagrees with you suffers from delusions. Get the fuck out of here.

You think everyone who ridicules socialism doesn't understand it. That's obviously a delusion. Those who ridicule it understand it better than you.
You're ridiculing things that literally aren't socialism.

You claim no real attempt to implement socialism is an example of socialism. That's denial.
The anarchists in spain, in the ukraine, the zapatistas, etc, etc..

In other words, flashes in the pan. Nor were they examples of real socialism.
Your posts are a fucking joke, as demonstrated in your succession thread.
Here's an idea: get some education and training so you're not stuck at the bottom!
Gee, that wasnt hard.
Fuck off rabbi, your posts are a crock of senseless bullshit. You do realize people need to work these jobs to afford education and a rising cost of living? You do realize poverty is hard to get out of, considering education costs keep going up while wages are stagnant, same with the cost of living, as mentioned. People have children, parents to take care of.. Then again, the right wing hates those in poverty.
All nothing but excuses from a whiny fucking parasite.
Here's an idea: get some education and training so you're not stuck at the bottom!
Gee, that wasnt hard.
Fuck off rabbi, your posts are a crock of senseless bullshit. You do realize people need to work these jobs to afford education and a rising cost of living? You do realize poverty is hard to get out of, considering education costs keep going up while wages are stagnant, same with the cost of living, as mentioned. People have children, parents to take care of.. Then again, the right wing hates those in poverty.
You have no place here. You are an enemy of the State......
Here's an idea: get some education and training so you're not stuck at the bottom!
Gee, that wasnt hard.
Fuck off rabbi, your posts are a crock of senseless bullshit. You do realize people need to work these jobs to afford education and a rising cost of living? You do realize poverty is hard to get out of, considering education costs keep going up while wages are stagnant, same with the cost of living, as mentioned. People have children, parents to take care of.. Then again, the right wing hates those in poverty.
People that are making low wages should think of the consequences they face if they decide to make babies.
Tell ya what... YOU take care of them.
Here's an idea: get some education and training so you're not stuck at the bottom!
Gee, that wasnt hard.
Fuck off rabbi, your posts are a crock of senseless bullshit. You do realize people need to work these jobs to afford education and a rising cost of living? You do realize poverty is hard to get out of, considering education costs keep going up while wages are stagnant, same with the cost of living, as mentioned. People have children, parents to take care of.. Then again, the right wing hates those in poverty.
People that are making low wages should think of the consequences they face if they decide to make babies.
Tell ya what... YOU take care of them.
I rest my case.
Oh yes, because their are obviously an infinite number of jobs available for your definition of what's not poverty.

Why do you need an infinite number of jobs? Go find one job that pays better than poverty wages. Let everyone else worry about their own jobs.
I care for other people, sorry if you don't. People will always have to be at the bottom, in fact, billions will never be able to escape, it's common sense to help them, in america, and worldwide.
Here's an idea: get some education and training so you're not stuck at the bottom!
Gee, that wasnt hard.
Fuck off rabbi, your posts are a crock of senseless bullshit. You do realize people need to work these jobs to afford education and a rising cost of living? You do realize poverty is hard to get out of, considering education costs keep going up while wages are stagnant, same with the cost of living, as mentioned. People have children, parents to take care of.. Then again, the right wing hates those in poverty.
I post the obvious answer and it's someone else's fault.
Wages have stagnated under Obama and the socialist regime. Workforce participation is down because its easier to get on SSI and unemployment than to find a job. This is what socialism leads to.
You want more than 8/hr? Go earn it.
Wages have been stagnant for decades, quit your idiotic bullshit and attempts to blame one man for everything. LOL. Yes, because private sector growth under Obama is a great sign of socialism. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Wages for those who acquire new skills and/or education are NOT stagnant.
If one wants to earn more, they have to work for it.
Here's an idea: get some education and training so you're not stuck at the bottom!
Gee, that wasnt hard.
Fuck off rabbi, your posts are a crock of senseless bullshit. You do realize people need to work these jobs to afford education and a rising cost of living? You do realize poverty is hard to get out of, considering education costs keep going up while wages are stagnant, same with the cost of living, as mentioned. People have children, parents to take care of.. Then again, the right wing hates those in poverty.
I post the obvious answer and it's someone else's fault.
Wages have stagnated under Obama and the socialist regime. Workforce participation is down because its easier to get on SSI and unemployment than to find a job. This is what socialism leads to.
You want more than 8/hr? Go earn it.
Wages have been stagnant for decades, quit your idiotic bullshit and attempts to blame one man for everything. LOL. Yes, because private sector growth under Obama is a great sign of socialism. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Wages for those who acquire new skills and/or education are NOT stagnant.
If one wants to earn more, they have to work for it.
Jesus christ, wages are stagnant for the middle/lower class, but for the top, it's all ok, so I guess fuck everyone but the rich? You're an idiot. People work 60 hours a week to barely get by, are they not working hard enough?

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