You won’t believe how little $8.25 an hour buys

How should a person working at 8.25 an hour pay for an education?

There are all types of avenues. Lame response and you knew it before responding

And yet you don't name any.

Wow, that was sooooooooo hard to find. No wonder you goofs are low wage, you're too stupid and lazy to find the resources to better yourselves

College Grants for Students from Low Income Households

Good job.

Now solve this problem:

America’s Underemployment Crisis Is Bad And Getting Worse

While earning a college degree is still the best option for becoming financially successful, it no longer holds any sort of guaranteed financial payoff — indeed, a growing number of students may never put their Bachelor's degrees to use.

In 2010, 17 million college graduates were categorized as underemployed — working jobs requiring a lower level of education or skills than what they were qualified for — according to analysis by Richard Vedder, director of the Center for College Affordability and Productivity, based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Read more:

You have no idea what's going on in America.

I thought you Obambots claim the economy and unemployment has been fixed? Major fail
This is funny as hell, she just made my day :)

She admits how Obama is a failure

She admits it, what Obama says is so wrong in the real world

Her post cracks me up
The kind of government spending the GOP would be happy to get rid of.

What the heck are you talking about ... I am a Conservative and teach some of the classes when I have the opportunity ... Dumbass!


Why should people making an honest living at jobs that need to be done have to suffer substandard wages?

15 non-fast food jobs that pay less than 15 an hour - Yahoo Finance
What are you talking about did you read the OP?

Why does she have to buy a $7.00 dollar lunch?

When she can do like all of the rest of us working men and just Brown bag it for $2 bucks?

Are New Eglanders such snobs and a brown bag lunch beneath them?

Why does she need an apartment when very sturdy cardboard boxes are free?
I don't know where they are free but since with your expertise on the subject of free sturdy corrugated and keeping a cell phone, maybe you should advise her, shopping bag lady.

I'm retired on two pensions in my own paid-for home needing less than half of what I take in for living expenses.

How should a person working at 8.25 an hour pay for an education?

There are all types of avenues. Lame response and you knew it before responding

And yet you don't name any.

Wow, that was sooooooooo hard to find. No wonder you goofs are low wage, you're too stupid and lazy to find the resources to better yourselves

College Grants for Students from Low Income Households

Good job.

Now solve this problem:

America’s Underemployment Crisis Is Bad And Getting Worse

While earning a college degree is still the best option for becoming financially successful, it no longer holds any sort of guaranteed financial payoff — indeed, a growing number of students may never put their Bachelor's degrees to use.

In 2010, 17 million college graduates were categorized as underemployed — working jobs requiring a lower level of education or skills than what they were qualified for — according to analysis by Richard Vedder, director of the Center for College Affordability and Productivity, based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Read more:

You have no idea what's going on in America.

I thought you Obambots claim the economy and unemployment has been fixed? Major fail

That's your answer? lol.
Why does she need an apartment when very sturdy cardboard boxes are free?

She doesn't live in a cardboard box ... She lives with her mother ... Dumbass!


So she works fulltime and can't afford her own roof over her head? That's the Third World stuff you admire.
ok I will be nice to you now ( I always liked your opinions)

You didn't comprehend the link or read it all.

She only works 30 hours do to Obama care, so her employer don't have to pay for it.
So she works fulltime and can't afford her own roof over her head? That's the Third World stuff you admire.

30 hours isn't fulltime ... Dumbass!

If she thinks she should be able to get by with the minimum ... She will be disappointed and in Third World conditions forever ... Dumbass!
You are the one not encouraging her to do more, achieve more and better her position in life ... Dumbass!
You are the one supporting Third World bullshit results for her instead of a plan that will get her what she needs to rise above the fray ... Dumbass!

So she works fulltime and can't afford her own roof over her head? That's the Third World stuff you admire.

30 hours isn't fulltime ... Dumbass!

If she thinks she should be able to get by with the minimum ... She will be disappointed and in Third World conditions forever ... Dumbass!
You are the one not encouraging her to do more, achieve more and better her position in life ... Dumbass!
You are the one supporting Third World bullshit results for her instead of a plan that will get her what she needs to rise above the fray ... Dumbass!

don't be that hard on her, she just didn't see it.
don't be that hard on her, she just didn't see it.

I won't disagree ... She is as blind as a bat and running into walls all over the place.
It is just a shame these people don't understand they are the ones putting the walls up that keep others from becoming more productive.

And they are stupid enough to think they are helping people.

What the heck are you talking about ... I am a Conservative and teach some of the classes when I have the opportunity ... Dumbass!


Why should people making an honest living at jobs that need to be done have to suffer substandard wages?

15 non-fast food jobs that pay less than 15 an hour - Yahoo Finance
What are you talking about did you read the OP?

Why does she have to buy a $7.00 dollar lunch?

When she can do like all of the rest of us working men and just Brown bag it for $2 bucks?

Are New Eglanders such snobs and a brown bag lunch beneath them?

Why does she need an apartment when very sturdy cardboard boxes are free?
I don't know where they are free but since with your expertise on the subject of free sturdy corrugated and keeping a cell phone, maybe you should advise her, shopping bag lady.

I'm retired on two pensions in my own paid-for home needing less than half of what I take in for living expenses.


You should be giving the girl making 8.25 hour the half you don't need.
So she works fulltime and can't afford her own roof over her head? That's the Third World stuff you admire.

30 hours isn't fulltime ... Dumbass!

If she thinks she should be able to get by with the minimum ... She will be disappointed and in Third World conditions forever ... Dumbass!
You are the one not encouraging her to do more, achieve more and better her position in life ... Dumbass!
You are the one supporting Third World bullshit results for her instead of a plan that will get her what she needs to rise above the fray ... Dumbass!


Personal responsibility is a great message when dealing with the poverty of an individual. I think we can all agree that people should be trying to improve their lives as best they can and no one wants to discourage that effort.

When talking about poverty at the national or global level though the issue of personal responsibility doesn't really have much of a place for a couple of reasons. First off, people are poor for a lot of different reasons. To equate poverty to not working hard is intellectually dishonest. The second issue is that even if the issue is that they are not working hard that doesn't mean we don't have to worry about their future or the future of their children. As a nation we have a vested interest in keeping people out of prison, off drugs, and to make sure their children succeed. Yes it would be better if they worked harder but it is time to grow up and just deal with reality. The third issue is that trends in poverty and the labor market are largely out of the control of the poor. When there is a recession it is the poor that often suffer the most. When we have large trade deficits it is often the poor who can't find a job or see their wages depressed. When the government makes mistakes it is often the poor who suffer.

In the end I find arguments that stress personal responsibility to be fundamentally missing the point. They are juvenile attempts to understand a rather complex grown up issue. You and everyone else who makes the same broken "personal responsibility" argument can continue to sit at the kids table or you can grow up. It is your choice.
What the heck are you talking about ... I am a Conservative and teach some of the classes when I have the opportunity ... Dumbass!


Why should people making an honest living at jobs that need to be done have to suffer substandard wages?

15 non-fast food jobs that pay less than 15 an hour - Yahoo Finance
What are you talking about did you read the OP?

Why does she have to buy a $7.00 dollar lunch?

When she can do like all of the rest of us working men and just Brown bag it for $2 bucks?

Are New Eglanders such snobs and a brown bag lunch beneath them?

Why does she need an apartment when very sturdy cardboard boxes are free?
I don't know where they are free but since with your expertise on the subject of free sturdy corrugated and keeping a cell phone, maybe you should advise her, shopping bag lady.

I'm retired on two pensions in my own paid-for home needing less than half of what I take in for living expenses.

just a working blue collar drinking class, if you want to label me, born and raised in Chicago moved to South Carolina 11 years ago after my love of my life died

Lee Brice - Drinking Class (Official Lyric Video):
Personal responsibility is a great message when dealing with the poverty of an individual. I think we can all agree that people should be trying to improve their lives as best they can and no one wants to discourage that effort.

When talking about poverty at the national or global level though the issue of personal responsibility don't really have much of a place for a couple of reasons. First off, people are poor for a lot of different reasons. To equate poverty to not working hard is intellectually dishonest. The second issue is that even if the issue is that they are not working hard that doesn't mean we don't have to worry about their future or the future of their children. As a nation we have a vested interest in keeping people out of prison, off drugs, and to make sure their children succeed. Yes it would be better if they worked harder but it is time to grow up and just deal with reality. The third issue is that trends in poverty and the labor market are largely out of the control of the poor. When there is a recession it is the poor that often suffer the most. When we have large trade deficits it is often the poor who can't find a job or see their wages depressed. When the government makes mistakes it is often the poor who suffer.

In the end I find arguments that stress personal responsibility to be fundamentally missing the point. They are juvenile attempts to understand a rather complex grown up issue. You and everyone else who makes the same broken "personal responsibility" argument can continue to sit at the kids table or you can grow up. It is your choice.

Most people that think their fellow citizens are either incompetent or expendable often remove the idea of personal responsibility from the equation.
I won't give up on people to suit anyone else's desire to excuse their lack of effort or the ability (minus the proper training and encouragement) to achieve a higher standard.

Keep making excuses and you will keep them where they are ... There is one road out of poverty and into a more productive life ... And it always passes through the person that desires the journey.

Average wage in a Socialist Utopia like Communist China or Vietnam was far less than $8.25/hour

The Poor in American live like the Upper middle class in most of the rest of the world, they live better than probably 90% of the rest of the planet. The best way to kill them off is to make us turn further to Socialism, that will alleviate their suffering
Personal responsibility is a great message when dealing with the poverty of an individual. I think we can all agree that people should be trying to improve their lives as best they can and no one wants to discourage that effort.

When talking about poverty at the national or global level though the issue of personal responsibility don't really have much of a place for a couple of reasons. First off, people are poor for a lot of different reasons. To equate poverty to not working hard is intellectually dishonest. The second issue is that even if the issue is that they are not working hard that doesn't mean we don't have to worry about their future or the future of their children. As a nation we have a vested interest in keeping people out of prison, off drugs, and to make sure their children succeed. Yes it would be better if they worked harder but it is time to grow up and just deal with reality. The third issue is that trends in poverty and the labor market are largely out of the control of the poor. When there is a recession it is the poor that often suffer the most. When we have large trade deficits it is often the poor who can't find a job or see their wages depressed. When the government makes mistakes it is often the poor who suffer.

In the end I find arguments that stress personal responsibility to be fundamentally missing the point. They are juvenile attempts to understand a rather complex grown up issue. You and everyone else who makes the same broken "personal responsibility" argument can continue to sit at the kids table or you can grow up. It is your choice.

Most people that think their fellow citizens are either incompetent or expendable often remove the idea of personal responsibility from the equation.
I won't give up on people to suit anyone else's desire to excuse their lack of effort or the ability (minus the proper training and encouragement) to achieve a higher standard.

Keep making excuses and you will keep them where they are ... There is one road out of poverty and into a more productive life ... And it always passes through the person that desires the journey.


Are you able to talk about both personal responsibility and ways to get out of poverty on the individual level and poverty on the national level?
don't be that hard on her, she just didn't see it.

I won't disagree ... She is as blind as a bat and running into walls all over the place.
It is just a shame these people don't understand they are the ones putting the walls up that keep others from becoming more productive.

And they are stupid enough to think they are helping people.

I know, with out Obama care this poor girl could make, what? An extra $80 bucks a week?

The more the left trys to help, the more they hurt the working class.
Are you able to talk about both personal responsibility and ways to get out of poverty on the individual level and poverty on the national level?

Certainly ... Let's get started ... The nation/government is never going to fix your personal poverty because they are incapable of doing so ... Accept your personal responsibility and find the tools that are available to you already, apply the appropriate effort and you will have better results.

How was that?

I have personally watched people go from the welfare rolls to jobs that start at $52k annually and offer unlimited opportunity to advance ... You cannot say that it cannot be done.
It takes dedication, effort and the desire to achieve ... As well as the outright rejection of the idea that anyone is more responsible for your wellbeing than yourself.

Screw it ... The minimum is unacceptable.

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Are you able to talk about both personal responsibility and ways to get out of poverty on the individual level and poverty on the national level?

Certainly ... Let's get started ... The nation/government is never going to fix your personal poverty because they are incapable of doing so ... Accept your personal responsibility and find the tools that are available to you already, apply the appropriate effort and you will have better results.

How was that?

it's so funny a little girl can make millions but socialist like the OP just wants to sit on his ass and be a couch potato and wants the US government to pay him to play video games and eat Doritos

250 Million For A 14-Year-Old s Big Idea Origami Owl - Forbes
Are you able to talk about both personal responsibility and ways to get out of poverty on the individual level and poverty on the national level?

Certainly ... Let's get started ... The nation/government is never going to fix your personal poverty because they are incapable of doing so ... Accept your personal responsibility and find the tools that are available to you already, apply the appropriate effort and you will have better results.

How was that?

it's so funny a little girl can make millions but socialist like the OP just wants to sit on his ass and be a couch potato and wants the US government to pay him to play video games and eat Doritos

250 Million For A 14-Year-Old s Big Idea Origami Owl - Forbes
hey piece of shit OP have you ever heard of little kids making millions in your beloved socialist and communist country's? Google is full of success story's in capitalist country's

Lazy fuck
Are you able to talk about both personal responsibility and ways to get out of poverty on the individual level and poverty on the national level?

Certainly ... Let's get started ... The nation/government is never going to fix your personal poverty because they are incapable of doing so ... Accept your personal responsibility and find the tools that are available to you already, apply the appropriate effort and you will have better results.

How was that?

I have personally watched people go from the welfare rolls to jobs that start at $52k annually and offer unlimited opportunity to advance ... You cannot say that it cannot be done.
It takes dedication, effort and the desire to achieve ... As well as the outright rejection of the idea that anyone is more responsible for your wellbeing than yourself.

Screw it ... The minimum is unacceptable.


No you actually didn't talk about poverty on the national level at all and what you said about personal responsibility is demonstrably wrong.

The government plays a large role in income mobility with large investments in things like education. They also have to find ways to address things like racism and segregation that get in the way of income mobility. Income mobility in the US is largely dependent on regional factors which most certainly include government decisions.

Like I already said you still can't seem to understand the difference between a discussion on personal responsibility and a discussion of economics. You are still at the kids table, throwing a temper tantrum.
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