You won’t believe how little $8.25 an hour buys

You won t believe how little 8.25 an hour buys Oxfam America First Person Blog
Disgusting that this is possible in the "richest country in the world"

Imagine working for minimum wage in the poorest countries of the world. I suggest she goes and learns a trade, gets a decent job, then completes college.

How do you propose a fulltime minimum wage worker pay for school?

I already said how. Learn a trade, get a decent job, and perhaps the job will pay for further education.

I will say this, the left wing has good intentions. It sounds good that we need to take care of poor people. In my opinion what we should be saying is we need to help poor people out of poverty. The job that this girl has is a dead end which could end at any minute. The people at the theater probably are paying as much as they can afford.

Here is one solution I think might help. Close the border. Give big tax breaks to companies that pay for employee education, if not already. Tax credits for those going to school and working, much like the EITC. Mostly something has to be done to reining never ending increase in tuition. It is outrageous how the education system and the Health care system takes advantage of the US. It is like they are a monopoly. Too bad Obama didn't do something about either.

Sorry but I am not going to feel real bad about a person who made the life choice to take a career job of reading books while playing movies.
Dude, you assume learning a trade doesn't require any money, and that jobs are available that aren't for "leeches." "Perhaps the job..." HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Now we see you rant about immigrants.

You dude, seem to think that there are not educational programs out there to help the poor. You dude don't realize that these government programs are self destructive. They RAISE the price of education to the point where a person goes broke trying to educate themselves without the government help.

You see no correlation between allowing unbridled influx of unskilled, uneducated labor and the depression of wages for unskilled, uneducated jobs? Really?
Educational programs usually propped up by the government. LOL.
Imagine working for minimum wage in the poorest countries of the world. I suggest she goes and learns a trade, gets a decent job, then completes college.

How do you propose a fulltime minimum wage worker pay for school?

I already said how. Learn a trade, get a decent job, and perhaps the job will pay for further education.

I will say this, the left wing has good intentions. It sounds good that we need to take care of poor people. In my opinion what we should be saying is we need to help poor people out of poverty. The job that this girl has is a dead end which could end at any minute. The people at the theater probably are paying as much as they can afford.

Here is one solution I think might help. Close the border. Give big tax breaks to companies that pay for employee education, if not already. Tax credits for those going to school and working, much like the EITC. Mostly something has to be done to reining never ending increase in tuition. It is outrageous how the education system and the Health care system takes advantage of the US. It is like they are a monopoly. Too bad Obama didn't do something about either.

Sorry but I am not going to feel real bad about a person who made the life choice to take a career job of reading books while playing movies.
Dude, you assume learning a trade doesn't require any money, and that jobs are available that aren't for "leeches." "Perhaps the job..." HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Now we see you rant about immigrants.

You dude, seem to think that there are not educational programs out there to help the poor. You dude don't realize that these government programs are self destructive. They RAISE the price of education to the point where a person goes broke trying to educate themselves without the government help.

You see no correlation between allowing unbridled influx of unskilled, uneducated labor and the depression of wages for unskilled, uneducated jobs? Really?
Educational programs usually propped up by the government. LOL.

Of course that is what I am saying. Had the government not done so the cost of education today would be much lower. If the government would have just did things like start community colleges as competition to private schools the cost would be lower. But none of that has a thing to do with this girl working in a movie theater. The only way out for her is education there is no other answer. She is doing a job an Mexican who can't speak English would be happy to do, why does she deserve more money?
"helping the poor" IS bad when the Left does it

it results in a fifty year high in the Poverty Rate

as has happened under obama

idiots and hypocrites
You do realize the "left" in America are basically the right wing party in every other country?

you DO realize that's irrelevant?

our left CREATE poor people to "help"
How the hell do democrats create poor people? Poverty will literally always exist under capitalism, heck, any system, programs to help the poor don't create poor people.
what? You are definition in the dictionary of programs that help poor people create them poor.

You fucking think Cuba is a god Damn paradise of happy people driving 57 chevys
"helping the poor" IS bad when the Left does it

it results in a fifty year high in the Poverty Rate

as has happened under obama

idiots and hypocrites
You do realize the "left" in America are basically the right wing party in every other country?

you DO realize that's irrelevant?

our left CREATE poor people to "help"
How the hell do democrats create poor people? Poverty will literally always exist under capitalism, heck, any system, programs to help the poor don't create poor people.
what? You are definition in the dictionary of programs that help poor people create them poor.

You fucking think Cuba is a god Damn paradise of happy people driving 57 chevys
I never said Cuba was a paradise. I wish people on this forum could have an actual discussion.
"helping the poor" IS bad when the Left does it

it results in a fifty year high in the Poverty Rate

as has happened under obama

idiots and hypocrites

There is no cause and effect in your statement.

did you really think anybody expects you losers to admit you failed?

You've failed to show cause and effect. In fact you've really failed to show anything.

You want to make the usual comical argument that conservatives make which is that if we took all government help away from the poor,

poverty would decrease.

lol, what a joke you are.
This usually happens when talking about poverty.. It's always the fault of those in poverty.. Fucking right wing "Christians."

Whose fault is it that she works in a movie theater for 8.25/hour?
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"helping the poor" IS bad when the Left does it

it results in a fifty year high in the Poverty Rate

as has happened under obama

idiots and hypocrites

There is no cause and effect in your statement.

did you really think anybody expects you losers to admit you failed?

You've failed to show cause and effect. In fact you've really failed to show anything.

You want to make the usual comical argument that conservatives make which is that if we took all government help away from the poor,

poverty would decrease.

lol, what a joke you are.
This usually happens when talking about poverty.. It's always the fault of those in poverty.. Fucking right wing "Christians."

Who's fault is it that she works in a movie theater for 8.25/hour?
And you assume I have a problem with that. I don't. That's more than I have right now.

What I have a problem with is with people in your position demanding career level pay for entry level jobs. I equate that with greed, not a need "to get by." I would be happy to get what I'm paid. I would put more effort into doing my job than demanding a pay raise. I see people making demands of people kind enough to give them any sort of employment as ingrates.

That is no excuse. To anyone else, this could be considered as exploitation. I see it that way. If I take government assistance, I'm taking her tax dollars. If I'm not on it, I'm still taking her money. That presents a major moral dilemma for me that I can't handle.

Of course it's a joke if you're just standing there complaining about it. It's all about effort.
I don't want career level pay, I believe wages should be adjusted to the cost of living on a state by state basis. Nothing is perfect. The contradictions of capital are coming out in full force, things are getting worse worldwide in terms of income inequality, resource waste, etc, etc.. Greed? The greedy ones are the capitalist dogs who moan and bitch about the end of days if taxes were raised b 2%, the dogs who mercilessly exploit the third world to sell cheap products in the first world, the ones who move jobs overseas to avoid paying decent wages or providing benefits.. This is starting to happen to service jobs now to.. Err, most people put effort into their job, after all, they're easily replaceable, I'd imagine they'd put forth more effort if they were paid a decent wage. How would anyone consider that exploitation? A moral dilemma? I'm sorry, but that's ridiculous.

Lmao, go ahead and adjust wages by a state to state level and watch more company's leave the blue city's, God you are dumb.

Greed works both ways, which came first the big box stores with low wages or Sam the butcher or Floyd barber shops with livable wages?

Americans wanted cheap crap they did it to themselves, the big capitalist gave you what you wanted.
So wages shouldn't ever be raised because capitalists will leave? LOL.


think Detroit

when the tax base leaves

So you think an influx of sub-minimum wage jobs can fix Detroit?

lol, good one, imbecile.
just give them welfare like the normal Democrat plan and let them sit around and rot away thinking a vacation is going to a McDonald's playland that is so special to post pictures about it on face book.

As long as the Democrats get the votes, they don't give a Damn
I don't want career level pay, I believe wages should be adjusted to the cost of living on a state by state basis. Nothing is perfect. The contradictions of capital are coming out in full force, things are getting worse worldwide in terms of income inequality, resource waste, etc, etc.. Greed? The greedy ones are the capitalist dogs who moan and bitch about the end of days if taxes were raised b 2%, the dogs who mercilessly exploit the third world to sell cheap products in the first world, the ones who move jobs overseas to avoid paying decent wages or providing benefits.. This is starting to happen to service jobs now to.. Err, most people put effort into their job, after all, they're easily replaceable, I'd imagine they'd put forth more effort if they were paid a decent wage. How would anyone consider that exploitation? A moral dilemma? I'm sorry, but that's ridiculous.

Lmao, go ahead and adjust wages by a state to state level and watch more company's leave the blue city's, God you are dumb.

Greed works both ways, which came first the big box stores with low wages or Sam the butcher or Floyd barber shops with livable wages?

Americans wanted cheap crap they did it to themselves, the big capitalist gave you what you wanted.
So wages shouldn't ever be raised because capitalists will leave? LOL.


think Detroit

when the tax base leaves

So you think an influx of sub-minimum wage jobs can fix Detroit?

lol, good one, imbecile.
just give them welfare like the normal Democrat plan and let them sit around and rot away thinking a vacation is going to a McDonald's playland that is so special to post pictures about it on face book.

As long as the Democrats get the votes, they don't give a Damn
Oh for fucks sake.. I give up, can't expect any discussion with people whose talking points have no substance.
"helping the poor" IS bad when the Left does it

it results in a fifty year high in the Poverty Rate

as has happened under obama

idiots and hypocrites
You do realize the "left" in America are basically the right wing party in every other country?

you DO realize that's irrelevant?

our left CREATE poor people to "help"
How the hell do democrats create poor people? Poverty will literally always exist under capitalism, heck, any system, programs to help the poor don't create poor people.
what? You are definition in the dictionary of programs that help poor people create them poor.

You fucking think Cuba is a god Damn paradise of happy people driving 57 chevys
I never said Cuba was a paradise. I wish people on this forum could have an actual discussion.
I read your post idiot on other threads.

You praised Cuba.
You do realize the "left" in America are basically the right wing party in every other country?

you DO realize that's irrelevant?

our left CREATE poor people to "help"
How the hell do democrats create poor people? Poverty will literally always exist under capitalism, heck, any system, programs to help the poor don't create poor people.
what? You are definition in the dictionary of programs that help poor people create them poor.

You fucking think Cuba is a god Damn paradise of happy people driving 57 chevys
I never said Cuba was a paradise. I wish people on this forum could have an actual discussion.
I read your post idiot on other threads.

You praised Cuba.
Show where I praised Cuba, quote it.
There is no cause and effect in your statement.

did you really think anybody expects you losers to admit you failed?

You've failed to show cause and effect. In fact you've really failed to show anything.

You want to make the usual comical argument that conservatives make which is that if we took all government help away from the poor,

poverty would decrease.

lol, what a joke you are.
This usually happens when talking about poverty.. It's always the fault of those in poverty.. Fucking right wing "Christians."

Who's fault is it that she works in a movie theater for 8.25/hour?

Interesting that you whine about not being able to have a converstation then you stoop to this BS. Typical liberal.
did you really think anybody expects you losers to admit you failed?

You've failed to show cause and effect. In fact you've really failed to show anything.

You want to make the usual comical argument that conservatives make which is that if we took all government help away from the poor,

poverty would decrease.

lol, what a joke you are.
This usually happens when talking about poverty.. It's always the fault of those in poverty.. Fucking right wing "Christians."

Who's fault is it that she works in a movie theater for 8.25/hour?

Interesting that you whine about not being able to have a converstation then you stoop to this BS. Typical liberal.
Yeah, not like the rwers on here don't just blame Obama for everything.. Oh wait..
Lmao, go ahead and adjust wages by a state to state level and watch more company's leave the blue city's, God you are dumb.

Greed works both ways, which came first the big box stores with low wages or Sam the butcher or Floyd barber shops with livable wages?

Americans wanted cheap crap they did it to themselves, the big capitalist gave you what you wanted.
So wages shouldn't ever be raised because capitalists will leave? LOL.


think Detroit

when the tax base leaves

So you think an influx of sub-minimum wage jobs can fix Detroit?

lol, good one, imbecile.
just give them welfare like the normal Democrat plan and let them sit around and rot away thinking a vacation is going to a McDonald's playland that is so special to post pictures about it on face book.

As long as the Democrats get the votes, they don't give a Damn
Oh for fucks sake.. I give up, can't expect any discussion with people whose talking points have no substance.
I post dumb ass what I know and experienced in the past 50 years, you kid just post what you read.
Yea that's what I thought dumb ass socialist, thought you posted last night you were nonpartisan? And only cared about class?

You lying mother fucker
Educational programs usually propped up by the government. LOL.

The Workforce Investment Act was passed 1998 ... Which replace/added to the Job Training and Partnership Act of 1982 ... Which replaced/added to the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973 ... Which added to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 ... Which replaced/added to the Manpower Development Training Act of 1962 ... Which replaced/added to the Wagner Peyser Act of 1933 ... And just about every state also has Workforce Initiative programs and subsidies.

Serious Second Tier educational programs free of charge ... Complete with materials, transportation, flexible classroom hours, additional language and academic skills training (for those how never learned how to add-subtract or speak English), free daycare options and an additional cash stipend ... Are available.
The GI Bill stills works fine as far as paying for college as well.

"Can't" never did anything ... Waiting for someone else to achieve your career goals for you ... Will almost always get you bullshit results.

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Here's an idea: get some education and training so you're not stuck at the bottom!

and if one finds themselves at the bottom they would be very surprised if they were to become conservative to find out how much $8.25 an hr. can buy till they get that education and training, see, that wasn't hard either.
I always hear those terms over and over again.. JUST GET EDUCATION AND TRAINING. Education costs money, and it keeps going up, training? I assume you mean education, which costs money. Idiots.

you being a Gvmt. socialist, should know there are Gvmt. programs to help people get the required education and training.., or do you deny they exist ?

:fu: commie retard :up:
Here's an idea: get some education and training so you're not stuck at the bottom!

and if one finds themselves at the bottom they would be very surprised if they were to become conservative to find out how much $8.25 an hr. can buy till they get that education and training, see, that wasn't hard either.
I always hear those terms over and over again.. JUST GET EDUCATION AND TRAINING. Education costs money, and it keeps going up, training? I assume you mean education, which costs money. Idiots.

you being a Gvmt. socialist, should know there are Gvmt. programs to help people get the required education and training.., or do you deny they exist ?

:fu: commie retard :up:
damn dude don't tell him Pell grants are easy to get, he just wants to sponge off the working class ...

While watching reruns of beavis and butthead

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