You won’t believe how little $8.25 an hour buys

There are whiners and bleeding hearts, and then there are those that work hard, learn and make a better life for themselves and their families. These groups are largely mutually exclusive.

Which needs to be supported?
Billions live in poverty, many working 60+ hours a week to barely scrape by. Whiners?
Billions? There are only 115 million people who work here.
Or are the other 888 million tucked neatly away in the 7 additional states( according to Obama) ?
Here's an idea: get some education and training so you're not stuck at the bottom!
Gee, that wasnt hard.
Fuck off rabbi, your posts are a crock of senseless bullshit. You do realize people need to work these jobs to afford education and a rising cost of living? You do realize poverty is hard to get out of, considering education costs keep going up while wages are stagnant, same with the cost of living, as mentioned. People have children, parents to take care of.. Then again, the right wing hates those in poverty.
People that are making low wages should think of the consequences they face if they decide to make babies.
Tell ya what... YOU take care of them.
I rest my case.
You had better rest your case. You don't have one.
There are whiners and bleeding hearts, and then there are those that work hard, learn and make a better life for themselves and their families. These groups are largely mutually exclusive.

Which needs to be supported?
Billions live in poverty, many working 60+ hours a week to barely scrape by. Whiners?
Billions? There are only 115 million people who work here.
Or are the other 888 million tucked neatly away in the 7 additional states( according to Obama) ?
I referred to the world on that post.
Here's an idea: get some education and training so you're not stuck at the bottom!
Gee, that wasnt hard.
Fuck off rabbi, your posts are a crock of senseless bullshit. You do realize people need to work these jobs to afford education and a rising cost of living? You do realize poverty is hard to get out of, considering education costs keep going up while wages are stagnant, same with the cost of living, as mentioned. People have children, parents to take care of.. Then again, the right wing hates those in poverty.
People that are making low wages should think of the consequences they face if they decide to make babies.
Tell ya what... YOU take care of them.
I rest my case.
You had better rest your case. You don't have one.
You've essentially confirmed you can care less about the children of those in poverty, and believe anyone who doesn't fit where you want on the socio-economic ladder needs to die.
Billions live in poverty, many working 60+ hours a week to barely scrape by.

There are 330 million people in America... so your math is off by a few orders of magnitude. No, billions are not in poverty.
Wasn't just talking about America, genius. Unless only the poor in America are whiners, in which case, the usual right wing hatred of the poor.
Who gives A fuck what goes on outside our borders?....Do you expect us to take care of the problems of the entire world?.....Well, you first. Get busy, you've got a lot of work to do
Billions live in poverty, many working 60+ hours a week to barely scrape by.

There are 330 million people in America... so your math is off by a few orders of magnitude. No, billions are not in poverty.
Wasn't just talking about America, genius. Unless only the poor in America are whiners, in which case, the usual right wing hatred of the poor.
Who gives A fuck what goes on outside our borders?....Do you expect us to take care of the problems of the entire world?.....Well, you first. Get busy, you've got a lot of work to do
Fuck borders, there's nothing wrong with caring about other human beings.
Oh yes, because their are obviously an infinite number of jobs available for your definition of what's not poverty.

Why do you need an infinite number of jobs? Go find one job that pays better than poverty wages. Let everyone else worry about their own jobs.
I care for other people, sorry if you don't. People will always have to be at the bottom, in fact, billions will never be able to escape, it's common sense to help them, in america, and worldwide.
Bullshit. You may emote for these people. But that is the extent of your 'care'.
I care for other people

With other other people's money.
Oh lord.. The world produces more then enough food to feed everyone, distribution is a failure, so much is wasted for profit, the first world capitalists mercilessly exploit the third world.. There's a reason capitalists lose money when workers don't work, they don't produce value. Oh god "Other people's money." I'll never get tired of this. Y'know what? If someone lives in luxury while children suffer, I see nothing wrong with "taking their money."
Here's an idea: get some education and training so you're not stuck at the bottom!
Gee, that wasnt hard.
Fuck off rabbi, your posts are a crock of senseless bullshit. You do realize people need to work these jobs to afford education and a rising cost of living? You do realize poverty is hard to get out of, considering education costs keep going up while wages are stagnant, same with the cost of living, as mentioned. People have children, parents to take care of.. Then again, the right wing hates those in poverty.
People that are making low wages should think of the consequences they face if they decide to make babies.
Tell ya what... YOU take care of them.
I rest my case.
You had better rest your case. You don't have one.
You've essentially confirmed you can care less about the children of those in poverty, and believe anyone who doesn't fit where you want on the socio-economic ladder needs to die.
And I stated this where?
There are whiners and bleeding hearts, and then there are those that work hard, learn and make a better life for themselves and their families. These groups are largely mutually exclusive.

Which needs to be supported?
Billions live in poverty, many working 60+ hours a week to barely scrape by. Whiners?
I had little doubt that you were in the latter group. My hat's off to the billions who worked their asses off and made a better life for themselves instead of whining about it. That would be you and that woman who wrote the article about her daughter having to work 30 hours a week.

The horror! The horror!
How many people live on less then $10 a day? How many live in third world countries? How many people desperately want to get education but can't afford it or have access? The article talked about how hard it is to live on low wages, and shows how hard it is to move up when earning so little.
And your solution is?
Oh yes, because their are obviously an infinite number of jobs available for your definition of what's not poverty.

Why do you need an infinite number of jobs? Go find one job that pays better than poverty wages. Let everyone else worry about their own jobs.
I care for other people, sorry if you don't. People will always have to be at the bottom, in fact, billions will never be able to escape, it's common sense to help them, in america, and worldwide.
Bullshit. You may emote for these people. But that is the extent of your 'care'.
I certainly care more then you, then again, this is a internet forum where half of the user base can barely form a sentence.
Billions live in poverty, many working 60+ hours a week to barely scrape by.

There are 330 million people in America... so your math is off by a few orders of magnitude. No, billions are not in poverty.
Wasn't just talking about America, genius. Unless only the poor in America are whiners, in which case, the usual right wing hatred of the poor.
Who gives A fuck what goes on outside our borders?....Do you expect us to take care of the problems of the entire world?.....Well, you first. Get busy, you've got a lot of work to do
Fuck borders, there's nothing wrong with caring about other human beings.

Where's your care for the people you want to rob in order to pay for your "caring"?
Fuck off rabbi, your posts are a crock of senseless bullshit. You do realize people need to work these jobs to afford education and a rising cost of living? You do realize poverty is hard to get out of, considering education costs keep going up while wages are stagnant, same with the cost of living, as mentioned. People have children, parents to take care of.. Then again, the right wing hates those in poverty.
People that are making low wages should think of the consequences they face if they decide to make babies.
Tell ya what... YOU take care of them.
I rest my case.
You had better rest your case. You don't have one.
You've essentially confirmed you can care less about the children of those in poverty, and believe anyone who doesn't fit where you want on the socio-economic ladder needs to die.
And I stated this where?
People that are making low wages should think of the consequences they face if they decide to make babies.
Tell ya what... YOU take care of them.
You're essentially saying: Fuck em, no one should help them. I'm sure you love fetuses though.
Billions live in poverty, many working 60+ hours a week to barely scrape by.

There are 330 million people in America... so your math is off by a few orders of magnitude. No, billions are not in poverty.
Wasn't just talking about America, genius. Unless only the poor in America are whiners, in which case, the usual right wing hatred of the poor.
Who gives A fuck what goes on outside our borders?....Do you expect us to take care of the problems of the entire world?.....Well, you first. Get busy, you've got a lot of work to do
Fuck borders, there's nothing wrong with caring about other human beings.

Where's your care for the people you want to rob in order to pay for your "caring"?
Rob? Are you fucking kidding me? I don't see you bitching about the trillions "robbed" when america destabilized and fucked the entire middle east, nor did the rich, they loved it, but god forbid that a tiny portion of peoples taxes goes to help feed children in africa instead of bombing the middle east.
There are whiners and bleeding hearts, and then there are those that work hard, learn and make a better life for themselves and their families. These groups are largely mutually exclusive.

Which needs to be supported?
Billions live in poverty, many working 60+ hours a week to barely scrape by. Whiners?
Maybe this liberal can teach you something......

Bono Capitalism takes more people out of poverty than aid The Beacon
Like I'd give a fuck what Bono says, capitalism doesn't bring people out of poverty, aid programs, technology, governments.. If you want to follow your line of thought, then Mao Zedong did an amazing job at improving people's lives.
Bring them out of poverty? We've spent trillions of dollars in the last 70 years to lift people out of poverty. The ranks of the poor are not dwindling.
Here's an idea: get some education and training so you're not stuck at the bottom!
Gee, that wasnt hard.
Fuck off rabbi, your posts are a crock of senseless bullshit. You do realize people need to work these jobs to afford education and a rising cost of living? You do realize poverty is hard to get out of, considering education costs keep going up while wages are stagnant, same with the cost of living, as mentioned. People have children, parents to take care of.. Then again, the right wing hates those in poverty.
I post the obvious answer and it's someone else's fault.
Wages have stagnated under Obama and the socialist regime. Workforce participation is down because its easier to get on SSI and unemployment than to find a job. This is what socialism leads to.
You want more than 8/hr? Go earn it.
Wages have been stagnant for decades, quit your idiotic bullshit and attempts to blame one man for everything. LOL. Yes, because private sector growth under Obama is a great sign of socialism. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Wages for those who acquire new skills and/or education are NOT stagnant.
If one wants to earn more, they have to work for it.
Jesus christ, wages are stagnant for the middle/lower class, but for the top, it's all ok, so I guess fuck everyone but the rich? You're an idiot. People work 60 hours a week to barely get by, are they not working hard enough?
This 30 year old kid retired at 30 and him and his family live on 25 grand a year, oh the horror how does he live on only 25 grand a year?

A man who retired comfortably at age 30 explains how much money he had to save - Yahoo Finance
I certainly care more then you, then again, this is a internet forum where half of the user base can barely form a sentence.

You do not get to object to a person's ability to form a sentence while using such a sloppy, pathetic excuse for a sentence.
There are whiners and bleeding hearts, and then there are those that work hard, learn and make a better life for themselves and their families. These groups are largely mutually exclusive.

Which needs to be supported?
Billions live in poverty, many working 60+ hours a week to barely scrape by. Whiners?
Maybe this liberal can teach you something......

Bono Capitalism takes more people out of poverty than aid The Beacon
Like I'd give a fuck what Bono says, capitalism doesn't bring people out of poverty, aid programs, technology, governments.. If you want to follow your line of thought, then Mao Zedong did an amazing job at improving people's lives.
Bring them out of poverty? We've spent trillions of dollars in the last 70 years to lift people out of poverty. The ranks of the poor are not dwindling.
Yeah, you seem to forget the recent crisis.
Welfare programs shown to reduce poverty in America Money The Guardian
Idiot, try again.

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