Young Americans want Israel to be ended and given to Hamas


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2022
Seems young Americans have their heads better screwed on than their elders
And if the US is about to run from Iraq and Syria , Israel will be left alone with zero audience and support .
End of the Ethnic Cleansers and most hated country on the planet
Look at the turning tide in the US, with the young population increasingly at odds with Israel; which includes a lot of young Jewish, liberal, and Democrat people. From NYPost:
Majority of Americans 18-24 think Israel should ‘be ended and given to Hamas’
Patrick cites a recent survey that shows nearly half of young Jewish-Americans do not support the current policies of the US toward Israel:

He ends on a similar conclusion to my own—that there is a small window remaining:
Biden has a very short window within which he can cut off Netanyahu before he can carry out his apparent war aim to depopulate Gaza and carry the conflict to Lebanon and possibly beyond — a conflict, in other words that could very well drag American forces into another endless Middle Eastern war. A quick and decisive decision, combined with real diplomacy to exploit the crisis and craft a workable solution to 75 years of Israeli-Palestinian conflict, would recover America's reputation.
This brings up one last potential explanation for the new bombshell announcements that the US may leave Syria and Iraq: it could be a threat to Israel. Since Israel does not take any other type of plea into consideration, the only remaining avenue for the US may be to simply threaten to ditch the region, with the attendant loss of direct regional military support to Israel. In short: stop your escalations or we’ll leave you hanging to fend for yourself against this emergent Iran. And some within the state department and military may be outright pushing for the total withdrawal simply to keep the US from being embroiled in a larger war they know is unwinnable.
Seems young Americans have their heads better screwed on than their elders
And if the US is about to run from Iraq and Syria , Israel will be left alone with zero audience and support .
End of the Ethnic Cleansers and most hated country on the planet
Look at the turning tide in the US, with the young population increasingly at odds with Israel; which includes a lot of young Jewish, liberal, and Democrat people. From NYPost:,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Majority of Americans 18-24 think Israel should ‘be ended and given to Hamas’
Patrick cites a recent survey that shows nearly half of young Jewish-Americans do not support the current policies of the US toward Israel:

He ends on a similar conclusion to my own—that there is a small window remaining:

This brings up one last potential explanation for the new bombshell announcements that the US may leave Syria and Iraq: it could be a threat to Israel. Since Israel does not take any other type of plea into consideration, the only remaining avenue for the US may be to simply threaten to ditch the region, with the attendant loss of direct regional military support to Israel. In short: stop your escalations or we’ll leave you hanging to fend for yourself against this emergent Iran. And some within the state department and military may be outright pushing for the total withdrawal simply to keep the US from being embroiled in a larger war they know is unwinnable.
Amazing the responses you get when you survey in a mosque, eh?
That's the difference in older voters. They are capable of nuance. The issues are much broader and more complex.
That being said, there is nothing wrong with questioning the state of Israel's conduct toward and treatment of the Palestinians.
Well, here is the actual NY Post article with the polling data.

Seems young Americans have their heads better screwed on than their elders
And if the US is about to run from Iraq and Syria , Israel will be left alone with zero audience and support .
End of the Ethnic Cleansers and most hated country on the planet
Look at the turning tide in the US, with the young population increasingly at odds with Israel; which includes a lot of young Jewish, liberal, and Democrat people. From NYPost:,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Majority of Americans 18-24 think Israel should ‘be ended and given to Hamas’
Patrick cites a recent survey that shows nearly half of young Jewish-Americans do not support the current policies of the US toward Israel:

He ends on a similar conclusion to my own—that there is a small window remaining:

This brings up one last potential explanation for the new bombshell announcements that the US may leave Syria and Iraq: it could be a threat to Israel. Since Israel does not take any other type of plea into consideration, the only remaining avenue for the US may be to simply threaten to ditch the region, with the attendant loss of direct regional military support to Israel. In short: stop your escalations or we’ll leave you hanging to fend for yourself against this emergent Iran. And some within the state department and military may be outright pushing for the total withdrawal simply to keep the US from being embroiled in a larger war they know is unwinnable.

Just the dumb fucks.
Just the dumb fucks.

You old people here are the dumbest crowd I have ever had the good fortune to run into .
Doubtless OK individually and well meaning .
Collectively a bunch of numbskulls and totally uninformed.

But what entertainment .
What source material for my next book .
Seems young Americans have their heads better screwed on than their elders
And if the US is about to run from Iraq and Syria , Israel will be left alone with zero audience and support .
End of the Ethnic Cleansers and most hated country on the planet
Look at the turning tide in the US, with the young population increasingly at odds with Israel; which includes a lot of young Jewish, liberal, and Democrat people. From NYPost:,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Majority of Americans 18-24 think Israel should ‘be ended and given to Hamas’
Patrick cites a recent survey that shows nearly half of young Jewish-Americans do not support the current policies of the US toward Israel:

He ends on a similar conclusion to my own—that there is a small window remaining:

This brings up one last potential explanation for the new bombshell announcements that the US may leave Syria and Iraq: it could be a threat to Israel. Since Israel does not take any other type of plea into consideration, the only remaining avenue for the US may be to simply threaten to ditch the region, with the attendant loss of direct regional military support to Israel. In short: stop your escalations or we’ll leave you hanging to fend for yourself against this emergent Iran. And some within the state department and military may be outright pushing for the total withdrawal simply to keep the US from being embroiled in a larger war they know is unwinnable.

Well hell, by all means they should march right over there and help ham-ass obtain that goal.
You old people here are the dumbest crowd I have ever had the good fortune to run into .
Doubtless OK individually and well meaning .
Collectively a bunch of numbskulls and totally uninformed.

But what entertainment .
What source material for my next book .
Maybe you can use that book to identify the country that the US stole oil from? Then you can enlighten everyone to the amount of foreign aid that the US provides each and every year. The US has expended nearly $300B in foreign aid between 2013-2018. New Report: Nearly $300 Billion In Foreign Aid Spent By U.S. Government
The quickest way for a country to get rich is to declare war on the US. The Mouse that Roared.
You old people here are the dumbest crowd I have ever had the good fortune to run into .
Doubtless OK individually and well meaning .
Collectively a bunch of numbskulls and totally uninformed.

But what entertainment .
What source material for my next book .
You old people here are the dumbest crowd I have ever had the good fortune to run into .
Doubtless OK individually and well meaning .
Collectively a bunch of numbskulls and totally uninformed.

But what entertainment .
What source material for my next book .

Well, golly, when a moron says that to me, I mostly point and laugh.

Let me know when your book comes out.

Will it be a crayon book or paint by numbers?
Seems young Americans have their heads better screwed on than their elders
And if the US is about to run from Iraq and Syria , Israel will be left alone with zero audience and support .
End of the Ethnic Cleansers and most hated country on the planet
Look at the turning tide in the US, with the young population increasingly at odds with Israel; which includes a lot of young Jewish, liberal, and Democrat people. From NYPost:,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Majority of Americans 18-24 think Israel should ‘be ended and given to Hamas’
Patrick cites a recent survey that shows nearly half of young Jewish-Americans do not support the current policies of the US toward Israel:

He ends on a similar conclusion to my own—that there is a small window remaining:

This brings up one last potential explanation for the new bombshell announcements that the US may leave Syria and Iraq: it could be a threat to Israel. Since Israel does not take any other type of plea into consideration, the only remaining avenue for the US may be to simply threaten to ditch the region, with the attendant loss of direct regional military support to Israel. In short: stop your escalations or we’ll leave you hanging to fend for yourself against this emergent Iran. And some within the state department and military may be outright pushing for the total withdrawal simply to keep the US from being embroiled in a larger war they know is unwinnable.
young americans also masturbate at lest twice a day
You old people here are the dumbest crowd I have ever had the good fortune to run into .
Doubtless OK individually and well meaning .
Collectively a bunch of numbskulls and totally uninformed.

But what entertainment .
What source material for my next book .
when did you start writing gay porn
Some young Americans do believe in Hamas.
The further we get (in time) from the days of the Holocaust, the less sympathy we find for Jews and the State of Israel.

Although the Holocaust is still (barely) within "Living Memory", that generation is mostly gone now; vanishing into history.

The generation of Americans that came after The Greats - i.e., the Boomers - grew up on tales of Jewish slaughter.

And, like The Greats, vast numbers of Boomers supported Israel so that the Jews finally and again had a nation of their own.

Now, the Boomers are in their grandparent years, and support for Israel is fading amongst younger Americans.

Younger Americans who see and feel the pain of Gazans who attacked Israel but do not understand the Israeli viewpoint.

The Jews are surrounded on three sides by hostile neighbors who wish them dead and gone.

And, 1800+ years after the Romans kicked them out, the Jews have finally returned to their spiritual and ancestral home.

The Muslims of the region - many the unknowing descendants of Jews and Christians conquered by Muslims themselves...

Were told by their fellow Muslim-leaders, like the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, to leave their homes, and await redemption...

A "redemption" by their fellow Muslims in 1948, and then in 1967 and 1973 - that never came, due to Jewish courage.

Some 1800+ years after their Diaspora the Jews have rediscovered their courage and martial ability and are there to stay.

The United States has spent much of Israel's history supporting them but yanking on their leash to minimize their victories.

Only to have the goddamned Muslims attack them again after a period of rest and rearmament to kill more Jews later.

It's a good guess that the vicious Hamas attack of October 7, 2023 (finally) put an end to Jewish acceptance of that "norm".

Muslim propagandists and voting blocs in the United States are now having some success in fighting against the Jews.

And Democratic politicians, being the Vote Whores that they are, pander to Muslims, regardless of growing Christian anger.

This is driving vast legions of Christians - the profound majority religion in the US - into the arms of the Right Wingers.

Non-Muslim support for Palestine in this country is tenuous at best and may be safely ignored by any politician with ball$.
Perhaps the Gazans should not have savagely attacked Israel on October 7, 2023.

Perhaps the Gazans should not have beheaded Jewish babies in front of their Jewish parents.

Perhaps the Gazans should not have gutted Jewish parents in front of their children and then killed the children too.

Perhaps the Gazans should not have gang-raped Jewish little girls and Jewish grandmothers and then cut their throats.

Perhaps the Gazans should have not killed 1,000+ innocent Jews.

Perhaps the Gazans should not have taken hundreds of innocent Jews hostage, to abuse and intimidate and slaughter them.

Perhaps the Gazans should not have elected, sustained and supported Hamas, and danced in the streets on October 7, 2023.

Perhaps the Gazans should not have subjected generations of their children to Jew-hating propaganda in their schools.

Perhaps the Gazans should not have given their sons to fill the ranks of Hamas.

Perhaps the Gazans should not have tolerated Hamas digging a vast network of tunnels amongst their own population.

Perhaps the Gazans should not have permitted Hamas to embed military assets in hospitals, schools and mosques.

Perhaps the Gazans should not have allowed Hamas to hide behind the skirts of women and children like craven cowards.

Now the Gazans are paying for their barbarity and cowardice and stupidity, as the IDF prepares to finish-off Hamas.


Death to Hamas.

Go Team Israel.

Seems young Americans have their heads better screwed on than their elders
And if the US is about to run from Iraq and Syria , Israel will be left alone with zero audience and support .
End of the Ethnic Cleansers and most hated country on the planet
Look at the turning tide in the US, with the young population increasingly at odds with Israel; which includes a lot of young Jewish, liberal, and Democrat people. From NYPost:,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Majority of Americans 18-24 think Israel should ‘be ended and given to Hamas’
Patrick cites a recent survey that shows nearly half of young Jewish-Americans do not support the current policies of the US toward Israel:

He ends on a similar conclusion to my own—that there is a small window remaining:

This brings up one last potential explanation for the new bombshell announcements that the US may leave Syria and Iraq: it could be a threat to Israel. Since Israel does not take any other type of plea into consideration, the only remaining avenue for the US may be to simply threaten to ditch the region, with the attendant loss of direct regional military support to Israel. In short: stop your escalations or we’ll leave you hanging to fend for yourself against this emergent Iran. And some within the state department and military may be outright pushing for the total withdrawal simply to keep the US from being embroiled in a larger war they know is unwinnable.
Young Americans have the least life experience

They are not qualified to make policy

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