Young Conservative DESTROYS gay rights fascists

You don't have an argument. You seem to think that only heterosexuals should be able to be married because women can get pregnant?

Trust me, I'm not the one making a silly argument.
Are you saying that homosexual marriage is equal in all things???? Because you would be lying. Procreation is a factor in marriage whether you like it or not.

No, it isn't. Can you name the state or locality where procreation is a requirement for civil marriage?

Yes, my marriage is equal to a heterosexual marriage in all things.
No it isn't.....How can it be? Whether a person chooses to procreate with their spouse or not has little bearing on the fact that heterosexuals can do just that where as you can not. Sure you can get some guy to give you some sperm and you can get pregnant but it isn't same is it?
Are you saying that homosexual marriage is equal in all things???? Because you would be lying. Procreation is a factor in marriage whether you like it or not.

No, it isn't. Can you name the state or locality where procreation is a requirement for civil marriage?

Yes, my marriage is equal to a heterosexual marriage in all things.
No it isn't.....How can it be? Whether a person chooses to procreate with their spouse or not has little bearing on the fact that heterosexuals can do just that where as you can not. Sure you can get some guy to give you some sperm and you can get pregnant but it isn't same is it?

Not only can I procreate, I have. That it wasn't with my legal spouse is immaterial. Do you really think sperm banks could stay in business with only lesbian clientele?

A CDC study analyzed data from the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth and found that 7.5% of all sexually experienced men younger than age 45 reported seeing a fertility doctor during their lifetime—this equals 3.3–4.7 million men. Of men who sought help, 18% were diagnosed with a male-related infertility problem, including sperm or semen problems (14%) and varicocele (6%).

And that's just the dudes. The chicks have fecundity problems too...

About 6% of married women 15–44 years of age in the United States are unable to get pregnant after one year of unprotected sex (infertility).

Also, about 11% of women 15–44 years of age in the United States have difficulty getting pregnant or carrying a pregnancy to term, regardless of marital status (impaired fecundity).

And what about couples that choose not to have children at all, like my brother. He and his wife were both "fixed" before they got married. No children possible. No marriage for them?

My 95 year old grandpa has an 85 year old girlfriend. They can't get married? No kids will ever occur with that marriage.

What about couples that choose to adopt? Are their marriages not the same either?

Yes, our legal marriages are exactly the same as heterosexual marriages. There is no difference. Some of us choose to have children or not just like the heterosexuals do.

Religious institutions are free to discriminate based on fecundity...the government is not.
Utah's citizens have chosen to encourage normal marriage so that it keeps their population on a steady keel. People of the same gender can't make babies together. Even when one of them is a woman and the other is a woman but dresses up like a man and acts like a man and wears a strap-on penis. Still, no babies. It takes actual men and women to do that.
Death from childbirth, a childbirth that resulted from the intercourse between partners only occurs in hetro relationships.

Somehow you see the two as the same.

Sorry, you will have to explain that before making any claims of shredding anything.

If anything you look sillier.

Oh, and the only credit you should take, is you made my argument stronger

You don't have an argument. You seem to think that only heterosexuals should be able to be married because women can get pregnant?

Trust me, I'm not the one making a silly argument.
Are you saying that homosexual marriage is equal in all things???? Because you would be lying. Procreation is a factor in marriage whether you like it or not.

So....thanatroll believes that married couples that can't or won't have children are NOT EQUAL to couples that pop out babies left and right.
Utah's citizens have chosen to encourage normal marriage so that it keeps their population on a steady keel. People of the same gender can't make babies together. Even when one of them is a woman and the other is a woman but dresses up like a man and acts like a man and wears a strap-on penis. Still, no babies. It takes actual men and women to do that. must have been really good at science when you were in school
You don't have an argument. You seem to think that only heterosexuals should be able to be married because women can get pregnant?

Trust me, I'm not the one making a silly argument.
Are you saying that homosexual marriage is equal in all things???? Because you would be lying. Procreation is a factor in marriage whether you like it or not.

So....thanatroll believes that married couples that can't or won't have children are NOT EQUAL to couples that pop out babies left and right.

Some hetro couples can't. That is true. They are disabled. Are homosexuals claiming they are disabled?

The elderly most often can't. They are elderly. Are homosexuals claiming to be elderly?

Some can but choose not too. Do you believe in reproductive privacy?

You seem almost giddy that some people are disabled in a way that has no application in your life. The disability is a moot point to same sex couples. Same applies to aging.

For those who choose not, childbirth can cause death, disfigurement and mental harm (or so I hear). Are you a supporter of Roe v Wade? It also occurs to me that they, hetro couples choosing not to procreate spend thousands of dollars on birth control products, painful surgery or forced to abort to not procreate. All simply so they can enjoy sex with their partners without the harm childbirth can cause.

So tell me the steps that same sex couples must take to enjoy sex with their partners and not fear pregnancy?

Seems like two completely different worlds. Do you not agree
Are you saying that homosexual marriage is equal in all things???? Because you would be lying. Procreation is a factor in marriage whether you like it or not.

So....thanatroll believes that married couples that can't or won't have children are NOT EQUAL to couples that pop out babies left and right.

Some hetro couples can't. That is true. They are disabled. Are homosexuals claiming they are disabled?

The elderly most often can't. They are elderly. Are homosexuals claiming to be elderly?

Some can but choose not too. Do you believe in reproductive privacy?

You seem almost giddy that some people are disabled in a way that has no application in your life. The disability is a moot point to same sex couples. Same applies to aging.

For those who choose not, childbirth can cause death, disfigurement and mental harm (or so I hear). Are you a supporter of Roe v Wade? It also occurs to me that they, hetro couples choosing not to procreate spend thousands of dollars on birth control products, painful surgery or forced to abort to not procreate. All simply so they can enjoy sex with their partners without the harm childbirth can cause.

So tell me the steps that same sex couples must take to enjoy sex with their partners and not fear pregnancy?

Seems like two completely different worlds. Do you not agree

Wow! Calling people who don't have babies "disabled". Wow!
So....thanatroll believes that married couples that can't or won't have children are NOT EQUAL to couples that pop out babies left and right.

Some hetro couples can't. That is true. They are disabled. Are homosexuals claiming they are disabled?

The elderly most often can't. They are elderly. Are homosexuals claiming to be elderly?

Some can but choose not too. Do you believe in reproductive privacy?

You seem almost giddy that some people are disabled in a way that has no application in your life. The disability is a moot point to same sex couples. Same applies to aging.

For those who choose not, childbirth can cause death, disfigurement and mental harm (or so I hear). Are you a supporter of Roe v Wade? It also occurs to me that they, hetro couples choosing not to procreate spend thousands of dollars on birth control products, painful surgery or forced to abort to not procreate. All simply so they can enjoy sex with their partners without the harm childbirth can cause.

So tell me the steps that same sex couples must take to enjoy sex with their partners and not fear pregnancy?

Seems like two completely different worlds. Do you not agree

Wow! Calling people who don't have babies "disabled". Wow!

Where did I say that?

Try to keep up

I said that some hetro couples cannot have children due to disabilities. Did I lie, or have you found your argument failed and you're embarrassed by that?
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So....thanatroll believes that married couples that can't or won't have children are NOT EQUAL to couples that pop out babies left and right.

Some hetro couples can't. That is true. They are disabled. Are homosexuals claiming they are disabled?

The elderly most often can't. They are elderly. Are homosexuals claiming to be elderly?

Some can but choose not too. Do you believe in reproductive privacy?

You seem almost giddy that some people are disabled in a way that has no application in your life. The disability is a moot point to same sex couples. Same applies to aging.

For those who choose not, childbirth can cause death, disfigurement and mental harm (or so I hear). Are you a supporter of Roe v Wade? It also occurs to me that they, hetro couples choosing not to procreate spend thousands of dollars on birth control products, painful surgery or forced to abort to not procreate. All simply so they can enjoy sex with their partners without the harm childbirth can cause.

So tell me the steps that same sex couples must take to enjoy sex with their partners and not fear pregnancy?

Seems like two completely different worlds. Do you not agree

Wow! Calling people who don't have babies "disabled". Wow!

My brother will be thrilled to hear it...if they get the blue parking thing.
Some hetro couples can't. That is true. They are disabled. Are homosexuals claiming they are disabled?

The elderly most often can't. They are elderly. Are homosexuals claiming to be elderly?

Some can but choose not too. Do you believe in reproductive privacy?

You seem almost giddy that some people are disabled in a way that has no application in your life. The disability is a moot point to same sex couples. Same applies to aging.

For those who choose not, childbirth can cause death, disfigurement and mental harm (or so I hear). Are you a supporter of Roe v Wade? It also occurs to me that they, hetro couples choosing not to procreate spend thousands of dollars on birth control products, painful surgery or forced to abort to not procreate. All simply so they can enjoy sex with their partners without the harm childbirth can cause.

So tell me the steps that same sex couples must take to enjoy sex with their partners and not fear pregnancy?

Seems like two completely different worlds. Do you not agree

Wow! Calling people who don't have babies "disabled". Wow!

Where did I say that?

Try to keep up

I said that some hetro couples cannot have children due to disabilities. Did I lie, or have you found you're argument failed and your embarrassed by that?

Lie? No. Misinformed? Yes.
I think the Gay thing is more than just a passing fad.

The Gay thing has been around for centuries but it's still as odd today as it was way back when. It's had it's ups and downs (no puns intended) but the majority of folks have NEVER accepted it as normal -- with two exceptions:

1) Right before Noah's flood.
2) Right before fire and brimstone rained down on Sodom and Gomorrah.

:lol: using mythological stories as if they are fact!!

Geologists have found a layer of deposits from a flood in and around the lands of the Bible, so the flood was not a myth. Fire comes from the sky in the form of meteorites and have destroyed several areas, and so have the emissions from under the crust of earth on land and in the sea. Sodom and Gomorrah, neighboring cities being part of the Jordan River plain.

Both cities were considered nidi of taboo practices involving excesses.
The Gay thing has been around for centuries but it's still as odd today as it was way back when. It's had it's ups and downs (no puns intended) but the majority of folks have NEVER accepted it as normal -- with two exceptions:

1) Right before Noah's flood.
2) Right before fire and brimstone rained down on Sodom and Gomorrah.

:lol: using mythological stories as if they are fact!!

Geologists have found a layer of deposits from a flood in and around the lands of the Bible, so the flood was not a myth. Fire comes from the sky in the form of meteorites and have destroyed several areas, and so have the emissions from under the crust of earth on land and in the sea. Sodom and Gomorrah, neighboring cities being part of the Jordan River plain.

Both cities were considered nidi of taboo practices involving excesses.

Okay, here's the problem, though. What you are claiming are "prosaic" explanations for stories inthe bible. Well, maybe it was just a local flood, and maybe a meteorite destroyed Sodom

Once you do that, though, then you aren't talking about a magic sky pixie punishing people for packing their fudge.
Lie? No. Misinformed? Yes.

Be so kind......

Couples can be, and are, childless by choice. No impaired fecundity...people like my brother and his wife.

I addressed that.

To accomplish NOT procreating they had to either purchase birth control, many of which have health risks associated with them and all with an associated failure rate. Have surgery, expensive and invasive. Or have abortions with it's associated risks.

Do you support Roe v Wade?

Again, a burden a same sex couple DOES NOT bare to simply enjoy sex with their partner!

So, who's misinformed? Seems to me their is more burden to the hetro couple then is EVER the case with same sex couples.
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No, it isn't. Can you name the state or locality where procreation is a requirement for civil marriage?

Yes, my marriage is equal to a heterosexual marriage in all things.
No it isn't.....How can it be? Whether a person chooses to procreate with their spouse or not has little bearing on the fact that heterosexuals can do just that where as you can not. Sure you can get some guy to give you some sperm and you can get pregnant but it isn't same is it?

Not only can I procreate, I have. That it wasn't with my legal spouse is immaterial. Do you really think sperm banks could stay in business with only lesbian clientele?

A CDC study analyzed data from the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth and found that 7.5% of all sexually experienced men younger than age 45 reported seeing a fertility doctor during their lifetime—this equals 3.3–4.7 million men. Of men who sought help, 18% were diagnosed with a male-related infertility problem, including sperm or semen problems (14%) and varicocele (6%).

And that's just the dudes. The chicks have fecundity problems too...

About 6% of married women 15–44 years of age in the United States are unable to get pregnant after one year of unprotected sex (infertility).

Also, about 11% of women 15–44 years of age in the United States have difficulty getting pregnant or carrying a pregnancy to term, regardless of marital status (impaired fecundity).

And what about couples that choose not to have children at all, like my brother. He and his wife were both "fixed" before they got married. No children possible. No marriage for them?

My 95 year old grandpa has an 85 year old girlfriend. They can't get married? No kids will ever occur with that marriage.

What about couples that choose to adopt? Are their marriages not the same either?

Yes, our legal marriages are exactly the same as heterosexual marriages. There is no difference. Some of us choose to have children or not just like the heterosexuals do.

Religious institutions are free to discriminate based on fecundity...the government is not.
Fertility isn't the issue ether. The fact is no matter what you can NEVER have your spouses child. In that point alone homosexual marriage isn't equal. Here is a fun fact. If it wasn't for people like you Homosexual marriage most likely would have been legal in more states. Yet militant fascists like yourself hold the movement back.
You don't have an argument. You seem to think that only heterosexuals should be able to be married because women can get pregnant?

Trust me, I'm not the one making a silly argument.
Are you saying that homosexual marriage is equal in all things???? Because you would be lying. Procreation is a factor in marriage whether you like it or not.

So....thanatroll believes that married couples that can't or won't have children are NOT EQUAL to couples that pop out babies left and right.

Sad that you lie to yourself that it is equal.....
So....thanatroll believes that married couples that can't or won't have children are NOT EQUAL to couples that pop out babies left and right.

Some hetro couples can't. That is true. They are disabled. Are homosexuals claiming they are disabled?

The elderly most often can't. They are elderly. Are homosexuals claiming to be elderly?

Some can but choose not too. Do you believe in reproductive privacy?

You seem almost giddy that some people are disabled in a way that has no application in your life. The disability is a moot point to same sex couples. Same applies to aging.

For those who choose not, childbirth can cause death, disfigurement and mental harm (or so I hear). Are you a supporter of Roe v Wade? It also occurs to me that they, hetro couples choosing not to procreate spend thousands of dollars on birth control products, painful surgery or forced to abort to not procreate. All simply so they can enjoy sex with their partners without the harm childbirth can cause.

So tell me the steps that same sex couples must take to enjoy sex with their partners and not fear pregnancy?

Seems like two completely different worlds. Do you not agree

Wow! Calling people who don't have babies "disabled". Wow!

another pathetic attempt to deflect.
I'm amused that he thinks gays will lose despite it being the homophobes who keep losing at every turn :dunno:

Gee, I wonder how 3 percent of the entire population can have so much sway on their government? I guess the other 97% of us don't matter. It's your way or the highway. Heaven help you when Republicans are put back in power.

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