Young Conservative DESTROYS gay rights fascists

I'm thinking that right wingers believe gays "spring into being" without the benefit of ever being part of a family. There gays are. Suddenly adults shimmered into being out of "gay mist". Which is why gays don't have "family values" and want to destroy families.

Tell that cute little tale to the husband of the Woman who died from complications of childbirth. Oh, and to the children of the couple. Tell them that a same sex couple have the same burdens.


Why do you think lesbians don't die in childbirth?

Why do you think their children don't cry?

Heteros are no more special in tragedy than homos.

Did the lesbian die from a birth created within the couple? Or was the birth a planned (always) event and caused from intercourse from within the relationship?

Does the partner have the burden of knowing that they were the reason the pregnancy occurred? Completely different

Now in the case of a male/male marriage, please show how one of the partners could ever die from childbirth.

I keep coming up with more and more reasons that same sex relationships are a world apart from Hetero.

Why keep leading me down that path?
Did Hitler or not kill socialists, communists, homosexuals, etc.?

Did he kill the socialist homosexual elite in the SA in the Night of the Long Knives in order to turn the party away from the left to the right and give it to the corporations?

Vigilante and his "source" are revealed as idjuts.

To these nutjobs, Hitler was both a Socialist AND a Fascict

Makes sense in their world

Another moron that didn't read the Dr.'s article! :eusa_clap:

A Dr?

I am impressed. A fucking moron who can put anything in writing and have idiots quote him on the interweb.
You are a complete and total ass!


By John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.) ...are you a Ph.D? just wondering!


Did Hitler or not kill socialists, communists, homosexuals, etc.?

Did he kill the socialist homosexual elite in the SA in the Night of the Long Knives in order to turn the party away from the left to the right and give it to the corporations?

Vigilante and his "source" are revealed as idjuts.

To these nutjobs, Hitler was both a Socialist AND a Fascict

Makes sense in their world

Hitler was the farthest thing from a socialist. He was a fascist...and a christian. No wonder they want to try to twist the truth.
Did Hitler or not kill socialists, communists, homosexuals, etc.?

Did he kill the socialist homosexual elite in the SA in the Night of the Long Knives in order to turn the party away from the left to the right and give it to the corporations?

Vigilante and his "source" are revealed as idjuts.

To these nutjobs, Hitler was both a Socialist AND a Fascict

Makes sense in their world

Hitler was the farthest thing from a socialist. He was a fascist...and a christian. No wonder they want to try to twist the truth.

Another 2 digit IQ thinker!

Fascist ideology consistently invokes the primacy of the state. Leaders such as Benito Mussolini in Italy and Adolf Hitler in Germany embodied the state and claimed indisputable power. Fascism borrowed theories and terminology from socialism but replaced socialism's focus on class conflict with a focus on conflict between nations and races.[12]

No need to thank me for pointing out your inadequacies!
Tell that cute little tale to the husband of the Woman who died from complications of childbirth. Oh, and to the children of the couple. Tell them that a same sex couple have the same burdens.


Why do you think lesbians don't die in childbirth?

Why do you think their children don't cry?

Heteros are no more special in tragedy than homos.

Did the lesbian die from a birth created within the couple? Or was the birth a planned (always) event and caused from intercourse from within the relationship?

Does the partner have the burden of knowing that they were the reason the pregnancy occurred? Completely different

Now in the case of a male/male marriage, please show how one of the partners could ever die from childbirth.

I keep coming up with more and more reasons that same sex relationships are a world apart from Hetero.

Why keep leading me down that path?

No you haven''ve come up with breeders vs non breeders not gay vs straight.

Where do adoptive parents come into play in your world?
Why do you think lesbians don't die in childbirth?

Why do you think their children don't cry?

Heteros are no more special in tragedy than homos.

Did the lesbian die from a birth created within the couple? Or was the birth a planned (always) event and caused from intercourse from within the relationship?

Does the partner have the burden of knowing that they were the reason the pregnancy occurred? Completely different

Now in the case of a male/male marriage, please show how one of the partners could ever die from childbirth.

I keep coming up with more and more reasons that same sex relationships are a world apart from Hetero.

Why keep leading me down that path?

No you haven''ve come up with breeders vs non breeders not gay vs straight.

Where do adoptive parents come into play in your world?

I've never heard of anyones death from complications of an adoption, or an abortion being required because the birth control failed and resulted in an adoption application?

Have you?

I keep getting led down a path that the two types of relationships are completely different.
After reading this, I see that there still is hope that America realizes that the subversive agenda can, must, and will be defeated by our young, who will not stand on the side of the road, watching America become another third world! .....Now to hear the SQUAK of the TOLERANT leftists!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Dear gay rights militants, dear progressive tyrants, dear liberal fascists, dear haters of free speech, dear crusaders for ideological conformity, dear left wing bullies:

You will lose.

I know you’ve got legions of sycophants kowtowing to you these days, and the rest you’ve set out to destroy — but you will lose.

So, you’ve tracked another dissident and skinned him alive. You’ve made an example of Brendan Eich, and now you dance joyously around his disemboweled carcass. You have his head on a spike, and you consider this a conquest in your eternal crusade to eradicate diversity and punish differing opinions. You launched your millionth campaign of intimidation, and now another good man has been dragged through the mud, to the sounds of taunting and jeering and death threats.

You found out that the CEO of Mozilla gave a few dollars to support a pro-traditional marriage ballot measure several years ago, and you proceeded to publicly tar and feather him until he was forced to ‘resign’ in disgrace.
You again chose to forgo debate, in favor of coercion and bullying.
You again attempted to end the ‘gay rights’ argument by defrocking your opponent.

Hey, good for you.

Enjoy the spoils of your cowardice.

It won’t last.

You will still lose.

Don’t you people read? Haven’t you learned anything from history?

‘Advancements’ earned through tyranny never endure. You can only win a debate by suffocating your opposition for so long. Your strategy is doomed for failure, because it has always failed.

In the name of ‘fighting for the freedom to love,’ you’ve utilized hate. For the sake of ‘tolerance,’ you’ve wielded bigotry. In order to push ‘diversity,’ you’ve been dogmatic.

You are everything you accuse your opponents of being, and you stand for all the evil things that you claim they champion.
You are exposed. We see you for what you are: a force of destruction and division.
You showed your hand, and now you’ll lose the game.

It’s inevitable.

Marriage has, had, and always will have, by definition, a certain character and purpose; a character and purpose centered around, above all things, the family. Marriage is the foundation through which a thriving and lasting civilization sees to the propagation of itself. Human beings can only reproduce by means of ‘heterosexuality,’ and this reality sets the ‘heterosexual’ union apart. Marriage is meant to be the context in which this reproduction occurs.

Marriage is many things, but it is also this. And ‘this’ can never be removed from it, no matter the direction of the political winds, or the motion of the shifting sands of public opinion.

Marriage and the family are dimensions of the same whole. They cannot be detached from one another. They, as a whole, as an institution, can only be weakened — not erased or redefined. And so the campaign to protect and strengthen the institution was and is designed to do just that. It was never about ‘legislating love’ or imposing intolerance or ‘discriminating against gay people,’ or any other silly bumper sticker platitude.

You want to be free to love? You are. You always have been.

Heterosexuals don’t claim to monopolize love; only reproduction. Me, I love in many ways and in many directions. I love my wife, yes, and I also love my parents, and my country, and football, and hamburgers. These are all different kinds and degrees of love, yet still love.

But, alas, only one of these loves can (or should) result in the creation of a biological family. Thus, this love carries with it a certain distinction and a certain responsibility.

Bigotry? There is nothing bigoted about it. This is mere science. You see, bigotry only enters into the conversation when you try to destroy a man’s life just for participating in the conversation.
You are the agents of bigotry, my friends. You. You are what you say we are.

I don’t know much about Brendan Eich, and neither do you. I know that he is a revolutionary mind in his field and he became the CEO of Mozilla because of his professional merits. That’s all the information I would have ever seen as relevant or important. But none of that matters to you. You decided to cast all of that aside because you took a peek at the names of Prop 8 donors — names that were only publicized in order to punish and shame those who supported the measure — and determined that everyone listed must be punished.

You fancy yourselves the ideological descendants of civil rights pioneers, but these tactics put you in the same vein as book burners and Puritan witch hunters. When your story is ultimately told, it’ll read more like The Crucible than the Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr.

And that’s why you’ll lose.

You might have fooled society forever if you’d just kept singing about love and kindness, and never started bombarding Christians with your bitter hate and hostility. You might have gained some lasting ground if you hoisted your banner of free love, and never used it to diminish free speech.
But the proverbial cat is out of the bag. You’ve been made.

Because of your own behavior, when people like myself tell the world about the vicious death wishes and vulgar hate mail we receive from your kind on a DAILY basis, everyone will believe us. It’s no secret anymore. Without question and without exaggeration, the ‘gay rights movement’ is the angriest, most ruthless, most controlling, most intolerant of all the ideological enterprises in the country. Now, everyone knows it.
So you’ll lose. People are starting to see that you are the pigs on this Animal Farm, and the equality of which you preach is a very unequal equality indeed.

Let other conservatives write the ‘woe is me’ posts. In truth, woe is you. One way or another.

You’ll lose. You’ll lose for these reasons, and this:
With each passing day, it gets harder and harder for you to control the conversation.

Eich’s greatest contribution to combating gay rights militants didn’t come in the form of a paltry donation to Prop 8 — it came through his work developing the medium that makes censorship nearly impossible. I’m not saying that was his motivation, but it’s the result. You can boycott Reality TV shows and fast food restaurants all you want, but you can’t shutdown the internet.

For all its downside, the internet still gives voice to people who would be otherwise silenced by oppressors like yourselves. Take yours truly, for example. I’m just one dude — insignificant and unimportant — but there are many like me. I’m not employed by any major corporation. I’m not employed at all, in fact. You can’t get me fired; I work for myself.
You can’t muzzle me, or anyone else out here in the wild wilderness of cyberspace. You can keep sending us mean emails and telling us to kill ourselves (thanks for the helpful suggestion!), but that only emboldens us.
In the meantime, in honor of Mozilla and the gay rights fascists, I’ve talked with my wife and we’ve decided to donate a portion of our monthly ad revenue to the fight to protect the sanctity of life and marriage. So thank you for reading this — you are directly contributing to the ‘anti-gay rights’ cause!

See, you can’t win.

Victimize one guy and you simply succeed in creating a thousand others who are sufficiently fed up with your garbage.

You still lose.

The truth prevails.


Matt Walsh

You are what you say we are: Bigots ? Matt Walsh DESTROYS gay rights fascists | Young Conservatives

Surely, you don't expect anyone to read all this

Obviouslly they have.
Did the lesbian die from a birth created within the couple? Or was the birth a planned (always) event and caused from intercourse from within the relationship?

Does the partner have the burden of knowing that they were the reason the pregnancy occurred? Completely different

Now in the case of a male/male marriage, please show how one of the partners could ever die from childbirth.

I keep coming up with more and more reasons that same sex relationships are a world apart from Hetero.

Why keep leading me down that path?

No you haven''ve come up with breeders vs non breeders not gay vs straight.

Where do adoptive parents come into play in your world?

I've never heard of anyones death from complications of an adoption, or an abortion being required because the birth control failed and resulted in an adoption application?

Have you?

I keep getting led down a path that the two types of relationships are completely different.

So adoptive parents don't get your "special" marriage license?
No you haven''ve come up with breeders vs non breeders not gay vs straight.

Where do adoptive parents come into play in your world?

I've never heard of anyones death from complications of an adoption, or an abortion being required because the birth control failed and resulted in an adoption application?

Have you?

I keep getting led down a path that the two types of relationships are completely different.

So adoptive parents don't get your "special" marriage license?

You defer from the issue. The issue is why marriage and civil unions can't coexist.

Because an automobile is a mode of transportation, I see no reason why the State should sanction the license holder of the automobile drivers license to fly jet airplanes. Do you?

The dynamics of the car and the plane are very different.
To these nutjobs, Hitler was both a Socialist AND a Fascict

Makes sense in their world

Hitler was the farthest thing from a socialist. He was a fascist...and a christian. No wonder they want to try to twist the truth.

Another 2 digit IQ thinker!

Fascist ideology consistently invokes the primacy of the state. Leaders such as Benito Mussolini in Italy and Adolf Hitler in Germany embodied the state and claimed indisputable power. Fascism borrowed theories and terminology from socialism but replaced socialism's focus on class conflict with a focus on conflict between nations and races.[12]

No need to thank me for pointing out your inadequacies!

You pointed out nothing other than that you know how to copy andpaste from wikipedia.


That's not a Nazi Symbol above- it's a Communist Soviet Socialist Symbol
It was worn as a shoulder patch by some Soviet troops. The Swastika too was a socialist symbol long before Hitler became influential. Prewar socialists (including some American socialists) used it on the grounds that it has two arms representing two entwined letters "S"


Theodor Adorno in The Authoritarian Personality devised the “F” scale to demean conservatives as latent fascists. The label “fascist” has subsequently meant anyone liberals seek to ostracize or discredit.

The National Socialist German Workers Party staged elaborate marches with uniformed workers calling one another “comrade” while toting tools the way soldiers shoulder rifles. The bright red Nazi flag symbolized socialism in a “classless, casteless” Germany

It’s also ironic that even as orthodox Marxism collapsed due to economic paralysis, cultural Marxism predicated on race, sex and identity politics thrives in “Capitalist” America. The multiculturalists substituted race where the Soviets and Maoists saw only class. America’s civic crusade has become political correctness, aka cultural Marxism, preoccupied with race. Socialism wheels around again.

Obama, Hitler, And Exploding The Biggest Lie In History
Hitler was the farthest thing from a socialist. He was a fascist...and a christian. No wonder they want to try to twist the truth.

Another 2 digit IQ thinker!

Fascist ideology consistently invokes the primacy of the state. Leaders such as Benito Mussolini in Italy and Adolf Hitler in Germany embodied the state and claimed indisputable power. Fascism borrowed theories and terminology from socialism but replaced socialism's focus on class conflict with a focus on conflict between nations and races.[12]

No need to thank me for pointing out your inadequacies!

You pointed out nothing other than that you know how to copy andpaste from wikipedia.


That's not a Nazi Symbol above- it's a Communist Soviet Socialist Symbol
It was worn as a shoulder patch by some Soviet troops. The Swastika too was a socialist symbol long before Hitler became influential. Prewar socialists (including some American socialists) used it on the grounds that it has two arms representing two entwined letters "S"

Theodor Adorno in The Authoritarian Personality devised the “F” scale to demean conservatives as latent fascists. The label “fascist” has subsequently meant anyone liberals seek to ostracize or discredit.

The National Socialist German Workers Party staged elaborate marches with uniformed workers calling one another “comrade” while toting tools the way soldiers shoulder rifles. The bright red Nazi flag symbolized socialism in a “classless, casteless” Germany

It’s also ironic that even as orthodox Marxism collapsed due to economic paralysis, cultural Marxism predicated on race, sex and identity politics thrives in “Capitalist” America. The multiculturalists substituted race where the Soviets and Maoists saw only class. America’s civic crusade has become political correctness, aka cultural Marxism, preoccupied with race. Socialism wheels around again.
Obama, Hitler, And Exploding The Biggest Lie In History

That's all I needed to do.
I've never heard of anyones death from complications of an adoption, or an abortion being required because the birth control failed and resulted in an adoption application?

Have you?

I keep getting led down a path that the two types of relationships are completely different.

So adoptive parents don't get your "special" marriage license?

You defer from the issue. The issue is why marriage and civil unions can't coexist.

Because an automobile is a mode of transportation, I see no reason why the State should sanction the license holder of the automobile drivers license to fly jet airplanes. Do you?

The dynamics of the car and the plane are very different.

Your airplane/car analogy was already shredded. What you want is for me to have a different license because I have an electric car and not a fossil fuel car.

Couples apply for a civil marriage license. There is no requirement for breeding to get one in any state anywhere.
Hitler was the farthest thing from a socialist. He was a fascist...and a christian. No wonder they want to try to twist the truth.

Another 2 digit IQ thinker!

Fascist ideology consistently invokes the primacy of the state. Leaders such as Benito Mussolini in Italy and Adolf Hitler in Germany embodied the state and claimed indisputable power. Fascism borrowed theories and terminology from socialism but replaced socialism's focus on class conflict with a focus on conflict between nations and races.[12]

No need to thank me for pointing out your inadequacies!

Brilliant Post Vigiliante, Bravo !!!


That's not a Nazi Symbol above- it's a Communist Soviet Socialist Symbol
It was worn as a shoulder patch by some Soviet troops. The Swastika too was a socialist symbol long before Hitler became influential. Prewar socialists (including some American socialists) used it on the grounds that it has two arms representing two entwined letters "S"


Theodor Adorno in The Authoritarian Personality devised the “F” scale to demean conservatives as latent fascists. The label “fascist” has subsequently meant anyone liberals seek to ostracize or discredit.

The National Socialist German Workers Party staged elaborate marches with uniformed workers calling one another “comrade” while toting tools the way soldiers shoulder rifles. The bright red Nazi flag symbolized socialism in a “classless, casteless” Germany

It’s also ironic that even as orthodox Marxism collapsed due to economic paralysis, cultural Marxism predicated on race, sex and identity politics thrives in “Capitalist” America. The multiculturalists substituted race where the Soviets and Maoists saw only class. America’s civic crusade has become political correctness, aka cultural Marxism, preoccupied with race. Socialism wheels around again.

Obama, Hitler, And Exploding The Biggest Lie In History
So adoptive parents don't get your "special" marriage license?

You defer from the issue. The issue is why marriage and civil unions can't coexist.

Because an automobile is a mode of transportation, I see no reason why the State should sanction the license holder of the automobile drivers license to fly jet airplanes. Do you?

The dynamics of the car and the plane are very different.

Your airplane/car analogy was already shredded. What you want is for me to have a different license because I have an electric car and not a fossil fuel car.

Couples apply for a civil marriage license. There is no requirement for breeding to get one in any state anywhere.

Death from childbirth, a childbirth that resulted from the intercourse between partners only occurs in hetro relationships.

Somehow you see the two as the same.

Sorry, you will have to explain that before making any claims of shredding anything.

If anything you look sillier.

Oh, and the only credit you should take, is you made my argument stronger
Last edited:
You defer from the issue. The issue is why marriage and civil unions can't coexist.

Because an automobile is a mode of transportation, I see no reason why the State should sanction the license holder of the automobile drivers license to fly jet airplanes. Do you?

The dynamics of the car and the plane are very different.

Your airplane/car analogy was already shredded. What you want is for me to have a different license because I have an electric car and not a fossil fuel car.

Couples apply for a civil marriage license. There is no requirement for breeding to get one in any state anywhere.

Death from childbirth, a childbirth that resulted from the intercourse between partners only occurs in hetro relationships.

Somehow you see the two as the same.

Sorry, you will have to explain that before making any claims of shredding anything.

If anything you look sillier.

Oh, and the only credit you should take, is you made my argument stronger

You don't have an argument. You seem to think that only heterosexuals should be able to be married because women can get pregnant?

Trust me, I'm not the one making a silly argument.
Your airplane/car analogy was already shredded. What you want is for me to have a different license because I have an electric car and not a fossil fuel car.

Couples apply for a civil marriage license. There is no requirement for breeding to get one in any state anywhere.

Death from childbirth, a childbirth that resulted from the intercourse between partners only occurs in hetro relationships.

Somehow you see the two as the same.

Sorry, you will have to explain that before making any claims of shredding anything.

If anything you look sillier.

Oh, and the only credit you should take, is you made my argument stronger

You don't have an argument. You seem to think that only heterosexuals should be able to be married because women can get pregnant?

Trust me, I'm not the one making a silly argument.
Are you saying that homosexual marriage is equal in all things???? Because you would be lying. Procreation is a factor in marriage whether you like it or not.
I think the Gay thing is more than just a passing fad.

The Gay thing has been around for centuries but it's still as odd today as it was way back when. It's had it's ups and downs (no puns intended) but the majority of folks have NEVER accepted it as normal -- with two exceptions:

1) Right before Noah's flood.
2) Right before fire and brimstone rained down on Sodom and Gomorrah.

You do realize both of those things are MYTHS, right?

Please tell me you realize that,a nd you aren't one of these idiots who thinks the dinosaurs are gone because Noah didn't have room for them.

But if you think Sodom was real, I guess i have hard time thinking all the children deserved to burn because there were gay people in the town, but God had to save Lot.

You know, Lot, the righteous guy who offered his virgin daughters up for gang-rape and then had drunken sex with them himself....
Death from childbirth, a childbirth that resulted from the intercourse between partners only occurs in hetro relationships.

Somehow you see the two as the same.

Sorry, you will have to explain that before making any claims of shredding anything.

If anything you look sillier.

Oh, and the only credit you should take, is you made my argument stronger

You don't have an argument. You seem to think that only heterosexuals should be able to be married because women can get pregnant?

Trust me, I'm not the one making a silly argument.
Are you saying that homosexual marriage is equal in all things???? Because you would be lying. Procreation is a factor in marriage whether you like it or not.

No, it isn't. Can you name the state or locality where procreation is a requirement for civil marriage?

Yes, my marriage is equal to a heterosexual marriage in all things.
You don't have an argument. You seem to think that only heterosexuals should be able to be married because women can get pregnant?

Trust me, I'm not the one making a silly argument.
Are you saying that homosexual marriage is equal in all things???? Because you would be lying. Procreation is a factor in marriage whether you like it or not.

No, it isn't. Can you name the state or locality where procreation is a requirement for civil marriage?

Yes, my marriage is equal to a heterosexual marriage in all things.

Except your partner in the marriage and you can never share an offspring with common DNA

As I've pointed out before, this is a difference created by nature. Man had no influence in it whatsoever.

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