Young teenager jailed 25 years for attempted murder after running over classmate


Active Member
Sep 11, 2018
Young teenager jailed 25 years for attempted murder after running over classmate (full story + graphic video of incident)

The teen charged with intentionally running over one of his classmates with is and then leaving the scene will serve a 25-year sentence. The Anne Arundel County State's Attorney's Office released a cell phone video of the hit-and-run to WMAR on Monday.

Thoughts? Is 25 years for running someone over with a car justified? Is it attempted homicide? Should youths under 18 be treated as adults if the crime is serious?

The retard actually made sure his girlfriend recorded the crime.

I hope the bitch is in prison, too.
I see that; ANOTHER Angry, White, Male, the demographic of the GOP

Kid should be placed under the prison ....... 25 years is not long enuff, IMO
If you run someone else over with a car, someone should run over you.

BTW, sounds like a liberal to me. A conservative might have shot the other kid, but libs have no use for firearms.
Young teenager jailed 25 years for attempted murder after running over classmate (full story + graphic video of incident)

The teen charged with intentionally running over one of his classmates with is and then leaving the scene will serve a 25-year sentence. The Anne Arundel County State's Attorney's Office released a cell phone video of the hit-and-run to WMAR on Monday.

Thoughts? Is 25 years for running someone over with a car justified? Is it attempted homicide? Should youths under 18 be treated as adults if the crime is serious?

That's just terrible. He could have had a great career as a Sargent in those 25 years and at at 38 retired with full socialist benefits. Over WEED !
The retard actually made sure his girlfriend recorded the crime.

I hope the bitch is in prison, too.
I second this. If she knew what the boy's intention was going to be, then that makes her an accessory. To me, her sentence should only be worse if she was more than willing to help.

God bless you and the victim always!!!


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