Young Voters Are Turning Against Obama

Your turn, bub.

How many people living on Federal Funds are not sane or able bodied?

The question is clear.

It's clear you have no idea and just make up shit.

What is clear is your obsessive love for me. You just cannot quit me. Odd....really. I have never indicated even a passing appreciation for you in any way.

Now...will you continue to engage me...until I put you in your place again? And will I get another note from above?

Quit while you can still pretend that you are on my level.
Scuze moi - but I started this thread and here you are trolling after me.

But enough of your lame deflections. You make a false assumption that everyone on the dole is either not sane or not able bodied. Prove it.
More bait for old timer right wingers. The idea that young voters have started to agree with conservatism is great numbers is laughable & dubious. Go ahead and believe it, wingnuts. You also thought Romney was a lock. You're making me laugh.

Young people are OVERWHELMINGLY liberal. And how did they get that way? The flopped & failed Bush Presidency, thank you very much.

They grew up in an America that had a GOPer for President with a failed foreign policy and a collapsing economy. Conservative attempts to somehow blame liberalism for the pile of steaming of dog excrement that was the Bush Presidency went over like an episode of the 700 Club at an Al Qeada meeting.

Give it up. Young voters are liberals, and when they change America into a robust welfare state, Euro-style, it will be over your dead bodies, literally.

You know whose fault it will be?


Seeing how most would oust everyone in congress as well, how this is all about obama is funny. It would seem the younger generations are just sick and tired of everyone period. This doesnt bold well for people of either party period. It doesnt matter if they dont like obama anymore. That ship has sailed and he wont be around after 2016.

But then again why actually look at this objectively when we can just bash obama somemore.

So first it was "Yeah Obama screwed up some but Bush is worse." Now Obama's approval ratings are tied with Bush. So it's "Yeah Obama screwed up, but the public blames everyone else too."
Keep going with that. Soon it will be, "Yeah Obama has death squads and is putting journalists in jail, but so did Juan Peron."
God you cant even get this right obama hasn't reached bush levels yet. Bush hit the lower 20s.

Death squads....okie dokie..
While a growing number in my generation are thankfully waking up to Obama, I don't think you older Republicans should be excited. Just because we dislike Obama, doesn't mean we don't dislike you as well. Expect a drop in turnout among millennials in the next election.

Republicans and Democrats are owned by the same Wall Street and Corporate Robbers and are two sides of the same coin.
The millennials in Europe are moving towards the nationalists in Europe. Though I doubt a nationalist alternative will emerge in the US, I think more nationalist tendencies will emerge among certain sectors of millennials as the demographics of this nation change and the economy continues to decline.
Well Obama has only made the economy worse which means no jobs for 20-somethings and he is now making them pay out the nose for medical insurance to help cover poor and sick Democraps.

They finally realize he is a lying sack of shit.
People love servitude to the state when they are either the beneficiaries or bystanders who think Some Rich White Dude is going to pay for it.

What The Young are finding out is that they are Some Rich White Dude who is expected to pay for it.

And they're not very happy about that.

That's very true, boe, and the 44 year aged man who wrote up my new car today, said he voted for the wrong person, and wishes he had voted GOP instead and he is now a conservative...:clap2:
Everything.....and I mean everything......with nutters is boiled down to the perception that someone is getting some of their dough........unfairly.

It is the life blood of all nutter ideology.

And everything with you progressives boils down to taking capital from those who have earned it and redistributing it as YOU see fit. That's what YOU define as fair...I however see it a bit differently. After working hard for my wealth why should I let Barack Obama decide what I get to keep and what I should give to him to hand out as "party favors" to solidify his voting base?

The life blood of progressive ideology is to be generous with other people's money.

That might make some sense if I did not work hard ll my life as well. Your fantasy about what is done with your tax dollars is fun. Answer the question in my sig please. Then...tell me what percent of the number yOu arrive at ACTUALLY VOTE.

Failed rhetoric. We are here together. We need to reverse the wealth distribution trend. Too few have too much. Period.

How about if we make it easier for Middle Class people to keep some of what they've made? The super rich will always find ways to hide their money from the tax's what they DO! The people that have gotten their asses handed to them by an ever growing government are the Middle Class because they are the ones who always end up footing the bill for your "We are here together" nonsense.
And everything with you progressives boils down to taking capital from those who have earned it and redistributing it as YOU see fit. That's what YOU define as fair...I however see it a bit differently. After working hard for my wealth why should I let Barack Obama decide what I get to keep and what I should give to him to hand out as "party favors" to solidify his voting base?

The life blood of progressive ideology is to be generous with other people's money.

That might make some sense if I did not work hard ll my life as well. Your fantasy about what is done with your tax dollars is fun. Answer the question in my sig please. Then...tell me what percent of the number yOu arrive at ACTUALLY VOTE.

Failed rhetoric. We are here together. We need to reverse the wealth distribution trend. Too few have too much. Period.

How about if we make it easier for Middle Class people to keep some of what they've made? The super rich will always find ways to hide their money from the tax's what they DO! The people that have gotten their asses handed to them by an ever growing government are the Middle Class because they are the ones who always end up footing the bill for your "We are here together" nonsense.

Name three policies that would improve the life of America's middle class while not causing the working poor and abject poor to suffer more than they are now.

Then, ask yourself which party is more likely to support those three policies.

The objective, by the way, is not to simply help the middle class. It is to GROW THE MIDDLE CLASS.
That might make some sense if I did not work hard ll my life as well. Your fantasy about what is done with your tax dollars is fun. Answer the question in my sig please. Then...tell me what percent of the number yOu arrive at ACTUALLY VOTE.

Failed rhetoric. We are here together. We need to reverse the wealth distribution trend. Too few have too much. Period.

How about if we make it easier for Middle Class people to keep some of what they've made? The super rich will always find ways to hide their money from the tax's what they DO! The people that have gotten their asses handed to them by an ever growing government are the Middle Class because they are the ones who always end up footing the bill for your "We are here together" nonsense.

Name three policies that would improve the life of America's middle class while not causing the working poor and abject poor to suffer more than they are now.

Then, ask yourself which party is more likely to support those three policies.

The objective, by the way, is not to simply help the middle class. It is to GROW THE MIDDLE CLASS.

Regulations for the formation of small businesses.

The GOP.
How about if we make it easier for Middle Class people to keep some of what they've made? The super rich will always find ways to hide their money from the tax's what they DO! The people that have gotten their asses handed to them by an ever growing government are the Middle Class because they are the ones who always end up footing the bill for your "We are here together" nonsense.

Name three policies that would improve the life of America's middle class while not causing the working poor and abject poor to suffer more than they are now.

Then, ask yourself which party is more likely to support those three policies.

The objective, by the way, is not to simply help the middle class. It is to GROW THE MIDDLE CLASS.

Regulations for the formation of small businesses.

The GOP.

I think you might need to develop that thought a little further. Don't you?
That might make some sense if I did not work hard ll my life as well. Your fantasy about what is done with your tax dollars is fun. Answer the question in my sig please. Then...tell me what percent of the number yOu arrive at ACTUALLY VOTE.

Failed rhetoric. We are here together. We need to reverse the wealth distribution trend. Too few have too much. Period.

How about if we make it easier for Middle Class people to keep some of what they've made? The super rich will always find ways to hide their money from the tax's what they DO! The people that have gotten their asses handed to them by an ever growing government are the Middle Class because they are the ones who always end up footing the bill for your "We are here together" nonsense.

Name three policies that would improve the life of America's middle class while not causing the working poor and abject poor to suffer more than they are now.

Then, ask yourself which party is more likely to support those three policies.

The objective, by the way, is not to simply help the middle class. It is to GROW THE MIDDLE CLASS.

Simple. Get them a job. Stop coddling them off the government teat. Give them a purpose in life other than to just look forward to the next check from the government. Don't make entitlement programs so easy to access.

"Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. TEACH a man to fish, and he is fed for a lifetime."
How about if we make it easier for Middle Class people to keep some of what they've made? The super rich will always find ways to hide their money from the tax's what they DO! The people that have gotten their asses handed to them by an ever growing government are the Middle Class because they are the ones who always end up footing the bill for your "We are here together" nonsense.

Name three policies that would improve the life of America's middle class while not causing the working poor and abject poor to suffer more than they are now.

Then, ask yourself which party is more likely to support those three policies.

The objective, by the way, is not to simply help the middle class. It is to GROW THE MIDDLE CLASS.

Simple. Get them a job. Stop coddling them off the government teat. Give them a purpose in life other than to just look forward to the next check from the government. Don't make entitlement programs so easy to access.

"Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. TEACH a man to fish, and he is fed for a lifetime."

The subject is the middle class. They already have jobs and a purpose in life. We are not discussing the conservative bogie man here.

What policies will aide the middle class while not screwing over the working poor?
The question is clear.

In what way exactly? That's such an evasive answer, LL. Why is it "clear?" How is it "clear?"

I was referring to the question in my sig line. I asked someone to answer it....then got that from her. I expected an answer...not a question.

Well, I think the question answers itself. There are plenty of able bodied and sane Americans out there who won't look for work for the sake of getting a government subsidy. But then again, with us outsourcing so many of our jobs and giving so many of our jobs away to illegal immigrants... some of them don't have a choice. Some of them want work badly, but their government isn't creating an atmosphere which is conducive to such a prospect.
Name three policies that would improve the life of America's middle class while not causing the working poor and abject poor to suffer more than they are now.

Then, ask yourself which party is more likely to support those three policies.

The objective, by the way, is not to simply help the middle class. It is to GROW THE MIDDLE CLASS.

Simple. Get them a job. Stop coddling them off the government teat. Give them a purpose in life other than to just look forward to the next check from the government. Don't make entitlement programs so easy to access.

"Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. TEACH a man to fish, and he is fed for a lifetime."

The subject is the middle class. They already have jobs and a purpose in life. We are not discussing the conservative bogie man here.

What policies will aide the middle class while not screwing over the working poor?

That question can be easily asked as "what policies will help the poor without screwing over the middle class?" Some people are in the middle class simply because their sole source of income is from the government. No really.
In what way exactly? That's such an evasive answer, LL. Why is it "clear?" How is it "clear?"

I was referring to the question in my sig line. I asked someone to answer it....then got that from her. I expected an answer...not a question.

Well, I think the question answers itself. There are plenty of able bodied and sane Americans out there who won't look for work for the sake of getting a government subsidy. But then again, with us outsourcing so many of our jobs and giving so many of our jobs away to illegal immigrants... some of them don't have a choice. Some of them want work badly, but their government isn't creating an atmosphere which is conducive to such a prospect.

Plenty is not a number.
Simple. Get them a job. Stop coddling them off the government teat. Give them a purpose in life other than to just look forward to the next check from the government. Don't make entitlement programs so easy to access.

"Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. TEACH a man to fish, and he is fed for a lifetime."

The subject is the middle class. They already have jobs and a purpose in life. We are not discussing the conservative bogie man here.

What policies will aide the middle class while not screwing over the working poor?

That question can be easily asked as "what policies will help the poor without screwing over the middle class?" Some people are in the middle class simply because their sole source of income is from the government. No really.

Instead of changing the question...why not try to respond to it?

I am not interested in having another discussion about how wonderful life is for our poor people. I want to discuss policies that would help the middle class and who supports such policies.

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