Young Voters Are Turning Against Obama

This is not good news for conservatives by any stretch of the imagination.

I don't think it's good news for the TP, who seem to think we should cut everything but their soc sec and medicare, and stop letting brown people in. For conservatives, it's god's breath to our ears.

You know people like me and TPs have facts on our side.
NOT ONE person like me or TPs want SS/Medicare cut but apply logic that was applied when it first started by FDR/LBJ.
Why provide a "safety net" for everyone i.e. when SS/Medicare started very few people lived past 70 years.
FACTS: The number of Americans age 65 or older increased tenfold in the last century and the elderly are living longer, in more comfort and in better health than ever before, researchers study, “Older Americans 2000: Key Indicators of Well-Being", Older Americans Living Longer, Study Says - ABC News

SO logic would say for every worker under age 55 today the retirement age would be age 70.
And that would not require ANY CUTS in SS/Medicare and for you math deficient...
If more people work to age 70... duh means more money coming in!
If less people take money out i.e. starting at 70 rather then 65 means LESS MONEY going out!

What is wrong with that? NOT ONE cut by anyone like me or TP or for that fact ANYONE that understands economics 101!
I.E. The more people taking out and the less people putting in means LESS for everyone in the future!
Why is that concept SO HARD to understand idiots?
This is not good news for conservatives by any stretch of the imagination.

I don't think it's good news for the TP, who seem to think we should cut everything but their soc sec and medicare, and stop letting brown people in. For conservatives, it's god's breath to our ears.

You know people like me and TPs have facts on our side.
NOT ONE person like me or TPs want SS/Medicare cut but apply logic that was applied when it first started by FDR/LBJ.
Why provide a "safety net" for everyone i.e. when SS/Medicare started very few people lived past 70 years.
FACTS: The number of Americans age 65 or older increased tenfold in the last century and the elderly are living longer, in more comfort and in better health than ever before, researchers study, “Older Americans 2000: Key Indicators of Well-Being", Older Americans Living Longer, Study Says - ABC News

SO logic would say for every worker under age 55 today the retirement age would be age 70.
And that would not require ANY CUTS in SS/Medicare and for you math deficient...
If more people work to age 70... duh means more money coming in!
If less people take money out i.e. starting at 70 rather then 65 means LESS MONEY going out!

What is wrong with that? NOT ONE cut by anyone like me or TP or for that fact ANYONE that understands economics 101!
I.E. The more people taking out and the less people putting in means LESS for everyone in the future!
Why is that concept SO HARD to understand idiots?

Economics is a cold science, it does not care that many work so hard that there is not a chance in hell that they will last until 70 to collect a dime of the money they paid in all their lives, myself included. So while you use cold economics to justify shitting people out of thier honest due you need to temper that with the realization that not everyone gets to occupy a nice comfy office chair for a living.
I don't think it's good news for the TP, who seem to think we should cut everything but their soc sec and medicare, and stop letting brown people in. For conservatives, it's god's breath to our ears.

You know people like me and TPs have facts on our side.
NOT ONE person like me or TPs want SS/Medicare cut but apply logic that was applied when it first started by FDR/LBJ.
Why provide a "safety net" for everyone i.e. when SS/Medicare started very few people lived past 70 years.
FACTS: The number of Americans age 65 or older increased tenfold in the last century and the elderly are living longer, in more comfort and in better health than ever before, researchers study, “Older Americans 2000: Key Indicators of Well-Being", Older Americans Living Longer, Study Says - ABC News

SO logic would say for every worker under age 55 today the retirement age would be age 70.
And that would not require ANY CUTS in SS/Medicare and for you math deficient...
If more people work to age 70... duh means more money coming in!
If less people take money out i.e. starting at 70 rather then 65 means LESS MONEY going out!

What is wrong with that? NOT ONE cut by anyone like me or TP or for that fact ANYONE that understands economics 101!
I.E. The more people taking out and the less people putting in means LESS for everyone in the future!
Why is that concept SO HARD to understand idiots?

Economics is a cold science, it does not care that many work so hard that there is not a chance in hell that they will last until 70 to collect a dime of the money they paid in all their lives, myself included. So while you use cold economics to justify shitting people out of thier honest due you need to temper that with the realization that not everyone gets to occupy a nice comfy office chair for a living.

Average life expectency for a man is nearly 80. So right off the bat you're wrong.
Medicare is a windfall for people. THey are not getting their money back. They are getting their money and a bunch of other people's. Same with SS.
Obama won't run again, so the OP is stupid.

Younger voters hate the TPM and distrust the GOP.

I think that Christie can sway them more easily than Hillary. A Cruz type candidate will stamped the young voters to the Dem candidate.
You know people like me and TPs have facts on our side.
NOT ONE person like me or TPs want SS/Medicare cut but apply logic that was applied when it first started by FDR/LBJ.
Why provide a "safety net" for everyone i.e. when SS/Medicare started very few people lived past 70 years.
FACTS: The number of Americans age 65 or older increased tenfold in the last century and the elderly are living longer, in more comfort and in better health than ever before, researchers study, “Older Americans 2000: Key Indicators of Well-Being", Older Americans Living Longer, Study Says - ABC News

SO logic would say for every worker under age 55 today the retirement age would be age 70.
And that would not require ANY CUTS in SS/Medicare and for you math deficient...
If more people work to age 70... duh means more money coming in!
If less people take money out i.e. starting at 70 rather then 65 means LESS MONEY going out!

What is wrong with that? NOT ONE cut by anyone like me or TP or for that fact ANYONE that understands economics 101!
I.E. The more people taking out and the less people putting in means LESS for everyone in the future!
Why is that concept SO HARD to understand idiots?

Economics is a cold science, it does not care that many work so hard that there is not a chance in hell that they will last until 70 to collect a dime of the money they paid in all their lives, myself included. So while you use cold economics to justify shitting people out of thier honest due you need to temper that with the realization that not everyone gets to occupy a nice comfy office chair for a living.

Average life expectency for a man is nearly 80. So right off the bat you're wrong.
Medicare is a windfall for people. THey are not getting their money back. They are getting their money and a bunch of other people's. Same with SS.

People in my profession do not last that long, guess I'm just out of luck in a country where figures and graphs get to tell the whole story and the hardest working people get screwed first.
Obama won't run again, so the OP is stupid.

Younger voters hate the TPM and distrust the GOP.

I think that Christie can sway them more easily than Hillary. A Cruz type candidate will stamped the young voters to the Dem candidate.

Obama won't run again...unless he is able to use an Executive Order to get rid of the 22nd Amendment (I wouldn't put that past him)...but there are midterm elections next year. He is desperate for A Legacy, and it's not looking very good. The Dems are going to get slaughtered in 2014 as the ObamaCare nightmare continues to snowball.
Obama won't run again, so the OP is stupid.

Younger voters hate the TPM and distrust the GOP.

I think that Christie can sway them more easily than Hillary. A Cruz type candidate will stamped the young voters to the Dem candidate.

Obama won't run again...unless he is able to use an Executive Order to get rid of the 22nd Amendment (I wouldn't put that past him)...but there are midterm elections next year. He is desperate for A Legacy, and it's not looking very good. The Dems are going to get slaughtered in 2014 as the ObamaCare nightmare continues to snowball.

REP. BOB GOODLATTE (R-VA): Professor Turley, the constitution, the system of separated powers is not simply about stopping one branch of government from usurping another. It's about protecting the liberty of Americans from the dangers of concentrated government power. How does the president's unilateral modification of act of Congress affect both the balance of power between the political branches and the liberty interests of the American people?

JONATHAN TURLEY: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The danger is quite severe. The problem with what the president is doing is that he's not simply posing a danger to the constitutional system. He's becoming the very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid. That is the concentration of power in every single branch.

This Newtonian orbit that the three branches exist in is a delicate one but it is designed to prevent this type of concentration. There is two trends going on which should be of equal concern to all members of Congress. One is that we have had the radical expansion of presidential powers under both President Bush and President Obama. We have what many once called an imperial presidency model of largely unchecked authority. And with that trend we also have the continued rise of this fourth branch. We have agencies that are quite large that issue regulations. The Supreme Court said recently that agencies could actually define their own or interpret their own jurisdiction.

Turley: Obama's "Become The Very Danger The Constitution Was Designed To Avoid" | Video | RealClearPolitics
Obama won't run again, so the OP is stupid.

Younger voters hate the TPM and distrust the GOP.

I think that Christie can sway them more easily than Hillary. A Cruz type candidate will stamped the young voters to the Dem candidate.

Obama won't run again...unless he is able to use an Executive Order to get rid of the 22nd Amendment (I wouldn't put that past him)...but there are midterm elections next year. He is desperate for A Legacy, and it's not looking very good. The Dems are going to get slaughtered in 2014 as the ObamaCare nightmare continues to snowball.

I told you. They'll run Michelle as president, Obama as VP. When she wins, she resigns and he takes over. All constitutional.

Of course the way his popularity is going he may not make it through this term.
Obama won't run again, so the OP is stupid.

Younger voters hate the TPM and distrust the GOP.

I think that Christie can sway them more easily than Hillary. A Cruz type candidate will stamped the young voters to the Dem candidate.

Obama won't run again...unless he is able to use an Executive Order to get rid of the 22nd Amendment (I wouldn't put that past him)...but there are midterm elections next year. He is desperate for A Legacy, and it's not looking very good. The Dems are going to get slaughtered in 2014 as the ObamaCare nightmare continues to snowball.

I told you. They'll run Michelle as president, Obama as VP. When she wins, she resigns and he takes over. All constitutional.

Of course the way his popularity is going he may not make it through this term.

or he could just vote himself in through executive order
Don't think he isn't considering that.
Michelle is pretty addicted to the Trillionaire Lifestyle on the Taxpayer Dime.

They'll have to pry her out of the White House with a Jaws of Life.
Michelle is pretty addicted to the Trillionaire Lifestyle on the Taxpayer Dime.

They'll have to pry her out of the White House with a Jaws of Life.

Ah, look at the Clintons. BushI was born rich and even he did the paid speech circuit ... and then he ran that military industrial complex thing that made him millions more.

The last potus we had who really didn't care about money was Reagan.
Michelle is pretty addicted to the Trillionaire Lifestyle on the Taxpayer Dime.

They'll have to pry her out of the White House with a Jaws of Life.


Thanks...that was funny.

I was reminded of this.....

Everything.....and I mean everything......with nutters is boiled down to the perception that someone is getting some of their dough........unfairly.

It is the life blood of all nutter ideology.

The lifeblood of yours is to get the government to mug somebody on your behalf. I am comfortable, thanks.

I would like every citizen of this nation to have the disposable income needed to remodel their kitchen....or add a screened patio....or commission a custom picture frame for theiir kid's Senior Formal picture.

That customers sell more shit. And I live better. We are all here together. Lets start acting like it.

Ladies & Gentlemen - I give you the Dumbocrat, immature, idealistic, kindergarten-like view of the world in a nutshell.

Hard to believe an adult would actually think this for a minute, much less post it for the world to see.
Everything.....and I mean everything......with nutters is boiled down to the perception that someone is getting some of their dough........unfairly.

It is the life blood of all nutter ideology.

The lifeblood of yours is to get the government to mug somebody on your behalf. I am comfortable, thanks.

I would like every citizen of this nation to have the disposable income needed to remodel their kitchen....or add a screened patio....or commission a custom picture frame for theiir kid's Senior Formal picture.

That customers sell more shit. And I live better. We are all here together. Lets start acting like it.

Ok - you first. I could use my kitchen remodeled. Write the check. I'll message you with the address when you're ready. $12K will cover it, but how about we call it an even $10K and I'll cover the rest?

Come [MENTION=32973]LoneLaugher[/MENTION] - become the first Dumbocrat ever to actually put your money where your mouth is.
Idiot. You haven't the intellect to grasp the point.

Have you been told by your conservative friends here.....that you are in the running for forum idiot? Have they leveled with you yet? You possess a rare combination of arrogance and ignorance..........with an overall lack of social skills......that sets you apart from the norm. Congratulations.
You don't have a point other than to prove what how much of a MORON you are.
Idiot. You haven't the intellect to grasp the point.

Have you been told by your conservative friends here.....that you are in the running for forum idiot? Have they leveled with you yet? You possess a rare combination of arrogance and ignorance..........with an overall lack of social skills......that sets you apart from the norm. Congratulations.

You never make a point. It seems you come here to just flame people with comments that often include something about sucking on organs.

There is no need to level with anyone. It is clear nobody could unseat you from the board moron throne.

Lack of social skills ? On a message board ?

And you call someone else a moron. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

When do you ever post you a reasonable thought ?
"Some people regard private enterprise as a predatory tiger to be shot. Others look on it as a cow they can milk. Not enough people see it as a healthy horse, pulling a sturdy wagon. " -Winston Churchill

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