Your Christmas Gift to another USMB Member:

Val... there was a mix up at UPS (North Pole branch) and your order was shipped to basement cat.


I'll have to get something else sent to you. ;)
Another Christmas Carol Gift to all USMBers! "sniff" So beautiful!



isn't she just the debbie downer.. *sigh*

The problem with you two are, you are too young to remember the cold war. I bet you two, never even had to duck and cover! (As if your freaking school desk would protect you against a nuclear attack. Swear on a stack of bibles, they actually made us get under our desks and cover our heads. It was so stupid, and it hurt your knees and your neck, just waiting for them to call all clear. Man, give me a fire drill any day over those things.)

That video is funny as hell, even if it does take a tweak at my favorite president. Anyone that makes fun of duck and cover has my vote.

I mean am I right guys? Come on! Fess up! How many of you remember doing "duck and cover?" I bet some of you do!

Oh well,

So, since you two can't appreciate it, I'll get you this DVD, instead! :D

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