Your Extinction.

1. I say we do without radiation and CO2.
2. Nuclear power plants are expensive as hell.
3. Left unattended, solar panels won't blow up and poison the surrounding countryside with dangerous radiation for centuries.
4. You don't create much CO2 just by spreading information.

Solar panels are made from extremely toxic materials. When they fail those toxic materials are still there.

You are astonishingly ignorant of the subject.
It's currently supplying zero in Chicago.
That's not very reliable.

The technology is there. If we had been using it decades ago, it would be powering Chicago and everyplace else by now. Here is another documentary that you will complain about causing too much CO2. It's called, "Who killed the electric car." It's a rather old documentary. But you will get the drift.
1. I say we do without radiation and CO2.
2. Nuclear power plants are expensive as hell.
3. Left unattended, solar panels won't blow up and poison the surrounding countryside with dangerous radiation for centuries.
4. You don't create much CO2 just by spreading information.

I say we do without radiation and CO2.

I say we do without more expensive, less reliable "green" energy.

Nuclear power plants are expensive as hell.

Less expensive than extinction in 2050.

Left unattended, solar panels won't blow up and poison the surrounding countryside

They also won't supply us with reliable energy.
The technology is there. If we had been using it decades ago, it would be powering Chicago and everyplace else by now. Here is another documentary that you will complain about causing too much CO2. It's called, "Who killed the electric car." It's a rather old documentary. But you will get the drift.

The technology is there.

At what cost?

If we had been using it decades ago, it would be powering Chicago and everyplace else by now.

If we'd been using it decades ago, even idiot leftists would understand it didn't work.
In order to convince people to accept your totalitarian ideals, you have to convince them that your prognostications of the extinction of life on earth as an alternative is not just so much panic and doomsaying.

I'm not sure that calling people idiots and claiming they're not intelligent enough to understand your arguments is the right way to achieve that goal.

But if, as you say, you're so much smarter than everyone else, I will assume you know what you're doing.

I don't need to convince the vast majority of anything. They are doomsday cultists. Whey WANT doomsday to happen. Though they would prefer that they personally don't experience it.
It takes energy to produce those panels in many forms. Of course Solar has its place but its a fool who starts making plans now to cut short our other energy production, based on politics, which is exactly what this is.
You can also store nuclear waste in a much smaller secured space than you can ever store all those batteries you're thinking about. When the technology and the market is ready to accept all the things you want... on the scope that you want, then it will happen ....but until then, any idiot like AOC who tries and tell you that we need to decimate the industry is just a fool who will put us all at risk.

The more solar panels we have, the less energy it will take. Next, your doom isn't politics. It is you and most of the other life on the planet becoming extinct. Also, we need to start making as many solar panels as possible. And the infrastructure that goes with them. The energy industry can wither on the vine. Those jobs can go to the solar panel industry. If you have any worries about how expensive it will be, just ask yourself how expensive extinction will be. As for whatever they use in batteries, it isn't as bad as radioactive materials. Also, though I would have to look it up, I'm sure batteries could be recycled. Only a small portion of spent nuclear fuel can be recycled back into fissionable material.
So, the Milankovich Cycles have no impact? Then why did things change 120,000 years ago?

Or are we just going to get simplistic answers like "It was definitely cause by humans"?? That's a non answer. We're past the basic stage of saying the stuff now. Now we need EVIDENCE, we need an ARGUMENT to state and backing it up.

Look at the graphs I posted.
Impressive layout of charts and graphs. If global warming is real, to fix it would cause a 95% die off of humans. I think it is better to take your chances than a guaranteed die off, Bub. But don't fret. Peak Oil will put us on a diet.

Does somebody pay you to say such stupid things?
But your view is also putting us at risk. We need to determine which is least risky way to go.

There is no risk to going green. And there is nothing to determine. The science that we are doomed is clear. It wouldn't be so bad if it was just humans that died. But we are going to take most of the life on Earth with us.
The science that we are doomed is clear.

If that's the case ... then there is really no reason to spend our few remaining years driving golf carts and eating recycled insects ... It's time to party like it's 1501!


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