Your Extinction.

What idiot taught you how to write a question?

That was more of a statement than a question. Let me learn you some. What is the purpose of English writing. To reflect what it would sound like if you spoke the words. You may have noticed that when you verbally ask an actual question, the pitch of your voice raises a bit at the end to reflect that you are asking a question. If in a written sentence, you don't want it to sound that way when you speak it, DON'T USE A QUESTION MARK! In your "what idiot" sentence, is that the way it would have ended if you spoke it? (There, a correct use of a question mark) If it isn't, then the way you use English is imperfect. Being imperfect, it shouldn't be. Just like in old English they used to use an F instead of an S at the beginning of words that should have used an S at the start. That has changed. Your use of a question mark should change as well.
No one forces you to buy anything, dumbass.

If you didn't buy things, such as food, you would die. If you have no choice but to buy it from a certain supplier, then you are forced to buy it from them. So fell free to take this opportunity to piss off and die.
Has zero to do with the warming trend we are seeing now. I guess IPCC and NOAA are fake news in your view - I don't give a toss. You can believe in fairy tales and conspiracy theories all you like. Nature does not give a fuck.

He's probably a Trump supporter too.
~ All the gas and Co2 coming from Capitola Hill Washington DC is the real cause of Global Catastrophe. AOC could cause a meltdown all by herself .. !
Get rid of most government/politicians and we will all live happily ever after ...:smiliehug::redface:

Do you mean get rid of government as in deregulation? Deregulation is one of the major, if not the major, cause of global warming.
He's probably a Trump supporter too.

Probably, but it doesn't matter.

TBH, we're probably fucked. I'd say that even the majority of environmentally conscious people are woefully unaware of what we're about to face. It's civilization-ending.

This summer alone could be a brutal awakening, with at least one climate model predicting a summer global mean that's 2.0C above pre-industrial averages. Granted, that is the high end of the estimate, but if we're anywhere close to that, heat records are going to be obliterated.
If you didn't buy things, such as food, you would die. If you have no choice but to buy it from a certain supplier, then you are forced to buy it from them. So fell free to take this opportunity to piss off and die.
No one forces you to buy things.
Grow your own food or learn to hunt, beta.
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This graph shows pretty clearly that the earth continues to warm until it falls into another glacial age.


I posted many graphs that say otherwise.
If you didn't buy things, such as food, you would die.

I'm fairly certain you wouldn't die if you didn't buy a computer, or a smart phone, or a car, or many other items that are rely on foreign manufacturers.

Like many of, what I assume, are your generation, You are unable to distinguish between need and convenience.
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Once Trump
Elsewhere, I have been seeing some crap about global warming. Global warming is a reality. And it is being caused by humans. It's hard to tell if those who deny it are stupid or evil. I have even heard the CEO of EXXON admit that global warming was a reality. Even the Pentagon recognizes it as a threat. And you would have to be pretty stupid or evil to go against what around 98% of the scientists say.

Also, CO2 has been measured to be on the increase since the beginning of the industrial revolution. Coincidence? I don't think so. Another point is that all the volcanoes on Earth release around 200 million tons of CO2 into the biosphere each year. The activities of humans are responsible for around 32.3 BILLION tons of CO2 each year. Also, global warming is getting exponentially worse. Which means that the hotter things get, the faster they will get even hotter.

What all this means is that if you are planning on living past about the year 2050, make other plans. The chief cause of your fast approaching extinction isn't CO2. (Which is bad enough) It is methane. Methane is around 86 times more potent of a greenhouse gas than CO2. And like CO2, the rate at which it is being released is also increasing. I will show you a graph showing the rate at which it is increasing. Incredibly, despite all the evaporating methane hydrate ice in the oceans or that being released from thawing tundra, about 60% of what is shown is being caused by human activities. I will also show you what other CO2 graphs that I have. For the deniers, continue to deny at your own peril.

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Once Trump dies, methane levels will drop dramatically.
Solar panels are made from extremely toxic materials. When they fail those toxic materials are still there.

You are astonishingly ignorant of the subject.

They aren't as toxic as nuclear waste. They certainly aren't as toxic as C02 and methane are towards global temperatures.
I say we do without radiation and CO2.

I say we do without more expensive, less reliable "green" energy.

Nuclear power plants are expensive as hell.

Less expensive than extinction in 2050.

Left unattended, solar panels won't blow up and poison the surrounding countryside

They also won't supply us with reliable energy.

You can't get any more reliable than the sun. It shines on the Earth every day.
How many panels will it take to charge up the batteries Chicago will need tonight?

Four times the nameplate capacity? Eight times? Ten times?

However many batteries it takes. That is if that is the way you want to store energy. It works best for things on a small scale. On a large scale, there are probably things that would work better than the large scale battery arrays Elon Musk is building. There are places where you can pump water to a higher elevation. At night you release the water to run turbines. There is another option where you can heat large tanks of sodium. At night you use that heat to turn water into steam. The steam in turn powers turbines.
I'm fairly certain you wouldn't die if you didn't buy a computer, or a smart phone, or a car, or many other items that are rely on foreign manufacturers.

Like many of, what I assume, are your generation, You are unable to distinguish between need and convenience.

And just imagine how much money you could save if you didn't buy cloths and shoes. Not washing would also save much energy. I would prefer to go with solar panels.
However many batteries it takes. That is if that is the way you want to store energy. It works best for things on a small scale. On a large scale, there are probably things that would work better than the large scale battery arrays Elon Musk is building. There are places where you can pump water to a higher elevation. At night you release the water to run turbines. There is another option where you can heat large tanks of sodium. At night you use that heat to turn water into steam. The steam in turn powers turbines.

However many batteries it takes.

Sounds expensive. And toxic.

It works best for things on a small scale.

So, Chicago can't store enough of your groovy solar?

There are places where you can pump water to a higher elevation. At night you release the water to run turbines.

Chicago is pretty flat.

There is another option where you can heat large tanks of sodium.

Liquid sodium? Sounds awesome!! There isn't anything that could go wrong with that, right?

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