Your Extinction.

~ Take your own advice. Your "conversation " is no more important than any other.
Now be a good boy/girl/person and use the MUTE function on me and we will both be better off — Hmmmkay ..?

~ You sure have. Global warming catastrophe is "crap" — fake science.
Climate has always been changing. The only reason some people think that this is dangerous is because government tells them it is. Anyone who is paying attention knows that the entire Co2 narrative is false. Governments depend on gradually dumbing-down and misleading society in order to pass their agenda — which is always less power/freedom for citizens and more authority and control by totalitarian government policies.
There are two types of people : the ignorant and the informed. Who you choose to be is a matter of your own free will.

Okay, that's fine. Bye bye.
~ You sure have. Global warming catastrophe is "crap" — fake science.
Climate has always been changing. The only reason some people think that this is dangerous is because government tells them it is. Anyone who is paying attention knows that the entire Co2 narrative is false. Governments depend on gradually dumbing-down and misleading society in order to pass their agenda — which is always less power/freedom for citizens and more authority and control by totalitarian government policies.
There are two types of people : the ignorant and the informed. Who you choose to be is a matter of your own free will.
It is not the government that has been telling people that the world is getting warmer. Besides, that would require it be ALL the governments and how likely is that? It is the scientists from all over the planet, many of whom work for schools, colleges, universities and private institutions. The government scientists for NOAA and Hadley and JMA, who are employed to conduct good science, find the same thing. This is not some insane conspiracy and to believe so is to fail the sanity test.
It is not the government that has been telling people that the world is getting warmer. Besides, that would require it be ALL the governments and how likely is that? It is the scientists from all over the planet, many of whom work for schools, colleges, universities and private institutions. The government scientists for NOAA and Hadley and JMA, who are employed to conduct good science, find the same thing. This is not some insane conspiracy and to believe so is to fail the sanity test.
Does it have to be? If you tie funding to parroting the company line, you need few real conspirators.
You thought post #183 just above worthy of a thumbs down. On what was that based?

The entire screed is crap. Government pays "scientists" to produce the fraudulent crap they want so they can gain power.
The entire screed is crap. Government pays "scientists" to produce the fraudulent crap they want so they can gain power.
The government already has power. And most of those scientists are from other countries with other governments. And, as I pointed out, many do not work for their governments. And, again, the idea that 99 out of 100 of all the thousands of scientists on this planet are involved in a deeply coordinated conspiracy that has managed to avoid producing one iota of testimony or other evidence of its existence fails every manner of sanity test. To hold on to such a belief makes you a complete idiot or a sociopathic liar.
The government already has power. And most of those scientists are from other countries with other governments. And, as I pointed out, many do not work for their governments. And, again, the idea that 99 out of 100 of all the thousands of scientists on this planet are involved in a deeply coordinated conspiracy that has managed to avoid producing one iota of testimony or other evidence of its existence fails every manner of sanity test. To hold on to such a belief makes you a complete idiot or a sociopathic liar.

How many climate skeptics get government grants to study climate?
The government already has power. And most of those scientists are from other countries with other governments. And, as I pointed out, many do not work for their governments. And, again, the idea that 99 out of 100 of all the thousands of scientists on this planet are involved in a deeply coordinated conspiracy that has managed to avoid producing one iota of testimony or other evidence of its existence fails every manner of sanity test. To hold on to such a belief makes you a complete idiot or a sociopathic liar.

And they want more power. The goal of the climate change mafia is to return mankind to serfdom.

The green new deal basically is a road map for the destruction of the middle class, and reinstating a government system we worked for thousands of years to eliminate.
Elsewhere, I have been seeing some crap about global warming. Global warming is a reality. And it is being caused by humans. It's hard to tell if those who deny it are stupid or evil. I have even heard the CEO of EXXON admit that global warming was a reality. Even the Pentagon recognizes it as a threat. And you would have to be pretty stupid or evil to go against what around 98% of the scientists say.
More stupid "global warming" propaganda. Why don't you all give up? There is no global warming. It's just a loyalty oath to show you are a Leftist.

I suppose this nonsense may have gotten started by big business people wanting to get humans off fossil fuels and onto electric cars and such. That and the overpopulation problem, with so many species going extinct and so on. None of them because of "global warming," however. Just too many people killing things out.
No, you are just making empty assertions. Because you say so doesn't make something so.
I wouldn't think it would require a great deal of argumentation.

Surveys of scientists and of their published studies indicate very widespread support for AGW; greater than 99% Those scientists have hundreds if not thousands of different employers and come from every nation on the planet. For AGW to be a hoax that they have manufactured, they would all (and we're talking about way more than 10,000 individuals) have been enlisted into the conspiracy decades ago and have been falsifying their data in a very coordinated fashion all that time, putting their careers and their life's work into severe jeopardy without producing any significant errors, without producing any evidence of the conspiracy and without a single one of those individuals ever confessing the truth and all for the benefit of an increase in the amount of available grant money. Even scientists that disagree with the consensus view reject the idea that it is a hoax or conspiracy. But if you want to believe that that is the case, it's your right.
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I wouldn't think it would require a great deal of argumentation.

Surveys of scientists and of their published studies indicate very widespread support for AGW; greater than 99% Those scientists have hundreds if not thousands of different employers and come from every nation on the planet. For AGW to be a hoax that they have manufactured, they would all (and we're talking about way more than 10,000 individuals) have been enlisted into the conspiracy decades ago and have been falsifying their data in a very coordinated fashion all that time without producing any significant errors, without producing any evidence of the conspiracy and without a single one of those individuals ever confessing the truth. Even scientists that disagree with the consensus view reject the idea that it is a hoax or conspiracy. But if you want to believe it, it's your right.
Crick? It's not happening. All the belief in the world won't create something that just isn't happening.

I think your statistical point is interesting --- you seem to believe that agreement creates objective reality. It certainly does create YOUR personal reality (or mine): that is, you do live in a reality in which the world is rapidly heating up. But thermometers aren't cooperating, is the problem.

I heard something similar this morning ---- Bloomberg ran a trailer that said a poll of European economists averaged a belief that there would be a 40 basis points rise in the European Central Bank interest rate, and that Bloomberg econmists agreed on a 25 basis points interest rate hike. Unfortunately this crawl ran at the same time as the "breaking news" that the ECB had just raised interest by 50 basis points.

They quickly deep-sixed the bad estimates. People's opinions about the future just don't manufacture the future.
I wouldn't think it would require a great deal of argumentation.

Surveys of scientists and of their published studies indicate very widespread support for AGW; greater than 99% Those scientists have hundreds if not thousands of different employers and come from every nation on the planet. For AGW to be a hoax that they have manufactured, they would all (and we're talking about way more than 10,000 individuals) have been enlisted into the conspiracy decades ago and have been falsifying their data in a very coordinated fashion all that time, putting their careers and their life's work into severe jeopardy without producing any significant errors, without producing any evidence of the conspiracy and without a single one of those individuals ever confessing the truth and all for the benefit of an increase in the amount of available grant money. Even scientists that disagree with the consensus view reject the idea that it is a hoax or conspiracy. But if you want to believe that that is the case, it's your right.

How about this little thing called "evidence". You have none.

You have computer derived fiction.
Crick? It's not happening. All the belief in the world won't create something that just isn't happening.

I think your statistical point is interesting --- you seem to believe that agreement creates objective reality. It certainly does create YOUR personal reality (or mine): that is, you do live in a reality in which the world is rapidly heating up. But thermometers aren't cooperating, is the problem.
So, you do not believe the world is heating up? Just a thought here. If lies are being told about temperatures all over the world, weather forecasting would go to absolute shit. Has it?
I heard something similar this morning ---- Bloomberg ran a trailer that said a poll of European economists averaged a belief that there would be a 40 basis points rise in the European Central Bank interest rate, and that Bloomberg econmists agreed on a 25 basis points interest rate hike. Unfortunately this crawl ran at the same time as the "breaking news" that the ECB had just raised interest by 50 basis points.

They quickly deep-sixed the bad estimates. People's opinions about the future just don't manufacture the future.
You are confusing a few points. I am not in this argument saying that it is extremely likely that man-made global warming is real because the vast majority of scientists firmly believe it to be real (though I certainly believe that to be true). I am arguing that for it to be false, ALL those scientists have to have been lying to us for decades in a highly coordinated fashion, putting their professional lives at risk for the rather meager benefit of increased grant availability AND HAVE NEVER BEEN CAUGHT AT IT and that the real difficulties of such a process having taken place are so astronomical that no rational person can honestly say it is likely or even possible. There is not one single shred of evidence to support the idea that it is all a hoax. Not ONE. If you disagree, please enlighten us.
So, you do not believe the world is heating up? Just a thought here. If lies are being told about temperatures all over the world, weather forecasting would go to absolute shit. Has it?

You are confusing a few points. I am not in this argument saying that it is extremely likely that man-made global warming is real because the vast majority of scientists firmly believe it to be real (though I certainly believe that to be true). I am arguing that for it to be false, ALL those scientists have to have been lying to us for decades in a highly coordinated fashion, putting their professional lives at risk for the rather meager benefit of increased grant availability AND HAVE NEVER BEEN CAUGHT AT IT and that the real difficulties of such a process having taken place are so astronomical that no rational person can honestly say it is likely or even possible. There is not one single shred of evidence to support the idea that it is all a hoax. Not ONE. If you disagree, please enlighten us.

How many climate skeptics get government grants?
How about this little thing called "evidence". You have none.

You have computer derived fiction.
You want empirical evidence that it is not a hoax?

So, you reject "Complete idiot" and went with "Sociopathic liar". That's what I expected.

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