Your Extinction.

Totalitarian? Your approach means the extinction of most of the life on the planet. As you are dying, you can tell me which is worse.

In order to convince people to accept your totalitarian ideals, you have to convince them that your prognostications of the extinction of life on earth as an alternative is not just so much panic and doomsaying.

I'm not sure that calling people idiots and claiming they're not intelligent enough to understand your arguments is the right way to achieve that goal.

But if, as you say, you're so much smarter than everyone else, I will assume you know what you're doing.
If you have enough solar panels, far more than we could ever use.

It takes energy to produce those panels in many forms. Of course Solar has its place but its a fool who starts making plans now to cut short our other energy production, based on politics, which is exactly what this is.
You can also store nuclear waste in a much smaller secured space than you can ever store all those batteries you're thinking about. When the technology and the market is ready to accept all the things you want... on the scope that you want, then it will happen ....but until then, any idiot like AOC who tries and tell you that we need to decimate the industry is just a fool who will put us all at risk.
It takes energy to produce those panels in many forms. Of course Solar has its place but its a fool who starts making plans now to cut short our other energy production, based on politics, which is exactly what this is.
You can also store nuclear waste in a much smaller secured space than you can ever store all those batteries you're thinking about. When the technology and the market is ready to accept all the things you want... on the scope that you want, then it will happen ....but until then, any idiot like AOC who tries and tell you that we need to decimate the industry is just a fool who will put us all at risk.
But your view is also putting us at risk. We need to determine which is least risky way to go.
But your view is also putting us at risk. We need to determine which is least risky way to go.

How so? Im not against solar and renewable energy. Im against politicians making moves before the technology and the marketplace is ready for big changes.

We as a nation have already reduced pollution and limmited CO2... the focus should be on China and India to at least reach our levels if you want to make a difference. Continuing with advancing technology is fine , but we still need oil and gas until..... we really dont need it anymore. When that time comes the market place will have determined it... not a government hack who cant run a lemonaide stand.
But your view is also putting us at risk.

Most people don't accept that risk as any greater or more immediate than that of a failed economy. Something that draconian environmental regulations, the elimination of fossil fuels without suitable replacements, or imposition of carbon penalties would guarantee.

And endless stream of "how dare you" and labeling skeptics as "deniers" (a term with the ominous feel of religious fundamentalism) isn't doing the cause of convincing people of an immediate threat of environmental collapse any favors.

In fact, many people believe that the desperate and vitriolic nature of that rhetoric is less an concern for the future of the human race and more an not so cleverly veiled attempt at seizing power under a manufactured threat.
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How so? Im not against solar and renewable energy. Im against politicians making moves before the technology and the marketplace is ready for big changes.

We as a nation have already reduced pollution and limmited CO2... the focus should be on China and India to at least reach our levels if you want to make a difference. Continuing with advancing technology is fine , but we still need oil and gas until..... we really dont need it anymore. When that time comes the market place will have determined it... not a government hack who cant run a lemonaide stand.
If there is a need for urgency - and a great deal of science say there is - continuing to put off the mitigating measures that we could have startedon 25 years ago puts us at risk. And costs us a great deal more money. I haven't seen anyone suggesting the government is going to order the fossil fuel businesses to shutter themselves. It seems to be anticipated that supply and demand will do that for us.
Most people don't accept that risk as any greater or more immediate than that of a failed economy. Something that draconian environmental regulations, the elimination of fossil fuels without suitable replacements, or imposition of carbon penalties would guarantee.

And endless stream of "how dare you" and labeling skeptics as "deniers" (a term with the ominous feel of religious fundamentalism) isn't doing the cause of convincing people of an immediate threat of environmental collapse.

In fact, many people believe that the desperate and vitriolic nature of that rhetoric is less an concern for the future of the human race and more an not so cleverly veiled attempt at seizing power under a manufactured threat.
You all have been singing about liberals seizing power with our little AGW hoax for decades. How much power have we seized and how have we done it?
You all have been singing about liberals seizing power with our little AGW hoax for decades. How much power have we seized and how have we done it?

In fact, in the name of "climate change", we have seen billions of dollars doled out to companies claiming to provide (but rarely doing so) "green energy" add to that the almost total evisceration of our domestic oil and coal production and I would say that the green side has obtained quite a bit of power.

The thing about power is, it will never be enough for them.
I haven't seen anyone suggesting the government is going to order the fossil fuel businesses to shutter themselves

It is definitely caused by humans.

So, the Milankovich Cycles have no impact? Then why did things change 120,000 years ago?

Or are we just going to get simplistic answers like "It was definitely cause by humans"?? That's a non answer. We're past the basic stage of saying the stuff now. Now we need EVIDENCE, we need an ARGUMENT to state and backing it up.
Elsewhere, I have been seeing some crap about global warming. Global warming is a reality. And it is being caused by humans. It's hard to tell if those who deny it are stupid or evil. I have even heard the CEO of EXXON admit that global warming was a reality. Even the Pentagon recognizes it as a threat. And you would have to be pretty stupid or evil to go against what around 98% of the scientists say.

Also, CO2 has been measured to be on the increase since the beginning of the industrial revolution. Coincidence? I don't think so. Another point is that all the volcanoes on Earth release around 200 million tons of CO2 into the biosphere each year. The activities of humans are responsible for around 32.3 BILLION tons of CO2 each year. Also, global warming is getting exponentially worse. Which means that the hotter things get, the faster they will get even hotter.

What all this means is that if you are planning on living past about the year 2050, make other plans. The chief cause of your fast approaching extinction isn't CO2. (Which is bad enough) It is methane. Methane is around 86 times more potent of a greenhouse gas than CO2. And like CO2, the rate at which it is being released is also increasing. I will show you a graph showing the rate at which it is increasing. Incredibly, despite all the evaporating methane hydrate ice in the oceans or that being released from thawing tundra, about 60% of what is shown is being caused by human activities. I will also show you what other CO2 graphs that I have. For the deniers, continue to deny at your own peril.

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Impressive layout of charts and graphs. If global warming is real, to fix it would cause a 95% die off of humans. I think it is better to take your chances than a guaranteed die off, Bub. But don't fret. Peak Oil will put us on a diet.

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