Your Extinction.

What will happen is going on right now.

What is going on right now that will end us by 2050? Be specific.

it will just get exponentially worse.

Oh no!! What is exponentially worse than "meh"?

You should check out my thread "Human Pollution."

Is that thread as stupid as your other threads?

1. Temperatures greater than humans can endure.
2. Idiot.
3. Same as 2.
If you have enough solar panels, none of what you mentioned would matter either. This thread started out showing a picture of the entire area compared to the U.S. that it would take to power the U.S. Day and night. It is an area about 140 miles per side. Elon Musk thinks it could be done with a total area that is 100 miles per side. He has built an extremely large storage battery array in Australia. He knows a thing or two on the subject.

Solar panels can't power the US at night.
How many reasons would you like. Chernobyl and Fukushima are two reasons. Also, it probably takes a lot of energy just to mine and refine uranium ore. Along the way, it probably creates radioactive waste. As for the waste that comes from nuclear power plants, it is a bad idea to have waste around that will remain dangerous for longer than humans have even existed. There is also a documentary out there that will enlighten you. If you can find it, watch it. It is called, "Waste: A nuclear nightmare."

Chernobyl and Fukushima are two reasons.

How many people died from the radiation?

Also, it probably takes a lot of energy just to mine and refine uranium ore.

Not as much as you'd get back.

As for the waste that comes from nuclear power plants, it is a bad idea to have waste around that will remain dangerous for longer than humans have even existed.

But we're all gonna die by 2050 if we don't do something!!!!!

There is also a documentary out there that will enlighten you. If you can find it, watch it. It is called, "Waste: A nuclear nightmare."

How much CO2 did they release to make that piece of shit?
Elsewhere, I have been seeing some crap about global warming. Global warming is a reality. And it is being caused by humans. It's hard to tell if those who deny it are stupid or evil. I have even heard the CEO of EXXON admit that global warming was a reality. Even the Pentagon recognizes it as a threat. And you would have to be pretty stupid or evil to go against what around 98% of the scientists say.

Also, CO2 has been measured to be on the increase since the beginning of the industrial revolution. Coincidence? I don't think so. Another point is that all the volcanoes on Earth release around 200 million tons of CO2 into the biosphere each year. The activities of humans are responsible for around 32.3 BILLION tons of CO2 each year. Also, global warming is getting exponentially worse. Which means that the hotter things get, the faster they will get even hotter.

What all this means is that if you are planning on living past about the year 2050, make other plans. The chief cause of your fast approaching extinction isn't CO2. (Which is bad enough) It is methane. Methane is around 86 times more potent of a greenhouse gas than CO2. And like CO2, the rate at which it is being released is also increasing. I will show you a graph showing the rate at which it is increasing. Incredibly, despite all the evaporating methane hydrate ice in the oceans or that being released from thawing tundra, about 60% of what is shown is being caused by human activities. I will also show you what other CO2 graphs that I have. For the deniers, continue to deny at your own peril.

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Goebbles warming is not.....
  • Repeatable on demand
  • Quantifiable
  • Falsifiable
  • Compared against a control group

All of those are centuries-old acid tests of science....You're in a cult.
Did you miss the "day and night" part? All you need to do is store the excess from the day and use it at night. There are various ways of doing it. Storage batteries are just one part. As for the batteries, you can store 150 watt hours for every kilogram of battery. From what I gather, Mr Musk is planning on building a battery array that will power 15,000 homes for 4 hours or 2500 homes for an entire day. He could build an even larger one if he wanted. Scale is no limit.

All you need to do is store the excess from the day and use it at night. There are various ways of doing it. Storage batteries are just one part.

How much energy and money will it take to build these batteries?

As for the batteries, you can store 150 watt hours for every kilogram of battery.

Nice! How many kilograms of toxic batteries do we need to build to power Chicago for
a cold, snowy week in January?
Chernobyl and Fukushima are two reasons.

How many people died from the radiation?

Also, it probably takes a lot of energy just to mine and refine uranium ore.

Not as much as you'd get back.

As for the waste that comes from nuclear power plants, it is a bad idea to have waste around that will remain dangerous for longer than humans have even existed.

But we're all gonna die by 2050 if we don't do something!!!!!

There is also a documentary out there that will enlighten you. If you can find it, watch it. It is called, "Waste: A nuclear nightmare."

How much CO2 did they release to make that piece of shit?

1. Radiation is a bad thing.
2. But at what cost.
3. Not even nuclear energy can save you. So why not just go green.
4. Probably not much. You probably release more.
1. Radiation is a bad thing.
2. But at what cost.
3. Not even nuclear energy can save you. So why not just go green.
4. Probably not much. You probably release more.

Radiation is a bad thing.

But CO2 is worse.

But at what cost.

Reliable, carbon-free power. Just awful!

Not even nuclear energy can save you. So why not just go green

If reliable nuclear can't save us, why would unreliable green be better?

Probably not much.

Probably hundreds of tons. More! They should be ashamed.

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