Your Favorite Movies That Never Really Hit It Big at the Box Office

Lars and the Real Girl
Single guy with mental issues gets a sex doll to be his girlfriend, and thinks she’s real. Worst marketed movie in history. Portrayed as a kinky romp, there’s zero sexual relationship. What you get is a community coming around this guy and going along with it to help him. Funny story, we loaned this to our pastors wife. He came home, read the description, and with a bewildering look asked who gave it to them to watch. It’s his favorite movie now.

Waking Ned Devine
Tiny isolated Irish fishing village and someone wins the big lottery. Who? Great characters with a lot of natural subtle humor.

Henry Poole Is Here
Middle aged single guy is diagnosed as terminally ill so he buys a house as close as he can to his boyhood home to die. A lot of funny events with Christian overtones that unfortunately kind of flop at the end but still a great movie.

Where Hope Grows
A baseball player whose professional career was cut short due to personal problems is suddenly awakened and invigorated by a young-man with Down Syndrome (which he really has). Great human interest story.

Jacob the Liar with Robin Williams.
A popcorn movie is what I call these types. They were never meant to be Academy Award status. But it is one of my favorites. It is well done for its time and is loaded with top-class actors. I find it entertaining and watch it many times.
Mister Frost, 1990.
A police detective named Felix Detweiler visits the palatial French estate of Mister Frost, whose first name is never given, to investigate a report of a dead body. Frost, with very little prompting, cheerfully admits that he has many bodies buried in his yard.

Frost is arrested and ultimately placed in an asylum, where he does not speak another word for two years. During this time the police are unable to establish his identity. The detective leaves his job and becomes obsessed with Frost and the 24 corpses dug up from his garden.

Frost's long silence is broken when he encounters Sarah Day, a doctor at the asylum. Frost refuses to speak with anyone but her, then tells Day that he is, in fact, Satan. He reveals that he plans to goad her into murdering him.
Yeah, good movie.

Mr. Frost (Jeff Goldblum) bakes a cake while talking to the detective, takes a photo of the cake, then throws out the cake. :lol:
Dunno how it did at the box office, but 1987's Prince of Darkness was awesome.
Holy shit, I love that movie. I almost never buy DVDs, but I bought that one. I am stunned anyone else has heard of it.

I don't what it is about John Carpenter's movies, but I love them. Even though they have low production values, a simple script, and he writes his own music.

His Assault on Precinct 13 is another favorite of mine.
I can almost guarantee no one here has seen The Ninth Configuration.

Director William Peter Blatty said that movie was the actual sequel to The Exorcist.

In The Exorcist, the possessed girl comes downstairs during a dinner party where an astronaut is the guest. She tells him, "You're going to die up there" and then pisses on the carpet.

The Ninth Configuration starts on the launchpad and the astronaut loses his shit and he is taken to an insane asylum. The movie takes place in an asylum for members of the military, and it stars Stacy Keach as the military psychiatrist.

Awesome movie.

The last 30 seconds of the movie are super cheesy, though.

Lots of clever dialog. You have to watch it twice to catch it all.
Lars and the Real Girl
Single guy with mental issues gets a sex doll to be his girlfriend, and thinks she’s real. Worst marketed movie in history. Portrayed as a kinky romp, there’s zero sexual relationship. What you get is a community coming around this guy and going along with it to help him. Funny story, we loaned this to our pastors wife. He came home, read the description, and with a bewildering look asked who gave it to them to watch. It’s his favorite movie now.

Waking Ned Devine
Tiny isolated Irish fishing village and someone wins the big lottery. Who? Great characters with a lot of natural subtle humor.

Henry Poole Is Here
Middle aged single guy is diagnosed as terminally ill so he buys a house as close as he can to his boyhood home to die. A lot of funny events with Christian overtones that unfortunately kind of flop at the end but still a great movie.

Where Hope Grows
A baseball player whose professional career was cut short due to personal problems is suddenly awakened and invigorated by a young-man with Down Syndrome (which he really has). Great human interest story.
The Thin Blue line - 1988. It is a documentary about a guy convicted of shooting a police officer... the guy says he didn't do it and after watching the film I really felt he was wrongly convicted.

The Great Gatsby - 2013 remake starring Leonardo Dicaprio. Best remake of the book so far.

All the Kings Men - 2006 .. Very good remake based on the novel. Loved the film, great acting, very underated film.

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